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The Caussade Project (Completed) - Printable Version

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The Caussade Project (Completed) - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-17-2021

The Gallic Navy is in the process of modernizing their military arsenal. We can only slow them down, not stop them. Their production facilities and modern warships in construction are extremely well guarded, and direct assaults on them would lead to massive losses on The Maquis side and would be very haphazard to attempt. So naturally we will proceed with attempting just that, especially by targeting civilians supplying The Union's construction bases and shipyards.

There are silver linings however. Their new warships will be replacing something. Something that will be an afterthought for The Union, something that they will not waste resources guarding heavily. And that something is de-comissioned Ex-Council Vessels and particularly battleships. There is no time to waste - we must capture as many ships scheduled for de-commisioning before The Union melt them down to the base metals and use them to build their modern warships. We must try to capture those sent for refits and maintenance. There are already plans deeply underway to start attempting just that on a large scale.

There is just one issue - We have no capacity to repair and make the de-comissioned battleships combat worthy. Verdun both cannot repair battleships and is in an area way too dangerous for large scale logistical operations. We must act swiftly, soon there will be no Ex-council warships we are trained to operate and maintain to capture. Pamiers is decaying and we are unable to make repairs after it will see combat either.

Therefore several months ago after The Union was formed work has begun on a crude drydock frame extension for The Caussade Depot. Our freshly acquired Ex-Council commanders bring with them the basic knowledge of warship maintenance structures and repair procedures, but not much else, and only on a very basic level. it's time to get to work. It will not be perfect, but it ... will be.

We ask all Front Maquisards to log in this file any work or supply done to forward the battleship repair capable drydock project, and to file away contracts and help you have been acquiring over the previous months and thereafter. Most of you are no merde logisticians, at least you core Maquisards aren't - trust in the newly acquired Ex-Council commanders, and don't be dismayed if things go wrong as they undoubtedly will.

Roussillon and Caussade Depot will require:
  • Alloys for the crude frame construction.
  • Salvaged Military Council battleship parts and technology for on the fly repairs.
  • Hull Panels, Armor, circuits and any other ship construction and upgrade materials.
  • Munitions, Military Vehicles, ballistic missiles and all armaments we can get our hands on to arm the crews of the acquired rusting battleships.

The military and extremist arms cannot divert large contingents to our Logistics arm at the moment - we must act quickly, strike The Union in various places to spread their forces thin before we direct our strikes at acquiring the old battleships. We have no choice - we have already done so, but we must up the cooperation with third party suppliers to even higher degree. Time is of the essence, if Caussade drydock will not be finished as we manage to capture the de-commisioned rusting ships they will become unsalvageable over time and our frontline efforts that will cost many of our heroes their lives will be in vein.

RE: The Caussade Drydock Project - Balian Remi - 04-17-2021

Balian manuevered his gunship as close as he dared to the extensions starting to take shape form Caussade and got up from his seat once his ship was in position and stared out the viewport at the welders in their space suits hovering close to the steel structure. Tiny beams of light were seen as they carried out their work. Checking his data slate again he ran the numbers in his head again.

[Image: Freelancer_2021-04-16_20-16-59-04.png?wi...height=351]

"Merde... Need to set up another mission.." he muttered to himself and tapped in a couple notes. The work was proceeding quickly, however haphazardly. They had plenty of hands these days, with tons of citizens making their way to Maquis bases, outraged at the militaristic authoritarianist turn the new government seemed to be taking.

[Image: Freelancer_2021-04-16_20-18-30-42.png?wi...height=351]

Caussade had distilled the latest waves of new applicants into the most useful candidates for the project, bringing in former welders, engineers, electricians and individuals with a talent to- acquire things. New training classes were taking up every nook possible in the seriously overcrowded station, but this time not simply combat but in anything that would aid in the massive rennovations ongoing in developing their fortress into something, far far more.

The speed at which the project progressed was already dangerously quick but some Maquisards thought the reckless pace still wasn't enough and pushed for aspirants to jump insto space as soon as they knew which end of the welder to hold but thankfully most of the times cooler heads prevailed....

"I'd better make the calls"

Balian took his seat again and engaged thrusters quickly to land and get to it.

RE: The Caussade Drydock Project - Lionel Bourcher - 04-17-2021

Boucher pauses and gets lost deep in thought when sifting through the Caussade inventory. This may be the last recorded achievement, of Him. Boucher never really cracked what was behind that quiet demeanor. Arthur Clement didn't say much for he was a man of action. Boucher never was the leading type, he tries his best to control his violent outbursts, but he is no man to lead a formal military. That's why he followed Arthur. A loyal long standing Maquisard, once leader and founder of The Front.

Arthur didn't say much, or wanted to say much - he was all about leading his [FLG]VG-Le.Brethon flagship into battle, leading by example and only giving the orders that were necessary. Quiet, ruthless, disciplined, efficient. That was Arthur, the perfect balance to Lionel who has immense trouble containing his rambling outburts and swinging moods. Boucher sifts through the terminal, this might well be the last words on record from Arthur. Le.Brethon's and The front's military leader's sudden dissapearances shook The Front at it's foundations. Nobody knows where they have dissapeared to, but the chances they aren't lost forever are slim to none. As quietly as has Arthur appeared and always operated, so he has dissapeared.

It is ironic that the last action on record by the quiet ruthless military leader is hammering down a supply contract with a neutral group The Natio Octavarium.The last tangible thing that remains after Arthur are the massive piles of materials delivered months ago to Roussillon by The Natio's ultra-efficient smugglers.
Whether he miraculously resurfaces, or if he met his quiet heroic fate Boucher can't be sure of. But one thing he does know.

The name Arthur Clement will forever be alive in the spirit of The Front, and resonate through the frames of The Caussade drydock.

RE: The Caussade Drydock Project - moondust - 04-21-2021

Brigitte was stepping out of her small vessel.
She was irritated, not for the first time, the reason for this was that she had to wait for a long time to dock. “Damned construction workers, don’t they ever rest”, she thought.
Before she made the request to dock she pushed on a digital chronometer to start measuring the time for how long the docking procedure would take. Too long, much too long. So, now she was docked, the next thing what she had to do was searching for the cargo master.
“Cargo master!” she yelled, “Mon Dieu, cargo master, où es-tu, where are you? Can’t you see that I am in a hurry, vite, vite!
A middle aged man with a beard came to Brigitte and gave her a sign that she had to be very, very careful now. With a hissing voice he said, “Être silencieux, be quiet! Don’t think that you will get any priority here. Can’t you see that there are more vessels waiting to be unloaded?”
Brigitte’s left eye started to blink and wanted to say something. She knew it, she was a hot tempered woman, “Do what you have to do. I shall wait”, she snapped.
Time for a cigarette. From the inside of her jacket she took a small blue package of Gauloise cigarettes and fired one. Directly after the first inhaling she calmed down.

She knew from other members of the Maquis that there were already plans send for the making of a bigger docking station, a dry dock, that could even supply and repair vessels like gunboats or even bigger.
“But how can we get everything here in a reasonably time? And if I am right, the capacity to unload vessels take weeks. Certainly when he is doing it, looking at the middle aged man with the beard.
We don’t have any recourses to do it.”
And even if we had, the flight is long and full of danger. Nothing protect us, there aren’t even signal jammers or devices which slow down enemy fleets here and the minefield isn’t any more how it was before. The sun is eating the armor all the time.

She looked at the middle aged man with the beard again.
“Ay, careful with that! Can’t you read? There is very explosive stuff inside this crate, mon ami.” She pointed with her hand which hold the cigarette to the sign at the crate. “You know what this mean, don’t you?”
The middle aged man with the beard dropped the crate and was at the point to hit Brigitte but she was faster and draw some kind of a side arm which was hanging on her hips.
“Non, non, non, mon ami”. This was the last crate and I shall leave you now. I hope we will met each other in better times when your working place is bigger.”
She was already climbing into the cockpit and after the last inhale of the small cigarette she threw it into the direction of the explosive crate.
“Le sot, fool”, she though, “doesn’t he know that the crate was protected against heat?”

Brigitte asked for clearance of the dock so she could start the engine of her beloved rotten vessel.
“Ouvrez le port s'il vous plait, open the port please”.
A few moments later the air lock went open and she pushed the joystick from her so that the vessel started to move slowly toward the opening.
At last she was outside again, alone in the dark, feared in the dark and afraid to shoot strangers. But not afraid to shoot Gallics.
Her left eye started to blink again and her temper raises too.

“Here Brigitte”, she spoke trough the mic, “thanks for everything and see you next time.”
“Let you have only bright stars in front of you, my dear” the other side responded.

RE: The Caussade Drydock Project - Lionel Bourcher - 05-21-2021

You try, you try. And you fail. So you keep trying. Try a different way, get hope into your heart, and you fail once more. And on and on it goes.

But I am getting ahead of myself. It all started many months ago, when we decided to make the drydock. Natio Octavarium and their tons of materials started it all. We got our engineers on the job and over many months preparations and work was going splendidly.

I couldn't believe what the Sirian has accomplished right afterwards. Combined with his combat skills and ruthlesness, I can say that Christopher Hunter is not a Gaul, he is not a Sirian. He is a Maquisard through and through. He single handedly negotiated with the sirian group Fae, dealt with all logistics and payments, and saw to an end a contract with them in a speed I couldn't ever even dream of.
With this from Fae, thanks to Christopher, it was ready.
It was all fucking ready! I could see Pamiers getting her glorious repaired sisters, ready to take on it's first challenge under our banner. All thanks to the Caussade drydock.

And this is where it started. Planet Elne's massive gravitational pull doing it's work on the rising structure, the asteroid field around it being even worse. Again and again the massive yet frail frame crumbled sooner or later under the pressures. Balian Remi and his engineers have been doing their best, but it just isn't meant to be.

I don't understand engineering, I keep getting shocked at how fast the Sirians are handling logistics. And now we are fucking left with thousands of tonnes of material just sitting there, waiting.

I suppose it must be done. We must do what we have been often reluctantly doing out of desparation. We must rely yet on another group of Sirians. The Coalition have offered to send us their engineers. Apparently they are extremely well versed at battleship and battleship capable base contruction repair and maintenance. We don't really know them. All we have to go by are several brief contacts and the massive amounts of praise Action Revolutionnaire, the now defunct Maquisard cell has scattered all over their records on our bases.

The plan now instead of a full fledged dry-dock is to:

Modify the existing base structure and mooring points enough so they can handle battleship retroffiting, repair of heavy damage and maintenance for the FLG. I hope to god that our people and the Coalition engineers can make it happen.

RE: The Caussade Project - Lionel Bourcher - 06-28-2021

He really had his hopes up. On the last attempt the structure actually held together, he could see his plan unfolding.
It was right there infront of him but once again, but just like the previous attempts, the frame started cracking at the seems there was no way this could support production of battleships.

He talked it over with his faythful, discussed it with engineers, but the call was made - the massive frame will not be the right way to go, the battleships will be repaired from existing mooring points - after long discussion him, logistics and military arm heads have decided to deconstruct the frame and cling to the Coalition engineers they barely even know, yet put so much hope into. Amongst the flurry of the ships deconstructing the frame, Caussade, former Council commanders and the Front Maquisards awaited their new alies' arrival.

RE: The Caussade Project - Hokan - 07-07-2021

Caussade Depot
07, 07, 828

[Image: RedStar7.png]

The Arrival

Making the journey from the Omegas to the Taus was no simple task, luckily transporting people to and from the Coalition homeland was somewhat a specialty of the Tartars. The small group of engineers disembarked on the depot, they were there to loan their technical expertise to the inhabitants of the station in their effort to build something suitable for larger ships.

[Image: RedStar7.png]

RE: The Caussade Project - Front de Libération de Gallia - 09-24-2021

The project lead by Balian Remy is now succesfully behind us and finished. Along with Verdun, this is the most daunting engineering project ever attempted by the Maquis. It took over 9 months, massive help from the Coalition, Fae Mercenaries, Natio Octavarium, Gaians and countless Maquisards and Ex-Council engineers.

Partial success
The project suffered serious setbacks, and is not complete in it's original form. The massive drydock structure stood over Caussade, but the environmental pressures kept making it too unstable. Only with the help of Coalition engineers and one of a kind combination of Sirian and Gallic ingenuity it can now fulfill at least the secondary purpose.

The new Caussade
The base has been completely shifted internally in terms of it's functionality and purpose. Originally a raiding outpost, it has been re-imagined and re-made with the help of Maquis, Ex-Council and Coalition engineers and massive supply efforts from Fae and Natio Octavarium.

It now stands as the main supply, repair and refit depot for Redemption-class battleships, most important of which is the Maquisard Flagship, Pamiers.

Current Caussade function
Although unable to produce battleships from scratch due to the lack of workable frame, the refit of existing mooring points designed by joint Coalition and Gallic engineers and the massive cache of battleship usable supplies provided by 3rd party Sirians and acquired through military salvage from existing wrecks mean that any Redemption-class Battleship can be brought back from the brink of destruction, as long as most of the outer shell remains coherent.

No Longer will every scratch on Pamiers and any of it's sisterships it gains spell doom for their usability. A new era can begin - one where direct combat on larger scale can be attempted, and one where more 3rd party engineers will be consulted on how to upgrade the Redemptions, and who knows - maybe, over the years - even modernise Pamiers itself with experimental combined technology that it will be able to stand up to the juggernauts of Dax's stature and come out victorious should they meet in battle.