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A passenger liner for corsairs? - Printable Version

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A passenger liner for corsairs? - deaxy - 02-25-2009

I was thinking to myself about how big all the factions and houses are....
I realized that the corsairs are the biggest criminals society in sirius, so they should need a ship to transport their own people etc
This is a crappy drawing of yours truly, and if someone catches my thought, you could draw it or model it better, edit it...
ps : yes i know its crappy as hell, i just wish that you got my thought.

A passenger liner for corsairs? - Laowai - 02-25-2009

Actually the concept itself is ok in that it makes sense that they would have "something".

Perhaps not a passenger liner, the Corsairs i would think spend their millions on ships, weapons guns and bits and pieces - i would think a simple freighter would be more than enough to move people and things - a passenger liner gives the idea of comfort... and well... Corsairs i would think wouldn't give a toss about that.

Currently its the pirate line of freighters etc, but it would be nice to see a purely Corsair freighter class of ship.

A passenger liner for corsairs? - deaxy - 02-25-2009

yes, but still... they are a nation, kinda....
if you think about it, they have their own planet, so they have their own they aren't really that poor. because corsairs always say that the children of Crete need food...yeah..there are poor family`s in there, but there`s always someone rich too...
You still could make a liner, but a mini version, i you can call it by that way...
PS - sry if you didn't understand me, my English isn't that good:D

A passenger liner for corsairs? - Ironfoot - 02-25-2009

' Wrote:yes, but still... they are a nation, kinda....
if you think about it, they have their own planet, so they have their own they aren't really that poor. because corsairs always say that the children of Crete need food...yeah..there are poor family`s in there, but there`s always someone rich too...
You still could make a liner, but a mini version, i you can call it by that way...
PS - sry if you didn't understand me, my English isn't that good:D

A "personnel transport shuttle" I would call it, think of it as a small armoured re-supply craft.

A passenger liner for corsairs? - Muleo - 02-25-2009

AoM's already made a Corsair freighter, the Correo.

But rather than that, someone go make an Elder Council ship:Pkind of like the Kusari battleship Mk2 AKA the palace:P