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{DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - Printable Version

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{DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 04-02-2020

[Image: H1HAosu.png]
{DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository

Table of Contents

Last update: 4/6/2024

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

General communication:

To: Daumann Heavy Construction | From: New Hope complex - Delivery contract for New Hope Research Institute
»» NSE | Daumann Heavy Constructions ▬ Logistics Contracts - Delivery contract for Nebula Shipping Express
To: Daumann, From: Dream-Harbor Industries - Delivery contract for Dream-Harbor Industries
»» NSE | Daumann Heavy Constructions ▬ Hyperspace Technology - Delivery contract for Nebula Shipping Express - Hyperspace factory
»TO: DHC - Delivery contract for the Technocracy of Auxo
»» NSE | Daumann Heavy Constructions ▬ Heavy Industries - Delivery contract for NSE - Core 4 upgrade
To: DHC, EFL, IDF - Delivery request for Pheonix (\^/) to Kadesh Orbital Colony
To: DHC || From: Kishiro Technologies - Kishiro Technologies' request for Uncut Diamonds
To: {DHC} - Delivery contract for Boreas Frozen Storage
To: DHC - Delivery contract for Bristol Construction to Cleveland Station
To: DHC ;; From: Shimamori - Delivery contract for Shimamori Clan
To {DHC} and Gateway| - Delivery contract for the repair of Dortmund Station
To: DHC - Delivery contract for Sirius Trade Center
To: Rheinland Corporations - Delivery contract for Miyasu Zaibatsu
To: Daumann Heavy Construction {DHC} - Delivery contract for Rheinland Shipping
To: Rheinland Companies - Request for offers - Delivery contract for New Hope Research Station
Open Contract | All Corporates and traders - Delivery contract for Sirius Trade Center

To: Arbeitsdirektor Corin Frei | Waffenruhe | ENCRYPTED - back-channel dealings with the Unioners
Bretonian goods license - valid until Semptember 827
Daumann Heavy Construction Quarterly Shareholder and Board Report
To: Daumann Heavy Construction | EFL Oil & Machinery [Encrypted] - technology cooperation request
To: Daumann Heavy Construction || From: EFL S.P.A - A conversation about common economic interests
To Managers of Daumann Heavy Construction - Secret agreement with The Brotherhood [TBH]
To: Daumann Heavy Construction - Private contract hiring Lea Kaufman as security pilot

To: {Daumann Heavy Constructions} | From: BDM Spionageabwehr - An audit from BDM|
To: Daumann Heavy Construction (Public) - A thank you note from the Emperor
To the government of Bretonia | Delivery of shipyard components - Delivery of several hundred thousands shipyard components to Bretonia
To: Admiral Gerwald Klaus of [RM] | License for Wraiths - Technology request from the Rheinland Military[/color]
To {DHC} - From [KGK]- - [KGK] asking for the construction of a Bismark-class Battleship (denied)
To: DHC CEO K.von Reber || From: RM Oberkommando - Rheinland Military request to rebuild their fleet

To; Daumann Vorstand From: Krüger Vorstand - Communication with regards to the seizure of Dortmund station
Daumann Heavy Construction, Internal Dialogue. - Transfer of black market munition to Daumann research division
TO: DHC || FROM: MAE - Building of Bustard-carrier for MAE and potential business ventures
to: DHC - Mr. Ian Gunn - BMF request for solar panels (denied)
To: Daumann Heavy Constructions - Sisu Jaegers asking for a Daumann-sponsored bounty board (denied)
To: Daumann Heavy Construction Subj: Ship Upgrades - Rick Tiltman ship upgrade

To: Daumann CEO From: [RM] Admiralsbüro - [RM] request to use Planet Holstein as neutral ground for a meeting between Imperialists and Federalists

To: Samura Industries; Daumann Heavy Constructions | From: Bretonia - Cooperation with the Bretonian government over arms manufacturing on Planet Sprague

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

Ruhrpott Mining Facility related communications

Ruhrpott Mining Facility - Base Homepage
From: DHC To: NSE CC: Hina Nakamura - Delivery request to NSE
Projekt: Diamantenstaub - Core 3 delivery plan
To: Ile-de-France Shipping, EFL~ | From: Daumann Heavy Constructions - Delivery request to IDF Shipping and EFL~ for a storage module
To: Gallic Metal Service (GMS|), from DHC - Delivery request to GMS|
To: All Worlds Enterprises and Securities - Delivery request to AWES - Core 4 upgrade
»To: Samura Heavy Industries || From: {DHC} - Delivery request to Samura| - Hyperspace Scanner factory
»To: [RM] Oberkommando || From: {DHC} - License for 6x Turrets
»TO: BDM| Oberkommando | From: {DHC} - Cooperation from BDM in development of the weapons-platforms

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

Communications from the Generaldirektors to Daumann employees

To: All Daumann Heavy Construction employees and business partners. - Transition of power from Albert Kelsen to Ian Gunn
Directors Notice: a message to our employees - Communication of Generaldirektor Kurt Reber on the future of Daumann Heavy Construction

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

Technology Acquisitions

To: Rheinwehr Marinestreitkräfte | Großadmiral Wittgenstein - Technology request from the Rheinland Military
To: Die Streitmächte von Rheinland | Adm. Morgenstern - Technology request from the Rheinland Military
TO: Admiral Henze| - Acquisition of Rheinland gunboats
To: Core| - Acquisition of gunships and training of crew. Beginning of a new venture into the unknown.

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

Political speeches and responses by Albert Kelsen

Public proclamation of support from Daumann Heavy Construction - Proclamation of support for the Imperial Rheinland
Address to the Rheinland nation | CEO of Daumann Heavy Industries
BREAKING NEWS: Election called in Rheinland! Referendum on Kanzler passes!
UDF Message to every Rheinland Political Party [open for replies]
TO: Dr. Albert Kelsen - A mysterious message from an interested party
Gallic Corporations involved in Orbital Construction,. Subject: Space Habitats - RP with regards to future Space Colony in Rheinland

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

BDM or Military related reports

To the Büro. - Sharing of report of infected ships following a fight in Omega-11

RE: {DHC} Daumann Heavy Construction diplomacy and RP repository - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 06-04-2024

Treaties and Agreements

Rugen accords - Treaty between Daumann Heavy Construction and the Kingdom of Bretonia regarding Rugen station
TO: DHC || FROM: MAE - Distribution Agreement between MAE and DHC with regards to Gallic ships