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Celine's Report - Printable Version

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Celine's Report - Hunter_Steel - 05-01-2022

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[Image: gEVAwft.png?2]

**A young woman of a small stature pops up on the monitor, behind her is a dark room**

My trip from Roussillon transporting data pads of survey data as well as other information went well. I passed by a skirmish between Bretonia Armed Forces and the Gallia Navy in Orkney, but I arrived too late to take part in the fight for as I approached Vierzon Mining facility, the Bretonia forces destroyed the final Navy ship and promptly left the system for repairs. So I carried on my way to Burgundy as planned.

Still no sign of the forces that wiped out my mother's transport convoy 8 years ago, but that is fine. These things take time, and my chance for revenge will arrive. Having said that, the Limousin system is interesting. It is eerie. There's barely any activity in it, and the activity that is there is from a strange group of Nomads that don't attack unless provoked. I saw a moon that looked like it'll be a good place to set up an observatory in the system at a later date if the leadership approves of the idea.

I'm still sorting through some of the information my Destroyer's sensors picked up while in the system. It was strange though, I felt drawn to a certain location within the dense purple nebula behind the one habitable looking planet, but my intuition tells me to stay away. There's something off about it.

That's it for this entry.

Celine out.

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