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Affiliate: Lightbender - Printable Version

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Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 06-29-2023

Your name:
Leon Vicci

Your desired callsign:


Omicron Theta

Area of skills/expertise/experience:
Mainly exploring and diplomacy. Spent a bit of time blindly rift-leaping into random systems and got a taste for searching for the unknown. The diplomacy side of things came from spending a decent chunk of time with Orbital Spa & Cruise. Their presentation is immaculate, something I would very much like to work towards. Currently have some solid experience operating a "Bustard"-Class ship with surveying tools, of which you have utilized in the past.

(All '\S/' tagged ships)

Past Contact with Auxesia:
Our collaboration within Starflier Base in Kepler is already a long list. Sporadic catch ups and updates on how we're doing. You did warn us about Kepler and we ended up leaving. There's a thanks in there somewhere for that.

Why do you wish to help us?:
To give back, mostly. Your investment into our growth helped us quite a bit in our early days. I'm sure that with our operations and resources now, however limited, we can still assist you to a great degree.

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - Kauket - 06-29-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Approved by the Directorate.

We will await your transmission regarding the proposed plans and the associated name.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 06-29-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=768&height=768]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Following up on our chat

Hello there, very much appreciated that you'd allow us to rebuild Starflier Base much closer to your home. I can understand secrecy and being protective of your space, even more so to be appreciative. As said in space, our "fleet" has been expanded to include a range of "Albatross"-Class transports. You can view more details of what they do on our public neural net page.

In regards to the base computer itself... I've tinkered with the transponder subsystem, I'm unable to set the designation to "Starflier Base" as it seems it recognizes that the name is already taken. Which makes sense. An alternate name I have come up with is "Starfliers Research Complex". Would one of your members like to be present during the deployment to make sure everything goes well in Sector F4?

In addition, I recognize I cannot just ask anyone to come into Inverness to drop off supplies and resources. Who do you trust to perform these drop offs? I surely don't want to invite randoms to invade your space.

As always, Godspeed

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - Kauket - 06-29-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


We'll be watching the long range radar to observe for potential forces, but patrol wings will be available to assist. In regards to suppliers, as long as they are not our foes - or servants of foes - such as the Xenos, Crayter Republic, or Golden Chrysanthemum, we do not mind.

We can recommend you shippers from Liberty, namely Deep Space Engineering - though we cannot allow Ageira. Or Orbital Spa & Cruise is another local choice. Zoners and other independent groups such as the IMG may be able to help you in your endeavour. If you feel brave... the Junkers can help too. Rheinland Corporations are another safe choice as well as Gallics. We cannot permit Bretonian corporates within our homeland.

As for Kusari... Kishiro is another valid entity, should you require additional electronical components. In the event of confusion, review the Interstellar Regulations

We cannot set the name of your facility for you.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 06-29-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=768&height=768]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Sounds good to me

Sounds pretty clear to me. I will contact once we are set to establish the Research Complex. You will hear from me again soon.

As always, Godspeed

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 07-01-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=768&height=768]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Base has been deployed

Our new headquarters - Starfliers Research Complex - has now been established in the location we discussed.

Docking filters have been set to exclude everyone aside from the two of our organizations, Orbital Spa & Cruise and any current suppliers. Station is open to accept any supervisors you wish to have stationed on board. Pricing is yet to be adjusted for the more out of the way materials, however the commodities to keep my crews happy have been setup appropriately.

As always, Godspeed

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 07-09-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=768&height=768]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Base Developments

Deflector generator and cargo extension has been completed on the Research Complex. Making preparations for a full station overhaul to accommodate full research facilities. Hull integrity has reached over 25%, making good progress on getting base functions working.

The Junkers stare at us from Invergordon, probably wondering why we're blocking the sun.

As always, Godspeed

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 07-30-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=768&height=768]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Passing on a message

One of my pilots, Halpert Kennedy, has sent a secured message to me. They're wanting me to pass it onto you:

"Job has progressed, I am now beyond Tau-37."

Not entirely sure what it means exactly, can you fill me in?

As always, Godspeed

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - Kauket - 07-30-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]



It means the task that I set for him to provide insight is going swimmingly. Due to the sensitive nature of the matter, I cannot disclose too much information beyond his intentions to inform us of anything of interest to us.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Lightbender - TheKusari - 08-17-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Navarch Valentine, Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Operational update

Recently we have had an influx of new pilots join us, guess there are more curious people wanting to learn more about what's out there.
In addition to this, our Orbital Cartography Reports and Research Expedition Reports Servers are back online and your teams have been given complete access to it via the Starfliers Research Complex.

As always, Godspeed