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Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Foghar Sect - 12-02-2021

[Image: avatar_48706.png?dateline=1639075865]



The goal of this group is aimed at storytelling, character interactions, and development. To put in terms the normal Discovery player can more easily identify with, the intention is to be a roleplay heavy group. One needs to understand the group and what it stands for, as well as the lore of the base faction. It is highly suggested to go over Gaian background lore as well as this group's specific lore as it does vary slightly.

There is an expectation that those who join are able to communicate in English fluently or nearly so. Additionally, a character concept needs to be given with as much detail as possible. Character concepts or pre-existing characters that do not fit the faction will be denied. This is mainly to keep consistency and not have characters that are pigeonholed into being ousted instantly. To help clarify the list below will identify the expectations placed on new recruits.

¬ Expectations
• You are expected to be completely familiar with the rules and guidelines set forth by the staff. Breaks of the rules can result in restrictions or removal.
• Understanding of the server's setting and the faction's lore, with at least a cursory understanding of the faction's standing with other factions.
• Able to fluently communicate in English, or at least to an acceptable level.
• Willing to engage in story telling and interactions. A hostile interaction still requires roleplaying and interaction. Those willing to interact with us should be given ample chances to do so, even if it ends in hostilities.

If there is a need to find out more about the server's setting or faction lore, or general questions, feel free to join the discord or reach out. Be creative!


Your interest in the Gaian Movement has not gone unnoticed. Be it a survivor of Leeds, a citizen under the haze of New London, a displaced person on Sprauge, an ill at ease family on Carlisle, a patron of Cambridge, or any void-borne soul of Bretonia. The working class, the learned labourer. The engineer. The scientist. The aristocrat.

We are the same, we are Bretonian. We breath the same air stale or polluted by toxins and corruption. We see a brighter future in our path and will fight to get it. The time and place for words has long passed. Now is the time to act, for a better tomorrow. For a Bretonia without corporate greed literally choking ourselves and our loved ones. With a quality of life for all without fear that it should all rot from within.

We are the Gaians. Join us and clear the air, or choke on your denials. The choice is yours.


[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]Name:[/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]Place & Date of Birth:[/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]Brief Explanation of Past Which Brought You to Us: [/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]Outlook on the Gaian Movement:[/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]What is the Motivation to Join:[/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

[indent][color=#732424]¬[/color] [color=#acab80][b]((OOC)) Discord Username:[/b][/color][/indent]

Answer Here

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Lochrath - 12-05-2021


Changing slightly, this little thing will be vaguely invite-only. If you wish to partake in this story either reach out through whatever means you wish, or make a post below using the template. It will be a notice of interest, and a response is not guaranteed.

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Lochrath - 01-09-2022

Another Update,

After reworking portions of this and to keep in theme with the roleplay focus aspect of this group, the application is now in character. Be creative, quality over quantity.

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - R. Pike - 01-10-2022

¬ Name:

Rachel Pike

¬ Place & Date of Birth:

Curacao; 2-2-798

¬ Brief Explanation of Past Which Brought You to Us:

I was born into a fairly well off family that liked to keep their distance from our home in Bretonia. Sometimes when growing up, I used to wonder why. I figured that all out for myself when I eventually had to leave for college and all the associated curses of being an adult. Work was dirty, hours were long and I always felt I deserved better. I figured I'd learn how to fly and shoot straight, see where opportunism would take me. A few years of being a mercenary under the garb of "privateering" later, I'd become accustomed to my new life and felt content. When we were outlawed, I could have just stuck with the old gang and opted to be a highwayman, but the idea of living on a place like Gaia minus the soot and smell of stale sweat's always been appealing.

¬ Outlook on the Gaian Movement:

You've got the right idea about groups like BMM and Planetform, there's nothing flattering about the people who run those organizations or the kind of work they do. It's not a crime to be better, and you seem to do that just fine.

¬ What is the Motivation to Join:

What else is somebody like me to do? Fighting's my profession and you do lots of fighting these days. I'm not a mercenary anymore and as I get older, I'd like to find myself somewhere that fits who I am, and preferably among people I can tolerate. Besides, I'm sure you could use the help.

¬ ((OOC)) Discord Username:

You've got it.

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Lochrath - 01-10-2022

Rachel Pike,

Mercenary work and Privateering had their place once upon a time, though such eras are beyond us. Gaia is a Jewel, a symbol of what could be. Cambridge, New London, any planet could be a pristine world. We fight for such a future. One without corporate devastation and corruption. If you truly wish to join us in our efforts, as you had claim, meet us on Islay Base. You'll be able to prove yourself very quickly.

- Captain Parlance Gellen

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Hemlocke - 01-26-2022

¬ Name:

Rook "Mad Dog" Blackwell

¬ Place & Date of Birth:

Leeds; 7-3-797

¬ Brief Explanation of Past Which Brought You to Us:

Born in the smoggy slums of Leeds, I was no stranger to hard work and propaganda. It comes natural to anyone on Leeds to wish for a way out, I made the mistake of signing on with BMM. They worked me harder than I'd ever been worked on Leeds, the pay was slightly better but it wasn't enough to get you off Graves, nothing ever was. Traded my freedom for escape from one hell hole to another, where I became a play thing to fuel BMM's agenda. Once on the dotted line, it's over.

I've been adrift since then, joined up with the Mollys for a good spell after they rescued me from my torment, learned a thing or two about traps and guerilla tactics from them, developed a love for bomber craft, though in the end, the Mollys while good intentioned, seem to have taken their freedom to the extreme. The cause didn't look much better than simple pirates after a time, after what happened to Leeds, seeing the Mollys lack of interest in anything other than their own pockets, I drifted again.

Being from Leeds, I've seen the worst humanity has to offer in regards to planet management. I doubt there's anyone alive today that knows what it originally looked like. I'd been no stranger to Gaian propaganda, read some of their studies in my off time prior to my work in Dublin. I joined up briefly with an up-start cell, but that never went much of anywhere, so I went off to the independent worlds, started running with a group out of Holmfirth in Manchester. The group I ran with took a few nasty hits in the following years, shrank considerably, but the sense of family kept us together, even if... some of us, don't get along very well.

¬ Outlook on the Gaian Movement:

In comparison to the people I broke my bones for, and those who taught me how to fight, I'd say there's a lack of brawn in the movement, but considerably more brains and an actual goal. A far cry from my previous creeds. They live hard lives but haven't lost sight of what they're fighting for, and don't compromise for the sake of ease.

¬ What is the Motivation to Join:

The Yggdrasil and corresponding crew fought alongside you in Edinburgh, I judged your worth by how you fight, it's the best way to measure one's belief in their goal. Your message is clear. "Gaia will not bleed." Nor will any world so long as the Gaians have a say. That's something I'd live, and die for.

¬ ((OOC)) Discord Username:

Josie "Rose" Hemlocke#7961

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Lochrath - 01-26-2022

Rook Blackwell,

An interesting and drifting history you have there. As you know we are nothing like the barbaric Mollys, nor simple murder hounds. Bretonia deserves better. Those workers who have walked similar paths as you deserve better. You, deserve better.

Move your ships and crew to Skye Base. Our squadron operates from there, and you'll be able to formally link with our communications. Don't disgrace us out there. Gaia, and Bretonia, will not bleed. You are what will make that statement true.

- Captain Parlance Gellen

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - ellipsis - 07-26-2022

¬ Name:

Fiora Murphy

¬ Place & Date of Birth:

Planet New London, New London. 12/21/806

¬ Brief Explanation of Past Which Brought You to Us:

I'll try to be brief. I was some ordinary kid, like any other brat being pumped out by their mum and pa. Living a typical Londoner lifestyle, under an average Londoner household. My parents, unremarkable and middle class. My school, plagued by bullies and those that don't think for themselves. I've never really known how regular Bretonian citizens get used to these kinds of planetary conditions... From as early as I can remember, I've always hated that place. Couldn't stand to go out when it rained, got tired of feeling sticky and humid, tired of breathing recycled air.

Just when my last year of secondary school was at its end, and I thought that my life would be just as worthless as my family's, something found me. Rather, someone from the University of Cambridge contacted me. Apparently, my father had cashed in a favor that was owed to him by an old friend who worked there. Some high up kind of corpo with a lot of credits to throw around. He agreed to fund a bachelor's degree for me as a result of my dad saving his life in the Gallic war. Things moved in a blur after that. I was given a personal ship. I moved to Cambridge. Everything was already paid for, the dorm, the classes, meal plans, I mean everything.

I'm sparing you the strangely racy details of college life here so to make a long story short, I graduated with my bachelor's in environmental science a few months ago. Some way, somehow, little old me managed to beat the odds and outperform the competition. Yet, I wasn't satisfied with all that was given to me on a silver platter. I recalled the 'nature' of my home. I read about the untamed Carlisle, as well as the disgusting conditions of Leeds before the Gauls came and put an end to their misery. And then I compared those to how much... better Cambridge was. In every aspect. Adding the news about Gaia on top of that... All of a sudden, going for a job in Planetform or some research position at the Cambridge Orbital Institute and just waiting out my days didn't seem so appetizing. I wanted to make a more immediate change. Bretonia won't change her ways without some hefty motivation. Which has brought me here. To try my luck. If not, i could always just go back. But if I'm in, then I'll give it all I have.

¬ Outlook on the Gaian Movement:

I only really know that you people consider the pen mightier than the sword. Considering the daunting task of taking on the Bretonian navy head on, that's a wise choice. Turning the people against their nation in a desperate bid to empower the Green Party. I'd imagine the size of the Gaians as a whole to be much larger than the news lets on because of recent events.

¬ What is the Motivation to Join:

Having to live on this giant ball of pollution called New London has made me very familiar with the reasons why the Gaians fight. It might not have been as bad as Leeds was, but it was always insufferable to me. I'm not an adept pilot, but I know where my dreams lie, and where to chase them. And it's not by sitting here and watching my life go by, even if I'll earn a load of dosh by doing it.

¬ ((OOC)) Discord Username:

You've got it already, Locky.

RE: Foghar Sect - Recruitment - Lochrath - 07-26-2022

Fiora Murphy,

New London's perpetual acidic rains places a dampener on all of our hearts. To have traveled through space is a unique thing for most, and something that has clearly given you inspiration and a clearer outlook on how things may be and are now. While the pen is mightier than the sword, do not think for a moment we do not take up the blade. It is a requirement to act swiftly and with intention at these stages. While we may not desire to do so and work to avoid such, it is a truth of our movement and the lives we have picked.

Move yourself to Skye Base for inspection and orientation. You will have a final chance to back out should you regret your choices. Know you will get your hands dirty with us. If you choose to stay, welcome to the Squadron.

- Captain Parlance Gellen