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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Pyromaniac - 07-22-2011

[6:54:32 PM | Edited 6:54:37 PM] DRV: Welcome, Meowshi (originally there was a 't' at the end there)
[6:54:38 PM] Pyromaniac: FAILFAILFAILFAIL
[6:54:41 PM] DRV: sorry!

I can haz skype - Anonymous User - 07-24-2011

[02:57:24] Jacob/Jeremy: I,have two bisexual female Order cap commanders;)
[02:57:51] Mario (Anonymous User): said the guy - who said others are pervert - cuz they talked about dildos
[02:58:00] Jimmy Patterson(Dave): lol
[02:58:02] Jacob/Jeremy: Hey
[02:58:11] Jacob/Jeremy: I was refering to OORP
[02:58:17] Jacob/Jeremy: InRP =/= OORP
[02:58:21] Jacob/Jeremy: (smoking)
[02:58:22] majoj(Raoul.Duke): ok, so you're perverted inRP
[02:58:23] Jimmy Patterson(Dave): lol

I can haz skype - Total.Absolution - 07-24-2011

[7/23/2011 2:40:40 PM] *** Anne added a.sammich ***
[7/23/2011 2:40:45 PM] Nick (Hades): AWESOME!
[7/23/2011 2:40:45 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added order.ducks.are.badass ***
[7/23/2011 2:40:54 PM] *** Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution) added ***
[7/23/2011 2:40:55 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added pond.warrior ***
[7/23/2011 2:41:01 PM] Michigan/Scorpio: Annie? I hate your failpc and it's inability to run games i got you:D
[7/23/2011 2:41:03 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added feathered.warrior ***
[7/23/2011 2:41:10 PM] Nick (Hades): barack.oducka?
[7/23/2011 2:41:19 PM] Nick (Hades): doesn't barrak have two rs
[7/23/2011 2:41:29 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added barrack.oducka ***
[7/23/2011 2:41:30 PM] *** Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution) added ***
[7/23/2011 2:42:08 PM] Nick (Hades): there we go
[7/23/2011 2:42:27 PM] Nick (Hades): Anyone here play Bad Company 2, btw?
[7/23/2011 2:42:39 PM] Michigan/Scorpio: Meeeeeeeee
[7/23/2011 2:42:45 PM] Michigan/Scorpio: And i hate it
[7/23/2011 2:42:51 PM] Nick (Hades): Wat
[7/23/2011 2:43:08 PM] Michigan/Scorpio: ****ing useless snipers:(
[7/23/2011 2:43:09 PM] *** Jacob/Jeremy has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: Its a Duckopolypse. Sadly, they dont shower confetti when you headshot." ***
[7/23/2011 2:43:10 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added duckduckduck ***
[7/23/2011 2:43:15 PM] Michigan/Scorpio: basicly
[7/23/2011 2:43:19 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added duckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduck ***
[7/23/2011 2:43:22 PM] LONGBOW: Anne! We has permission to gank all LNS-Stalingrad that we sees?
[7/23/2011 2:43:41 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: I'll even make a Fafnir if we can =3
[7/23/2011 2:43:44 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added duckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduck ***
[7/23/2011 2:44:57 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added c, d, k, u ***
[7/23/2011 2:45:14 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added ck, du ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:09 PM] Anne: Anne cracks her knuckles
[7/23/2011 2:46:11 PM] *** Anne removed a.goose from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:12 PM] *** Anne removed a.sammich from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:13 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:14 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:14 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:15 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:15 PM] *** Anne removed anne's.ducklings from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:16 PM] *** Anne removed anne's.revenge.ducklet from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:17 PM] *** Anne removed barack.oducka from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:18 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:19 PM] *** Anne removed barrack.oducka from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:20 PM] *** Anne removed Jean-Luc-Picard from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:21 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:22 PM] *** Anne removed c from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:23 PM] *** Anne removed ck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:24 PM] *** Anne removed d from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:25 PM] *** Anne removed du from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:26 PM] *** Anne removed duck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:27 PM] *** Anne removed duck. from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:28 PM] *** Anne removed duck.obama from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:29 PM] *** Anne removed duck_o'clock from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:29 PM] *** Anne removed duckduckduck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:32 PM] Nick (Hades): you may want to remove enjado too:P
[7/23/2011 2:46:35 PM] *** Anne removed duckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:35 PM] *** Anne removed duckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduckduck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:36 PM] *** Anne removed ducklear.bombs.away from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:37 PM] *** Anne removed duck-sauce from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:38 PM] *** Anne removed duck-york from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:39 PM] *** Anne removed duke.of.duckingham from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:39 PM] *** Anne removed feathered.warrior from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:41 PM] *** Anne removed **** from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:41 PM] *** Anne removed gay.roleplaying.ducks from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:41 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:42 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:45 PM] *** Anne removed warduck from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:46 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:49 PM] Nick (Hades): aww, that gayass duck was mine:(
[7/23/2011 2:46:50 PM] *** Anne removed its_over_duck-thousand from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:55 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:55 PM] *** Anne removed k from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:46:56 PM] MÃ¥rk: Anne (finger)
[7/23/2011 2:47:00 PM] nathaw1: e-duck-ulation?
[7/23/2011 2:47:02 PM] Jacob/Jeremy::P
[7/23/2011 2:47:07 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:08 PM] *** Anne removed order.ducks.are.badass from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:09 PM] *** Anne removed pond.warrior from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:10 PM] *** Anne removed quack from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:11 PM] *** Anne removed sauce from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:13 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:13 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:15 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:16 PM] *** Anne removed sneaky.ducklet from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:18 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:24 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:25 PM] *** Anne removed u from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:25 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:34 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: SO MANY DUCKS
[7/23/2011 2:47:37 PM] DRV: [5:47:27 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:38 PM] *** Anne removed kharon.ray from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:47:41 PM] DRV: ok that made me laugh
[7/23/2011 2:47:43 PM] nathaw1: DONT REMOVE RUBBER DUCK
[7/23/2011 2:47:46 PM] DRV: THIS DUCK IS SO BIG
[7/23/2011 2:47:59 PM] nathaw1: Q_Q
[7/23/2011 2:48:03 PM] nathaw1: HI DRV
[7/23/2011 2:48:12 PM] nathaw1: I join your pirate organisation now
[7/23/2011 2:48:22 PM] Nick (Hades): pie rats
[7/23/2011 2:48:41 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Really Nathan?
[7/23/2011 2:49:10 PM] *** MÃ¥rk added ***
[7/23/2011 2:49:37 PM] nathaw1: **** bang
[7/23/2011 2:49:41 PM] nathaw1: bang and the **** is gone
[7/23/2011 2:50:02 PM] DRV: Nathan
[7/23/2011 2:50:17 PM] DRV: We're not pirates, say that again and i will withdraw my invitation.
[7/23/2011 2:50:21 PM] *** Raptor(Dominik) has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: Kharon.Ray was put out of action by Anne (Administrator)" ***
[7/23/2011 2:50:23 PM] *** MÃ¥rk has changed the conversation topic to "(sun)" ***
[7/23/2011 2:50:26 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: We're terrorists...
[7/23/2011 2:50:33 PM] DRV: Sh, jeremy.
[7/23/2011 2:50:35 PM] Raptor(Dominik): Duck one?
[7/23/2011 2:50:37 PM] DRV: He needs to figure it out.
[7/23/2011 2:50:47 PM] nathaw1: your hippy group?
[7/23/2011 2:50:57 PM] Raptor(Dominik): DUCK PEACE!
[7/23/2011 2:51:05 PM] nathaw1: PEACE FOR ALL DUCK KIND
[7/23/2011 2:51:18 PM] Rubber Duck: for duck.
[7/23/2011 2:51:21 PM] Rubber Duck: all for duck.
[7/23/2011 2:51:21 PM] *** Nick (Hades) has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: So much ****ing spam" ***
[7/23/2011 2:51:22 PM] *** Jacob/Jeremy has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat" ***
[7/23/2011 2:51:25 PM] *** Tabris Anobi has changed the conversation topic to "" ***
[7/23/2011 2:51:27 PM] wedge1001: WAT DO YOU WANT FFS
[7/23/2011 2:51:27 PM] *** Nick (Hades) has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: So much ****ing spam" ***
[7/23/2011 2:51:42 PM] Nick (Hades): wow
[7/23/2011 2:51:43 PM] Tabris Anobi: Stop ****ing around with the conversation name pplz. >_>
[7/23/2011 2:51:44 PM] *** Jacob/Jeremy has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: So much spam over ducks" ***
[7/23/2011 2:51:55 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Yes Uncle Tabby:(
[7/23/2011 2:51:56 PM] Anne: [Saturday, July 23, 2011 2:51 PM] Tabris Anobi:

<<< Stop ****ing around with the conversation name pplz.^
[7/23/2011 2:51:57 PM] Nick (Hades): in my recent convos that came up as 'So much ****ing'
[7/23/2011 2:51:59 PM] Nick (Hades): anne
[7/23/2011 2:52:06 PM] Nick (Hades): just make it so only chat ops like you can edit it
[7/23/2011 2:52:06 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Yes Anne:(
[7/23/2011 2:52:15 PM] Tabris Anobi: That would be wise.
[7/23/2011 2:52:19 PM] *** Anne removed from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:53:28 PM] Nick (Hades): And instead of kicking the ducks, the symtom, I suggest kicking the cause, Enjado.
[7/23/2011 2:53:38 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution): !!!
[7/23/2011 2:53:48 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution)::(
[7/23/2011 2:53:51 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Meh
[7/23/2011 2:53:59 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Give him one last chance to stop
[7/23/2011 2:54:02 PM] *** Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution) added mark's.bane.ducklet ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:16 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: If he doesnt, then go ahead
[7/23/2011 2:54:18 PM] *** MÃ¥rk has changed the conversation topic to "(sun)" ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:31 PM] MÃ¥rk: Jeremy
[7/23/2011 2:54:37 PM] MÃ¥rk: Thanks for backign me up man
[7/23/2011 2:54:46 PM] *** Anne removed MÃ¥rk from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:46 PM] *** nathaw1 has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Military Lawful Chat - Supreme Overlord Commander Nathan" ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:48 PM] *** Nick (Hades) has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: So much ****ing spam, and keep your damn Corsair hands off the topic" ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:50 PM] *** Anne removed mark's.bane.ducklet from this conversation. ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:52 PM] *** Jacob/Jeremy has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: Stop Changing it or Anne and Tabby will get you." ***
[7/23/2011 2:54:54 PM] nathaw1: **** YOU NICK
[7/23/2011 2:54:57 PM] nathaw1: XD
[7/23/2011 2:55:01 PM] Nick (Hades): wooow
[7/23/2011 2:55:05 PM] *** Raptor(Dominik) has left ***
[7/23/2011 2:55:13 PM] Tabris Anobi: ...
[7/23/2011 2:55:22 PM] *** Anne added MÃ¥rk ***
[7/23/2011 2:55:43 PM] MÃ¥rk: Of course that's bull**** (sun) You're full of crap
[7/23/2011 2:55:45 PM] *** Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution) has changed the conversation picture. ***
[7/23/2011 2:55:46 PM] *** MÃ¥rk has changed the conversation topic to "(sun)" ***
[7/23/2011 2:55:54 PM] *** MÃ¥rk has changed the conversation picture. ***
[7/23/2011 2:55:56 PM] *** MÃ¥rk has left ***
[7/23/2011 2:56:04 PM] Nick (Hades): Yeah, don't add him back.
[7/23/2011 2:56:08 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution): :@
[7/23/2011 2:56:18 PM] *** Jacob/Jeremy has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat" ***
[7/23/2011 2:56:22 PM] *** Tabris Anobi has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Chat: DO NOT CHANGE THIS" ***
[7/23/2011 2:56:23 PM] *** Anne has changed the conversation topic to "Rheinland Lawful Spam Chat | (sun)" ***
[7/23/2011 2:56:28 PM] Nick (Hades): But Tabris
[7/23/2011 2:56:32 PM] Nick (Hades): You just did >_>
[7/23/2011 2:56:39 PM] Nick (Hades): dun dun dun
[7/23/2011 2:56:44 PM] *** Anne has changed the conversation picture. ***
[7/23/2011 2:56:45 PM] Rubber Duck: folks, too many spam. too many ducks. i will see you somewhere else.
[7/23/2011 2:56:48 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution): LOL
[7/23/2011 2:56:49 PM] Tabris Anobi: And Anne changed it also, you gonna go against the Klanzer? >_>
[7/23/2011 2:56:53 PM] Anne: nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi
[7/23/2011 2:56:53 PM] *** Rubber Duck has left ***
[7/23/2011 2:57:07 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution): duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck
[7/23/2011 2:57:12 PM] Nick (Hades): He's made of thin rubber apparently
[7/23/2011 2:57:18 PM] Anne: he couldnt take the duck hate ;(
[7/23/2011 2:57:32 PM] Donny™ (TotalϟAbsolution): DUCKLETS GON' DUCK
[7/23/2011 3:21:40 PM] Mäthe: i don't need so much spam
[7/23/2011 3:21:44 PM] *** Mäthe has left ***
[7/23/2011 3:30:16 PM] Cawdor: wtf was that guy?
[7/23/2011 3:30:18 PM] Cawdor: O_o
[7/23/2011 3:31:29 PM] Nick (Hades): Who?
[7/23/2011 3:31:32 PM] Nick (Hades): Enjado?
[7/23/2011 3:33:28 PM] Cawdor: that was Enjado?
[7/23/2011 3:33:33 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: Yep
[7/23/2011 3:33:37 PM] Cawdor: k

I can haz skype - SnakThree - 07-24-2011

[17:06:28] Snak3: Let's trade?
[17:06:29] Snak3: <_<
[17:09:37] Varok: OK. I sell potatos for 1 euro per kilo.
[17:09:51] Snak3: (rofl)
[17:10:00] Vitaly (Aurigae): Selling lags
[17:10:08] Vitaly (Aurigae): 1000ms for 10 mils
[17:10:12] Snak3: You are paying to buy it?
[17:10:24] Snak3: I meant
[17:10:27] Varok: Umm, that's to much Vit.
[17:10:33] Snak3: You'll pay us for buying them?
[17:10:36] Vitaly (Aurigae): Oh rite, my lag is infinite.
[17:10:37] Vitaly (Aurigae): Soru.
[17:10:41] Vitaly (Aurigae): 1000ms for 1 mil.
[17:10:46] Snak3: (rofl)
[17:10:47] Varok: Better. (sun)

I can haz skype - Pacific - 07-24-2011

[23:54:22] {BG}Cpt.Dimitrov (Pacific): Man that
[23:54:22] {BG}Cpt.Dimitrov (Pacific): sucked as organisation
[23:54:23] {BG}Cpt.Dimitrov (Pacific)::D
[23:55:00] magneziu223: We're at Arra. Regroup here.
[23:55:10] magneziu223: We're at Leeds JH. Regroup here.
[23:55:13] magneziu223: *after 10 minutes*
[23:55:17] magneziu223: Guys? You're coming?
[23:55:23] magneziu223: We're at Leeds JH.
[23:55:27] magneziu223: We're at Arra.
[23:55:31] magneziu223: Alright, coming to you.
[23:55:35] magneziu223: Alright, coming to you too.
[23:55:37] magneziu223::D
[23:55:51] magneziu223: We should had played Benny Hill theme in the background.:D
[23:55:52] Avalanche (Greg): I'm busy
[23:56:03] {BG}Cpt.Dimitrov (Pacific): Muahahaha

I can haz skype - Petitioner - 07-25-2011

[5:48:53 AM] Snak3: Boy
[5:48:59 AM] Snak3: I am bad at speaking English :/

[7/23/2011 10:43:02 AM] Ilya (Vityaz): I'm Capwhore of EDGE. nice to meet ya)
[7/23/2011 10:43:30 AM] blingy33: mate I'm capwhroe of sirius
[7/23/2011 10:43:35 AM] blingy33: so I think we'll get along:)
[7/23/2011 10:43:59 AM] vıяus: capwhore hunter hunting you sir (smoking)

I can haz skype - Fletcher - 07-25-2011

[22:57:21] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): also I just want to blow stuff up
[22:57:31] Fletcher: Proof that counters to the Clydes exist
[22:57:31] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): oh wait
[22:57:32] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): you're fletcher
[22:57:37] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): i just realized that
[22:57:38] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): >_>
[22:57:43] Fletcher: herp-to-the-derp
[22:57:52] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): and by fletcher
[22:57:53] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): i meant
[22:57:56] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): "DAMMIT IT'S FLETCHER"
[22:58:02] Zigeris-Masanori-Hansen: lawls
[22:58:22] Fletcher: (rofl) I gotta ICHS that
[22:58:30] Timo Edge (TheOrangeButterfly): lol

I can haz skype - jakub963 - 07-26-2011

[10:34:58] Jacob Antis (Shagohad/Palsy Pilot): Eldar have women in skin tight suits doing acrobatics.
[10:35:06] Jacob Antis (Shagohad/Palsy Pilot): How much more weeaboo can you get, Yao?
[10:35:11] Curt Remmert (Nestel): Ponies
[10:35:12] Jacob Antis (Shagohad/Palsy Pilot): Honestly?
[10:35:19] Curt Remmert (Nestel): Ponies in Mammoths

I can haz skype - McNeo - 07-28-2011

[17:04:37] Joe (Jihad): I need to test my balls

I can haz skype - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-29-2011

[3:13:20 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci): ello kids
[3:13:27 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci): anyone had problems with /givecash lately?
[3:13:55 PM] Andrewthecool: no why?
[3:14:00 PM] Jimmy Patterson(Dave): it worked when i xferd cash to a cvhar of mine
[3:14:21 PM] Andre the Cat: I've had problems-- no one has /givecashed me 1000000000
[3:14:28 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci)::D
[3:14:53 PM] Andre the Cat: Hey Petrucci, want to fix my problem?:D
[3:15:16 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci): not in the slightest (sun)

[3:15:49 PM] Andrewthecool: (rofl)
[3:16:02 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci)::D
[3:16:36 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: :|
[3:16:42 PM] Jacob/Jeremy: What is this madness
[3:16:47 PM] Andre the Cat: MADNESS?
[3:17:09 PM] Dream Theatre (Petrucci): DONT

[3:47:18 PM] Andrewthecool: Andre, theres something on your fae.
[3:47:19 PM] Andrewthecool: face.
[3:47:23 PM] Andrewthecool: *Punches*
[3:47:27 PM] Andrewthecool: IT WAS PAIN >:L
[3:47:33 PM] Andre the Cat: Andre the Cat 's robot falls over sparking.
[3:47:46 PM] Andre the Cat: Andre the Cat hops in from outside the room.
[3:47:51 PM] Andre the Cat: Nope, just an Andrebot.
[3:48:03 PM] Andrewthecool: *uses EMP to kill all bots*
[3:48:06 PM] Andrewthecool: ****ing multiboxer!
[3:48:20 PM] Andre the Cat: Trololololol!