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So long and thanks for all the fish! - Printable Version

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So long and thanks for all the fish! - Sombs - 03-22-2020

"To my brave crew...

The choice each and every one of you had to make was not easy, but seeing how not a single one of you left us, I couldn't be more happy to embark on this new journey with all of you together. In the past years, we have gone through so many good and bad times. We have managed to survive, against all odds. Not only that, but we turned this ship not only into a self-sustaining fortress, but also a home. Our home.

Each of you originates from different parts of Sirius. All of them paved in conflict, torn apart from wars and different ideologies. Sirius is burning, and the few places we enjoyed and loved have either been destroyed or are at the constant risk of getting destroyed. However, where we go, we will not need to fear any of that. The Apahanta is our home, and we can deal with anything ahead of us. We are not alone.

We are leaving Sirius behind. Gran Canaria, the Freeports, Niigata... Curacao... but the good memories of those places and what they stand for can't get taken away from us. They will continue to stay with us. Every single one of you has brought the best aspects of Sirius to this ship. And we will bring these aspects to wherever we will end up.

The future is ours!

Time to say goodbye!

I enjoyed Discovery for more than three and a half consecutive years. Most of you probably recall my preferences; rarely PvP, mostly just RP, toying around with dev builds, building systems and other modding, writing RP stories on the forum and other platforms. I do have a lot of good memories of this place. Learned english here more than anywhere else, got creative to levels I'm still proud of, grew fond of my characters and my lovely ship, the Apahanta, which I still think was one of the more accepted SRPs within the community.

But now time has come to close this chapter. I've met a lot of cool people here and I hope those cool people can still get something good from this place and that they survive the global crisis unharmed. I myself can't get myself to launch the game anymore, and I do believe the end of the Gallic War set the mood for quite a bunch of people, too. There are other environments to embrace, less stagnant, less smalltown-ish. Environments where people don't stick to out of spite or to keep a title nobody else cares about in first place. Which is what Discovery is all about: Things people are proud about without realizing how nobody else cares about them. A lack of basic mutual respect.

There is no need to stay, if that is all that is left.

Yet, what I take with me are the things that can't be taken away. A bunch of cool guys I stay in touch with; aforementioned english- and writing skills as well as a lot of creative stuff I learned, and the stories I wrote together with other fine people here, stories about characters that sometimes were more than just self-projections. Those stories are what I will remember dearly, with a smirk.

Special Kudos to all those of you who were more interested in giving than taking, who read and partook, who motivated and made other players laugh and cheer. The most fun I had was with those who created something with me that couldn't get destroyed.

We had a good run. Godspeed!

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Mephistoles - 03-22-2020

Can I have stuff?

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Kaine - 03-22-2020

I need the stuff more. Feed off the dead!

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Lucas - 03-22-2020

Was fun RPing with u


RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Enkidu - 03-22-2020

As much as I poked fun at your character roster, you're one of the most impressive roleplayers here, and I highly respect you.

Best of luck. If you ever write a book, I'll buy it.

Respect is still here- maybe just in different parts of the community. And stay away from the discord server. X

Edit: I'm a bit gutted you're leaving.

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Milan - 03-22-2020


I believe we've never interacted with each other, but I was one of your "ghost readers". I really enjoyed your creations and spent quite a bit of time browsing into them. In my opinion, most of this mod's interest dwells in the kind of work you provided.

Whatever you do next, I hope you'll still be writing stories and designing characters. If so, I'd be delighted to read your next production.

All the best and thank you for the enjoyment.

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - The_Godslayer - 03-22-2020

Today, a real one leaves us.

F's in the chat, ladies and gentlemen.

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Catbert - 03-22-2020

Unfortunately, we didn't cross paths in game too often (I rarely fly as K. Walker these days, and my other chars are less recognizable). But I see where your preferences come from, and I can get behind them. Good luck in your future endeavors, and have fun in whatever other environment you find yourself in.

P.S. So far, I haven't found a suitable replacement for Disco (even though I searched while I couldn't access the server). There's something about Disco's approach to RP (not only in-game) that makes it unique, keeps the game active and people coming back. It could be due to the universe, the ease of getting into the RP, or how the players work together rather than against each other... I don't know.

P.P.S. The end of the Gallic war and some other events have opened up even more RP opportunities.

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - James Greed - 03-22-2020

Good luck out there. It's been fun, don't be a stranger.

RE: So long and thanks for all the fish! - Reeves - 03-22-2020

Goodbye user. Well, not really. I still have you on discord so I'll just keep sending you cat pics like nothing has changed.