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Humanity Hope - Humanity Hope - 09-27-2022

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Humanity Hope
Tag: |HH|name/handle
ID: Zoner
Motto: We doing God's work

Genesis: Earth

Genesis 2:7 - “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Centuries before our species reached the stars, it strived on the Eden we called earth. God gave us everything we needed to evolve and populate our planet. Unfortunately for us, our father was greedy and kept most of his power for himself.

Our race, a foolish one, got divided and scattered on the planet. Soon, we wanted, maybe because we are selfish or jealous, to gain what our Lord forbidden us: eternal life. Religions then started to emerge everywhere on earth. They all had the same goal: assimilate other cultures to evolve and get closer to god.

For centuries, religions and sciences got intertwined to justify wars, crimes and atrocities. Some scholars from the Vatican then founded the Genesis Order. This secret organization was for a more peaceful approach to gather knowledge and technology. During the inquisition in France, most of the members of the society were burned for witchcraft due to their researchs on alchemy.

The Genesis order got even more secret and almost vanished. During the industrial revolution, the order came back in force but like many secret societies, was marginalised. Most of the members had no links to the religious roots of the order. The last chapter or the order was located in France. Slightly before the second world war, a new ideology started to emerge among the remaining members: The transhumanism.

The leader of the society was interested in the concept. The idea of using knowledge and technology was already at the core of the Genesis order but never had a name before. The main idea was to do God's work and have humanity evolve enough to become almost divinities. The idea became less underground during the following decades and then, science and more wars started to overshadow the whole concept. The order eventually became one of the few remaining bearers of the ideology until the exodus to Sirius.

Continuity: Sirius

Genesis 28:15 - "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

What's left of the Genesis order on Earth managed to board the United kingdom's sleeper ships. The last members were mostly nobles and dignitaries who knew the exodus was the chance for a rebirth. While most of them were of lesser importance, this handful of noblemen ended up in what is known today as The Kingdom of Bretonia.

For decades they worked rebuilding from scratch the new order. While the success was not really important, the group moved from New London to Leeds. The move paid off as many hardworking laborers and scientists were looking for something to unite them. The transhumanism group Known as Genesis dropped the name and rebranded as Humanity Hope.

The face of the group changed alot during this new golden age. People joining were from all spheres; scientists, mechanics, politicians, ecologists and so on. The former order ideas, goals and core essence started to vanish. Many former members of the now defunct Genesis went into exile and ventured beyond known space. The others who left the Humanity hope settled into Liberty and Rheinland hoping to, eventually, rebuild the Order but unfortunately failed.

Over the following centuries, the movement once again become more and more a sect devoted to save humanity from itself. The religious aspect of the group was only a front to hide their real goals. Behind closed curtains, the scientific branch was doing atrocities. They did alot of experiments on slaves bought on blackmarket as well on gaians wildlife. The goal was to develop serums to increase all physical aspects of the human and stop aging.

These experiments were less than conclusive. Most of the subjects often ended up in such a psychotic state they had to be removed permanently from the program. The research known as the Bioware and Biotech Researches (BBR) were stopped for over 200 years. The information and results of the research are a well protected secret and few. Even today, access to this knowledge is limited to few.

The awakening: we are not alone

Deuteronomy 4:19 - "And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. "

Since the dawn of time, the man asks himself if he is the only seed God has planted in this universe. This question was answered in what is known today as the “Nomad war”. This was a revelation for Humanity Hope. The lord had sent them a sign. The leader was convinced alien form could be the missing piece of the eternal life puzzle.

Now scattered all around Sirius, the crusader's sleeping cell was activated and it’s unique goal was to gather as much intel and alien material. Unfortunately, the Hope soldiers were not the only ones who craved to gain access to this newfound technology. Within the Omicron alone, groups like the Order, The Core, The Outcasts and the Corsairs are all on the prowl and did not welcome the crusaders. The Bioware and Biotech Researches department was then reactivated.

The Nomads and denizens of the Omicrons all have something in common; They were all highly aggressive. Nonetheless, remains got acquired but at the cost of many lives. For over two decades, the Hope do illegal experiments and try genetic manipulations using the alien material they can gather. All the current conclusions lead to the theory that humanity, while at its pinnacle, isn’t the oldest species within the universe. The nomads, while having more advanced technology, seem to be more of an insect than a sentient being hence must be eliminated while all their secrets are to be secured.

During the Omicrons researches, Humanity Hope stumbled across an abomination that even God itself would forbid; Artificial Intelligence. These machines have advanced technology. Unlike the nomads, many of them seem to be self-aware and less prone to violence. Like the aliens, this discovery led the Bioware and Biotech to gather parts to study them and eventually find a way to eliminate and secure their technology to save humanity.

The new exodus: space

Roman 6:4 - “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

A new player appeared in Sirius. The Kingdom of Gallia was everything but friendly to the Humanity Hope cause. Before the war, some crusaders got sent into the newcomer controlled space. Sadly, these brave men and women were among the first casualties in the upcoming war. Sooner or later, the Hope leader, Cardinal Marcus McTavish, knew the conflict would come knocking at Planet Leeds' doors. He contacted some sympathetic zoners from Tau-29 and secured the purchase of a refitted Bustard Carrier.

The ship was crescented “Savior-one” and was fitted to serve as the new mobile headquarters for the group. Few weeks prior to the Gallic attack on Leeds, McTavish had all the BBR labs moved onto the ship. Few hours before the initial attack on the planet, a small group led by the Cardinal managed to force the blockade with the carrier and a small fighters escort and left Bretonia to find a new place to conduct their research and do God’s work.

With the help of mercenaries, Savior-One and it’s precious research labs managed to fly to Gran Canaria. Once again, during this exodus forced by war, the Humanity Hope lost the vast majority of their members who died on Leeds. Cardinal McTavish decided that his group should remain hidden deep beyond the known space with Omega-48.

For years the group stayed hidden, continuing their research and sending a few freighters posing as traders. Their mission was gathering resources needed as well as intel about the omegas. Once again, war knocked on the door when Bretonnian forces entered in the system with the Shock and awe doctrine. The aging Cardinal who had recently managed to have a jump drive installed had no choice but engage in an emergency blind jump to save everything.
This foolish action came with a price as the device overheated and broke beyond repair. The Savior-one landed in the Vespucci system. The ship's engines, badly damaged by the jumping, ended up hundreds of klicks away from planets or facilities. While the research on how boosting humanity characteristics and lifespan kept on being conducted, the small freighter flotilla was sent to scout and find part to repair the mothership.

After weeks of research, a freighter captain managed to find a jumphole leading to Inverness. Desperate for ressources, the captain broke the radio silence protocol. The only echo he had was from a facility called Invergordon Space Port. This junker base was exactly what Hope needed. The place was the perfect place to gather everything needed to repair and supply Savior-One as no question were asked.

The Hope also discovered in the system two groups they we’re not familiar with: The zoners and the Technocracy of Auxo. While they share alot of common ideas with the latter, Cardinal McTavish wasn’t interested into linking with them due to their militarized nature. The Zoners were less savages and way more peaceful. For months they group worked with them and the junkers hoping to be able to repair the engines.

Losing it all: have faith

John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Only the impulsion speed could be used on Savior-one. This was more than enough to fly the ship through the jumphole leading to Inverness then navigate to Freeport 14. This plan was simple enough and should have been executed with ease. Unfortunately, no plan ever survive the field. During the jump between Vespucci and Inverness fate decided to test McTavish and his sheeps.

The structural integrity of the hull was compromised and massive depressurisation started in many section of the old Bustard. The cardinal decided that the fasted way to get to their new home was to fly above the sun. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Only 10 minutes after the jump, the ship control systems shutted down leaving the ship on an annihilation course with the medium white.

McTavish had no choice but to order the immediate evacuation of Savior-One. He decided to stay onboard and try to save the ship and more important the labs and decades of researches.
As the evac-pods started to launch, the old man tried to reboot the systems hoping to take back the control. This attempt was futile as the gravitational force of the sun was dragging the bustard closer and closer. It’s with horror that the handful of survivors witnessed the death of their leader and the lost of all their work.

When God close a door, he’s often open another one. Among the survivor there was three Archbishops. These men were close collaborator of the Cardinal and managed to save the backup drive from the ship mainframe. While all the experiments were lost, the knowledge wasn’t.

The new hope: Sanctuary

Ezekiel 36,26 - “ I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

The few men and women who survived the exodus were brought to Freeport 14 by the junkers who saved them. For months, they had to adapt to their new reality and found out that the zoners way of life was suiting their need pretty well. Having access to many hidden offshore bank accounts, they managed to gain access to a private part of the facility and had laboratories built there.

The Archbishops decided to work together instead of fighting to become the new cardinal. They created the triumvirate. The three of them shall, forever, have the same power and privileges. The handful of scientists and pilots who survived were assigned to Freeport 14 and had for order to stay on the base and keep their mouths shut to avoid drawing attention.

it’s been 3 years since Savior-One incident and the Hope are now part of the general dwellers of the freeport. They do whatever the triumvirate order them without asking questions nor having second thought: They doing God’s work after all. While nobody is aware of their true goals, the men and women of Humanity Hope works in the shadows gathering intel from travellers and conduct new experiments to enhance humanity. Soon they will reveal themself to the world and help building a better future…. for their own!


- gather tech via cultural exchanges
- increase lifespan of human
- scientific research to cure diseases
- research on biotec modifications (including but not limited to interspecies)
- make peace with houses governments
- remove lesser being from sirius (nomads, ai and infected people) after acquiring their tech
- implant a sirius wide eugenic program

Allies: None
Enemies: None

Keepers of the faith

Spiritual Leader: Cardinal McTavish (may his soul rest in peace)

Leader: ArchBishop Jonas Davis-Young PH.D
Second: ArchBishop John Strange PH.D
Third: Priestess Cassandra Ashcroft PH.D /


- Eve
- Adam


- Ariel Hope