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The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Printable Version

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The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Amba - 03-06-2024

The following is an aggregated feed of messages, both broadcast and private, of the many chatrooms used by the exonymous "Lovelace Circle".

Reader discretion is advised.

RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Amba - 03-06-2024

[Image: wIFsCPq.gif]

User ID: xxxx ERR307:INVALIDID

Target ID:xx. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Subject:xxxx Earheart Update

Wassup girlies, Chloe here with some updates!

So at this point we've had the Silicone Valley up and running for a bit and done a bit of poking around Earhart and guess what! Place is both weird as fuck and dangerous as fuck!

The RAR wagies have been grabbing materials at a pretty good pace so no need to get your ass smoked out there. We got people jumping entire capital fleets into the place, everyone wants a piece of that alien tech pie.

So if you're taking the liner in there, probably best to make it a quick raiding op. Hit 'em while their pants are down, take their goodies and bounce before reinforcements arrive. We all know how expensive it was to kit out that liner and I really don't wanna see it wrecked.

Chloe~ ♡

RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Amba - 03-30-2024

[Image: wIFsCPq.gif]

User ID: xxxx ERR307:INVALIDID

Target ID:xx. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Subject:xxxx Cryer Goodies

Ayo ayo, Chloe again. Posting about some old news cuz they might become relevant again. Remember a while back when the Outcasts went kaboom on Atka? Cryer was pretty fast bailing their scientists out of the place, what with all the GMG help they had. Then they started bailing out their servers.

Got word about it on the neural net from some Technocracy dorks and we set up a lil impromptu op, snatching up servers while they were being thrown out. Now that stuff is bulky, plus we didn't have the Hagworks up and running yet, so we left 'em with the Aux. Maybe that's one of the things worth looking into if we start working with those guys some more, yeah? I mean who knows what kinda gnarly stuff Cryer's got encrypted up in those boxes.

[Image: 2T9bXLi.png]
[Image: qkvOj6d.png]
[Image: bIkYMRi.png]

Chloe~ ♡

RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Petitioner - 04-01-2024

[Image: MXFMRjh.gif]

User ID: xxxx ERR307:INVALIDID

Target ID:xx. IYKYK

Subject:xxxx Sick-ass superweapon recovered?!

Heyyyyy bestieeeeeees. Got somethin' pretty cool for us!

[Image: 5CdhVyP.png]

Ok, so it's not a sick-ass superweapon, but it looks like the Navy's producing these things, or has some kinda friend that ain't us who's doing it. Me and Chlo' intercepted some secondary fleet loser who was haulin' this, and before we could even get to talking, he started lobbing missiles. I know, that's so rude and, like, just frickin' duuuumb, right? Anyway, he couldn't seem to make up his mind whether he wanted to fight or run to get this thing to where it was supposed to go.

Sooo, Cobra and some other Xeno showed up to cut the lanes so we could finish the cadet off. I got the receipts. Command-line garbage autosnipper should be turned on, probably.

Anyway, seems like the Xenos are better friends than the stupid Rogues these days. I mean, taken outta context, this just seems like a silly li'l one-off, buuuut honestly? After the Rochester thing and given that the Xenos seem to be running almost as much of the cardamine trade as the Buffalo kids do these days? I think we should start hedging our bets. Not like the rogs did much for us lately anyhow.

Just an itsy-bitsy little thing to think about.


RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - Amba - 04-01-2024

[Image: wIFsCPq.gif]

User ID: xxxx ERR307:INVALIDID

Target ID:xx. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Subject:xxxx RAR Shenanigans

Ayo Brad Bradley Braderson, didja see the comms the technos slung our way? Dudes need some Archer powercores unlocked or swapped out. Big pain in the ass to do, right? But now I'm thinking, maybe Rowlett could get the Navyboys to spot them an Archer to take apart and an extra powercore. Say it's to ramp up production on advanced cruiser-line prototype weaponry or some BS. Well, not really BS, the eggheads would actually squeal if we let 'em work on that- ANYWAY. Waddya think, think you could sell 'em on that?

Chloe~ ♡

RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - StellarViss - 04-01-2024

[Image: giphy.gif]

User ID: xxxx ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Target ID:xx. ERR307:INVALIDID

Subject:xxxx RAR Use!!

Archers, you say? Well, I believe we can accommodate that. The navy has been pressing Rowlett for results, and coincidentally, we've recently initiated production of our own W+7754KT, known as Cruiser Repeaters. So, the timing is indeed excellent. I'll be calling them shortly. Let's get these guns working.

RE: The Many Chatrooms of the Lovelace Circle - StellarViss - 05-28-2024

[Image: giphy.gif]

User ID: xxxx ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Target ID:xx. ERR307:INVALIDID

Subject:xxxx Setback !!

Chloe I have good news and some bad ones.
To start it off the navy, or at least one of there fleets, has allowed us access to the Shipyard but we have to provide a siege cruiser on our own. That is the bad news as I have no clue how to go about it. You should ask the contact of they have one spare or know a location of a somewhat intact one. Otherwise we have no deal.