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Some crap going on - Printable Version

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Some crap going on - Username removed - 07-25-2020

There are people in my country who announced that they will march in public in protest of masks being made mandatory in public services such as transport and stores. About 200 of them. The authorities announced that they will allow this march to take place because "everyone has the right to protest" even though there is a ban on public gathering of over 15 people.

I think this is an incredibly stupid and selfish thing to do.

Ok, your health may be in top shape, you may be able to handle this virus on your own without any medical care, but there are immunocompromised people out there for whom this virus is a death sentence.

As of the date of this writing, almost 700.000 people already died as a result of Covid-19.

Many who recovered will have to live their lives with permanent lung damage, many of whom are left crippled and need to rely on oxygen tanks for the rest of their lives.

People complain about struggling to breathe through a surgical mask.

There are people out there with asthma, COPD, emphysema, or other lung illnesses who really do struggle to breathe, for these people the virus will be deadly. You may think that your body can deal with the virus and you are probably right, you may think you will get out of this without any lasting damage to your lungs, and maybe you are right. Maybe you just don't care about yourself enough to undergo the tiny inconvenience of wearing a mask when you go out and that's fine. What is not fine is endangering vulnerable people.

There is no excuse for you not to wear a mask, and endanger the life of someone who is already struggling to breathe. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your fellow humans.

What kind of mental degenerate do you have to be to go marching against mandatory masks with a total disregard for your fellow humans? This is spitting in the face of everything everyone has done so far to contain this virus and I cannot wrap my head around to how "leaders" allow this crap to happen.

People voted for you because they trusted you, how can you justify endangering people's lives, and undoing all the efforts of the medical sector just to appease a bunch of lunatics?

Why are the rest of us tolerating this? Why is nobody holding these scum accountable? Is humanity wired to commit collective suicide?

RE: Some crap going on - Thunderer - 07-25-2020

Tbf, looks like another clickbait thread to me...

RE: Some crap going on - Typrop - 07-25-2020

what does this have to do with roleplaying in space

RE: Some crap going on - Tyber.Zann - 07-25-2020

Stop trolling. Don't be an ass.

RE: Some crap going on - James Greed - 07-25-2020

(07-25-2020, 11:21 PM)Typrop Wrote: what does this have to do with roleplaying in space

RE: Some crap going on - Nepotu - 07-25-2020

No one cares

RE: Some crap going on - Akhetaten - 07-25-2020


RE: Some crap going on - Kalhmera - 07-25-2020

(07-25-2020, 11:20 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Tbf, looks like another clickbait thread to me...


(07-25-2020, 10:10 PM)Ivan Norovich Wrote: words

This is Freelancer. You know? Sirius Sector?.

RE: Some crap going on - Paddy. - 07-26-2020

(07-25-2020, 10:10 PM)Ivan Norovich Wrote: There are people in my country who announced that they will march in public in protest of masks being made mandatory in public services such as transport and stores. About 200 of them. The authorities announced that they will allow this march to take place because "everyone has the right to protest" even though there is a ban on public gathering of over 15 people.

When C19 first broke out I looked at a flight tracker app. Where most other countries had slashed airline flights, the USA was totally covered with airplane icons. That is why the USA is being hammered. The virus basically spread from NY by airline passengers.

Here in NZ, no one has to wear a mask in public but some choose to. We still have people flying into our country, returning home, and are all strictly quarantined for 14 days. They get tested regularly as a few arriving are positive with C19 and bring it in. But as a result NZ has not had one community transmitted IC19 case in three months. No one has died of C19 for over 3 months. We play contact sports, our stadiums are full. All schools are open, life is essentially normal. We have no one in hospital, let alone in an ICU unit.

Take a good look at the stupidity of how the USA, (and other countries), acted or rather did not immediately act to close the concentrated mass transport terminals. The mayor of NY is a fool. The rest of the officials and politicians in charge of public health are also as dumb as dirt.

Individual rights to freedom are important but not at the expense of community responsibility. We, the people of New Zealand backed up the decisions of the specialist and shut the borders, enforced lock-down and willingly did so for the common good of all. We laid aside our individual sovereign right to individual freedom on this issue for the sake of our people, our nation.

RE: Some crap going on - Y'berg - 07-26-2020

Shhhh. Let evolution work it's magic!