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Colorado Government, Liberty Press meeting. - Printable Version

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Colorado Government, Liberty Press meeting. - Zigeris - 10-07-2009

--A panel of 6 representatives of the Colorado Commerce Department sit tall in their chairs in front of 50 or so news reporters, political analyst, economist and other highly respectable people of Commerce. The general mood is sour and cold. The subject today is to announce a plan to set a system funded recovery of lost economical strength to industry in Colorado system, Liberty. The vast majority of Federation politicians support the mandate, but the Federation only makes up a small portion of the system government and today Colorado Government incline with the Federation is going to look for public support. Those whom are set against the mandate such as the Labor Union or the Workers Core often feud that the system funded recovery plan will only worsen the decline in industry. They wish that if this mandate is put through that they close off imports from foreign nations as they are the cause of this economical decline

Colorado System, Liberty use to compile of ore enriched asteroid fields are now vastly depleted and many companies and industry has moved out of the system. Most jobs supplied by
Ageria at Pueblo Station have experienced a 20% workers Layoff within the last few years. Over this concern the Colorado Commerce Department lowered the taxes too hopefully inspire industry to stay in Colorado. Ageria eventually announced that even with the tax breaks it was unavoidable in losing profits in Colorado and predict complete bankruptcy within the next 5 years or 823AS. As it stands now Colorado Commerce Department look to the remanding mining companies that harvest the silver in the Silverton field for help. ZMC is one that has taken a active role into the Colorado economy. Employing workers form the home system and never outsourcing ZMC has been able to decrease System debt by 15% or proximately 19.6 billion credits within 6 years. Cause of this ZMC is not able to pay there employees enough to support their families so ZMC offered an plan that allowed Colorado to increase industrial taxes while maintaining steady growth if they were able to receive prisoners for the manual labor as a work release program. This deal is on the table for late 818AS early 819AS.

This plan gave birth to the Colorado System Recovery Mandate. The mandate places more taxes on imports and decreases taxes on exports from Colorado. Also giving tax breaks to companies whom employee from Colorado and operate in Colorado. Also this Mandate will have 75% of the taxes directed to the debt, which will be the highest ever in history in any system of Liberty. 5% goes to National taxes, then 5% goes to the national guard (Navy), 10% for System Government projects and 5% for Commerce. Also too cut National tax on the system Colorado request to build shipyards for war production times. This will in hope eliminate the debt with in 5 years so the taxes can virtually eliminated from Colorado. The current debt is 295.5 billion credits -817AS Colorado Commerce survey --

Press Conference:

Announcer: Greetings everyone and thank you for coming let us begin with the presentation from the Chairman of Zien Mining Corps and Leader of the Colorado Commerce Department Aaron Brown.

Aaron Brown: Thank you, everyone. As we know our (Colorado) economy is heading for yet another pitfall. Colorado had been blessed with our ore fields and the rush of starving industry that came to work and harvest the cash crops here. That time has past, the fields are now 98.77% depleted and soon will not be worth mining anymore. Nearly all of our industry has left. Today we are sitting on the brink of utter collapse, with the war too the growing populace of criminals in Liberty. But we are strong people and smart people and hopefully today I can influence you to provide public support for the mandate. It is undoubtedly the only way to save Colorado.

Announcer: Okey we have our first question, Sir say your name and who you're with then state your question for Mr. Brown.

Mike Emerson: I am Mike Emerson with the Labor Union. Okey most of you already know I don't usually side with the Federations lobbing but as a employee of Ageira this is my question. Since we don't employee from Colorado are we voided from the tax relief?

Aaron Brown: Yes,

Mike Emerson: See that's bull we stay long after it was becoming a pain in the ass to get profits in Colorado and this is how you treat us.

Aaron Brown: The mandate is design to support Colorado industry not Ageria. Ageria has widespread operation they've built the tradelanes and has much wealth. I don't think 7% tax is going to hurt the company as a whole very much. Now for Pueblo station it doesn't make much sense that you're laying off workers. The taxes have been low enough to allow Ageria was plenty of profit. The mandate does effect the taxes on exported goods, thus your Gate/lane parts they will be cheaper to sell meaning more profit for the company vs the System Government of Colorado.

Announcer: Moving on thank you, next?

Sara Lynn: Hi, I am Mrs. Lynn I am with the Federal Committee of Commerce New York we have a question how you think that this mandate reflects on the other systems in Liberty.

Aaron Brown: Reflects? Mrs. Lynn Colorado is worse off then any other system in Liberty. If you look at the stats New York, Texas are the leaders in commerce followed by Penn, Cali and a few others. And the last on those charts is Colorado. This mandate is a in system concern and shouldn't be on the noisy eyes of New York. If you are concerned that Colorado will have the lowest National taxes within all of Liberty you'll be selfish. Rest of Liberty will go on like normal, no other system will be effected by this mandate.

Sara Lynn: Okey some of us and I would agree that if Colorado passes this mandate it will give to much power to Colorado, if you're doing this in hopes to restore Colorado system economy then there must be some other way.

Aaron Brown: Do you even listen? There is no other way Mrs.Lynn you and your New York buddies will just have to accept that.

Announcer: Our final question is from the Liberty Navy Colorado Admiral Hunter.

Admiral Hunter: I see that the system funding has been reduced to 5% from 17% with respects 5% isn't nearly enough. We would have to cut our fleet in half or more to stay within proper ranges of funds. What sort of plans is the Colorado Government considering?

Aaron Brown: Well, I hear your concerns and in a time of war it is a important issue. Colorado and its viability during this conflict is seen as a low end pawn on the table of war. This is why we decided for the decrease in funds for the Navy. It is tough to say but yes, limiting the numbers of the Colorado fleet is required in this mandate. Also the LPI will be cut from the funds completely as we have our own Colorado Rangers to perform the duties as required and can operate within the 5% considered the national guard. This mandate is not going to last forever, but it is something we need now.

Announcer: Thank you this is all the time we have please make your exit promptly so we can setup for the next press event.

Colorado Government, Liberty Press meeting. - jimmy Patterson - 11-29-2009

*patterson had recorded the press confrence aboard ship and watched it in hs quarters,the fort was built partly in colorado planet based shipyards and he himself was a Native to Evergreen City on Denver there wee Tax refinds he dident claim and ones he could pay for that werent mandatory as he was in the military ,they wre his colorado houseing tax as the goverment payed for it out of fedral funds he decided he would chip into his paycheck and give someback to his homesystem he also would go about trying to buy stock in the ZMC*

"its a shame rados doing so poorly,mabye i can push for fedral relife funds i know a few high nd people on manhattan" he sighed as he said it and started looking over his tax papers crushing out a ciggerete he had lit during the confrance*

//just now saw this sorry