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Decisions of the Direktorat - Printable Version

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Decisions of the Direktorat - UN]- The Unioners - 08-15-2022

>> Decisions of the Direktorat<<


Within the Unioner movement, the Direktorat is the body with the highest power. Most individual Unioners follow its decisions and support them however there still are some deviant souls within the faction's ranks. The Direktorat is a sort of parliament with a total of 50 members divided into 10, so-called cells, that all pass and block bills and laws presented to the Direktorat by its members or people of the Union. Most cells consist of representatives of communities that run Unioner stations. However, in recent history, the Unioners have elected additional representatives, as well, for other less-presented parts of the Union. Most meetings are created and hosted by the Direktor of the Unioner movement and its highly ranked members.

All of the cells presented in the Direktorat are:
  • The Pacifica Cell with 10 representatives,
  • The Vierlande Cell with 6 representatives,
  • The Krefeld Cell with 6 representatives,
  • The Davos Cell with 6 representatives,
  • The Leipheim Cell with 6 representatives,
  • The Economy cell with 3 representatives,
  • The Veterans with 3 representatives,
  • The Engineering Department with 3 representatives,
  • The Research Department with 3 representatives and
  • The Arbeitsdirektorat with 3 high command members and the Direktor.

Each cell, representing a base, consists of one base overseer, one lead engineer, two high-ranking staff officials, and two crew member representatives democratically elected by other crew members. Pacifica has an additional logistics specialist, four high-ranked staff officials, and two additional crew representatives.
While each cell of advisors such as the economy cell, the engineering and research department consists of three specialists, one of which is elected a lead specialist.

The Arbeitsdirektorat is divided into three high command members, one of them being a junior Direktor and two of them being ranked as Oberarbeiters or above.
Every cell representative apart from the Director has a right to one vote which is all equal in value. The Director has the right to veto and can command the Arbeiters that serve as soldiers without informing the rest of the Direktorat beforehand. He also has the power to silence and replace members of the Direktorat if backed by two out of three high command members of the Arbeitsdirektorat.

Ever since the Unioners have been restructured in January, the Direktorat has been summoned more and more often to pass simple bills and laws that improve the functionality of the Unioner movement.


[Image: YgZhrIb.jpeg]
Bering, Pacifica base, Direktorat HQ - 13:21 UTC Monday, 15th of August, 829 AS.

Two troops, armed with fully automatic assault rifles, rush across the hallways of Pacifica, escorting a figure wearing a black leather jacket with a red and green eagle on his back. They speed along the metal floor as heavy steel doors open before them, with the words “VIP Quarters” written on them. Amongst the Unioners, these rooms are known to be reserved for the wealthy and powerful, but from a Sirian perspective, they are just a little more than average. However, they stand out immensely from the usual Arbeiter quarters.

The men rushed through the VIP corridors without looking back for a second until the floor beneath them turned into a fine wooden floor and later into smooth stone. These corridors were locked behind yet another wooden door with the words “Das Direktorat” written on them. In front of them stood a monumental stone entrance that lead to the meeting room of the Direktorat. The entry was decorated with gold and silver, appearing everything but Unioner-made. Above it, three lines were chiseled in italic:

“Ad victoriam,
per machina,
Non sibi sed patria.”

The hallways were quiet but they were soundproof after all. What went on behind the walls of those doors was a secret many would and did die for. Arbiters long to walk those hallways and sit in that room but only a handful make it. The guards stopped in front of the entrance without being commanded to do so and the figure continued in. The stone doors with golden and silver carvings opened before him.

“You f***ing grease monkey!”
“I’ll show you grease. How about I shove an oiled-up wrench up your fat ass? How would you like that?”
“How would you like it if I jump across the table and slam your ugly face?!”

These were some of the audible words among the fifty people that set along the sides of a long stone table. The room was in chaos and only inaudible shouting could be distinguished.

The figure slowly walked towards the head of the table from where he could see all fifty unioners shouting and arguing. In front of him stood a little sign reading “Direktor James Hollywood”.

His hoarse voice echoed the stone walls and in a meer second the room was completely silent.
“Good. Now we can proceed.” The Direktor took off his jacket and put it onto the chair reserved for him. He spoke standing up while all the other Direktorat members were sitting.
“Firstly I would like to apologize for the delay. We had some trouble with the patrol in Stuttgart. The military is getting f***ing annoying with those wraiths shooting down our freighters-” He stopped for a bit, fixing his hair covered in a mixture of sweat and oil. “-so anyways. Let’s begin the session. We have plenty to discuss.” The Direktor slowly turned towards the insult-hurling engineer sitting to his left. As he was facing him he glanced at the Leipheim station representative who was threatening the engineer a few seconds ago.
“You two fine gentlemen. What seems to be the problem?” As he finished the sentence he raised his eyebrows at the engineer, indicating that he should speak first.
“Herr Direktor.” The engineer mumbled, making a slight bow gesture with his head. “We’ve been getting reports of the dangerous conditions that meine Engineers are facing on Leipheim. Herr Volg denies them all, claiming that we just want to manipulate a pay raise.” As the engineer finished he looked toward the Leipheim representative, looking a bit annoyed.
The Direktor spoke once again, this time facing the Leipheim representative.
“Herr Volg. State your side of the story.”
“Mein Direktor, the engineers haven’t been doing anything lately, and once we remind them they would just threaten us to claim bad working conditions. And so they did. These are all empty accusations!.”
“Lier! You-”
The Direktor shouted, remaining calm but visibly annoyed by the argument. “Here is how we will do this. Leipheim will get another Arbeit overseer that the Arbeitsdirektorat will send. He will stay there for one month and personally report all violations to me. Should he find any offenses, the Direktorat will sanction Leipheim accordingly. Understood?”

“Ja, Herr Direktor!” Both the engineer and the representative shouted almost simultaneously.

“Good, now with that out of the way we can proceed. We have plenty to talk about.”
He set down and pressed a button on his side of the table which was identical to that of every member. With the press of a button, his seat levitated a few inches above the ground making him sit higher than all the other members.

“The representatives of Pacifica.”
As he finished the sentence the seats of the 10 members levitated to half of the height of his seat.
“We’ve invested into Pacifica base; however not without expecting higher efficiency in return. With more hangars and dry docks than ever before we expect you to start repairing the Wuchtbrummer immediately. We will also construct an additional gunboat fleet to patrol around the base. The old one will be sent to the scrap yard.” As he finished he glanced at the Pacifica cell, noticing that all were nodding. “Any questions?”

“Okay. Then let’s continue. The Davos baseee…” He said, stretching out the last sentence as he looked for the button to levitate their seats. As soon as he found the button he continued: “Since our last session we’ve almost finished paying off the debt for the bulk purchase of distilled water. My reports say that the corrosive problem has been almost completely fixed and will be paid off as soon as we sell the scrap left from the old base. However, stand reminded that now your goal is to profit off of the connection of Corse and Corsairs under our roof. This means you should keep a count of the imports and exports of commodities and demand the supply of what might be necessary. Is this clear?”

Even before he managed to finish the sentence, the six representatives nodded.

“Good. Now I have to inform you of the diplomacy changes.”
The Direktor rubbed his head as he readied the presentation. “Alright, so… Our sources say that the Corsairs are having some political problems with, our trusted ally, The Deterrence acting as an initiator. Should they form a new government with D.T.R at its top we will try to profit off of the situation as much as possible. This means we will try to make ties with the new government and display our support for it. HOWEVER, you must know, Corsairs are not our friends but our allies. We are partners, but not brothers. We source their artifacts and trade with them but don’t invite their soldiers into our homes. They as a whole are strong and numerous but the Deterrence is but a small piece of the pie. We, as the Unioners, are advancing rapidly with the artifact trade in Rheinland and with our engineering at its peak. We shouldn’t let anyone control us to no extent.” As his words echoed the meeting room the whispering amongst the Direktorat members was silenced in the realization of the weight of the problem. “They are strong but they are ruthless. We fight for our ideals however they fight for pure survival.”

A comm was displayed above the table.

“On this note. The newly formed Bundies brought up the same thing. We should think this out. We are fully aware that our love affair with Corsairs will end at some point but while they are on the edge of a civil war our economy may flourish from it. I recommend we wait for this decision and try to profit from the soon-to-be new Corsair government before we part ways for the better.” His seat dropped to the height of the others as he pushed a few buttons in front of him.

“A vote will be held now.” He pressed a few buttons on his desk as the other direktorat members cowered their keypads and pressed a button in secret. In a few minutes, a vote was displayed as a hologram above the table while a robotic voice announced the results.

‘In favor: 35
Against: 7
Abstained: 8’

“So be it, we shall contact the Corsairs and wait for the right time to break the alliance with them once we’ve made enough profit. In the meantime try not to openly support them as it might harm our reputation.”
Some members clapped and cheered this statement as others watched in silence unpleased with the decision.
“As it is with the Bundies I will try to personally inform them of our plans regarding Corsairs. Hopefully, we can see eye to eye.

He fixed his hair and continued. “There are also things regarding Kruger. We all know we’ve cooperated with Kruger before and did their dirty work. They want our assistance again so I will soon depart for the meeting in the Omegas. This is important for us since it might open a new front and once it does we will require a higher production at our shipyard to fill the needs of our soldiers. The point is; that I will require some escorts.”
The Direktor dropped his sit to the ground once more.
“My fellow Unioners. We’ve won many wars so far. You must know we’re stronger than ever before. Now, if ever, it’s time for improvements. We shouldn’t lose the momentum. I will shortly present a new advancement bill to the Direktorat which explains in detail how we will continue our climb to power. Be strong my brothers and sisters and remember the meaning of Ad victoriam, per machina, Non sibi sed patria. We go to victory, with the help of the machine, not for ourselves but for Rheinland.”

”Long live the Unioners!”
The Direktorat repeated his words in unison “Long live the Unioners!”

“Any questions? The Director said, smiling, knowing very well that everything is clear. Just as expected, silence followed.
“Good, if everything is clear, let the feast begin!” As he finished the sentence multiple cooks rushed through the ginormous stone doors holding trays, of food, which seemed too good to be true to an average Unioner. Specialties that no Unioner canteen has ever seen were being served around the table. The Direktor left the room as soon as the feast began. Members, who were threatening each other with death moments before talked with each other like nothing had happened, which, to some extent, displayed the sheer hypocrisy of the members. The Direktorat ate and drank late into the night which marked the end of the session.