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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Cond0r - 03-04-2010

Incoming Transmission
ID: Raymond Amsel "Schwarzvogel"

Ze Rheinland Millitary Captains are getting more and more bold every day. It is outrageous what zhey are doing. While on patrol with zie herren Hessler und Neurath we received a distress call from ze Aster from ze LWB. She was under attack by a cruiser, a marvelous example of how to waste resources. Ze captain of ze Kuun.Lan is weel known for his cowardice. Meine comrades und me quickly answered the call...

Ze foolish captain was no match for the Red Hessian Army. We quickly attacked him and soon after, he wished he was at someplace else. Ze herr was scared of dying, but such cowards deserve just that. Mein Supernova cannon got ze last shot on ze foolish captains ship.

[Image: 6f1jxs.jpg]

[Image: nbw84o.jpg]

Fur das Volkrevolution!!!

Transmission Terminated
Signal Lost

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - looqas - 03-04-2010

[Image: farb.jpg]

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Oberst Johannes Farb
Location: Vogtland, Dresden

I'm honored to inform you that Rekrut Raymond Amsel has today earned himself a promotion to Flieger. Best of luck and Raymond, drinks are on you today at the bar.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Cond0r - 03-04-2010

Incoming Transmission
ID: Raymond Amsel "Schwarzvogel"

With my recent promotion to Flieger, es ist time to work even harder. I decided to patrol our Fatherland once more. I went to New Berlin to scout out ze situation zere. Soon I was saw a large patrol of millitary ships at some distance infront of me. There were many of them, und ze patrol was way too big for me, so I decided to pull out to Stuttgart. As soon as I entered ze system I saw zis trader that was hauling a lot of cargo.

[Image: 65mueh.jpg]

Ze herr was quite cooperative und he didnt call ze millitary on me, like some others do, just because zhey do not understand what we are fighting for...
After dealing with ze herr, I made it safely back home unharmed. Another fruitful day fur ze Army.
Fur das Volkrevolution!!!

Transmission Terminated
Signal Lost

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kingalex535 - 03-06-2010

Com Id: Mike Stah
Source : Freeport 5
To : RHA
Transmission begins:

News for the Revolution will be good and yet, bland for the lack of events. While I was in patrol in Omega 11 I picked a DHC on my scanners, poor fellow, he gave everything up for them but only to get minimum wage and become broke. He, of corse, gave his support to us because he was tired of being broke.

Thats all the news for today, like I told you, lack of events.

For The Revolution!

End Transmission.

Source : Everywhere

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Aphil - 03-06-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Manfred Richthofen
> Location: Aboard Freistal
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Combat Report

Today while passing through Omega-11 I came across a spatial carrying Hessian Pilots. He was near Solarius station. At first he spoke some gibberish and said he doesn't like the Hessians, I told him I don't like him either. Oddly enough he then shot at some Daumann Rookies causing Solarius to shoot at him and preventing him from docking. After asking him several times to give me the pilots I began shooting him and once I dealt serious damage to him he gave me the pilots. As I was leaving he challenged me to a fight which I thought was rather odd considering I just damaged his ship quickly and easily. I proceeded to drop off the pilots at Freital and proceeded to sector C-2 where he was located. After a very brief skirmish I had withered his ship down to nothing. I decided however that he was simply a misguided soul so I let him live. For the revolution!!!

My Mercy

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Aphil - 03-06-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Joseph Abusaid
> Location: Aboard OSI-Centurion
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Negotiation with IMS

Today was a good day. Shortly after my last report I managed to not only collect 5 Million in donations but I made a deal with the IMS and on top of all that possibly recruit a new member. I must say I'm rather proud of my accomplishments. I will attach the proof of my deeds as well as report on the operational status of my vessel.

Picture Collection
Deal with IMS
Recruiting and Convincing someone to donate to our cause.
Set-up Evidence 1
Set-up Evidence 2

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Riebezagel - 03-06-2010

|-----Incoming Transmission-----|
[color=#000000]| Source : Freital Base , Omega 11 |
[Image: 9ig4v7mm.png]
| ID : Emil Meier |

Guten Tag,

i patrolled Stuttgart System today. Luckily my friend Maik.Lehmann joined me again, it became busy. We intercepted senor timur, he ejected after the second approach and we liberated 16 pilots he captured. Than we disrupted the Kanzler's vital trade connection to New Berlin. Several trade ship captains supported our cause, what attracted the Rheinwehr. Herr Lehmann took out a Wrath before the pilot could ask for reinforcements. Later we stopped the Zoner vessel Lemon Curry, the captain was very cooperative. The demand on deuterium at Freital Base should be covered a while, the zoners unloaded 3500 cargo units.

Meier out

[Image: h2poum5g.png]
[color=#990000]|-----Transmission Terminated-----|

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Lucas_Fernandez - 03-06-2010

Message to: Gefreiter Mike Stah
Comm ID: Major Adolph.Hessler
Location: Cruiser Hessen.

I'm demoting him to Flieger rank because of problems with discipline. The order was to train in omega 54. Herr, You left the traning and went to omega 41 and got yourself into an unwanted fight. You must understand that this is the Red Hessian Army and not a horde of unorganised corsairs.

...End of Transmission...

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kingalex535 - 03-06-2010

Message to : Adolph. Hessler

Transmission source : Unknown

Transmission begins:

Well here is my answer to you. First off, I didn't because i was preparing for the Omega Gamma Raid but of corse you TAKE my plans, tell me to shut up, wouldn't let me give Advice on my own raid that i organized in the beggining and of corse i get killed first because the bombers were mixed in with the fighters and since i was a bomber, i was targeted.

You can kick me out and through me out onto the streets or depromote me to rekrut but I will never forgive you for taking my plans and there were alot of hessians on today because of the raids.

Also, we did not fight, we talked to the corsairs and left on your command and i didn't know there was a training session because no one told me until the middle and you told us to leave. I did not know because no one informed me, you were all were as silent as haystacks. I wasn't even there until you told me about it.

The Operation was messed up at first because everyone had odins but no thors except for emil but i'll leave that for you to tell and say how many we lost. The only honor i had in this was getting my ship destroyed and refunding everyones money that died.

Transmission cuts off.
Source Unknown

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Aphil - 03-06-2010

Today was an excellent day. While I was on patrol a Bounty Hunter Bomber attacked me but ended up fleeing. The best part was that he was tasked with destroying me so that a Daumann could mine in O-11... I chased the Hunter to O-7 and I extorted the Daumann miner. It was rather amusing that his little plan back fired. On another note I negotiated a deal with an Independant Trader named "CaptainCronic" The deal is as follows

When he is in need of help he is to call a [RHA] Vessel.
The [RHA] ships will assist him with whatever problem he has and then the ships helping will be paid by him

Here is the contract: Contract