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.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - Printable Version

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.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - darthbeck - 03-25-2010

[font=Fixedsys]+++Incoming transmission+++
ID: Dex
Location: Pilgrim Liner Gun Runner, Pueto Rico System
Subject: My service.

I've been called alot of things.

A killer, a coward, a murderer, and a dealer of death.

I figure that I've received so much help from my fellow junkers, that it's time I help repay the debt by helping with something a little larger then myself... And I'm a little bit of a collector, the title of Congressmen would be a nice addition to the things I've been called.

I beleive that I was born in bretonia, but have not been able to find any records, And since the accident that triggered a short bout of amnesia, I've been unable to confirm anything about myself, no last name, only my first name, which was Dexter, but has been shortened to Dex. I picked up the name raptor while flying as a mercenary, i'm sure you can guess why.

I fought as a mercenary for Rhienland, and Liberty, after that I used my contacts to get into the weapons business, after a while, I became as well known as an arms dealer should be, Dealing mainly with certain... groups.

I originally became a junker as a front, but then when I was forced to work as a salvager for several years while under investigation from the LSF, I decided that it was more then an occupation, it was a life style.

Shortly after, I hired a crew, and set out to find a vessel of my own, which is currently something that was based on an old pilgrim liner...

I think. Still not entirely sure. Nuclear warheads do nasty things to a ship.

Except for a little time flying a bomber to destroy some of the ships that would come to be known as the wilde, i've been a junker for damned near 25 years.

Anyways, I've grown old, but i'm still a mean bomber pilot, and i've learned nearly all the tricks one can learn, so when I saw one of your pilots doing it all wrong during a combat simulation.... I decided that i'd pass on my wisdom to any junker who needs it, and save us all some money.

I'm an oppertunist, so this seems like an excellent thing to do. I can't say much to prove loyalties, but I'll say this; I've been a junker a long while now, and I intend to stay a junker for a great while longer.

~Dex Raptor

[font=Fixedsys]+++Transmission Ended+++

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - zhen_rogue - 03-27-2010


Com ID: J88-Purgatory, Captain Nikolai Dmitri
Location: Arecibo Base, Puerto Rico System


Com ID: Arbiter Jack Crow
Location: Rochester Base, New York System
ComID: Captain James Trenton
ComID: Director of Liberty Operations, Amy Carmichael
Location: Rochester Base, New York System

Arbiter Crow:

I write to you with a profile, a tale, a benefaction, and a proposition.


My name is Captain Nikolai Dmitri. I am 68 standard years old, and most recently a man in the position of a salvager/reclaimer. Years past however, i've worn many other hats - a Libertonian Diplomatic Envoy to Kusari, an owner of several (modestly successful) manufacturing enterprises, a freighter/transport captain, and even an escort/militiaman for several small corporate interests. I am rated in flying nearly every civilian ship there is in space today, be it fighter, freighter, transport, liner, or piece of junk.

There's no family to speak of any longer, my tenure as a diplomat and family-man ended simultaneously when a joint Farmer's Alliance/Hogosha attack damaged the transport vessel carrying my family in Kusarian space. Some passengers survived, some didn't. Motions were filed, complaints were voiced, and even some guns were fired. I finally decided to myself that diplomacy can take matters only so far, and my reasons for serving the role of diplomat were now frozen and endlessly adrift somewhere in Kusai space. I resigned my position immediately, and on sober days, even freelanced for a while - which gave me an opportunity to hinder/kill Hogosha and FA agents on more than a few occasions.

As I grew older, my fighter reflexes began to wane, and I had more than a little wanderlust in my veins. I gave up the lighter ships in favor of freighters - keeping a small, trusted crew and running (smuggling) anything that paid a premium. On multiple occasions, I contracted with one Amy Carmichael, who was the first Junker Congress member i'd ever met in person. I like to think she was happy with my performance - if she wasn't, i'd imagine we wouldn't have done business more than once in Liberty. I eventually earned the right to carry a Junker ID, which I still maintain today.
In between runs, my crew and I would explore remote asteroid fields, debris regions, and ice clouds, searching for salvage and resources whenever possible. On one such forray deep into Omega-41, we picked up large metallic readings in a largely non-metallic asteroid field...


We set course for the anomaly, which took us several hundred kilometers down the z-axis and deeper into the field. The readings were definitely non-naturally occuring, alloys in particular. Similar to ship construction. We were all excited and anxious at the thought of what possible treasure awaited us in this long-forgotton area of space.
Our freighter closed in on the origin of the readings, and we caught our first glimpse of the prize:


No mistaking it, this was a Pilgrim class liner - an old one.
She was heavily damaged; all decks were decompressed, the air-tight glazing panels were all blown out, there were gaping holes in her hull, and worst - the entire engineering deck had been smashed in from the impact of a nearby asteroid (which was still lodged in her aft section)...


We were stunned, no one said a word for what seemed a very long time. While this was certainly the most valuable find we'd ever encountered, no one had immediate ideas on what to do with a salvage operation this massive.

We decided first to investigate her decks, and determine what, if any, cargo remained and if the log systems were still intact. The crew and I suited up, and transfered via personal shuttles over to the hulk. We investigated her cargo sections first, which was easy enough thanks to the gigantic holes in her port side. Amongst the debris, flotsam, asteroids, and other material that had collected in her holds over the years, we were able to find several very surprising caches. I had no idea what this ship's purpose or route was yet, but once we found silver bars, platinum bars, and diamonds - we knew this wasn't some innocent water transport.
While my crew were now avidly searching cargo all decks for other valuables, I made my way into the personnel section to see about the bridge and captain's quarters.
What greeted me, was a scare enough to shave years off my life. Upon manually opening the bulkhead, I was face-to-face with the freeze-dried corpse of one crew member. It happens in space sometimes, when the pressure change isn't so abrupt as to turn one's insides out. Sometimes, it's just slow enough to keep you mostly intact, and with the very expression you had upon expiration. Seeing death and even corpses wasn't new to me, but the fact that this corpse was chained from the ceiling conduits and sported several metal rods through his torso - told me someone wanted this guy dead in a big way. Someone took the time to chain him up, and skewer him a few times while he thought about his imminent demise. It was enough to chill my blood, and I drew my sidearm - purely as an involuntary personal comfort measure, seeing as how I knew rationally that nothing had been alive in this ship for decades.

I informed my crew of the situation, and we all proceeded to explore the personnel decks together. We saw more evidence of foul play - and several more corpses. Or rather, pieces of corpses in most cases... there was overwhelming evidence here of murderous intent.
We finally reached the captain's quarters, and found them ransacked and deserted. No log recorder, no clues, no captain. Our last stop was the bridge, which we found sealed off. I guess sealed off is too gentile a term - welded shut would be more appropriate. Someone had sealed the bridge off from the outside, which completely baffled us. We used a nearby airlock to exit the ship, and circled around the exterior of the vessel to access the bridge directly through a blown-out glazing panel.
We found no evidence of the captain or anyone else on the bridge. We did fid the log recorder however, and brought it back to our freighter for review - and to plan our next move.
Before we left, my first mate pointed out the ship plaque set at the base of the captian's chair - the plaque identified our nearly two-century old mystery ship: TTR-1125 PURGATORY, Keel laid 627 A.S.

We all decided that reclaiming the ship was worth the time and money investment, as we were all veteran engineers and mechanics as well as salvage-junkies who just plain liked the idea of finding a hulk and restoring her to active service (for ourselves, of course).
The plan was to continue working our normal routes on a very minor schedule, to keep up appearances. All of our spare time however, was spent ferrying materials back to the hulk and enacting repairs. Progress was slow, but steady. Removing the asteroid from her aft section proved the hardest part, but in the end, it wasn't anything some mining explosives and reinforced tow cables couldn't fix.

Once we sealed her hull and replaced all the glazing, work became more ominous. We hadn't talked much about the former crew, especially since we were mostly working on the exterior of the ship. However, once we sealed her up and began retrofitting the interior - we were again confronted with the terrible fate that had befallen this crew. We found five intact corpses, and remains from up to ten others. We sealed them up in suspension containers, to preserve them in their current state.
We found traces of small arms fire, sabotaged life-support systems, chemical fires, and other damage to the ship I couldn't identify the source of. I finally decided it was time to review the logs - it couldn't be ignored or put-off any longer.
I suppose it's a good thing we made it as far as we did on repairs those first two years, because had I reviewed the logs before we started - we might not have come near that ship ever again.
What little we could recover from the data cells in the recorder are made available here for your own review and judgement.


My thoughts were torn at this point; scrub the repairs and waste the investment, or complete the Purgatory's refitting despite her history? I put it to a vote with my crew, as it was their right to decide for themselves whether or not to stay. In the end, we all unanimously decided to push on with the repairs, and make a new life for ourselves aboard this ill-fated vessel.

Six years it took, and nearly fifty million of our own credits. But engineers can be tenacious, and salvagers even more so. Her new power core went live almost a month ago, and she made her first jump about a week after. She's been through her shakedowns, and seems as spaceworthy as any other reclaimed ship in the sector. Even her original transponder IFF still reads as a Junker vessel.
So here we are in Puerto Rico, Arbiter Crow, bearing cargo that belongs to the Junkers...


As salvagers, freelancers, engineers, mechanics, and hard-working people ourselves, we respect our own. Junkers are our own, whether they're "official" or not. We're loyal to our brothers and sisters, and we're here to see proper delivery of cargo and crew long overdue.

We, the current crew, present without cost or owe, the corpses and remains of Junker Vessel J88-Purgatory to the Junker Congress for proper final arrangements.
We, the current crew, present without cost or owe, the entire salvaged cargo and log recorder of Junker Vessel J88-Purgatory to the Junker Congress for use in whatever way the Congress deems appropriate.



Ahh, the ship. I know you're thinking - what of the vessel itself?
It comes to this, Arbiter. We are willing to return the ship in a manner of speaking - that is to say, we want in.
Myself, and my crew, wish to be considered for membership in the Junkers Congress. We bring vast experience in engineering, mechanics, salvaging, repairing, metallurgy, trading, smuggling, ship design, and I personally bring an extensive background in diplomcay and arbitration - a game i'd like to pick up again in the future.
I have spoken with Director Amy Carmichael, and she has agreed to sponsor my application to the Congress.
We've decided to try for something larger than our own ship, our own crew, our solo lives up until now.
If a handfull of unofficial Junkers can work a miracle like we did, I can only imagine what an organized Congress can accomplish.

However, should you for one reason or another decide not to grant us membership at this time, I want to be clear that the Purgatory will remain under my command. She is mine, Arbiter. I claim discovery and salvage rights to her, and will continue to use her as I see fit.


Quite a load on your mind i'm sure - and for that I apologize.
Be that as it may, we will remain on furlow and docked in Arecibo until a Congress representative and freighter come to meet us and claim the remains/cargo. We would hope to be made aware of our application status at the same time, but realize deliberations such as this can take days.

Should you have further questions, you can reach me via this channel, or intra-neural SKYPE channels at ComID: zhen_rogue .

Until then Arbiter.
-Cpt. N.D.

::END of transmission

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - pieguy259 - 03-27-2010

COMM ID: Amy Carmichael, Director of Liberty Operations
LOCATION: Rochester Base, New York System

I confirm my sponsorship for Mr Dmitri and his crew.


.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - JunkerTown - 03-28-2010

****Incoming ... Transmission****
***Comm ID: James Trenton***
**Location: Bornholm**
*System: Omega 15*
Transmission begins

Dmitri it looks like you have a very strong endorsement for membership. You should register at our private hub too and I will approve your account.

Transmission ends

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - JunkerTown - 03-28-2010

****Incoming ... Transmission****
***Comm ID: James Trenton***
**Location: Bornholm**
*System: Omega 15*
Transmission begins

Dex I have seen you around and know you to be a good solid Junker. Other Congress speak highly of you and given your background it is my feeling you would make a great addition to the Congress. This is my official sponsorship for Dex Raptor.

Transmission ends

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-26-2010


Com ID: Bret-Captain of the Maverick.IV
Location: Rochester Base Docks-New York

Junker Congress-Pueto Rico

Greetings fellow Junkers....My Name is Bret...Yes just Bret due to the nature of history. I was picked up by several people, now my bridge crew, in the Detroit debris fields after escaping from Zone 21 via life pod....
I have for the past several weeks...grown enjoying life in the vast metal fields of Liberty and those in Bretonia as well as Rhienland.

I have met several members of the Junker congress due to the recent bounty on Junker ships and unfortunately...was a victim as such...I Have also come to enjoy the company of several Congress members such as the Pelt and the Casino Bellgian on my regular ventures in Liberty space...( I think that's how its spelled. I could be wrong)

I am currently in the process of obtaining a Junked Corvo from the Zoners...However I specifically put that I did not want it to be accepted unless I get Approval from both the Junker congress, House Systems for Flight approval, and special ID permission. I will hopefully be able to obtain a list of materials needed to rebuild such a vessel from the Zoners as well...due to the nature of a junker lifestyle... I wouldn't mind a challenge to get such a vessel up and running...

This is a bit different then what your used to seeing and for that I apologize. I hope that this message gets to the Honorable members of the Congress as soon as possible.

Further if you wish to discuss skype channel is Vandread010.



.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - R3VOLV360 - 05-15-2010

Connecting to frequency....
Message sending:

Hail Chief Arbiter

I am Kai Revstacht, I have attached a copy of my personal log here (included with my latest log in the Rheinland Pilot's Database), I'm sure it will cover my personal history and background well enough.
I am currently flying all around Sirius looking for a trade routes after a few run ins with the Hogosha in Kusari space forced me to change my previously chosen route. And I was just getting bored with it anyway.

I seek to join your congress to further the power of the Junkers, especially against the Hogosha who unjustly try to own the Kusari trade. I have some combat experience as I did many jobs for the Junkers in Yanagi Depot destroying Corsair ships.

I am short of a sponsor however, and would like to know how I could go about obtaining one?

Yours faithfully
Kai Revstacht

Message sent

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - Malenka - 05-18-2010

~~ Protocol online: Strenght 60% ~~
~~ Comm ID: Richard Banks ~~
~~ Recipient: The Congress ~~

Greetings congressman

My name is Richard Banks. I come from a low life family I gladly talk trash about. My parents were both alchoholics and my sister and I barely survived till today. They were unemployed and beat us every day.

After they ran away... Which I don't know why... Me and my sister gone out junkin'. We found a CSV on Los Angeles and off we go!

We would like to join you, congressmen, because we except a brighter future. We travel all over Sirius in a blink of an eye! We were even in Gallia once.

Well... off we go...

~~ Protocol offline ~~

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - Husher - 05-27-2010

**incomming transmission**
**Sender ID: The-Kormoran. capt James.**
**To: The congress.**
**Subject: Joining.**

Recently i had a talk with my crew and we all agreed we are looking for a home again. You lads have got our attention. We trade now for a long time and recently i ran into one of your pilots in Puerto.Rico .:J:.Dan.Armstrong. A nice chap i must admit, he asked us to secure a hole when he was chasing a trespasser. We talked a little later and i told him we were looking for a home and he gave me the codes for a secured channel.
That nice chap

So i present you with my personel file. Me crew i handle myself so i think there is no need for me to add them here. Well i hope i hear from you.

Loading information file about capt Maximilian James.......
Loading 100% complete


Name: Maximilian Edgar James.
Age: 48.
Born: 770as. Planet Stuttgardt.


Physical description:
A old junker who likes the freedom he has. Never tight to one place to long Max scavenges sirius for anything to sell to keep his crew happy and his ship flying. Max is half Bretonian and half Rheinlander. Max can adapt easily to a situation, he will often take things with humor. Not keen on the authority's and he will let them now that his own way. Always willing to help a fellow junker Max can mostly be founded aboard his trade vessel The-Kormoran or his personal ship The-Tecora.

Personal Quote:
Stick y'r nose in y'r own buisness and keep the 'ell out of me cargobay get it?

Born in Rheinland out of Wilhelm and Amy James on planet Stuttgardt he experienced a turbulent live. Most of his time he spent in the care of his grantparents who lived on planet Stuttgardt, his parents flew for a transport company and often from home, they were good people.
Whenever he had the change he would slip aboard his fathers ship and try to stay aboard until they had taken off. Most of the times his father or some crew knew he was aboard and would trow him out.

When he turned eighteen his father made sure he could fly on one of the company's tradeships to learn to ways of a spacetrucker. But after a few years Max had seen enough the constant boring way from point A to B, he wanted some more excitment.

He was able to aquirre a small tradeship and he started his own buisness, his parents didn't agree with it and said he was never able to sustain himself. He proved them wrong.

He had met a few man in a bar on Stuttgardt he talked with them and they explained him after a few drinks they were junkers. They did not work for anyone except themselfs. After meeting a few times (he searched for them and made sure he would sit with them and buying them some drinks) they granted him acces to there base in Rheinland. At first the other junkers there ignored him, they simply did not trust him. After a while he proved them he could be trusted certainly when he saved one of there mates from the police by hiding him in his hold.

Joining up with the junkers who were seen as a loosly independent group he was able to trade in almost any house. Flying up with some junkers he learned some about jumpholes, he had only heared of them at school and his from father, his old man always said about those holes "they are dangerous stay away from them!"

At first he only ferried between the houses but he ran soon in some people who asked him iff he would help them transport some valuble goods. This was around 800as.

These people were coming deep out the omega's. They led his ship into a dense cloud in wich a jumphole was located. They arrived at a base constructed in a astroid. Her he met a man who asked him again iff he would transport there goods and iff he was able to avoid scanning from navy and police. Max told him he was able to do this but it had to be worth the risk. The man told him it was worth it he could be assured of that.

When the loaded his ship he spotted a name on one of the crates.
=/=classified rifles=/=
=/=classified grenades=/=

He knew this weapons were illigal, but he did avoid house authoritys anyway whatever he carried legal or ye know what......

When his ship was loaded the man shooked his hand and said: " Junker viel gluck don't get cought."800 to 802as. were very profitable years, he made a lot of hard credits in trading in gunnery. During this years he made good connections to certain (lets call them for now miners) groups in the omega's

But one thing he keeps his hands of those slaves. He would never transport another soul to do forced labor. After 23 years of flying solo Max thinks that he and his crew are ready to join a stable group of man and woman in wich they can feel themselfs home.

The recent addition to his personal fleet is pilgrim liner "The-Kormoran" this vessel became the primary ship for his trade actions. Max is always willing to tell of her past with a good glass of brandy and his trusted pipe.


I think this is everything that i have to tell at this moment.
Maybe its not much but iam not the youngest person anymore *grins*
Don't get me wrong myself and my ol' scruffy dogs who call themselfs my crew are still able to kick ass but we focus more on running *uche..ill.....wea.. ...uche..* than chasing and fighting.

*hmm* ill add our Sirius Kommunication Y-11B Protection Echo codes for The-Koromoran here for iff you need them: husher1981

**Transmission closed**

.:j:. Junker Congress Admissions - JunkerTown - 06-04-2010

****Incoming ... Transmission****
***Comm ID: James Trenton***
**Location: Vieques**
*System: Puerto Rico*
Transmission begins

Greetings I am Deputy Arbiter James Trenton of the Junkers Congress. This message is for all of those interested in joining the Congress. First thank you for your submissions and I look forward to talking to each of you. In order to join the Congress you will need a sponsor. Which is a current Congress member that is willing to vouch for you. The best advice is to make contact with Congress members when you see them online. Let them know who you are and then ask to group with them so they can get to know you. Once you have a sponsor we will review your application and either the Arbiter or myself will make a decision.

Transmission ends