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Singleplayer/Offline playing - Is it possible and how? - Printable Version

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Singleplayer/Offline playing - Is it possible and how? - Buyaga Dodzyo - 07-24-2023

Premise are simple:
-I'm interested in mod.
-Roleplaying even in idea bothered me.
-I'll be fine simply exploring.
-I'll mean no harm for others.

It is obvious that You can start Single player game, but save automaticaly deleted if You restart a game(I'm not tryed manualy backuped it, but it be pain even if it works) and looks like and looks like not all feature working propperly(on some easiest by lvl missions most enemies was without any guns and I don't think it is feature). But it at least launching, so why intentionaly blocking this ability? It may bring many new players as I see it. Because at least I'm such player.
I understand that for my kind of playing I may just use an freelancer ID, but I'm shure I understand it incorrect and to be banned because "roleplay" in which I'm not interrested to say it politely... Heavily discourage me to play it. Playing while understanding that all Your progress can be wipe out because some of Your actions can be taken as non roleplayed even if it not harm(at least directly) other players is... Frustrating. For example I love to use some kind of exploits in relationship with factions for relatively safe traveling simply by take missions ony against one specific faction and/or hunting down thier ships... And I'm not shure that exterminating Xenos in industrial capacities are "roleplaying" especialy if one mission taken from Bounty Hunter Guild, second from Outcasts and third from Corsairs to achive mostly neutrality.
Other kind of discouraging to play online are size of patrols and mission wings... Reading about "small presence" and then after sweaty for solo combat realize that there was at least 5-6 wings with 4-5 crafts each... Is clearly not fun at all. And as I understand this size scales from server population in moment. Yet again for solo as I it is impossible to take any missions in some sectors because when I last time tryed there was only capital ships and counts in decimals.
PvP and my wage understandings how it realise in "roleplay" another discouraging factor. I play only with mouse+keyboard and against some one with flight stick it be not fun. Also it can be roleplay moment in which I'm yet again not interrested, but ignoring dude who via roleplaying constantly wipe me up on his capitan ships which I hate core idea of it added into Freelancer and as concept in general... Not fun at all.
To end this wall of text which I wrote at least as long as two hours - I'll simply wish one of two tings:
-Be able to play at least as singleplayer sanbox.
-Be able to play as kind a lone wolf via traveling and researching this mod ingame without being bothered by roleplay and PvP or at least understand that way I wish to play are ok for this "roleplaying".

P.S.: I'm struggle to find any posting rules, so would You kindly let me known if something are wrong?

RE: Singleplayer/Offline playing - Is it possible and how? - DragonRider - 07-28-2023

I think the only way is for you to host your own server, just for yourself.

I'm not an expert on this topic, but I think I've heard that many Discovery features require a server to work. For example killing NPCs on the server gives you credits reward, in SP it doesn't. Also this mod is multiplayer focused, so you can see how singleplayer might not be a priority.

After a quick search I found this thread, showing how to host a sever. Since you'll be the only person playing you can maybe even skip more complex stuff like port forwarding.

Of course this depends on how much you want to play the mod, to justify this effort. Once again I'm really not an expert on any of this, so if you're interested it's best you find someone who knows more than me.