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UC/- The Unione Corse - Information - Printable Version

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UC/- The Unione Corse - Information - The Unione Corse - 03-18-2021

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Dark corners of big cities are allies of Corsicans...

The Unione Corse is an organisation, roots of which can be traced back to the Ancient Earth, to the Corsican Mafia. The Unione Corse is a quasi-legal organisation, a syndicate of seasoned criminals, corrupted politicians and immoral business moguls, with wide array of activities and unlimited potential in Gallia. Specialising in many fields, from arms and drug smuggling to bounty hunting, the Unione Corse is an influential, mighty and unique organisation, that operates on a different echelon than the conventional unlawful organisation, such as the Gallic Brigands. Deeply ingrained in the legal world of politics, business and law enforcement, helping Gallic corporations and the government, and present in the unlawful underworld, working side by side with the Maquis, the Gallic Brigands and other unlawful organisations of Gallia and beyond.

Unione Corse deeply values it's traditions and secrets. The organisation is ruled by the cabal of Marseille Families - the Commission. Being divided in the past, now Unione Corse is truly united, ready to start with a fresh vision and great ambitions, to gain the power and wealth - by any means necessary.

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Blue Jewel of Cote d'Azur too has moody days...

Unione Corse is a fact. It was, it is, it will be. Unione Corse is an embodiment of a lucrative violence, luxurious treachery and pure corruptive nepotism. Built upon the Ancient Earth idea of a criminal collective, Unione Corse was brought to Gallic Sector on a Sleeper Ship together with the colonists from Corsica, Occitane and French Riviera. Knowledge and traditions of Unione Corse were a code to them – a family bond of sorts. And from the beginning, they were sticking to this grimy legacy of smuggling, bribery and operating from the shadows, like puppeteers, pulling the strings of the young Gallic government. Families of Corse are striding on the knife's edge, balancing between the law of government and purses of corporations, and chaos of the turbulent criminal underworld, represented by Gallic Brigands and Maquis.

Corse organized itself sporadically. By word of mouth, one more acquaintance after another – Corse filled up the vacuum for organized crime and proto-smuggling rings back on New Paris. They got in a happy agreement with the Gallic Crown – they manage the dirty work and keep the underworld in check, abiding to the word of Law and King, in return – Crown won't be antagonizing them. And so, they did. Unione Corse quickly got in positions of power, and they were getting wealthy. With this newly acquired capital and influence, members of Union Corse families were funding promising research, daring explorations and creating lucrative trade routes – sometimes, just a facade for money-laundering operations.

Yet, it was destined, that the shaky equilibrium between Crown and Families would be crushed by ambition, greed and lust for power. And so it was. Every new legislation was making it harder for Families to enjoy the frivolous existence, every new restriction was a new reason to put someone behind the bars. Crown and Corse Families were now in an arms race between each other – Unione Corse was in a rush to bail out and conserve as much power as they could, while Crown tried to crush the corruption and consolidate said power and influence. And yet, it was a golden age for courageous and cunning entrepreneurs, a Beautiful Epoch for the Unione Corse. The time, when traditions were established, the century-long family lineages were created, and the first bloody vendettas were drawn out.

During that time, around 320 A.G.S, Crown-funded explorers mapped the Provence system, and they started researching the would-be Blue Jewel of the Cote d’Azur - beautiful Marseille. Families quickly found out about this new-found heaven - and they spared no time capitalizing on it, making this resort planet their safe haven. Through their contacts in the higher-ups of stellar mapping bureaus and research universities, Families learned about something truly magical, that lies under the smooth waters of Marseilles - Nox.

Nox was a catalyst for the upbringing of the Families and Unione Corse. The substance, the very first drug in Gallia that made people feel truly different. And Families quickly became a sole monopoly in the business of biochemical addiction. The floating ocean platforms, the huge Petri dishes for the Nox bacteria, drug laboratories and the very first spaceports for offworld transportation - Corse Families quickly prioritized their fund spendings on Marseille. Banks were overflood with Corse money, the streets of New Paris were stricken by the Nox epidemic. It was a novelty, it was truly a peak of Corse power. And yet, everything must eventually fall. When money is involved - the blood will be spilt. And Families started rambling.

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Another day - another victim of U Macellazione...

Families were never united. As soon as they got the turf to spread out, and they had funds to build accommodations for themselves - they did so without any hesitation. This was a start for the now-famous ‘sunken cities’. The cities were more akin to large facilities with all the accommodations - hidden in the midnight zone of the Marseille oceans, they were private castles of each family. Guerini, Mondoloni, Barbieri, Orsini, Francisci, Carbone, Campanella and Brise de mer Families - those, who were left on the beaches of the tropical islands and yet, were in control of the sea-side facilities. With each year, the families were dividing the spheres of influence, consuming and devouring every single morsel of power Families could get their hands on. And then, their interests started to overlap.

Families spent no time in starting to interfere with each other's activities, beginning the long season of violence and treachery. Something that was called U Macellazione - The Slaughter. Freedom of action led to unchecked bloodletting everywhere in Gallia, killings led to more killings. While this was happening, the Brise de mer Families were getting most of it, they were expanding to the frontiers of Gallic space, infiltrating new colonies and finding new allies - the Normandie criminals and other less-desirable members of Gallic societies.

The violence peaked in the 415 AGS - the Booming Spring. The in-fighting was escalating and the toll of bodies was increasing ten fold, assassinations with usage of explosives were a common practice. This led to the tragedy of Liner La Champenoise on April 25th 415 AGS, when bomb exploded on the IDF subsidary Lucullus liner caused the engines to backfire, and the liner was caught in the gravity well of Planet Tonnerre in Burgundy. The ensuing panic during the evacuation caused the rescue to partially fail, and the liner was devoured by the gas giant's enormous gravitation, killing 173 people on-board, who had no time to evacuate. This led to public outcry and finally, the Crown decided that Unione Corse must be castrated and brought under control. The 416 AGS Act - La loi sur les organisations influencées par le racket et la corruption, also known as Final Days Act, was aimed to quell down the rampant killings by Corse families and corruption of Royal officials, who were working with them. Gallic Royal Navy Military Police was working on carrying out the arrests, so Corse families were suddenly powerless - no money could buy the loyalty of the glorious Navy. Many Corse members were arrested, some even executed, and their puppet politicians were deposed. In one feel swoop, Monarchy stopped the U Macellazione, and Unione Corse families hid in their corner of Provence, to lick their wounds and to start planning. It was decided that from now on, the Unione Corse families must isolate and unite under one higher body of authority.

On 14 February, 417 AGS, the Great Meeting of Fête des Amoureux happened - all Dons from all the Marseille’s families gathered to create the Commission. From now on, the eldest, most cunning and intelligent members of Unione Corse will overlook their operations and make sure that violence wouldn’t erupt again. Guns fell silent, the Long Sleepy Nights began in Marseille.

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Prodigal son cut it's ties with the Family - but this won't last long...

Brise de mer Families were left out of the Commission - their facilities in Marseilles were under constant harassment from the Royal Police and their overall situation was unenviable. To escape the law and neglect from the ‘bastards from down below’, Brise de mer Families escaped to the stars. Self-imposed isolation of the Commission gave them freedom to do anything, so they expanded their operations in every direction. New bases, hidden in the dust clouds and asteroids fields, new connections and new friends - Free Brigands of Gallia, with whom they enjoyed a relatively friendly trading relationship, Gallic Junkers and Normandie criminal elements. They also took the name of Unione Corse - as a spit in the face of the Commission. The Normandie weapon smuggling was one of the most profitable endeavors Unione Corse had, but then - it backfired. The First Gallic War was waged with weapons Unione Corse provided to Normandie rebels. And this was a disaster for them. History of the First Gallic War is considered to be subjected to ‘Damnatio memoriae’ - condemnation of memory. There’s almost no information about this time, but what is known is that Unione Corse suffered greatly. Once again, their assets were frozen, members arrested, their share on the black and gray markets were suffering the wrath of the Crown.

When ashes have settled, Unione Corse found themselves in a new underground world. Free Brigands of Gallia were now the topdogs. More aggressive, less reasonable and without any kind of code of conduct. And yet, the Brise de mer Families were now forced to acknowledge this. They continued working together, supplying the Nox drug and information about the internal politics of Gallia. Unione Corse, who were taught lessons they never will forget, were now acting much more discreet, their operations were carefully planned and the assassinations were orchestrated with some silky-smooth proficiency. Year after year, Unione Corse managed to get some of the power back, the operations were now expanding and finally, after the Normandie Fiasco, the things were looking bright. Yet, one more lesson was about to be taught - and it would be a lesson about authority and respect.

The Gallic Junkers of Bourbon Base were one of the contacts of Unione Corse and their base was often used as a refueling point for Nox smuggling operations. They knew too much, and they felt that Unione Corse was underpaying them, but more importantly - Unione Corse were in charge of all smuggling operations to Nevers in Burgundy, and Junkers of Bourbon wanted this piece of the pie. When they demanded Unione Corse to pay more and to share with the black market on Nevers - Unione Corse declined. And Gallic Junkers decided to backstab them. They tipped off the media and police, gave them information about Nox smuggling operations and names of perpetrators. This was a treachery of the level Brise de mer Families experienced last time centuries ago, when the Commission made them leave Marseille. But this time, they won’t allow this to go unpunished.

In 597 AGS, Unione Corse infiltrated Bourbon Base and killed every single human being on the base - men, women and their children. When ammo had been depleted, survivors were rounded up and thrown out in the airlock. Bourbon Massacre solidified the positions of Unione Corse in the underworld of Gallia, and they made sure that no information about this ‘incident’ would get leaked to the civilian population. Unione Corse were now again respected and feared.

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Dream about truly free state - shattered, but not forgotten...

The political scene of Gallia in 700 AGS was akin to powder keg with a lighted fuse. The tension was palpable and the violence was about to erupt - it wasn't about “if”, it was about “when”. It all came down crumbling in 710 AGS. Marne Rebellion sparked the Second Gallic War - and it was about to change everything.

The Commission and Families of Marseille were aware of the upcoming civil war, and they were preparing for a triumphant comeback. The plan that they were preparing for centuries. The ideological revolution of their ‘blood’ - the Minarchy. When the fighting between Council and Crown started, the Commission started to pull the strings and they reached out to their ‘lost brothers and sisters’ - Brise de mer Families. The Commission was ready to accept the Brise de mer Families into their ranks and initiate the integration. Yet, the generation gap was too big and the differences were too obvious. Old guards of the Marseille families were deeply traditional and isolationist, wary of the outsiders, while Brise de mer Families were more liberal, hot-headed and less reliant on traditions and the bloodlines. And yet, they needed to integrate with each other. Marseille families had ace up their sleeves - the sunken cities and wealth, Brise de mer Families had influence and operations outside of Provence. To survive, they needed to work together.

The process was painfully long and the opinions about which side to pick in the Second Gallic War were divided. They were suspicious about both sides as much as Council and Crown were suspicious about them. This was a game of balance for the Corsicans - and they tried to appeal for both sides. Tipping point was the acquisition of mine neutralizing prototypes which were sold to the highest bidder - to the Maquis movement. Clearance of the minefields and the opening of Sirius led to new horizons opening for Unione Corse. Yet, to exploit these, the war needed to end. And so, they waited.

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Nox is like a dream, and Marseille has plenty of workshops to provide everyone with one...

The wakeup call happened at 741 AGS when Conseil Battleship Oblique and it’s battlegroup emerged from Mer Mediterrainee and was heading towards the defense positions of Battlegroup Arles. Soon enough, the huge battle emerged which ended up in a Pyrrhic victory for Royal forces. While the Battlegroup Oblique was defeated and scattered, so was the Arles. Royal forces left Provence. Realization of what happened came to Commission very quickly - the Crown abandoned Provence. It was their chance. It was time to re-emerge from the deep seas. The fall of Oblique husk onto the planet, which caused more political turmoil and humanitarian disaster on the planet was also helpful for the cause of the Unione Corse.

In a swift sweep, Unione Corse took control of all spaceports and planetside installations that were present on the planet. Local government obliged. Unione Corse were in power planetwide. Opportunities arose almost every day - Conseil reached out to the Unione Corse to help with the refugees from invaded Roussillon, and this was a chance to establish a stronger political presence in the system and to safeguard the newly acquired power from both Conseil - by having their refugees under their control, and from Crown - by having Conseil battlegroup in Provence.

Soon enough, the Conseil were victorious in the Second Gallic War. Marseille now-government spent no time in proclaiming the Syndicated Minarchy of Provence - a state, where wealth and trade flows freely, and every man is a free man, if he has enough strength to hold his position. Unione Corse were now a political ideology.- of tradition and family, of personal fortitude and cunningness.

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There's something hiding under the waves of Marseille...

As any dream, it was meant to end. Syndicated Minarchy promised absolute freedom to individual and free market - but it quickly fell into disarray. Old habits don’t die, and Unione Corse quickly corrupted their political dream into a kleptocratic state. Misery, violence and after-war poverty were tools for Unione Corse - and they couldn’t stop using them. Minarchy had no future - and it was apparent when the Kusari-Gallic War started. Having no means to defend themselves and being on the verge of losing control of Quillan, the Commission was on the edge and ready to panic. It was a countdown until they lose everything, yet, Families couldn’t do anything. In the end, they were criminals - not politicians.

End of a war and emergence of the Gallic State was both a curse and a blessing. Syndicated Minarchy dissolved like it has been created - quickly and without any noise, becoming part of the Gallic State. While they lost Quillan and some of their ill-gotten freedom, Families now could operate like they always did in the past. From the shadows, with a dagger and a cloak, not being restricted by morality. The Brise de mer Families finally joined the Commission, and so - Unione Corse is ready for the reforms. Autonomy of Provence and self-governance of Marseille meant that Families of Unione Corse still had political influence in the militaristic regime of Gallia and some degree of freedom, but now - they were ready to try again.

The dreams are meant to be fulfilled one day. And Corsicans dream about power and wealth. Gallia will be reinvigorated and will be power to be reckoned with, and Unione Corse will be their unfortunate companion. Because Unione Corse is a fact. It was, it is, it will be.

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Nox is a highly potent drug - and Families hold a monopoly on its production and distribution. This substance comes in a variety of forms and for tastes of the whole Gallic population - small doses dissolved in wine for higher classes, pills or powder - for those who are after quick effect, and even very concentrated, dirty and nasty liquid - for those, who can’t get enough. Nox is a lifeblood of Unione Corse money flow - and this is a very profitable business. Nox can be found in luxurious clubs and in dirty alleyways. Nox is like a dream - it’s fluid, it’s esoteric - and you never can get enough.

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Families are entwined with the political life of Gallia - even after numerous regime changes. Unione Corse have interests in every single aspect of Gallic life - businesses, tourism, research, manufacturing and internal affairs. And to make sure that everything goes their way, Unione Corse are ready to provide gifts of charity, favors for favors and sometimes - help some un-cooperative elements of Gallic politics - those, who shake foundation too much or who are interfering with Families plans too much - to retire. Post mortem.

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Families have fingers in every cookie jar - especially those that are not located in Gallia. Things that are deemed illegal in Gallia or inaccessible - they are always desired by some people, either like souvenirs - or for more practical purposes. Ancient artifacts for wealthy collectors, Sirian ID-unlocked and untraceable pulse rifles and gauss-marksman carbines for ‘private companies’, terabytes of abstract Kusarian pornography on datapads - for those who need to indulge in vice. Unione Corse knows every route - and they know how to acquire anything in the world.

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Families and Unione Corse always think about the prosperity of Gallia. One way to ensure this prosperity is to make sure that all criminal activity is in check - and that no strangers are trying to upstart in the Gallic black or gray market. Arbitrage is why Unione Corse's position is secured - because they know what's better. And main priority is to make sure that Cardamine and other unchecked Sirian 'merchandise’ is not appearing on the shelves of the underworld market, and that all other criminals that are too savage and too violent to be reasoned with - well, they must be put down, like dogs they are.

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Gallic Brigands

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Crayter Republic, Gallic Navy, Gallic Metal Service and Independent Miners Guild

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Everyone else

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Bretonia Forces and Corporations

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Gaians, Outcasts and their allies, Xenos
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