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L'Iton Annexe - Printable Version

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L'Iton Annexe - Gallic Security Bureau (Old) - 05-10-2020

L'Iton Annexe, Evreux Research Facility

[Image: 3kLfvI0.png]

Owner: Enclave Defense Authority
Class: C-5 (Morigny) Annex
Gravity: Complete
Docking Bays: Yes
Docking Rights: Limited
Crew: 700
Administrator: Emeline Coste

L'Iton Annexe is a classified facility of the Gallic Royal Intelligence. Established several months before the end of the Second Gallic War, l'Iton housed research into alternative energy sources, dark matter in particular. The research didn't reach the stage of mass production until the end of the war but was utilized in a few prototype vessels of the Royal Intelligence.

With the end of the war, Gallic systems fell under the control of the multiple states which eventually formed the Confederacy. However, the location of l'Iton had never been known by anyone but the Royal Intelligence, which sided with the Enclave. As a result, l'Iton remains a secret facility.

An unauthorized vessel that accidentally runs across the station has a very high chance of disappearing without a trace. The station is supplied by undercover Royal Intelligence officers who are still operating in Gallic space. Those citizens who remain loyal to the King aid them, but don't know where exactly the supplies end up.

The position of l'Iton behind enemy lines and the sudden diminishment of resources and facilities available to the Enclave means that the results of l'Iton's research are unlikely to be implemented throughout the entire Enclave fleet. However, technologies from the station are being tested on a few select ships.

RE: L'Iton Annexe - L e o n - 06-02-2020

L'Iton Annexe, Evreux Research Facility

It's a normal day at the station nothing special has happened, but then a radar beacon can be heard from the control room. All the crew has reported to the battle stations, "It might be a spy" they say. "It's coming closer to the station at full speed." "I got information about the ship... It's a stargazer " says one of the crew members. As the stargazer arrives, He sending a communication signal towards the station."André Gagnier reporting in, Requesting to dock in the station."
After a few seconds of silence, a response comes from the crew and says "Acknowledge, Please proceed to dock one."
As André Gagnier docking his ship, Is met hostility because none of the crew expected another new guy to arrive at the station.
"Bonjour, My name is André Gagnier. I'm new to the station I was told to report to here and start to work about the Dark Matter project. After the crew heard the word "Dark matter" They nod and leave André Gagnier alone.
As he preparing himself to work, a crew member orders him to follow him. André Gagnier shrugs and follows the man, Then he points him at the metal door, is stepping in and finds a clean room with new pair of clothes on the table, is smiling to the man and saying "Thanks"
As he gets settled in his new room, Is wearing his new pair of clothes, the clothes fit him like a glove. Is stepping outside walking around the station completely lost.

RE: L'Iton Annexe - Decktare - 06-05-2020


[Image: U4rvLWq.png]
[Image: cxXiBKX.png]

Project manager: Emeline Coste
Secrecy: EXTREME
Objective: Reclassify of the battleship
Classification: Physics / Engineering
Priority: High

A Valor-class battleship usually acts as a heavily-armed siege platform. It has been used that way for almost a decade against the Council, Bretonia, Liberty, and their minor supporters. However, the Enclave possesses fewer resources than a fully-fledged House and still has the same number of enemies. With that in mind, the "Valor hammer" tactic from the war has become rarer and rarer. A more versatile and mobile approach is needed.

That's why Enclave Defense Authority started the project "Terminator". The main goal was to turn RES Lance Royale into support class capable of engaging smaller warships. EDA Research & Development Division has developed prototype turrets. Although slower than Mitrailleuese-type weapons, the prototypes pack more punch.

[Image: Zdz13Ug.png]

The new turrets are energy weapons powered by a prototype dark matter reactor. Previously tested on a Royal Intelligence liner and battlecruiser, the reactor's main purpose is to generate momentum and propel the ship without the need for conventional fuel. Residual energy is diverted to weapons, builds up to sufficient level, and is discharged at the target, strong enough to drain at the shields and damage the hull of a target.

Armaments 10,000 units
Hull Segments 10,000 units
Robotic Hardware 15,000 units
Industrial Hardware 15,000 units
Optronic Arrays 10,000 units

RE: L'Iton Annexe - L e o n - 06-11-2020


[Image: ehjcZ2F.png]
[Image: cxXiBKX.png]

Project manager: André Gagnier
Secrecy: EXTREME
Objective: New weapon design for the Lynx
Classification: Physics / Engineering
Priority: Medium

The very heavy fighter of our called Lynx, Has been proved for been very useful in battle cause of the benefits of aerobatic and strength. While I was testing our weapons I've seen we usually using the Muskets because of the fast projectile speed and range but the usage of energy is very high which can give the advantage for the enemy when the Lynx has used the maximum energy usage. Then the enemy forces can easily strike us down.

Thats why I've started working on a new project that is using the Alien power cells as called the nomads. Which seems to draw less energy usage but with high efficiency.
This weapon can improve our combat greatly and will be more effective against enemy bombers then using muskets which takes some times a long time to take them down due of large energy usage.

The new project weapon uses the combination of the black matter project and charging it with the Nomad power cell, The weapon seems to be highly effective against positron shield which by my own studies the Bretonia armed forces uses this shield the most and using this weapon can highly give us advantage against them.

Armaments 5,000 units
Hull Segments 5,000 units
Robotic Hardware 7,500 units
Narcrahtite One unit
Nomad Power cell One unit