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Citizen Katz Made a Surprise Move - Printable Version

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Citizen Katz Made a Surprise Move - arvg - 10-18-2009

***And Here is the News***

[Image: KatzComm.jpg]

In a surprise move, Citizen Katz yesterday launched a 819 Gubernatorial campaign that could make him the first Socialist Governor in Libertonian History. It will also bring about the issue of Ontario’s Sovereignty from the Union.

"I'm going to do this, and we are going to win my Comrades," Citizen Katz announced at a press conference held on Toronto Station, where earlier LPI officials stood by helplessly as he was welcomed aboard. Citing that the man had broken no Liberty laws, despite being a known member of the SCRA.

Citizen Katz spent the day in his new Toronto offices making calls to supporters, donors and friends. His announcement was deliberately timed to come shortly before President Powell's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, campaign advisers said, so Citizen Katz can draw a contrast with the Powell administration's record and help focus attention on the office of the Governor of Ontario.

Campaigners on his behalf hope, they said, is to establish Citizen Katz as the candidate best prepared to become the first Socialist Governor, and actually bring about real change for the people of Ontario too long ignored by those in power.

"The stakes will be high when Ontario chooses a new Governor in 819," Katz said in a statement to the press. "I never sought this, and I don’t do this for personal gain. I do this because the people of Ontario asked me to do it. I do it because my Comrades need someone to stand up on their behalf, and stand firm in the face of the corruption.

For too long have the corrupt enforcers of Liberty's laws wasted time and effort on stopping mere pot smokers and those that infringe immoral copyright laws. I instead put my efforts into stopping serious crime, like slavery

Slavery and Cardamine has plagued Ontario. It has become a super highway of this diabolical trade. I have put a stop to this, and will continue to do what they, the LPI and the Liberty Navy, have failed to do. That is protect the Citizenry of Ontario and all who pass through this system. This I pledge, this I shall do.

I am someone who will not bow down to Corporate interests, and will remain above bias and popularist opinion. But only a new Governor will be able to undo Liberty’s mistakes and restore our hope and optimism."

"The corporate media of Liberty make me out to be antidemocratic and in favour of totalitarianism... The only truth in this is that I am the ONLY serious choice that's on offer here!"

Citizen Katz begins the long campaign as the clear front-runner over the incumbent Candidate, according to a Liberty-wide News poll completed Friday night.

[Image: KFG2.jpg]

Citizen Katz Made a Surprise Move - Elrainn - 10-21-2009

*** Incoming Transmission ***
ID: Templar News, Host: Elrainn, Special Liberty Broadcast
Location: Templar Hall, System: ???
*** Beginning Transmission ***

Subject: Mr. Katz, declared a liar.

Elrainn: "Mr. Katz, I seem to remember you stating something about not wishing to run for the Governer of Ontario, In fact I have proof that you stated this YESTERDAY."

Quote:Katz: "As for those of you that feel that I would be suited for Governor of your system.
I must state, clearly, that I have no intention of running for the position at this time"

Elrainn: Although I am no Libertonian, I do not think that the nation of Liberty appreciates liars and Socialists. Socialism is the first step to communism citizens of Ontario, I urge you not to vote for this man. He will bring the downfall of Liberty itself, I am willing to fund a permant police force within the Ontario system, if this man is not elected. Many of my comrades will look down upon me for this, but I do not wish for Liberty to fall, even if they abandoned us so many years ago, and please Mr. Katz, we urge you to resign from the election. Hopefully if the humiliation does not stop you, it stops the voters. For Honor! For Judea! For Sirius! For the Templars!

*** Ending Transmission ***

Citizen Katz Made a Surprise Move - Quorg - 10-21-2009

In an unrelated story, Hamilton Station begins selling Cryer-approved Synthetic Marijuana at its employee lounge.

Comm ID: Quorg

This sounds great! My fellow workers and I at the collectively-managed Hamilton Commune, however, are getting worried that Comrade Katz will permit bourgeois traders to continue stealing the Gate/Lane Parts built by the sweat of our brows, since we have not heard a firm commitment on his part to crack down on the theft of communally-owned property.

As a sign of commitment on my part as the new Chair of the Ageira Workers' Union, I shall furthermore voluntarily forfeit my entire salary earned as the Director of Ageira until further notice.


Citizen Katz Made a Surprise Move - Aungi - 10-21-2009

Vessel - The Golden Hind
Captain - Aungi Hart
Transmission Location - Red Deer Station, Alberta

.......Wow, where does this leave Alberta and Yukon? Not a lot of us out here so will our voice even be heard by Liberty or Citizen Katz?
I in many ways favor Independence for us but realize the hard ships that will come in achieving it and maintaining it.
I will make contact with you Citizen Katz to discuss your ideas and share mine with you.
Captain Hart out.............