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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Alex. - 01-20-2010

Stupid typing errors... It was only an extra 'l' in the word I needed. -_-
EDIT: Hmm... Thanks for getting rid of that.:)
2nd edit: DAMMIT! It's back...

I can haz skype - Pinko - 01-21-2010

[23:28:39] Linkus: Our, your, all the same in the glorious [Molly] republic!
[23:28:57] Jess the Music Meister: ***...(Drunkones)...***

I can haz skype - darthbeck - 01-21-2010

[11:27:47 PM] Jess the Music Meister: Sooo
[11:27:52 PM] Jess the Music Meister: to be part of the MR
[11:27:56 PM] Jess the Music Meister: I must be gangraped?
[11:27:56 PM] Sprolf: So whit?
[11:27:57 PM] Jess the Music Meister: ._.
[11:28:05 PM] Will(Beck): Well..
[11:28:11 PM] Will(Beck): Jus' a little bit
[11:28:13 PM] Linkus: If it takes your fancy
[11:28:15 PM] Sprolf: Aye, ye moost be raped by oul the members o' the Repooblec.
[11:28:24 PM] Sprolf: Ac'tly, nae really.
[11:28:27 PM] Jess the Music Meister: W--Watsas?
[11:28:29 PM] Linkus: there are several thousands, if not millions of u O.o
[11:28:30 PM] Sprolf: We're jis' foolin' wi' ye.
[11:28:30 PM] Will(Beck): Ya mean if takes Our fancy ya idiot.
[11:28:31 PM] Jess the Music Meister: Come to my defence
[11:28:31 PM] Linkus: s*
[11:28:32 PM] Jess the Music Meister: D:
[11:28:48 PM] Linkus: Our, your, all the same in the glorious republic!
[11:29:07 PM] Jess the Music Meister: ***...(Drunkones)...***
[11:29:36 PM] Jess the Music Meister: C'mon
[11:29:40 PM] Jess the Music Meister: I was expecting srs lulz.
[11:29:44 PM] Will(Beck): Oh?
[11:29:49 PM] Will(Beck): ya wan' some lul now?
[11:29:53 PM] Will(Beck): lemme go ge' that
[11:29:55 PM] Jess the Music Meister: [23:28:39] Linkus: Our, your, all the same in the glorious republic!
[23:28:57] Jess the Music Meister: ***...(Drunkones)...***
[11:30:12 PM] Linkus: Linkus is too sleepy
[11:30:26 PM] Will(Beck): read this, then come get yer 100% beck lul..
[11:30:28 PM] Linkus: I never thought I would ever say that to a gal
[11:30:28 PM] Will(Beck):
[11:30:49 PM] Linkus: sleep tiam anyway
[11:30:51 PM] Linkus: night folks
[11:30:52 PM] Linkus: no raping
[11:30:53 PM] Sprolf: Bai.
[11:31:01 PM] Will(Beck): NO promises mate..
[11:31:07 PM] Jess the Music Meister: luls.
[11:31:14 PM] Will(Beck): Ya still wan some luls?
[11:31:29 PM] Jess the Music Meister: Why?
[11:31:40 PM] Jess the Music Meister: I want epik lulz.
[11:31:56 PM | Edited 11:32:02 PM] Will(Beck): Well now, yer in the righ' place..
[11:32:10 PM] Jess the Music Meister: o.O
[11:32:55 PM] Will(Beck): tha' ya are...

I can haz skype - lw'nafh - 01-21-2010

[3:06:45 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): awdaekpo21i-pawlkhaso anpoposjaslksad lk;
[3:06:46 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): Hai.
[3:07:03 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): Hai.
[3:07:08 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): Hai.
[3:07:08 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): Server's still down D:
[3:07:11 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): Hai.
[3:07:22 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): D: Hai.
[3:07:32 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): D: Hai.
[3:07:40 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): HAI!
[3:07:46 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): HAI!
[3:08:00 PM | Edited 3:08:06 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): CTHULHU FHTAGN
[3:08:29 PM | Edited 3:08:32 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): CTHULHU FHTAGN
[3:08:49 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): Troy Martin (Kazinsal) watches as a squidmonster in a suit appears and eats Ben's head
[3:09:13 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): ._.
[3:33:28 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr) watches as a penis flies around the room.
[3:33:53 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): Interestin'
[3:33:56 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): <.<
[3:33:57 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): >.>
[3:34:50 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): <.<
[3:34:51 PM] Ben (Kanga the Dinorawr): >.>

I can haz skype - Corsair - 01-21-2010

Corsair(Alexander) slaps Beck.
[11:20:06 PM] Corsair(Alexander): Go lul yourself.

I can haz skype - lw'nafh - 01-21-2010

-This failed, remove-

I can haz skype - Shagohad - 01-21-2010

[1/20/2010 10:59:21 PM] Alvin Katz (Commissar): reading about your under garments

An amusing subject, I will write about this later.

I can haz skype - Marcus Lindberg - 01-21-2010

[16:10:11] varok223: ALG should clean the haiti streets


[13 January 2010 02:13] Jan Herzog / Reisiger / OSI CEO: Jan Herzog / Reisiger / OSI CEO facepalms as he tried to klick on the 'X' to close the info window inside the screenshot

moar o_O

I can haz skype - Grimly - 01-21-2010

Quote:[15:07:42] Slave_Cornelio (T?th P?ter): i'll really will suggest an Lolwut ID into game
[15:09:25] TH_Espi (Martin): hostile to everyone?
[15:09:29] TH_Espi (Martin): we got admins for that:D
[15:15:38 | Modifi? (15:16:20)] Slave_Cornelio (T?th P?ter): lolwut ID:

Can attack everybody on sight
Can demand cargo or credits, with phrases like "pay tax or DAI" "drop cargo or DAI"
Can attack without notice
Can speak with broken english
Can evade pirates with "Noenglish"
Cannot ally with non-lolwuts
Can only swear in selfdenfense
Can pirate with any shipclass ( yes even with battleships)

Allowed ships: BatlSyipss, Ganbotz, Kruyzers, Bombah, Fahjturz

Using any kind of for of RP can lead to the loose of this ID

I want:D

I can haz skype - Dashiell - 01-21-2010
