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QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Printable Version

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QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Cuatroce - 05-13-2019

//ooRP Faction Creation information: Wrote:
  • Money: QC|Bank
  • Proposed ID: Re-tagged general OC ID (suggestions on ID are most welcome)
  • ZOI: so far, same as general OC ZOI
  • Why going officialdom? We have been pretty content with our unofficial status but realised that for better fulfilment we receive out of the game, namely diplomacy, politics, RP economic development, we might seek officialdom to be able to contribute to the RP side of the server while getting fun out of it.

This page might be altered on the basis of our further ideas and/or constructive feedback that we welcome.

[Image: g4fXH6L.png]
Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína
Cadiz Cardamine Trade Cartel

General Information:
ID/IFF: Outcasts
Tag: QC|
Naming Convention:
For fighters & bombers: QC|Name.Surname or QC|Callsign
For freigters and higher: QC|"Toponym*

*name of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, or Hispanic geographical place are recommended for use, but it is limited only by your imagination.

[Image: laU8RRu.png]
Cadiz-de-Malta, planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

The rise of Escudero familia can be traced to 684 AS, when in a small city of Cadiz-de-Malta an old Outcast veteran Inacio Escudeiro effectively put out all of his rivals in the city to take over the Cardamine plantations for himself. Over the course of the next century, Escudero familia grew stronger, being ruthless in the slave trade and providing more and more Cardamine for export. For the National Council, only the effectiveness of the plantations mattered, opening a lot of opportunities for the familia which by that time as already ill-known for the use of mercenaries, assassins, bribes, and any other means that could have benefitted their trade. Escudero were also tightly associated with cartels and business organizations that were predatory and criminal even my Outcast standards.

In 764 AS, the head of Escudero familia, Senhor Cristobal Francisco Escudero Himenez as the result of a merger operation with Mendoza familia through marriage became a ruler of a pretty big chunk of land on Malta, effectively making him a "Don". While not officially represented on the National Council, Escudero cartel throughout next 50 years was consolidating wealth and proving the right of its leader to be called "Don". Throughout the mergers and acquisitions of this period Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína ("Cuatroce") was born. By 805 AS, the cartel became one of the biggest on Malta, having enough starting capital to expand outside of Maltese space, and big enough to start to resemble a House corporation in its structure.

In 818 AS as the colonization efforts of Albegna in Omicron Tau were underway, investment in the frontier was still considered to be a risky endeavour, making many familias abstain from putting money in a likely flop. Escudero, as well as allied familias, however, saw the only opportunity amidst the chaos and invested heavily in the new “promised land” of Albegna and Soledad, becoming arguably the biggest financial player in the system. Planet San Remo, although not thoroughly surveyed but potentially colonisable, also is of interest to the cartel. If the colonization of the planets succeeds, the sky-rocketing profits can uplift Escudero familia and the cartel to the Olympus of the Outcast society. If it flops, however, the cartel will be struggling for decades, if not a century, to regain its financial position among ever vigilant rival familias.


Cartel’s ends reflect its business-driven orientation and can be summed in three “P’s”: to persist, to prosper, to promulgate.

Organisation Stability (Persist):
  • Human resources are valuable, thus violent conflicts are solved by employing third parties;
  • Cartel cohesion;
  • Hiring talents on meritocratic principles;
  • Development of the corporate structure.

Commercial profit (Prosper):
  • Cardamine must flow (at least, within the Nación Maltesa);
  • Protection of investments in Albegna and Soledad;
  • Bribing(or blackmailing) officials reluctant to cooperate;
  • Diversification of Outcast trade with old and new partners.

Securing supremacy in the Outcast society and beyond (Promulgate):
  • Maximisation of positive Cardamine impact on human biology;
  • Becoming the most important Outcast stakeholder in Omicron Tau;
  • Genetic manipulation and eugenics;
  • Investment in perspective research;
  • Increasing influence in the Outcast society by any means;
  • Propagation of cartel’s vision over the future of the Nación Maltesa.

Modus Operandi
Cuatroce is a corporate structure that is de facto a cartel. It was founded as the result of the merger of a few familias driven together by the desire for power, money, and twisted vision of Maltese reality. While life is sacred in the Outcast society because of extremely low natural reproduction rate as the side effect of Cardamine, the cartel does not try to create itself a negative image by resorting to violent means without a grave reason. At least, against fellow Outcasts. This, however, does not reduce the number of dirty aces in the sleeves of the cartel: bribes, blackmailing, kidnapping, unforeseen "accidents" with Cardamine overdose are but a modicum of what can expect a rival silly enough to confront the familia in a disrespectful way. Honour in its turn is important only as a facade for the public image of the familia but has nothing to do with meritocratic and practical corporate operation principles. The end justifies any means.

Escudero is a relatively young and small familia, remaining in the shadow of the old patricians of Malta. In such conditions, direct confrontation either in any field with renowned Outcast families would mean suicide. Thus, Escudero tries to hold onto a corporate structure of the cartel that automatically distances the familia from the noble agenda, and avoid major endeavours on Malta itself, preferring since recently barely explored and risky but promising planets of Albegna and Soledad.

[Image: 1bfrRHX.png]
Underdeveloped newly established colonies have little presence of a substantial opposition and thus instead of supporting numerous familial and cartel paramilitary forces, Escudero and Cuatroce extensively rely on all types of mercenaries and other vagabonds from all across Sirius, eagerly ready to slit another throat for extra credits without asking questions. For more nuanced and surgical operations, the cartel nourishes its own small elite militant group, mostly consisting of Maltese veterans, elite mercenaries on a lifetime contract, and Maltese combat-prodigies. The similar approach is employed for specialists in other fields, like logistics and commerce department hiring ex-corporates from House corporations, R&D paying huge funding for talented scientists to perform their ethnically ambiguous in other parts of Sirius researches, and construction and engineering department hosting a whole band of ex-Navy engineers. Being any of the above mentioned is a great honour and recognition of skills, as well as a financial safeguard for life and for a few generations of successors to come.

Outside of Outcast space, the cartel tries to employ somewhat “expendable” human resources like mercenaries or business partners. Nonetheless, the cartel leadership does not feel quite confident as of yet to venture far from home space, neither willing to given the vision of its leaders.

Corporate Structure

(Click on image to maximize)

"Cuatroce" operates under a functional corporate structure that provides that staff with shared skills and knowledge is grouped by functions performed into functional units (divisions and departments). This allows to increase efficiency and standardise operations, effectively making "Cuatroce" more of a corporation rather than a loosely organised cartel. The same structure, however, leads to bureaucracy inside the organisation.

Corporate Relations
Originating from Malta, "Cuatroce" shares the general diplomatic approach of the ruling government. However, due to the decentralised nature of power on Malta, there are deviations in general principles and treatment of certain factions and individuals. As a commercial entity, "Cuatroce" sees benefits and opportunities in factions that would either be ignored or frowned upon by political or military organs of Malta. In general, Cadiz Cartel tries to avoid unnecessary hostilities as those infringe the trade and is less adamant about enforcing Maltese power and laws. This, in turn, opens possibilities of dealing with factions that are rarely seen as dealing with the Maltese due to various reasons.

  • La Legion Maltesa - Professional Maltese military entity based on a voluntary basis. Extremely loyal to Malta and protective of its legal entities. A trusted and proved partner for "Cuatroce". Priority for military investments. Strong Legion equals safe assets.

  • National Council of Malta (el Consejo Nacional de Malta) - "Cuatroce" prospers under the current Council and views preservation of it as a strong ruling body creating favourable economic climate as a priority for future financial success.

  • Unaffiliated Maltese - although Cadiz Cartel has its own corporate priorities, the general Maltese culture of looking for one another applies. Hence, corporate vessels as any other loyal Maltese will fiercely fight for their kin against all the odds, if financial losses are not more detrimental to Maltese economy overall.

  • Golden Chrysanthemums - large highly dependent loyal importer of Cardamine and primary re-distributor in Kusari space. Strategic ally of Malta. Important for security maintenance of upper Taus and Kusari. No formal corporate alliance treaty established.

  • Lane Hackers - large highly dependent importer of Cardamine. Strategic ally of Malta. Corporate contacts have been minimal. Experts on certain fields of technologies. Treated favourably in line with the general diplomatic position of Malta. No formal corporate alliance treaty established.

  • Liberty Rogues - ad hoc importer of Cardamine. Useful for smuggling goods from Liberty and as an intermediary in all shady dealings in Libertonian and adjacent space. Reliability depends on the individual. Not a good investment target. Treated favourably in general.

  • Bundschuh - left-inclined Rheinland movement that sees the current Rheinland government as corrupt. Or so we were told. At any rate, the movement itself is not big and important to us. However, the development of cooperation is possible.

  • The Commune has an ambiguous reputation on Malta. The Cartel, however, did not participate in any of the events linked to the Commune falling out of Maltese grace and thus, harbours no evil towards the movement as long as it is not detrimental to the trade and Malta. Recent initiatives prove cooperation is possible.

  • The Core - important business partner the consistency and benevolence of which is yet to be tested.

  • Gallic Brigands - first and the only partners in space of Gallia. Treated favourably, however, relations need the test of time or significant events for further development.

  • Junkers - useful smugglers of all sorts that are very useful for business. Treated favourably. The lack of any centralisation prevents the development of more consistent relations.

  • The Kingdom of Bretonia and Bretonian corporations are treated neutrally as long as no deeper business relations are established. An important political entity serving as a bruiser against Gallic aggression. Upkeep and preservation of Bretonian economy is utmost concern and priority. Centuries-long warfare with Malta and entailing suspicion, however, prevent relations from being friendly.

  • Mollys - rebellious Bretonian miners. Good smugglers. Exporters of gold and intermediaries for procuring blood diamonds from the Hessians. Treated favourably. Due to ongoing diplomatic initiatives with Bretonia and close links to the Coalition, are not the best target for investment. Cooperation is possible and advisable within designated fields.

  • Nomads are recognised as a threat in line with Maltese general position and laws. However, being a formidable foe that usually tries to avoid direct confrontation with Maltese ships, as well as the one whose contacts have been minimal with "Cuatroce", the Board of Directors issued a guideline indicting treating nomads with proper diplomatic courtesy to avoid immediate threat to the corporate assets, as well as any infestations. In case of a conflict between allied or friendly humans and nomads - assist friendly forces. Otherwise, abstain from interference.

  • The Unioners - syndicalist movement and an assorted of ideologies. This less defined ideological position allows us to find mutual ground with them and to trade. Recent contracts prove that cooperation is possible. Credit rating is low and thus, investments are not advised. Further development of relations is possible.

  • Zoners most of the time irrelevant, sometimes a benefit, sometimes a nuisance. As there is no single zoner organisation, treated ad hoc depending on actions and intentions.

  • Auxesia - the cult of transhumanists that on the glance reminds a religious sect, something Malta is to aware of in the form of Oracles. The remoteness of Auxesia makes it less an immediate threat to the Cartel, hence the board of directors deems to designate it as suspicious, probably detrimental to "Cuatroce" movement. More information is needed for a more definite verdict.

  • Bundesrepublik Rheinland - while it is known to "Cuatroce" that the relations with Rheinland are being developed by la Legion and the National Council, "Cuatroce" so far has not had official contacts and overall is far from Rheinland market and politics. Until proven otherwise, Rheinland is considered as not the best investment target and is treated as suspicious.

  • The Council - the bad image of the Council in Maltese media is mostly linked to the incident of 817 when Gallic ships, namely Council ones, broke the blockade of Lorraine jump hole. The move was considered an invasion and was treated as such with the lethal outcome for the Council forces. Since then both the Council and Malta have been treating each other harshly, although both share some Republican ideas and oppose le Roi. Currently, investment is not allowed. Improvement of relations is sought and favoured.

  • Crayter Republic - after the conclusion of the Treaty of Coronado, disregarded as non-important. Trade is possible yet not advised due to hostilities ceased only recently. Any form of cooperation might incur reputation losses among the public of Malta.

  • Libertonian, Rheinland, Kusari corporations - as the relations of Malta with the relevant Houses are not solidified, corporate entities thereof are albeit raising interest but are yet not to be trusted. Limited investment via intermediaries is allowed.

  • Maquis - radical version of the Council with variations of ideology adhered. It is yet to prove if any sort of cooperation, or at least status quo, is feasible. Interactions are advised to be avoided.

  • The Order - with the recent deal with the Core sealed and with Order forces sighted in Omicron Beta, the organisation is treated as suspicious. Order activities have not yet been detrimental to "Cuatroce" but Order is designated as the enemy of Malta under the Laws and hence is not treated favourably.

  • Red Hessians - former assistants of Malta has a strong stance on Cardamine and are too tightly linked to the Coalition. Because of this even despite our shared hatred for Corsairs, cooperation is not likely. This is also complicated by long distance and possible development of relations with Rheinland lawful entities.

  • Corsairs - historical enemies of Malta, the wayward brethren, the reason for conflict with whom is lost to history. Now Corsairs are running a trade of artefacts that are stirring cash flow from Cardamine elsewhere. They are also known to conspire with other entities hostile to Malta and do not hesitate to attack corporate vessels.

  • Cryer Pharmaceuticals - the arch-enemy of Malta. Cryer vessels must be shot anywhere if circumstances allow. Their development of Stabiline is a strategic threat to the profits of the Cartel and Malta itself. Investments, cooperation, and any interactions beyond destruction are forbidden.

  • Independent Miners Guild - the Guild has been the nemesis of Malta for decades and proved to be resilient despite our efforts. Their recent confrontation with Bretonia has cut their market share that we need to claim for ourselves. On the other hand, it turned the Guild towards Gallia, giving us and our friends only more reasons to shoot them. Their trade efforts are not directly harmful to our trade, however, "Cuatroce" does intend to enter the market of Niobium and would prefer as little rivals as possible there. A few assets in Taus would also benefit the Cartel, as well as all Malta.

  • Kingdom of Gallia and Gallic corporations - militarist monarchy and its lackeys are pursuing their "manifested destiny" of ruling Sirius sector out of simple revenge. Are allied with the Corsairs and present an immediate threat to Malta. Investment is forbidden.

  • Sirius Coalition - an old adversary that is not more known as an object of nationalistic propaganda for sabotaging "Hispania". nevertheless, despite its remoteness, Coalition is the pioneer in far-left ideology and is assisting revolutionary or terrorist movements anywhere. Detrimental to trade and to Malta overall. No cooperation is possible.

  • Unione Course - Gallic mafia that tries to rival our trade with their own drug, Nox. The pretty straightforward reason for us to dislike them as our business rivals and undermine their efforts if possible. Nox market outside of Gallia, however, is limited which we should be aspiring to keep that way.

Ships in Use
[Image: JkeM93c.png]

The Cartel makes full use of Maltese ships that show excellence in multitude of tasks to be encountered by the Outcasts.

Paramilitary Forces
[Image: ETV18QU.png] [Image: 8WrJu64.png] [Image: OGpFxtT.png] [Image: 5VI4Ucs.png]
[Image: izeZoR5.png] [Image: rGNEEZy.png] [Image: drSogJN.png] [Image: SsfgZ6k.png]

Aside from a more advanced modern "Conquistador" ship line, the Cartel for economy reasons also makes use of older Border World ship line, renowned for its plain reliability.

[Image: v17iz4L.png] [Image: MKg93gF.png]
[Image: wvs1K4Z.png]

The warships in the possession of the Cartel are represented mostly by "Tridente" gunships and "Storta" destroyers. The only Cartel's battleship-class vessel, flagship "Valladolid", is a lighter and cheaper "Sarissa" as opposed to "Ranseur" reserved for Maltese military.

[Image: g9TchKo.png] [Image: loq7Xb5.png]

Restricted Warships represent the apex of Maltese engineering, naturally reserved for la Armada Nacional and in rare cases VIPs like Dons who have the financial resources and leverages within the elites to be able to have such a ship in possession.

Commercial Fleet
[Image: vgoe6r5.png] [Image: 9b0SEYI.png] [Image: 1jc9Mny.png] [Image: qycwO47.png]
[Image: vAHDc7D.png]

Commercial fleet employs ships that are easily obtainable in Maltese and neighbouring space, like Maltese own "Aspis" or ill-famed "Pilgrim". Sometimes, however, rich pilots purchase civilian transport vessels from every corner of Sirius. They claim those even help to smuggle easier.

[Image: 6oeE7PG.png] [Image: Okkl710.png]
[Image: IOVSI3E.png] [Image: ogjlDLs.png] [Image: OX85jGT.png] [Image: Yp6O33z.png] [Image: 3gs55Hv.png]

Restricted Commercial Vessels are not manufactured or supported by Maltese engineers. While technically any Outcast with a pocket deep enough and some connections with Junkers or other contractors can lay hands on such ships, their operational expenses are higher. Hence, piloting these ships requires either a lot of money or adequate explanation of why a Maltese ship shall not suffice, e.g. for covert missions or smuggling.

Research Division
[Image: DF0cbFL.jpg]

The only research vessel type in the employ of the Cartel is "Corvo" of Zoner design that became ubiquitous after its blueprints were shared to everyone on the Neural Network. Indeed, there is no reason re-inventing something that works perfectly.

ooRP Note
Overall, we want to try a different RP from our previous factions and also to give some activity to Outcasts, looking at them a bit differently from existing factions. (So sad cryorganisms mining was removed T-T)
Faction is focused on RP, especially on internal intrafamily and inter-family relations within the Outcast society, as well as corporate life and “organised crime”.

Major RP Archetypes
  • Maltese aristocracy (e.g. hidalgos lookings for fame and wealth)
  • Commercial traders (Business-oriented “legal” traders)
  • Smugglers
  • Mercenaries in the employ of the Maltese
  • Corporate businessmen

We are/will be looking via in-game and on-forum RP for freelancers/pirates/mercenaries and other non-affiliated individuals who are ready to assist the Cartel on the basis of payment or other motives. We plan personalised and generic RP missions for our partners.
Proven Mercenaries will be offered a position of Mercenary captain or joining the Mercenary Chapters for a lasting, contract-like cooperation

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Lythrilux - 05-13-2019

Gl amigos

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Chrysalis - 05-13-2019

Great concept
Good luck on your request

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Yazov - 05-13-2019

Looks interesting. Good luck.

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Dino - 05-13-2019

Cash taken, you will be added to the tracker shortly. Good luck!

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Alex. - 05-13-2019

Added to tracker

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Catbert - 05-13-2019

Quote:Kingdom of Gallia and Gallic corporations - militarist monarchy and its lackeys are pursuing their "manifested destiny" of ruling Sirius sector out of simple revenge. Are allied with the Corsairs and present an immediate threat to Malta. Investment forbidden.

This particular part inspired me to write some RP...

/RP mode on
Every second encounter with the residents of the Sirius Sector makes me realize that they are too short-sighted in their denial. They, like many of our own, prefer not to see through the causes to actual reasons for this war, and the benefits of our way. Unlike most Gallic dissidents, the people of Sirius don't shy away from their conflict-seeking, almost barbaric nature. Many times have I heard them speak of murder casually, or gloat about our apparently impeding demise and devastation of our beloved Kingdom. Even the Council traitors are more preferable to deal with, as they still maintain a semblance of Gallic civility, despite their obviously flawed perception of our government system and way of life.
/RP mode off

Seriously speaking though, I haven't been too active in game to meet you frequently. But I've seen what you do here at the forums, and it looks top-notch. Kudos for the effort you're putting in all of this. I also love the concept of bringing the Outcasts closer to their roots. That said, good luck with your application!

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Cuatroce - 08-01-2019

Kind and polite bump to the staff after 2 months have passed.

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - St.Denis - 08-03-2019

The staff has decided to grant you Officialdom, congratulations!

RE: QC| - Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína - Megaera - 08-03-2019

Congrats guys!