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FP11 | Infectees killed! - Printable Version

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FP11 | Infectees killed! - Sombs - 12-05-2023


[Image: image.png]
Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] [833 AS] Wild Infiltration Group Terminated!
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[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] [833 AS] Relations With Core Improving Again
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[Image: iAhPvlG.png?1] [833 AS] New Revelations About The Pulse
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Wild Infiltration Group Terminated!
Freeport 11, Omicron Delta - Yesterday, a group of four people arrived at the freeport in a Dromedary-class freighter. Point of origin: Omicron Alpha. Their destination: Death - thanks to the ever improving anti-infestation countermeasures and security protocols on station. The initial screening at the hangar bay instantly caused warnings to pop up at the security offices all over the station as all four of the arrivals were identified as agents of the Nomads.

Their attempts at playing tricks on the security personnel were in vain, as, instead of getting to deal with humans, the infectees had to face multiple combat robots as well as the freeport's internal defense systems. Due to the repeated attempts of infiltration, Freeport 11 managed to purchase effective technologies from other Omicron-based groups that face the same constant threat from our alien neighbours. Force fields, sentry guns with both stun and lethal weaponry as well as multi-level 3D body scan machinery help the both biologic and cybernetic security teams to identify and exterminate the alien agents.

[Image: image.png]

"Despite their best attempts to adapt to our security protocols, our effectivity at identifying, capturing and terminating infectees has improved by 1200% in the past five years." - Shaun Applegate, Freeport 11 Security Advisor

Multiple freeports have requested Freeport 11 to share their know-how on dealing with the alien menace, yet the station administration remains insistant on not revealing details on the security protocols and specific technologies used to identify the so-called "Wild" agents. However, the station security takes pride in publicly releasing footage of the execution of captured infestees as well as auctioning off the secured nomadic biomatter to interested parties. It is no secret that both The Order and The Core have their representatives and middlemen partaking in the auctions to outbid and prevent nosy independent research groups from studying alien materials.

It is because of this security apparatus that many business deals and high level negotiations happen on Freeport 11. No other station open to the public promises as much success at taking down alien agents as 11.

Infectees beware! Setting foot on Freeport 11 is a guaranteed last step!

RE: FP11 | Infectees killed! - Firewolfy - 12-05-2023

1. Delta 4
12/05/833 20:50

It is good to see our friends there staying vigilant against the always-present Nomad threat. Their thralls will do anything to conduct terrorism and spread fear. Keep up the superb work there!

RE: FP11 | Infectees killed! - StellarViss - 12-05-2023

12/05/833 23:23

Hell yea! I love to see them fail every time. That is why my family and I moved from Corfu best security in the whole sector!

RE: FP11 | Infectees killed! - Kampanom - 12-05-2023

12/05/833 23:43

Take your meds