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[GN]C.G.R.S.Open Reporting System - Printable Version

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[GN]C.G.R.S.Open Reporting System - Gendarmerie - 12-22-2021

Gendarmerie Public Reporting System - open to all community
Non [GN] enlisted community members of any faction - use the C.G.R.S.

Gendarmerie officers enlisted in the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet [GN] - use the G.R.S..
Non Gendarmerie [GN] personnel: we will ask your respective branches for database updates periodically, no need for dual reporting.

This channel works as a reporting system for the Gendarmerie Branch of the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet and a Community Reporting System. Community Gendarmerie Reporting System (C.G.R.S.) is now open to everyone.

For Sirians visiting Gallia - Gendarmerie is the equivalent of your Police Forces, with the distinction of comprising of only personnel enlisted in our main military force, the Gallic Navy.

There will be potential rewards, monetary or in other form, provided to non [GN] enlisted community members of any faction for identifying previously unknown hostile ships, smugglers, law breakers and exceptional citizens.
Reports from our primary jurisdictions (Ile-de-France, Burgundy, Champagne, Languedoc, Lorraine, Orleanais, Picardy systems) will be given bigger weight.

Community Gendarmerie Reporting System (C.G.R.S.) - Open to all
[b]Your Name:[/b] <name>
[b]Your Identification: [/b]<your own ID scan with vessel name visible>
[b]What do you wish to report: [/b]<smuggler/hostile/good deed>
[b]Evidence: [/b]<IDs, images, logs etc>
[b]Bank name you want potential reward delivered to[/b]: <bank>

Gendarmerie Reporting system (G.R.S) template - [GN]G- Enlisted personnel only
[color=#FFFFFF][pi amount=10]
[align=center][size=large]Incoming Transmission[/size][/align]
[b]SENDER: [/b] <Rank+Name>
[b]SCANNED VESSELS: [/b]<targets>
[b]OUTCOME: [/b]<Short subject>
[hr][align=justify][font=open sans]



<Rank (French equivalent)>
Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée

"Good Deeds" database
- Report vessels and people that went above and beyond the norm and made the Gendarmerie's job easier.
VesselService to GalliaEvidence
+Cryer+Nightingale Handed over Gallic Navy pilots politely G.R.S. report
ANGEL-09 Assisted a Gendarme with New Paris protection G.R.S. report
<Vessel Name> <good deed commited> <Evidence>
<Vessel Name> <good deed commited> <Evidence>
<Vessel Name> <good deed commited> <Evidence>

Smuggler and Crime Database
- Report non-hostile faction smugglers and law breakers
VesselCargo smuggled/Crime commitedEvidence
<Vessel name> <Contraband/crime> <Evidence>
<Vessel name> <Contraband/crime> <Evidence>
<Vessel name> <Contraband/crime> <Evidence>

Previously unidentified hostiles database
- Only report untagged hostiles. E.g. HS>XXX = no need to report/log. FriendlyJohn pilot, with Maquis ID = report and log

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-22-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Patrol - Cryer vessel
Scanned vessel: +Cryer+Nightingale
Status: Highly cooperative civilian
Scan Outcome: 19 Gallic Navy Pilots acquired and moved to Compiegne Military Academy
Details: Cryer vessel stopped on routine policing patrol in Ille-De-France. Had 19 Gallic Navy Pilots on board - said they were attacked by Royalist snubfighters and these were the pilots. The captain cooperated, was friendly and Pilots were moved for de-briefing, result of possible missunderstanding.

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN]G.R.S. Open Reporting System - Gendarmerie - 12-22-2021

[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Gendarmerie Public Announcement
Community Gendarmerie Reporting System (C.G.R.S.) is now open to everyone.
There will be potential rewards, monetary or in other form, provided to non [GN] enlisted community members of any faction for identifying previously unknown hostile ships, smugglers, law breakers and exceptional individuals that make our job easier.
Reports from our primary jurisdictions (Ile-de-France, Burgundy, Champagne, Languedoc, Lorraine, Orleanais, Picardy systems) will be given bigger weight.

For Sirians visiting Gallia - Gendarmerie is the equivalent of your Police Forces, with the distinction of comprising of only personnel enlisted in our main military force, the Gallic Navy.

Although the Gendarmerie can escalate your concerns and notify other Branches, please use the Communication Channel, directly addressing [GN] or Gallic Navy Combined Fleet, for large-scale imminent threats to Gallic Union national security.

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-23-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: A fucking mess in Languedoc!
Scanned vessels:Strandjutter, Louis.Torres, Wolvenblood
Status: Smuggler, Previously unknown hostile x2
Scan Outcome: Strandjutter Counterfeit Software smuggler - fate unknown. Louis.Torres, Wolvenblood - attacked a Gendarme, Outcasts
Details: A very confusing situation happened in Languedoc, as I have found a Counterfeit Software Smuggler. The ship was threatened by two outcasts. In the resulting mess everyone fired on everybody, and it's hard to know what exactly happened. I didn't destroy the contraband, nor I took down either of the Outcasts. I recommend caution when approaching all three, and especially when it comes to the Outcast aggressors, to get the Main Fleet reinforcements involved as heavy combat can be expected.

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-25-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Fun in Zurich
Scanned vessels:DTR-CSS>Ghost.Bravo, GMS|Patrice.Touvier
Status: Trader, Hard worker
Scan Outcome: Clear scans of DTR- transport that gave business to Gallic Corporations, assistance to GMS miner
Details: The GNI needed urgent assistance with some secretive business of theirs in Zurich. While waiting for the Rendezvous I couldn't help but do some police work, outside of my usual patrol paths.

A Corsair transport with the pilot calling himself DTR-CSS>Ghost.Bravo was curteous, gave business to one of Gallic corporations by purchasing Molybdenum Ore from La Lunar Emporium and left a good impression, adhering to all instructions.

I then went to check on the Lunar Emporium and the miners hard at work. GMS|Patrice.Touvier reported all is clear in Zurich. I have even tried my luck and saw if I can lend a helping hand - to my surprise I wasn't half bad at mining, even with conventional guns I still crack some ore rocks it seems.

I helped the civilian a bit, but then the call came - GNI needed us, and I believe the Main Fleet Officer that was present at the scene will provide report of the GNI organized operation.

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-25-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Unknown vessel went berserk in Orkney
Scanned vessels:Klaus.Landsteiner
Scan Outcome: Unknown hostile - Some stranger with a broken transponder shot at our supply ship and left.
Details: I am not quite sure what heppened there.

A broken transponder vessel attacked my ship mid supply duty, on top of protection of our shipyard and just as fast as it appeared, it vanished who knows where.

I suggest the unknown ship be taken in for potential mental health care for the pilot if it appears again, and to prevent other accidents.

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-27-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Brigands
Scanned vessels:Jan.Levy, Edgar.Dewoitine
Scan Outcome: Brigands Brigands were spotted, I tried to apprehend one but my vessel was disabled.
Details: A pair of brigands threatened Ille-De-France, and the smooth cruise of GNS-Cecelia. To let the Main Fleet battleship focus on heavier duties I went to engage one of the Brigands but an unfortunate mine impact sent me packing.

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-27-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Maquis, Brigand
Scanned vessels:Sirocco, Maquis-1, Stellion
Scan Outcome: I went above and beyond my duty and faced a Maquisard. My mine went even further and exploded in my face!
Details: After one of secondary fleet's pilots was taken down by a pack of Maquis and a Brigand, I went to face Stellion. By the name I assume it was some sort of an inventor or owner of the current Stellion model- high honor in a way! Too bad my mine got in the way!

Joke's on them -The Gendarmerie lead the way into combat ahead of normal fleet, and we got 3 previously unknowns into our database!

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-28-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: New Paris guard duty
Scanned vessels:|'B'|-Tragedie.en.Bleu, Jan.Levy
Scan Outcome: Both Brigands threatened traffic and Landmarks around New Paris I was tasked to guard, and both were stronger than I expected
Details: Crikey, the enlisted Gendarmes were supposed to be better than this! So many former cops left to join the Brigands, the way this Tragedie suspect was defending them makes me think he might have been one of those runners! Please add him to the database.

Also Levy Came again, also to New Paris - I did better this time but still that rascal bested me! I did enlist in a hurry sure, but the military training should have given me and edge, right - right?

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: [GN] Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Conundrum - 12-29-2021

[Image: 9FrWTRcd9yqy.png?o=1]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Subject: Brigands! Brigands everywhere!
Scanned vessels:Destructeur_d'agrumes, Agama, |'B'|Riptide,, Esther:Cardin, Jan.Levy
Scan Outcome: Brigands everywhere you can see in Languedoc! And Royalist!
Details: Are you...are you seeing this? Gendarmerie archrivals with many former police defectors the Brigands are swarming everywhere! I am not much of a dogfight expert, but I almost took down one of them - Destructeur_d'agrumes. Unlike all the others, I got him depleted of all regeneration. And I faceplanted one of my mines again. I am not sure if it's because I am getting better, or because he had some sort of Maquis half falling apart crappy rust bucket for whatever reason.

I told the Main Fleet officer [GN]Gabriel.Cadieux to stand down of course for this. We have to prove we can handle the damn Police Defectors, and we will, no matter how long it takes! No Policeman joins criminals and gets away with it.

Later I engaged Jan.Levy and yes, I am getting much better! he also was depleted of all nanobots and batteries before I again smashed into my own mine - an old clutz like me still has some bite!

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet