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L'Unité XXXIV "Marteau des Hebrides" - Printable Version

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L'Unité XXXIV "Marteau des Hebrides" - Gallic Security Bureau (Old) - 09-16-2019

[Image: Fleur-de-lis2.png]


Public Name: "Marteau des Hebrides"

Official Designation: GRESMPU-34

Motto: "Ever Loyal, Ever Vigilant"

ID/IFF: Gallic Royal Enclave

Tag: \*/~

Naming Convention:

Snubs - \*/~Codename
Caps - \*/~RES-Shipname

Ships/Tech: Gallic Military and Gallic Civilian

Early history

During bloodiest of Leeds conflicts prior to Operation Royal Flush, experienced, exceptional commanders and pilots decided the outcomes of skirmishes at the orbit of Leeds. While some got drafted into GRI or Royal Navy First Fleet, majority of them were mostly unorganised. Admirality offered those a chance to prove themselves under one unit, armed with state-of-art tech of the time, the unit acted as heavy hitter ambushers. High strategic mobility, stealth and an emphasis on Carrier-configured Valors with bomber wings were the key features. They have been simply known as "Unit 34"


Despite the shaking blow at Leeds, the Royalists held together and continued the conflict at full speed. Meanwhile Unit 34 was tasked with linking with Dax and Guillestre. While originally not deemed necessary for the skirmishes with Crayter Military at Tau 44, they have been deployed as the opportunity to cripple Crayter arrived. Although retreated to Tau 31 in the end, the Unit 34 bolstered the Gallic forces and inflicted heavy casualties to Crayter and Council forces. Formed a defensive wall on Harris in coordination with Dax Battlegroup, they have been given orders to link with Athos for the final push into New London.

While Unit 34 and GRN as a whole had momentum at the early days of the push, Allied forces eventually overwhelmed Unit 34 and they had two choices. Continue bearing casualties or think out of the box...

Into the Unknown

An idea came to one of Unit 34 Valor-Class Battleship Captains. They were equipped with a Jump Drive and it was worthy to end constant casualties of their unit. So they made the jump. However due to malfunctions and extremely experimental nature of Jump Drives, they ended up at Omicron Tau out of all places. Despite appearing far from installations, sensors picked them up and they made a run to next known system, Tau 37, while battling the local garrison of Outcasts. Eventually, the group arrived at Tau 37 and resupplied through Falkland as much as they could. Fate being a cruel mistress, the Unit 34 found themselves at Leeds front just a couple of hours later, assisting evacuation efforts.

Cracked Inside

Genociding billions, on top of a missing King and fully destructive power of their nation in front of them, made usually unvaweringly-loyal men and women of Unit 34 question their morals. While most of them chose to serve the King, a considerable amount tried to betray the Unit and go their own way, only to be boarded by the rest and ruthlessly shot down by squads of Marines and assets seized.

Ever Loyal, Ever Vigilant

While they organised quicker than most with what available resources and re-amassed at Aquitaine, the remnants of Unit 34 are cut-off the resources of mainland, stuck between struggles of survival and cuttthroat, opportunistic military politics, they also adapted to the new conditions. Once upon a time partisan Special Forces unit shaped into an offensive juggernaut of the new Royal Enclave with everburning vengeance and unquestionable loyalty to the King. They were now the face that enemies of Gallia feared and the fist of King's will. To further reinforce the change of modus operandi, former Unit 34 adopted the name "Marteau des Hebrides (Hammer of Hebrides)"

Improved Logo, courtesy of @LaWay