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Boucher's [FLG] Maquis Gameplay Guide - Printable Version

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Boucher's [FLG] Maquis Gameplay Guide - Lionel Bourcher - 02-03-2021

Boucher's OORP guide to FLG Gameplay

NOTE: To be updated soon with recent lore changes
Ok, you made it here - welcome to The Front Gameplay 101, brought toyou by me, Lionel Boucher, your Maquis Guide for the evening. This guide is my subjective representation of the faction pal, so take it with a grain of salt.

Who are you?
You are a Hero, with strong fayth and belief in doing the right thing, for Gallia and Humanity. You believe this as a fact, and present yourself to others as such.

Why would a hero target and murder civilians along with military targets?
Your Maquis predecessors, a Council cell, were facing overwhelming odds against the King's regime. They were willing to use any means necessary to do what they believed is right for Gallia, and they got support from The Council itself every time they did so. Through this reinforcement and their successes, the goalposts of what is morally acceptable were moved day by day.

When your people got news of The Glassing of Leeds, this was now completely justified - killing thousands of collaborating civilians if it means an increased chance at toppling The Royalists and potentially saving billions seemed like something so obvious no Maquis would give it a second thought.

It was paradoxically The Council itself, your own people, who made you completely de-sensitised to brutality towards your enemies. By first assaulting, then gassing and finally destroying your headquarters, The Mazagran Depot along with everyone who was still on board. They made you uncompromising towards The Royalists, and see anyone who is willing to support them as someone who will potentially gas and murder you and everyone you love without batting an eye,

You and bombings, executions, killing royalists and (in your eyes) collaborating civilians.
Just as a diplomat brushes their teeth and sends a stern letter to their opponent, you take these methods as completely normal. You find it hard to understand why anyone would object you using them against The Royalists and people enabling them and see them completely justified. A good portion of The Maquis will have psychopathic dials turned higher than the standard population - as evidenced by their moved line of where morality stands, however justified it is.

You and Sirians
The Front has only one main goal - Seeing Royalists and Collaborators burn. They don't scheme too hard for what comes after they succeed, as they always have The Council's cautionary tale at the back of their heads. In fact, the Front and Maquis themselves are likely to disband if they ever achieve their objective. There will simply be no need for them anymore.

They are frustrated at many Sirians for not seeing what they see - how evil and dangerous The Gallic Union and Gallic Navy with Intelligence are. But they blame both the spinelessness of Council Politicians who legitimised The Grand Duchy of Burgundy and now The Gallic Union in many Sirian's eyes, but also themselves and their propaganda and diplomacy with Sirians, that has been almost non-existent.

Your goal with the neutral Sirians is to see where they stand with The Gallic Union and Gallic Navy, and try to make them see what you see - that immediate uncompromising action against The Gallic Union and Navy is what is an absolute must for the sake of humanity as a whole. Many of you can be reluctant to work with the Sirians, but you want to see The Royalists gone by any means necessary - even if it means working with those frustratingly blind to their threat.

Many Maquis in The Front will attack individual Sirian factions that wrong them - but only if repeatedly provoked. And even those hostile factions will never be their main priority, but more of an outlet to let off steam for the more brutal in The Front. See killing the Royalists as your day job, and shooting down Outcasts, KNF and Golden Chrysanthemums as your hobby and someone you kill for sport.

Factions that impact Gallia you try to convince and turn on your side, neutral factions such as Orbital Spa and Cruise and Zoners are just normal irrelevant people to you, you treat them as you would a random stranger in normal life.

You and Gallic Corporations
In Roleplay Maquis will murder and blow them up in cold blood, especially if they, god forbid, see one delivering e.g. arms to a Gallic Navy base.
Others they would first question ideologically and then execute if they hear the wrong answers without flinching if they believe they are direct collaborators.

However from gameplay perspective there are very few Gallic corporation players and it's very easy to avoid someone in Gallia and we need them to enjoy interactions with us. Therefore we prefer:
1) Cargo Piracy
2) Roleplay Demands:
- Question the Gallic corp runner, his name, what is he doing, his stance on Gallic Navy.
- See where roleplay takes you, and try to make a creative roleplay demand X that flows from the RP
X can be e.g. proclaiming support The Front and The Maquis, asking them to reveal secrets on The Union and Navy etc.
- Be creative, make demands that he can fulfil and that you can use in reports or in propaganda

Non-gallic Traders
Cargo Piracy
- Gallic Armoured transport is ideal for this. 1975-2900 cargo depending on your equipment, gives you a Cruise disruptor, CD, good amount of cargo for profit without ruining the trader's run
- You believe acquiring resources for The Front is the right thing to do, you don't hate the traders. Your cargo demand roleplay should be one of "support our cause" "help humanity against the genocidal Royalists" "Remember Leeds?" etc. With a righteous tone.
- Be reasonable, e.g. if you happen to fly a 4.25ker and a trader criss crossed entire Sirius to Ore sell point, be willing to drop all the way down to e.g. 2000 cargo from a 5,000 Ore transport.
If you get the trader near buy point, then it's ok to ask for everything you can carry even if it's 4,250 units.
- The more he roleplays - the lower you should be willing to go with your demand. Reward people for interacting with us. You lose a little money now, but he is radically less likely to avoid you next time - so in the long run you make more anyways.
- Your main income is From Rewards Board and making a roleplay post about your cargo run, not the trader himself.
- If you manage to get Ore feel free to take it outside of Zoi, you can even ask for escorts in discord and many will go with you. Just have a RP story ready why you know the place where you are going to, ask Sirians for directions on the way, buy locations of bases from Bars. This will be common with Molybdenum Ore and Military Salvage that are mined in Gallia and you will often get them at mining point by running at miners (demand a free fill).

If someone doesn't roleplay at all and just thrusts away, or they obviously just stall while combat ships are logging to kill you - feel free to do your worst.
Remember - you believe they should WANT to help your cause, and are de-sensitised to brutal methods after all. It should still be your last resort, especially if you are on bigger ships, Cruiser and Battlecruiser especially, but killing traders that are not willing to stop and interact at all is unfortunate, but allowed.

We do raise resources for The Cause, prefer barter for commodities we need such as armaments, munitions etc.- check discord for routes.

If you get caught
Hostile factons in diplomacy: You will never pay them, try to get away with roleplay, and if you can't then choose aggressive stance even if it means charging a battlecruiser with your basic armor Vache.
Friendly/neutral factions in diplomacy: Accomodate them if demands are reasonable, tell them about your plight and cause you are raising resources for. If they wrong you and are unreasonable even though you are nice and accommodating, willing to pay only then turn on your brutal side and prefer fight over running.

Gallia Proper
- We are facing opponents with both greater numbers and some of the highest skills in the game, so these will always be hard.
If numbers are lopsided then try to ask for even fights in-rp, and if you have to, see if the leader of your group can arrange a fair fight with their leader, and failing that - just focus on getting kills even in lost fights, for juicy rewards cash money. Don't forget to take screnshots of IDs and deaths!

Remember - you need to spend money to make money. In order to get lots of blues and rewards money, you got to give out blues yourself.

The Taus
- You will often be the third party, and very often the small deciding force in fights. Ideally you will try to make fights balanced especially when your enemies are fighting each other- Like Gallic Navy and Outcasts, GC and KNF. Yes we target GN, GNI in-lore, but besides going for last hits try to side with a side that is weaker if possible. And if you don't know what's going on in hectic fights - just fly around like a madman and shoot whatever red's closest or targetting you.

Use this, or don't. Death to The Royalists!

Boucher out