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[Information] UC/-'s Splusione Squadron - Printable Version

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[Information] UC/-'s Splusione Squadron - Lucien Sarti - 07-19-2021

[Image: 0DQJDyv.png]

Unione Corse's Splusione Squadron

The Splusione Squadron was formed by Lucien Sarti, and is the first formal definition of a Corse organization introduction into Sirius.

Sarti was a wandering independent Corsican who moved from Sirian system to system, taking hit jobs purely for the thrill of the hunt, gathering resources from various benefactors.

After joining the Unione Corse he had to start from the bottom - be it hauling duty, patrolling inner Gallia, he begrudgingly did his best to progress in the organization. And when he finally earned the rank of ✠⟨⟨ | Acolyte, it was time to spread his wings once more.

He asked for Corsicans and resources, and formed the Sirian-based Splusione Squadron. to be flown under the Unione Corse (UC/-) banner.

✠ · Storia

The Unione Corse has always enjoyed a dominating influence over the Gallic Drug Market. The very potent psychedelic and sedative drug it has complete monopoly over - Nox - has made it's way to all layers of the Gallic society, including the Navy and Government circles.

When Corse gained access to Sirius, a new massive market of infinite possibilities opened for it's pride and glory; Nox. The Corsicans projected their business to boom exponentially - soon Nox would be in every Sirian House, every smuggler would partake in sharing the profits and Corse would spread their influence to all corners of Sirius.

Those plans soon became only distant dreams however, as the Corse ran into a seemingly insurmountable wall it was not ready for.

The Nox (Corse) vs Cardamine (Outcast) Drug war

Cardamine is the dominating drug of Sirius - unlike Nox it is a stimulant, and unlike Nox, it is highly physiologically addictive, in fact, so much so that heavy users die after it's withdrawal. This makes redirecting the flow of funds Sirians spend on Cardamine towards Nox most difficult.

The Outcasts also have a built up network with, and influence over, many smugglers that would potentially smuggle Nox for the Corsicans otherwise - such as a good part of The Liberty Rogues, and the opportunistic Junkers. They also possess multiple pawns such as the Golden Chrysanthemums and the Lane Hackers.

Third issue is with Outcast military presence - their skills are legendary, and unlike Nox that makes you weaker in combat they are actually augmented by the usage of Cardamine, and even sport capital fleets they are not afraid to use in direct confrontation in the open to protect the flows of Cardamine.

✠ · Scopi di u Squadron Splusione

  • Disrupt Outcast and Cardamine operations Sirius wide, take the war to them.
  • Get rid of all those irreversibly addicted to Cardamine.
  • Spread the awareness of Nox across Sirian Black Markets.
  • Gain influence over distribution networks and smugglers that haul Cardamine for profit, rather than being addicted themselves, and try to push Nox to them instead of the Outcast controlled drug.
  • Seek new avenues for Nox distribution and demand, untainted by Cardamine.
  • Attempt to build relations and favourable front with Sirian lawful, unlawful and quasi-lawful factions and corporations that can be opportunistically abused later.

✠ · Metudi

The Splusione Squadron members pose as run-off-the-mill soldiers of fortune, getting hired for money by local Sirian factions.

They give big speeches and pledges to their benefactors' causes, acting in a friendly manner and praising their values and character. In reality, they don't care about them at all - all they care about is gaining resources and influence far from Gallia to wage their ruthless war against the Outcasts and related factions, and readying ground in various Sirian regions to replace Cardamine with Nox.

They engage in direct hits against anyone and anything related to Cardamine, build reputations with ther benefactors, and as is true to the Corsican psychopathic nature, they are ready to lend an assisting hand to various Sirians through free escorts, protection from their enemies, while not hesitating to brutally turn on them from time to time if they need their resources and can be sure nobody will be able to find out.

Navi di scelta

BG75 "Jaguar Noir" Unione Corse Bomber
Jaguar Noir is the vessel of choice for Splusione when agility and swift strikes are required. This stealthy and nimble bomber can get out of the toughest situations without harm, and is ideal for strikes where it's necessary the targets won't see the Corsicans coming.

UZ-300 "Eclipse" Gallic civilian bomber
The Eclipse is used when heavier ordnance is required and there is not much need for subtlety - mostly when assaulting Outcast capital vessels that show themselves in the open.