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Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Printable Version

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Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Fab - 04-27-2024

[Image: scoutgroupeventpng.png]

Helping Hands
Pirate Transmission

At the early foggy morning hours at Holliday's secluded retreat in Erie, a small group of soldiers wander around the woods that surround the Doc's cabin, apparently lost.

They wear an assortment of military gear, mixing old and new with varying quality and precedence. For defense, they use obsolete, but still lethal, kinetic rifles. The long red scarfs around their necks indicate allegiance to one of the multiple militia cells spread across Erie.

Doc eventually stumbles upon the scouts after tracking them for a while on one of the trails. With his rifle ready, he takes a cautious approach. The group nod to each other after spotting Doc, and they rest their weapons. The team leader approaches Doc Holliday after confirming his identity. "We weren't shot dead - so it must be him!"

Doc Holliday! At least, you match his description. My name's Fang, those are Fish, Plank and Roach, my mates. We've been tracking your location for days, our intel says your place is around those coordinates. Sorry for coming unannounced, we have suspicions that Liberty is intercepting our communications.

Look, we are here to ask for your help. One of our communications satellites went offline, and we have all the suspicion to believe that it was the Navy that knocked it off. We can't send someone there to check it out because we're damn sure it's an ambush.

Our commander tasked us with finding a way to send an untracked transmission through Liberty's espionage grid. A high power transmitter should do the trick - We heard you had one. This is why we're here. A single message shouldn't bring too much attention, if that's what you're worried about.

I wish we could use our own. But Liberty's got them tracked down for sure. We send another message, they'll send a squad down on us. It's too risky.

What do you say, Doc?

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2024

It was a first. Usually, Zoner militants were found to be passing through his land and not near his house. Those that knew him understood and respected this. These men were obviously new or just didn't know. He let his shotgun lead the way closer to the men being careful not to be where any one of them was behind him. For the moment, he wasn't happy.

"I have had enough problems with Liberty of late," he told them. "If they took out one of your satellites then they are on to you."
He had a look of disgust as it was possible they would follow them to his home.
"And you led them here." He sighed. Noticing the scarves, he lowered his shotgun to a position he could quickly re-draw.

"I am sorry to disappoint but the only thing I have for coms is a low band system from an old shuttle and I use a Med Force chipset to relay to a friend," he explained. "That friend, however, does have one. If you want his help, I can send for him but just know he will want something in return."
For the moment, he was still unsure of them or their intentions. For all he knew, they were Liberty agents and he did not trust them. What was worse, he didn't know what sign he was looking for to discover who they really were.

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Fab - 04-28-2024

Us? Followed? [Fang takes a look around] Didn't happen, not happening, Doc. Commander wouldn't send a handful of fresh freedom fighters to meet an asset such as you. No way in hell The Navy or the Police tracked us. You can rest easy knowing that. We can hide our track better than a cat with no smell.

[Fang moves his waist back and forth with his body while looking down for a short moment] Roach will take your friend's contact. Not our decision, though. It's the Commander's call. For now we'll stick to plan B. We'll head to Galeton, a small city about 100 clicks from here. Maybe after you hear the news tomorrow you'll trust us a bit more. [Fang rests his hand on his weapon's stock]

[Fang slides the portion of the scarf covering his mouth, and lights a cigar. Northminster, Erie's finest cigar brand.] Good to make your acquaintance, Doc. Commander was right about you. You're one of us. If you didn't come with your gun pointed at us, I'd be disappointed. [Fang nods to Roach, which approaches Doc with his datapad in hands, waiting for Doc to give him his friend's contact info]

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2024

"No," said Doc. "I will call him on my com pad."
With that, Doc lowered his shotgun and smiled. "I do not like the Liberty government anymore than you all do but I do have a repour with them so they leave me alone."

Still keeping distance enough from them so that he wasn't reachable, he took the datapad from an inside pocket and spoke into it.
"Gilbert, I need your assistance with something in the form of a heavily encrypted, high powered transmitter," he explained into the device.
After a pause, the voice on the other end replied, "I will be along in about an hour."
"Thank you, Good Sir," replied Doc who then placed the datapad back into his inside pocket.
He then returned his attention to the men, taking a look at them and motioning to what chairs he had on his porch.

"You all must be famished. I have a lot of smoked trout and I have plenty of filtered water and coffee to drink while we wait," he told them. "I am a little light on most other things at the moment."

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Fab - 04-28-2024

As you wish, Doc. [Fang holds the cigar between his teeth, speaking with a half-mouth]

He looks towards his team, with Fish shrugging after hearing the proposal for a fresh meal.

Ah, hell. It's early morning. We got time to spare! Alright, we'll bite. I'm done with field rations and synth paste anyways.

[They all take a seat and relax, putting their weapons down and stretching. They all seem as if they haven't had a proper sit-down for days.]

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2024

Doc gave a smile and a nod of his head at his comment of field rations. "Before you head back out I have some jerky so you can stock up."
He would go inside and return shortly afterward with a carafe and mugs. "Enjoy some fresh coffee, Gentleman."

The day was shaping up to be a good one. The sky was blue, the sun was out and Doc looked out for a moment over the lake. He would return to them and take a seat himself. There was time to kill and he joined the men in some coffee. For Doc, it was a good time for some intel.

"Tell me, Sir. I hear of Liberty camps for prisoners but have yet to see them and I know they are not anywhere on my property which is a lot. How true is it? I have people wanting to find lost relatives and leads are nice."

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Fab - 04-28-2024

The group fistbumps each other after knowing they'll be receiving some delicious jerky. They're all pale from Synth Paste, and some good old fashioned protein for sure will cheer up their spirits when they need it. In almost perfect synchronization, they take off their heavier gear to enjoy their meal. Fang keeps smoking his fancy cigar, gazing upon the natural beauty of the woods.

Upon hearing Doc's question, Fang lifts his chin to Plank, the squad's demolition expert. He takes a quick look around, then locks his eyes on Doc:

So you heard about the camps, Mister Holliday? Hmph. People expect a open-air chaingang camp like the ones around the Omegas or Omicrons, but here? Nothing like this. There's no "Camps" as we're used to - or how the media shows them.

Hell, the "camps" might as well look like schools on the outside. But inside? Brutal torture. Mostly psychological. They're reeducation camps. Brainwashing machines... To rewrite one's mind. To justify Liberty's actions... on how the new government is good... It's super fucked up shit, Doc. Those who fight back get signed off as "violent rioters" and are killed on the spot. Guards always claim self defense, though. They're not dumb. Then, they steal their organs after they hide the body.

They don't give a single shit. They harvest anyone, insurgent or not, innocent or not. All to fill quotas and get better funding, if you ask me.

Plank backs off onto his chair after finishing his testimony. From his body language, he seems dead serious. Fang gets his cigar out of his mouth and addresses Doc:

We're aware of the camps, but we can't do anything about those right now. We can always find a way turn these "camps" into smoldering piles of rubble, but the biggest problem is the amount of innocent people inside them. If we attack the camps, too many innocent people will get hurt.

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2024

"Be it a re-education camp or a prison camp, they are the same to me," he answered. "Either way, one is there by force and punished if they do not comply."
He then shook his head in disgust as he spoke under his breath in Latin. He then sighed and composed himself.

"Quite the dilemma," he thought out loud. "Killing innocents is a bad thing indeed."
He looked at his datapad. It would still be another half hour at least before Gilbert would arrive. For the moment, Doc was just enjoying the company. They weren't so unlike him. They were frustrated if not angry with current events but chose a much harsher course of action. Doc himself was the lone hope to settle a peace so he chose a defensive at best stance.

"I would offer you fellas more but I have very little here in terms of gear and provisions," he explained. "I have plenty of smoked fish so take what you need." He pointed towards his fly rod and gear, "I can catch plenty more."

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Fab - 04-28-2024

The team collectively and happily accepts Doc's offer for food, especially the good kind of food. After comparing synth paste to processed sewage, they spend their time sharing war stories and discussing life before they joined the resistance as they wait for Gilbert to arrive. Fang questions Doc, almost forgetting that they'll need to pay Gilbert, somehow.

Uh... Tell me, Doc. What would this Gilbert want in exchange?

RE: Erie Retreat: The Scouts - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2024

"It is hard to say," Doc replied after sipping his coffee. "With me, he takes a bunch of smoked fish for his trading post. For you? I do not know although he will treat you right since you are on good terms with me."
He sips his coffee again. "Gilbert is a former Junker turned entrepreneur. He got tired of living on a base and scrapping with Xenos so he came planet side."
He shrugs. "You may have something in trade, maybe a few credits or just being able to get a few things down the road he can make business with."