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ALG Waste Disposal - Printable Version

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ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-04-2009

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[Image: 264px-Flag-alg.gif]

1. Introduction
2. Area of operations
3. Diplomacy
4. Allowed ships
5. Allowed equipment
6. Naming conventions
7. ALG Roleplay Guidelines
8. Working for ALG Waste Disposal
9. Member Roster

1. Introduction

When ALG Waste Disposal was founded in 88 A.S., it started as a small litter service in New Berlin. The employees earned a living with collecting other’s waste and recycling it to useful goods. The services have expanded to more than pure trash transportation: haulage of dangerous materials like Plutonium and MOX, export of industrial products reprocessed at Dortmund Station or made by Kruger and resource trafficking (mostly metals). Today ALG is one of the biggest companies in Rheinland, competing with the Republican-Daumann cooperation for the prospective assembly of the new Rheinland Bremen battleship class.

ALG is trying to buy up Kruger Minerals to create a giant conglomerate, which would be independent from Daumann resource deliveries and foreign machinery. They will also be able to produce some recently invented Super Alloys locally, which will meet the high requirements of the Bremen engineers without the need to import anything from Liberty. Due to the current war with the Libertonians, this would be a vital advantage in respect of Daumann/Republican.

Nowadays the sphere of ALG doesn't end at the borders of Rheinland. Every one of the major houses suffers from waste more or less. May it be the Leeds system, where irresponsible companies polluted the whole sector, or the old battlefield in Sigma-13, where ALG works together with the Junkers in order to reduce the (often) radioactive scrap metal. All collected resources are retrieved to Helgoland Station or the smelters at the Dortmund Station for either reprocessing or reverse engineering. Some shipyards swear by the Ship Hull Panels made by ALG. The only competitor is the Stokes Smelter in Leeds. But BMM is using outdated production methods which are less cost effective than those from ALG, so customers are confident that ALG will soon own all of this market. Yet most of the funds are coming from trading with numerous, mainly industrial products all over Sirius.

Another important fact is the trading alliance between ALG, the Independent Miners Guild and Gateway Shipping. This delineating and dynamic young trading bloc is a neccessary counterpart to the old and established alliances, like BMM-Bowex, Republican/Daumann, the Liberty companies and the Kusari Kishiro and Samura. It's obvious that this big players feel threatened by this upcoming joint-venture. They have knowledge, resources and a wide sphere available, which are a serious imminence to the market position of the big ones. The case that ALG works together with the Junkers and the Gas Miners Guild, tightens the danger for them.

The employees of ALG mostly indulge in their work, because there's a job for everybody. People with neglected formal education are welcome as like as skilled engineers with university degree or researchers, who want to work in a motivated and qualified team. ALG is always in need for a sturdy dustman who is able to fly the big movers full of radioactive waste without crashing into the next battleship. But the company needs also somebody who can do research on the newest composite material or some high-tech weapon prototype, which the transporters may find within the scrap metal.

Unlike many other factions, ALG encourages its workers to participate at the industrial council, which shares the say with the management body. The members of the industrial council are asked before the management decides to start greater projects. It's not surprising that the majority of the employee representatives is voting to merge ALG and Kruger together. The economic advantages for the employees would be overwhelming. Furthermore all workers have several days of holiday available to renew their powers and to cure possible medical damages, caused by nuclear radiation.

The Glaenzende Steine Initiative

[Image: GSIsigsimplelogo.png]
In 193 A.S. a multitude of small companies were formed in preparation for securing contracts to mine the distant systems, sensing lucrative deals. Kruger Mineralien, were one of these companies and were successful in obtaining rights to mining in Dresden as well as receiving considerable government backing in regard to our plans of expansion.

However, in early 587 A.S. Kruger were put in a difficult place. Their largest rival, Daumann Heavy Construction, had succeeded in claiming the remaining mining fields in Dresden, thus striking out expansion plans. Kruger were faced with the prospect of losing out on its government influences and a resulting economic decline. They had no choice but to expand into the Crow Nebula and felt that there was enough gas for everyone in Sigma-13, but that viewpoint was obviously not shared by the GMG.

Kruger lost almost everything during the 80 years war, a large portion of their fleet, a station, their expansion plans, as well as having to pay vast reparations to the GMG. Since then further restrictions on their ethical standards and further compensation payments left the company unable to recover.

In 817AS, after many negotiations between ALG and Kruger, an agreement was made to merge the Glaenzende Steine Division into the ALG as a trial initiative. The details of this are secret, however it is rumoured that the offer was more substantial than predicted. This is in ALG's interests, as this money will be put towards remodelling and modernising the division therefore increasing output. It is hoped by ALG Waste Disposal that this will be the first step of many into total control, there is no other foreseeable option for Kruger to survive.

Though Kruger Mineralien encourages their labour force to take breaks when they are too tired to work safely; it is their choice to keep working because no work means no pay; ALG would like to see further improvements in the worker standards, and as displayed by their own example have found that workers with more positive attitudes are more productive and profitable. This ideology has been imposed on the Glaenzende Steine Initiative, in which workers will have reduced hours, higher wages, and higher grade equipment and protection provided.

This Initiative will serve to provide materials and services to both ALG and Kruger Mineralien. Still involved in mining operations, but expanding to incorporate waste disposal and manufacturing support.

As the Glaenzende Steine Initiative is largely made up of ex-Kruger workers, and is still partly owned by Kruger Mineralien, they are still a very nationalistic group. Thus no GSI vessels will be permitted enter Liberty or conduct any operations there whatsoever. All Libertonian parties are considered enemies, with the exception of Interspace and OSC, which are considered more universal companies.

Due to previous tensions, and repercussions of such, GSI workers have an inherent hatred of the Gas Miners Guild. However, due to tenuous relations ALG hold with them, they are demanded to only fire in defense if absolutely necessary.

The Hessians and Unioners have affected Kruger Mineraliens productivity very negatively, for actions they had very little choice in. Daumann Heavy Construction worked their employees far harder, and Kruger had to compete to stay afloat. Despite improved ethical regulations imposed upon the GSI by ALG management, many workers have seen the deaths caused by these unlawful parties. They are unforgiveable, as such they are still considered kill or be killed.

Needless to say, as competitors, and the cause of the Hessian uprising, Daumann and their partner Republican are not friends of the GSI.

The IMG are considered by Glaenzende Steine Initiative to be competitors, and in some ways a jealousy has caused a dislike of them. The IMG can expand with far less restrictions, and have a safer environment, and thus they gain superior profits to Kruger Mineralien, despite having inferior mining equipment.

Naming Conventions
Transports and Mining vessels:
GSI|<shipname/pilot last name> (e.g. GSI|Lukas)

Escort and Defense vessels:
GSI|<pilot name> (e.g. GSI|Felix.Mueller)

Affiliation : Kruger Mineralien
Faction ID : ALG Waste Disposal/Kruger Mineralien (For mining vessels, as this is Kruger's expertise rather than ALG's)

2. Area of operations

Bases of operations
Dortmund Station, New Berlin
This huge space station houses the ALG headquarters, four smelting furnaces, some smelt-works and a sophisticated steel-mill. When working with maximum capacity, this factory is abled to cover the requirements of the Alster shipyard and the Oder shipyard at the same time. The highly developed reprocessing units are enriching fuel assemblies with gathered components of toxic waste and other radioactive materials.

Helgoland Station, Sigma-13
After the battle at the Yanagi nebula, where the GMG destroyed nearly the whole fleet of Rheinland, wide areas of Sigma-13 contain radioactive waste and a huge amount of scrap metal. This is the reason, why the Helgoland Station was constructed. Waste disposal vessels are gathering the hazardous ship parts in order to bring them back to Helgoland Station for some analysis. After that the ALG engineers decide what to do with the material. The majority of this waste is transported to Dortmund Station for reprocessing or smelting.

Zone of Interest
ALGs area of operations streches from the core systems of Rheinland throughout nearly the whole Sirius sector. Bretonian companies in the Leeds system are suffering from the highly polluted space, which is surrounding them. This is why there are negotiations on the way between ALG and the Bretonian government to establish an ALG station within Leeds, which would increase the efficiency of the efforts there significantly. It's important to mention, that BMM is strictly against such an agreement, as they feel very threatened by any ALG presence within Bretonia.
ALG research teams and sophisticated engineering vessels are exploring the remote systems for new technolgoies or possible standpoints for ALG high-tech laboratories.

3. Diplomacy
allied - friendly - neutral - unfriendly - hostile

Rheinland factions
  • Kruger Mineralien
    To make it short: ALG wants to buy out Kruger in order to compete with the Republican/Dauman alliance. The result would be a giant corporation, which would be abled to produce every kind of machinery and engine components on its own. Kruger is in need of fresh capital, as they lost nearly all their money in the Border World gas mining venture. Some managers believe, that Kruger's only real chance for survival is merging with ALG.

  • Rheinland Military, Rheinland Police
    The Rheinland authorities are customers, protectors and supporters of ALG Waste Disposal. Be friendly, honest and follow their orders. And don't forget: ALG is competing for the construction contract for the next generation of Rheinland battleships.

  • Daumann Heavy Construction
    As a business associate of Republican Daumann is a main competitor of ALG. The Daumann engineers are working at full speed on new high-tech materials and weapon systems to obtain the contract with the Rheinwehr to produce the new Bremen battleships. Show them that only ALG deserves this!

  • Republican Shipping
    Republican is completely dependent on ALG products to build their ships. They are competing for the new Rheinland Military contract, but lack the technical expertise to fabricate the custom hull materials and other sophisticated features required by the government. Therefore Republican is seeking a way to compete with ALG with help of an ally with Dauman Heavy Construction.

  • Alster Union (Unioners)
    The Alster Union strongly enforces the right of the workers in Rheinland shipyards and wants to control the Diamond trade in the whole Rheinland sector. As they are declared enemies of Kruger, try to stay away from them.

  • Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB)
    There are factions within ALG that support the LWB, but only covertly. That is why LWB still attack ALG transports; only the leadership knows that ALG is one of the main funders. Pay them, if they demand money. If they demand cargo, then release only those goods, which can't harm anyone, like metals or ship hull panels. NEVER drop any hazardous material! (Plutonium, Toxic Waste, ...)
    In order to avoid conflicts with the LWB, avoid to carry things like terraforming gases, fertilizers or Synth Paste.

  • Red Hessian Army, Hessian Tears (Red Hessians)
    The Hessians are enemies of the Rheinland Military and the state. Try to stay away from them, they aren't that friendly to you. Maybe you can get out if you emphasize the rights of the ALG employees. Hessians may like that and you do not have to pay them.

  • Volksfront (Bundschuh)
    As a socialist party, the Volksfront is a supporter of the ALG employees. As long as ALG doesn't threat their workers, the Volksfront has no reason to openly attack ALG vessels. There are rumors, that ALG supports the Volksfront with war material secretly.
Foreign factions

Allied (Try to help if you can! Build up convoys! Etc.)
  • Gateway Shipping
  • Independent Miners Guild
Friendly (Be friendly and answer all questions honestly!)
  • Colonial Remnant
  • Junkers, Junker Congress
  • Zoners, Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Neutral (Be friendly and anwser all questions satisfactory!)
  • Ageira Technologies
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Bretonian Military, Bretonian Police Forces
  • Deep Space Engineering
  • Freelancers
  • Gaians
  • Gas Miners Guild
  • Hogosha, Black Dragon Society
  • Interspace Commerce, Interspace Neuralnet Division
  • Kishiro Technologies
  • Kusari State Police, Kusari Military
  • Lane Hackers, Hellfire Legion
  • Orbital Spa & Cruise
  • Planetform Inc.
  • Samura Industries
  • Synth Foods, Inc.
  • The Order
  • Universal Shipping
Unfriendly (Ignore those guys as long as you don't get attacked!)
  • Border World Exports
  • Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
  • Corsairs
  • Golden Chrysanthemums
  • Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Inc., Liberty Security Force
  • Liberty Rogues
  • Mollys, Molly Republic, Union of Gold
  • Outcasts
  • Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Hostile (Try to stay away or attack if you can't get away!)
  • Harvesters
  • Nomads, Keepers
  • Phantoms
  • The Wild
  • Xenos, Xeno Alliance

4. Allowed ships

This is the list of ships, ALG employees are allowed to use. Please post your opinion on this.

  • Griffin
  • Tiger Shark
  • Kushan Scout
  • Charon (IMG, requires announcement)
  • Crow
  • Kushan Heavy Fighter
  • Marauder
  • Eagle
  • Kiith Somtaw
  • Kushan Very Heavy Fighter
  • Ravens Talon VHF (IMG, requires announcement)
  • Spatial (IMG, requires announcement)
  • Civilian Bomber/Roc
Freighters and Transports
  • ALG Heavy Mover (required for transport of hazardous material like Plutonium and Nuclear Devices)
  • Advanced Train
  • Behemoth
  • Camara
  • Heavy Lifter
  • Heavy Tanker
  • Humpback
  • Large Train
  • Large Transport
  • Mining Ship
  • Repair Ship
  • Rheinland Armored Transport
  • Rheinland Train
  • Train
  • Transport

5. Allowed equipment

LFs, HFs, VHFs, SHFs, Bombers
  • all types of civilian gear
  • IMG weapons (with permission of IMG, restricted to researcher vessels)
  • Rheinwehr weapons (restricted, permission from RM, RFP needed)
  • codename weapons (for researcher vessels only)
Freighters, Transports
  • transport turrets
  • mining lasers

6. Naming conventions

Naming conventions inspired by: MAN and Mercedes Benz Germany

All fighting vessels (LF, HF, VHF, Bombers):
[ALG]-< pilot name > (e.g. [ALG]-Ralf.Schmied)

Freighters (cargo < 1000):
[ALG]-TGS-< ship name > (e.g. [ALG]-TGS-Econic)

Transports: (cargo > 1000):
[ALG]-TGX-< ship name > (e.g. [ALG]-TGX-Unimog)

7. ALG Roleplay Guidelines

Possible ALG employees have to meet certain requirements, when working for us. I listed them below:
  • System chat is for RP messages only!
    I can't give enough weight on this point. Never annoy anybody withh ooRP in system chat! Use private channels, when talking OOC and then use some delimiter like '//' to introduce your message, when talking to strangers.
  • If your character wouldn't do it, you'd better won't do it, too.
    Most of the characters, which represent ALG employees are calm and friendly people. So there's no reason to threat other players with insults or harassments. We won't accept a behaviour like this.
  • Keep to the allowed ships and equipment!
    The ship and equipment list is there for a reason. Before flying around in a vessel not listed here, please post a RP background at the ALG employee boards for discussion. If you have a proper RP, which meets all guidelines you have to make your RP public, so players won't get confused.
ALG offers a wide bandwith of possible characters to rookies and established emmbers alike. Newly registered players should possibly start with an easy to RP character, like dustmen and haulers, while the experienced oney may get a Charon VHF from the IMG and explore Sirius for possible customers, area of operations, weapon systems or anything else. Please keep this facts in mind, when applying for a job! We won't give any hard jobs to characters with lesser intelligence.

8. Working for ALG Waste Disposal

Faction Name : ALG Waste Disposal
Faction Tag : [ALG], GSI| (Glaenzende Steine Initiative)
Affiliation : ALG Waste Disposal
Faction ID : ALG Waste Disposal

ALG Waste Disposal qualifies its workers, incorporates them thoroughly, continues their studies and cares for them, if they are straitened. To reach this high standards, ALG tries to simplify the process of getting started as much as possbile.

Every prospective employee will receive the required funds to set up a vessel, which fits the purpose of the employees task assignment. Haulers will receive a moderate transport vessel, while escort pilots and researchers will obtain a fighter or bomber.

After the craft is set up, the initial skill adaptation training will start. The trainee will receive help from every employee or chargehand to reach the level of a fully accepted employee. The promotion will result in a one-time bonus payment.

ALG position system

The chairman coordinates the finances and diplomacy of ALG and communicates with the industrial council, if the situations requires it.
Current: Ralf Schmied ([ALG]-TGX-Unimog)

Employee Organization Head
This person is elected by the personnel and can take influence on the chairman, if required.
Current: Elias Grawitz ([ALG]-TGX-Muldenkipper)

Transporter Chargehand
The chargehand of the transportation department commands teams of transporters, to reach their destinations without loss of time and with the correct cargo. Furthermore they incorporate new trainees.
Current: Anton Ivanov ([ALG]-TGX-Orlekov)

Researcher Chargehand
Researcher chargehands command exploration teams and the work on new technologies within the ALG labs.
Current: Leopold Thauer

Employees are the backbone of ALG's success.
Current: [ALG]-TGX-Actros, [ALG]-Hartmud.Braun, [ALG]-TGS-Zetros, [ALG]-TGS-Strahlstrom, [ALG]-Anton.Ivanov

GSI Employee
Workers within the Glaenzende Steine Division.
Current: GSI|Bergmann, GSI|Felix.Mueller, GSI|Felsig, GSI|Fehu, GSI|Von.Staden

Trainees are prospective employees, which haven't completed the process of incorporation.

9. Member Roster

Coriko Lameos
Jacob S.

Looking for the right forum accounts:

ALG Waste Disposal - swift - 05-04-2009

Charon's an HF.

I think the Colonial Remnant ougtha be friendly or allied on that list, since we've always been as such, due to our adoption of most of IMG diplomacy.

ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-04-2009

Yep, you're right. Thanks for the hints. I fixed these points.

ALG Waste Disposal - dr lameos - 05-04-2009

The GSI setup and diplomacy is a little different, but don't want it distracting from the ALG side, so I'll write up a short thing for it.

Also, theres Gonta, to be added to the Roster, his ships are called GSI|Goether (Behemoth), GSI|Felix.Mueller (fighter), and GSI|Bergknappe (miner)

Mine is GSI|Zetros though I'll probably change it soon, and mining ship will be called GSI|Felsig

EDIT: also, trainees? i would put us within a separate wing, rather than the ALG's ranking system

ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-04-2009

All adjustments have been made. The employees appear properly.

ALG Waste Disposal - ian - 05-04-2009

just a small note: Ravens Talon, not Ravens Claw:)

other than that, awesome! goodluck with it all!

ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-07-2009

For those of you who didn't noticed it yet: I've set up a small RP event, which offers some additional facts on ALG, if you play it.

Look here for some more information.

ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-15-2009

Today I added the diplomacy information for the Glaenzende Steine Initiative and updated the member roster.

Feedback would be much appreciated.

ALG Waste Disposal - Cyberanson - 05-29-2009

Hack has created a Discovery Wiki page for ALG. Thanks a lot!

ALG Waste Disposal - Benjamin - 05-29-2009

I've already told you as much in Skype, but this thread is looking kind of bare so I thought I'd bulk it a bit. I've seen a lot of good stuff in game from you guys. Only met you once so far on my LWB but it laid some pretty interesting groundwork for good RP in the future.
Anyway, who doesn't love factions for NPC corporations?