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Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Printable Version

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Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Guest - 03-16-2009

Right. Looking through my screenshot folder, which has a LOT of images, i keep on finding a few, that aggrevates me to no end. Usually its the "omg u noob pirate you cannot do that"

I have a few questions to ask about the engagement policy when it comes to trader-pirate interaction.

first of all. Halt is not a demand. If i tell the trader to halt, he can ignore me, if i CD him, he whines about engagement before stating a request. Imho, a pirate should be able to shoot off the trader's shield with a SN to make him understand, that if he flees, hes going home in his cargo pod. Would give us time to actually make the resuest.

to those who say "oh cmon, /setmsg is there for a reason" i will reply - excuse me, but i dont see typing /1 as RP.
I make pirating fun for the trader as well as myself and by gods i dont want to suffer for it, only to keep the guy still, while i type.

second. How much can a pirate request off a trader? Surely i wont ask 2mil off a armoured transport, but i mean trains and the like.

Third. Trader is halted, asked for the fine, he has no money. Pirating cargo counts. Does B/Bs count as cargo?

Fourth. A trader is halted with no cargo. I make him pay for his life but everyone goes "onoz ahaz no cargo, no you cannot has pirate me. SANKSHUN" imho, no, im a killer, a mug, i dont give two meeps you have no cargo, i have a gun and its pointed at your head, wish to keep it, pay up.

Fifth. I catch a VHF, high level. I can pirate him for his life can i...

sixt. A trader is killed, he soon returns in the same ship and refuses to pay again, well, the rules state clearly, that he can return faster than 4 hours for his own risk to be pirated. But if the goddamn dual CB wielding armoured trans comes in, attacks me, dies, leaves me with half my bbs, then returns and attacks again, hes not braking any rules with that ship and ID, since hes a trader and he can return...

just...yeah. Things that need to be asked sometimes.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Guest - 03-16-2009

edit: i have the feeling i'm confusing DiscoGC with DiscoUSA server rules...

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Kuraine - 03-16-2009

Quote:first of all. Halt is not a demand. If i tell the trader to halt, he can ignore me, if i CD him, he whines about engagement before stating a request. Imho, a pirate should be able to shoot off the trader's shield with a SN to make him understand, that if he flees, hes going home in his cargo pod. Would give us time to actually make the resist.

To those who say "oh cmon, /setmsg is there for a reason" i will reply - excuse me, but i dont see typing /1 as RP.
I make pirating fun for the trader as well as myself and by gods i dont want to suffer for it, only to keep the guy still, while i type.

You can do anything you like to the trader before making a demand, so long as you don't actually blow them up before you make a demand. That includes making him/her use up all his bots and bats and bringing his/her hull down to 1%. So long as they aren't dead before you make your demand nice and clearly and doesn't die before you make your demand (and of course is given plenty of time to respond to your demand once you've made it), then you can damage him/her as much as you like.

Quote:second. How much can a pirate request off a trader? Surely i wont ask 2mil off a armoured transport, but i mean trains and the like.

A reasonable demand? Hmm. This is always a tricky one. Check their level, their ship, equipment on the ship and cargo carried. If they're carrying cargo that will make 11-12 million profit when they reach their destination, don't be afraid to demand 3-4 mil. But keep it reasonable. You could always demand the amount of money that it costs to buy the cargo from where the trader started off at, which again is fairly reasonable. They will still make a large profit once they reach their destination.

Alternatively, you can just demand a portion (or even all, if you're feeling mean or if the trader is taking the micky by travelling through your home system etc) of their cargo.

Quote:Third. Trader is halted, asked for the fine, he has no money. Pirating cargo counts. Does B/Bs count as cargo?

Yes, they are cargo and yes you can demand them. You can also demand any kind of ammunition for any mounted weaponry.

Quote:Fourth. A trader is halted with no cargo. I make him pay for his life but everyone goes "onoz ahaz no cargo, no you cannot has pirate me. SANKSHUN" imho, no, im a killer, a mug, i dont give two meeps you have no cargo, i have a gun and its pointed at your head, wish to keep it, pay up.

If they refuse to pay or refuse to offer concessions of any kind, kill them (though to save yourself hassle, fraps or screenshotting you making your demand/their refusing your demans etc. would be a good move regardless). But try your hardest to come to some kind of arrangement first, even if its only paying 5,000 credits or something if they really are broke or not even carrying any cargo.

Quote:Fifth. I catch a VHF, high level. I can pirate him for his life can i...

You can pirate anyone you like. You can even try pirating cruisers and battleships if you really think you can get away with it. Just don't pirate *IN* a cruiser or a battleship:P

Quote:sixt. A trader is killed, he soon returns in the same ship and refuses to pay again, well, the rules state clearly, that he can return faster than 4 hours for his own risk to be pirated. But if the goddamn dual CB wielding armoured trans comes in, attacks me, dies, leaves me with half my bbs, then returns and attacks again, hes not breaking any rules with that ship and ID, since hes a trader and he can return...

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here. I would have thought that by the time you encountered him again you'd have rearmed and repaired anyway? If not, go back to base and rearm and repair?:PYou can blow him up as many times as the trader feels it necessary to come back and refuse to pay.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Baltar - 03-16-2009

Pirate vs Trader in a piracy encounter is NOT a PVP event and thus PVP rules do not apply ... thus the notice is not required. Rules clearly state that a pirate needs to make a demand BEFORE killing the trader. But the notice before getting shot at is only for PVP.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Tarkis - 03-16-2009

Kuraine covered it all pretty well, but i'd like to add to one thing.

It is not against the rules to turn a trader to swiss cheese before you make your demand, as long as they're living swiss cheese. If you do choose to do so though, don't expect them to sit still. It would be absolutely stupid for a trader to just sit and take a beating while you're shooting tachyon and torps in lieu of words.

I tend to reconsider my options for a chance of escape if a pirate hits my hull before making a demand, or if he gives me all but two nanoseconds to reply and begins decompressing my ship.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Xydonus - 03-17-2009

From my experience when I used to pirate, I'd normally ask for 1 to 2 million, rarely going over that. I also think its a bad idea for pirates who are out to make some cash to rob those that aren't carrying any cargo, but that I suppose depends on the character your playing.

My character isn't going to put his life on the line or risk getting the sector police on his tail for a no cargo jockey...

But everyone has their own way of doing things. I think Kuraine laid them out nicely, and also one important thing to remember...

If your pirating somebody, and your not breaking any rules and your just Rping as you would normally, and the Trader decided to go OOC on you, ignore it and stay in your RP character, nothing worst than a typical pirate versus trader ooc argument going on, go to private channels for any off that stuff, should it ever happen.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Unseelie - 03-17-2009

Quote:A reasonable demand? Hmm. This is always a tricky one. Check their level, their ship, equipment on the ship and cargo carried. If they're carrying cargo that will make 11-12 million profit when they reach their destination, don't be afraid to demand 3-4 mil. But keep it reasonable. You could always demand the amount of money that it costs to buy the cargo from where the trader started off at, which again is fairly reasonable. They will still make a large profit once they reach their destination.

Uhm....This is not true. Most of the commodities in the new system do not make hundred percent profits. I've even got some routes that involve carrying cargo which is bought for up to 24 million credits.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Baltar - 03-17-2009

@ Xydonus: And from my experience ... traders tend to post 50 mil bounties on pirates. Give me a break ... if a trader can afford to pay 50 mil to a bounty hunter, he can CERTAINLY afford to pay more than 2 mil to a pirate. And guess what ... traders don't have as much trouble moving around when they stick to the trade lanes. MOST traders that encounter pirates asking for large sums are trying to take a short cut through open space and using jump holes. Sorry ... if they take the risk ... they gotta accept the consequences.

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - El Nino - 03-17-2009

Seing how cargo is now worth 30 mil sometimes, you might aswell make such a demand...

Pirating: Demands, attacks and things you can do - Guest - 03-18-2009

' Wrote:You can pirate anyone you like. You can even try pirating cruisers and battleships if you really think you can get away with it. Just don't pirate *IN* a cruiser or a battleship:P

The rule is that a pirate can not tax a trader while in a cruiser. Would it be against the rules to Pirate... say... a Navy battleship with a Rogue Cruiser? :unsure: