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Kusari Empire - Political Parties (Parliamentary Election 830 A.S.) - Empire of Kusari - 07-12-2023

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]

The Political Parties Records

1. Introduction

The Kusari Empire Political Parties Records is a database of active political parties in the Reformed Empire of Kusari that have obtained the legal status to participate in public elections for governmental posts in the Civilian Cabinet of the Reformed Empire of Kusari.

All parties present in this registry, including Parties established during the Old Empire of Kusari, the Republic of Kusari regime, or new parties established during the current era, are all bound to recognize and operate under the directions of the Reformed Empire of Kusari structure, as delineated in the Official Broadcast of the Restoration of the Empire .

(// See Kusari Political Parties (827 archive) for way of presentation of the Political Party you want to post)

2. Index
(// The below parties are eligible for the elections, which you can find [HERE - Link Pending])

RE: Kusari Empire - Political Parties (Parliamentary Election 830 A.S.) - Kusari Political Parties - 07-12-2023

Sunrise Party Manifesto

Standing the test of many centuries, our morals that showed no defect from the times of our earliest ancestors, combined with the high character of our people, Kusari set up an example for the whole of Sirius to follow. With the protection of our ancestors and the infinite wisdom of our Emperors, Kusari stood tall and mighty among all the other Houses.

Yet, we - the Kusari people - had to face many difficulties:
  • The heavy losses in Bretonia and the Taus, the losses against the Gallic tyranny and the split of our nation
  • The troubles of re-uniting, the brief increase of instability and crime from within
  • The temporal betrayal of our friends in Rheinland
  • The ongoing geopolitical struggles in the Taus
  • The ongoing siege on Planet Tomioka

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

Tested by the gods, we had to give many of our heroes as sacrifices. The defense of our country came into question with every losing battle on the Bretonian front, with every Gallic Vessel deterred, with every Rheinländer who betrayed the friendship we enjoyed. Our nation overcame many crises, many more than ever before.
We have faced the tides of war many times, we shall never forget the heroes who stood vigil in the face of death, who fought for their home.
We shall never abandon them, the State Police, undermanned, underpaid, should receive the respect they deserve. Our mighty Imperial Navy shall remain strong.

We cannot answer our heroes, our sacrifices, in the afterlife, if we allowed ground for any factors weakening our Kusari. Corporate greediness, corruption and other disturbances have no place in Kusari, for we shall not accept these issues to risk the safety and future of our people.

We are bound with honor and tradition to protect our Kusari from the forces that seek to harm it from outside and inside. We vow to die before seeing the future of our children threatened. This is the Sunrise Party.

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

Despite our promises being centered on security matters, we are also concerned with the welfare of our people and are well aware of the fact that Kusari can not survive without its economy. Neither its citizens can live decently, without a good enough income.

Furthermore, our House can only survive with secured resources, allowing our defensive capabilities to be continuously restored and build up, and thus, allowing Law enforcers to ensure our economy prospers. Securing resources through strategic partnerships, economic sanctions or military intervention will mark a key milestone of our ambitions.

The preservation of this virtuous circle is what we aim for.

We are aware of our ambitious project, which will require all our citizens to be dutiful and ready to serve Kusari with joy in their hearts. We'll cherish with them their patriotism, their hard work, and their good will. Our community will once more rediscover their self-worth and their values, becoming happier, better and stronger themselves as they strive for a better Kusari together with their loved ones and fellow Kusarians.

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

In order to start our project, we believe in allowing more legal powers to our law enforcers, co-operation with the other house enforcers, and an increased spending on the protection measures especially for our civilians.

We promise to focus on these objectives:
  • An increase in military and police spending from 5% GPD to 8% GPD.

  • Re-instatement of capital punishment for severe crimes.

  • A Conscription act: to bolster our forces if the need arises.

  • Expansion of the retired officers funding pool to honor the sacrifice of all law enforcers, not just the Naval Forces.

  • Legal provision for enforcers to set and alter legal policy based on threat assessment.

  • Legal provision allowing enforcers to seize assets and execute suspects as they see fit.

  • Every adult citizen trained, prepared and armed for planetary/station invasion defense purposes.

  • Enforce curfew in higher crime areas and increase patrols in those areas to ensure the peoples safety.

  • An increase in taxes for foreign financial bodies.

  • An increase in export tax.

  • Introduction of a special 15% import tax on Synth Paste & foreign consumer goods.

  • Legal restrictions on foreign shippers and companies, in addition to intensified border patrols.

  • An increase in public spending on specific educational sectors including: Personal defense, Health & well-being, Moral values, Military history, Traditional values.

  • Ensure a reliable series of contracts that will maintain and increase export of technologies and raw materials within realistic limits considering our own stockpiles.

  • We pledge to preserve Kusari culture through limiting work visas and preservation of Kusari only communities.

  • We vow to ensure that both Samura Heavy Industries and Kishiro Technologies would be held in equal measure and be encouraged through different means to cooperate strongly, thus ultimately putting an end to their struggle for dominance.

  • We aim to transfer the bulk of Deshima to the State Police, acting as large staging ground to deter Libertorian criminals with greater effect and to serve as additional small-scale prison facility.

  • Enforcing Kusari’s interest on Planet Kurile, Planet Harris and Planet Saigon, thus bolstering our economic strength and permitting the spread of Kusari’s greatness beyond current borders.

To summarize,
  • We aim to bring strength back to Kusari both in character and with military might.
  • We aim to bolster Kusari economy by exacting costs from foreigners who would exploit us.
  • We aim to limit the use of arms and strike craft amongst non-peacekeepers in order to decrease the amount of space faring criminals.
  • We aim to stabilize our economic assets and deter those standing in our nation’s way.

We humbly seek your support and your trust in us, so we can restore our Kusari to its lost nature with hard work and vigilance, learning from our past and building for our future.

Kusari Sunrise Party
For a proud Kusari, standing tall and mighty; expanding with the Heaven's will and the prayers of our ancestors.

RE: Kusari Empire - Political Parties (Parliamentary Election 830 A.S.) - Kusari Political Parties - 07-12-2023

Honshū Unity Party - 平和


Historic Background:

The Honshū Unity Party first appeared in the year 821 A.S. on Planet Honshū as a regional party around the City of Awaji-shima. The Party was founded by a group of young men and women who saw their City suffering from all kinds of grievances; Criminality, Drug abuse, illegal Prostitution, mistreatment of women, racism and a lack of Police forces. In an attempt to remove any prior listed grievances, the young politicians went for the regional elections and immediately managed to get into the communal council. In a matter of three years they managed to make Awaji-shima and the surrounding communes to be a beautiful peaceful area on Honshū, flourishing and blooming in a time where Kusari was torn by internal conflicts. Encouraged by their voters they decided to go for the Kusari wide elections of the year 824 A.S. aiming to bring the same beautiful peace to the rest of Kusari. Their political agenda faced great success, granting them a share of 23,1% of votes.

Together with the Democratic Party of Kusari, the Honshū Unity Party formed the ruling Cabinet, providing several Minister spots between 824 and 827. Among them the former Minister in charge of Post-Imperial reconciliation and current Minister of State for Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs - Noboru Higuchi, the man whose continued effort cleared the path to the re-unification of Kusari and the creation of the reformed Empire of Kusari.

Long term goals for Kusari:

1. The Honshū Unity Party aims for gender equality. This includes giving women in social, business and private life the same rights like men but also acknowledge sub-gender categories as genders and protect those by law. Sexual orientation and how a person see themselves, as well as genders should no longer make a difference in a new modern Kusari of harmonious growth and equality.

2. The Honshū Unity Party aims to encourage our great Keiretsu's to cooperate more closely together. Prime examples such as the "Komainu"-class Battlecruiser, the "Akegata"-class Heavy Transport and the infamous "Drone" Freighter show that the Keiretsu are capable of creating masterpieces if they work together. Beyond ship constructions, the Honshū Unity Party will encourage interweaving of industrial branches between the Keiretsu, boosting the economic cooperation and strengthening local economies through this.

2.1 The Honshū Unity Party identifies the rivalry between the great Keiretsu as opportunity, so long as the rivalry is kept in check and only promotes healthy levels of competition and innovation promotion. Any escalation beyond this needs to be removed for good.

3. The Honshū Unity Party will continue to pursue Kusari's continued economic growth by paving the way for large-scale economic cooperation and trade with our stellar local neighbors; The great houses of Bretonia, Liberty and Rheinland. The Independent Miner Guild, the Gas Miner Guild and the Crayter Republic.

3.1. The Honshū Unity Party strives to continue a strategic partnership and limited military alliance with the house of Bretonia and the Crayter Republic to stabilize the war-torn Tau sector.

3.2 The Honshū Unity Party aims to pursue a path of diplomatic revitalization following the brief period of escalation between our nation and the house of Rheinland. The HUP additionally aims to assist the Rheinländers in reaching a stable and peaceful coexistance with the Gas Miner Guild.

4. In order to secure Kusari's stability towards outsiders, the Honshū Unity Party will follow the path of rapid build-up progress of the Kusari Naval Forces, with an estimated doubling of total standing forces planned for 845 AS.

5. The Honshū Unity Party aims to safeguard Kusari's cultural heritage by permitting the free choice of religion, the free pursue of traditions and promotion of traditional cultural public events. The Honshū Unity Party will only restrict traditions directly contradicting with laws and basic human rights.

Short to middle term goals:

1. Bolstering of Kusari's defensive perimeters by a swift expansion of existing border stations into fortified outposts.

1.1 Three years of annual income increase for law enforcers by 3.5%

1.2 Introduction of a voluntary military year to promote combat readiness and connectivity to the Naval Forces among civilians.

2. Continue the task of establishing a more transparent government for Kusari's people, communal and planetary Governors need to be more visible. Their responsibility needs to be expanded to:

Construction of new social housing, hospitals, schools. Implementation of regional security measures, regional taxes

3. The transfer of Deshima Station to the Kusari State Police. Bounty Hunters will be permitted to keep a contingent stationed on Deshima. Additionally, to serving as a new Outpost to the built-up State Police, Deshima Station shall serve as a small-scale production facility for interested Keiretsu or Zaibatsu, details to be handled following the transfer.

3.1 A large scale extension of Fuchu Prison.

4. Intensify the economic development of Planet Harris initiated by the Treaty of Lewes and turn the Planet into a beacon of modern era inter-house cooperation.

5. Increase research funding for both Keiretsu by yearly 12% to guarantee Kusari's continued position as most innovative nation.

5.1 All research conducted by the Keiretsu jointly shall receive an additional 5% of state funds as incentive to cooperate.

6. Revitalization of the domestic food industry through an 8% import tax on Synth Paste and an ease on restriction on the use of HydroGo Fertilizers.

RE: Kusari Empire - Political Parties (Parliamentary Election 830 A.S.) - Kusari Political Parties - 07-12-2023

Social Democratic Party of Kusari

The Social Democratic Party of Kusari are the successors of the Democratic Party of Kusari’s more left-leaning members.

The SDPK regards the acts of the pre-Republic Empire as reckless expansionism and ever since aims to achieve responsibility with the utilization of force.
The SDPK stands for the establishment of greater diplomatic and economical ties with foreign states and organizations, seeing Kusari’s continued growth only guaranteed when Kusari’s technological and economic strength is deployed abroad.

Additionally, the SDPK wishes to promote the development of fringe territories and the swift aid to the recovery progress of war-torn regions, achieving stability within neighboring regions and promoting economical exchange.

In the domestic affairs, The SDPK aims to use the strengths of the Kusari diligent workforce and excellent management corpus to provide impulse to a greater development of the economy, by developing policy for greater liberalization in arising new technological areas, and state grants for the creation of new industries.

The SDPK will strive to maintain a respectable, well-equipped military force for defense purposes within Kusari and emphasize the role of the State Police as the main law enforcement for Kusari.

The SDPK pursues the following main goals for Kusari:
  • Promoting a responsible governance of Kusari with strong influence of citizen's thoughts.
  • Development and promotion of Kusari economic and technological strengths at home and abroad.
  • Greater economic and diplomatic ties with members of the Sirian political actors.
  • Drastically bolstering the State Police while transforming the Imperial Navy into a Defense Force.
  • Oppose ultra-conservatism and promote the unhindered development of cultural changes.

Other party goals include:
  • Creation of free public transportation, including trans-planetary shuttles.
  • Tackling the issue of Planet Junyo’s fish population through a mutual deal with the Gas Miner Guild for import of Alien Organisms utilizable as fish feed.
  • Encouraging a closer cooperation and coordination between law enforcement and the Bounty Hunter Guild.
  • Encouraging economic, infrastructural and research-wise cooperation with the great Sirian houses.
  • Negotiate terms for appeasement between Kusari and Gallia, including a lift of the embargo for the transfer of Royalist war criminals.
  • Strengthen the democratic elements of the Empire and promote a reduction of military influence on Government decisions.
  • Investments into projects enabling a sustainable coexistence with nature where applicable.
  • Reform the re-integration methods applied by Prisons for greater efficiency.
  • Tackle issues of social disadvantaging and poverty to increase Kusari's stability.

RE: Kusari Empire - Political Parties (Parliamentary Election 830 A.S.) - Kusari Political Parties - 07-12-2023

The Ninkyō Dantai
"Improving Kusari differently"

[Image: BT67o54.png]

The Ninkyō Dantai

Founded by Ryuu Majima, a notorious businessman and large-scale investor within the Kusari entertainment industry, the Ninkyō Dantai represents the unified voice of various social movements, rights and lobbyist groups especially from Kyushu and New Tokyo.

A newcomer in the political landscape, the Ninkyō Dantai strives to establish itself as alternative to the militant Sunrise Party and progressive Honshu Unity Party.


1. Restore dignity and self sufficiency to the society and economy of Kusari.
2. Reduce the reliability on foreign goods where avoidable, i.e. impose a ban on Synth Paste.
3. Promote stability through an equalized increase of budget and manpower for the Naval Forces and the State Police.
4. Increase the public presence and freedom to act for the Office of Intelligence.
4. Establish a Keiretsu Committee to act in advisory fashion to the Ministries.
5. Fully decriminalize the Hogosha and permit them to replace the Bounty Hunters on Deshima.
6. Promote peaceful co-existence with our neighbors, except Gallia.
7. Impose sanctions on anyone engaging into trade with Gallia until the Royalists were brought to justice by a special court operated by all nations affected by their past tyranny.
8. Launch an anti-Cardamine military campaign, including: Information gathering, rehabilitation, zero-tolerance towards drug peddlers through introducing of extrajudicial capital punishment, active and aggressive encroachment of our forces onto Outcast territory with the goal to locate and annihilate them and their homeworld.