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Humanity Hope Message Dump - Printable Version

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Humanity Hope Message Dump - Humanity Hope - 10-02-2022

[Image: qrXPXiZ.png]

[Image: ariel.png]

Sender ID: Ariel Hope
Report: Sample
Internal Y/N: Yes

Doc Ashcroft asked me earlier today to find and if possible acquire on Planet Malta. I got my hands 2 units of cardamine from a seller on Malta. I flew back to the shrine with ease. On my way herem i have encountered some vessels. Most of the captains never answered to my hailings. This is rude from these pagans.

To: Dr. Cassandra Ashcroft
Sample Sent to Hematology Department.

RE: Humanity Hope Message Dump - Humanity Hope - 02-15-2023

[Image: qrXPXiZ.png]

[Image: l1SeT64.png]

Sender ID: Dr Jonas Davis-young
Recipient[s): internal R&D
Report: Subject 001 / SKNBW-001
Internal Y/N: Yes

[This is the audio report from experiment 001]

This is Doctor Jonas Davis-Young. It's 21:16 Universal Sirius time Today i will perform the first test of the bioware SKNBW-001. This drug once used on people suffering from 3rd degree burns should result in faster and almost complete healing. The previous result on the lab rats have already proven a 70% increase speed and even better when used with ultraviolet bombardement of the zone. The current drug is an upgraded version of the one used on the critters. While the long term effect remain to be know, the phase 2 of the development require a human subject.

The current situation in Inverness is a blessing to us as we don't need to send our paladins seeking for new "test subjects". The Bretonians will do perfect guinea pigs at this stage of the test. Sadly, i had to anger some other zoners in the process but we can't miss this opportunity. The current specimens are not the cheap on we use to get from local Junkers. In the long run, the burns and scars that come with them will be something of the past.

The current subject is a 27 years old male from Bretonia. He is 1m87 for 81.3 kilograms and is in top shape condition. First blood samples were taken and stored before we began the experiment. According to his dogtag, the specimen is B negative. Unfortunatly, upon arrival, he was concidered brain-dead and suffered massive 3rd degrees burn on over 60% of his body. He is lucky, in a away, to still have some life. The issue here is mostly we won't be able to get any feedback nor know if the drug induce any permanent or temporary physical alterations.

The first injection is done directly under the burns to ensure the perfection positioning of the serum. The few next ones will be done around the burns in still viable skin. Hopefully, this will force the Adipose tissues to produce leptin, adiponectin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and angiotensin at an increased godlike speed. The rats test showed great result but this is yet to see on human.

[30 minutes later]

Now that all the injections have been dones and the blood samples taken during the test phase, the subject now in an ultraviolet chamber. This chamber already proven to be super efficient with lab rats. So far so good. The vital signs are stable and the specimen 001 look stable. For the next 2 hours he will be fed via IV a small dose of SKNBW-001. The current dosage for a man of his size is 2 ml/kilos per hours. Hopefully, after the 2 hours, the burns will start to heal and swelling will stop.

[1 hours 13 minutes later]

The specimen vitals started to decline and we expect cardiac arrest soon. Sadly, there is not much we can do about this. All i can do now is pray for his soul to find a place next to our lord and savior.

[25 minutes later]

My assistant, the doctor Brown confirmed that the specimen is now deceased. During the post-mortem examination, we noticed development. It's seem that the drug had an effect on the glands and on the epiderma. What exactly? I'm not sure. The pre, during and post mortem blood sample were sent to Doctor Ashcroft for analysis. The specimen will be sent to Dr Strange for autopsy.

RE: Humanity Hope Message Dump - Humanity Hope - 02-16-2023

[Image: qrXPXiZ.png]

[Image: ariel.png]

Sender ID: Ariel Hope
Report: Return from the Omicron
Internal Y/N: Yes

Sorry if i am late Father. I beg your pardon but for personal reasons i decided to avoid Bretonia. I think my decision was the good one as the lord put on my road a man named Olivier Cesari. Mister Cesari is an operator for the group named Lane Hackers. While i don't know much about that specific group, i know they are an unlawful well organized band operating mostly in the republic of Liberty.

Thanks to mister Cesari, i was able to secure some software that might be of use for either upgrading our current netFRAME. But i leave this to Father Strange as he know alot more than me. He seem a nice man. I know, i always fall for bad boys *giggle* but he was really friendly unlike the Rogues and independant pirates i have met in the past. He seem interested into our little group and i think Father Davis should invite him for some tea. He wasn't dumb as a rock like most pirates and is actually well mannered.

On this, i'll get a shower and go back to my duty in the lab.