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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - LancerZero - 11-18-2007

Message to: RHA Command
Comm ID: Leutnant Conrad Egon
Location: Freeport 5, Omega-41

A routine, if frustrating, day. I left our base in Omega-11 intending to make my way to Omega-49 to ransom off the growing number of bounty hunters imprisoned in my hold. I didn't make it farther than Omega-41...annoyingly large swarms of bounty hunters and Corsairs impeded my progress to the point that I had to dock on Freeport 5 just to get a breather.

I launched again, and was immediately engaged by eight bounty hunter fighters. I quickly dispatched three of them before a familiar face appeared from the nearby Omicron Gamma jump hole...AzzAzzEllo. The very same Corsair gunboat that I had fought near Brandenberg a month or so ago. I remembered his cerberus turrets, and knew that the Eismaid was not yet ready for such a foe.

AzzAzzEllo: die
Me: No, thank you.

I simply docked at Freeport 5; I may as well simply spend the night. Other Corsairs will probably be keeping an eye on the Freeport for some time to see if I launch, so I will just have to disappoint them. I have, at least, discovered a few important things about how this gunship handles best in a fight, to be shared with you all over our secure communications system.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - alance - 11-18-2007

> ==================================================================
> Append CommSys Message Log
> ==================================================================
> SecChanID: 34ae88.3410c8b4.762d11
> MessageTo: RHA_All_Personnel
> SentFrom: Fleet_Kapitan_Moritz
> Subject: Stance toward Workers Front [W]
> Gentlemen,
> My staff has informed me that the Corsair-loving Workers Front [W] bosses are offering huge sums of
> money for any/all of the rarest prototype and experimental weaponry available. We're talking hundreds of
> millions of credits worth.
> This smacks of a Corsair bankroll and the entwining servitude that always accompany such things of this
> scale. For a time I held out hope that this band of misguided souls would turn their guns on the Corsair
> menace that threatens all of Rheinland, but this is obviously not going to happen with their current
> "leadership".
> The new intelligence on [W]'s funding and alarming arms purchasing plans forever removes them from the
> "struggling rebels" category and into "major threat" territory. For this reason [RHA] is breaking the neutrality
> agreement that was to continue through the rest of this month (November).
> Workers Front [W] is now to be considered Hostile. Feel free to seek them out and destroy their assets at
> every opportunity deemed tactically feasible.
> - Fleet Kapitan Moritz
> - Executive Officer, RHA
> MessageEnd

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nathan90 - 11-18-2007

message to all [RHA] and Ghost Brothers
message from [RHA]Rekrut Nathan

This is a confirmation message that a RM vessel was destroyed in Dresdan today. It was just me and the offending vessel. He managed to destroy my shields several times but did very little damage to my hull.Eventually he was hit directly in the hull by one of my sunslayers and was destroyed. Unfortunetly there is no camera footage of this incident.

-message ends-

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - LancerZero - 11-19-2007

Message to: RHA Command
Comm ID: Leutnant Conrad Egon
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta

We gathered quite a fleet last night...and flew from Vogtland to Omicron Theta, but the only opponent we encountered (a Corsair) fled before we could engage. We cruised right though Omicron Gamma with no opposition! Were the Corsairs asleep, or were they perhaps afraid of us?

1x Outcast Dreadnought (Ghost flagship)
1x Hessian Cruiser (LWB-affiliated independent)
1x Hacker Gunship (myself)
3x Odin VHF
1x Sabre VHF
1x Crow HF

Never before have so many Hessians gathered together in one place...even though we could find nobody to engage, nonetheless it was an impressive show of force, proving that we can field enough forces to fight even the Corsairs head-to-head.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nightblade - 11-20-2007

Message to: All RHA/Ghosts
CommID: Major Nightblade
Location: Pride of Hiigara

Aye, indeed we did gather quite a large force, and for the first time I was in command of such numbers. It was confusing at best, and I was kinda not sure of what to do.
Long range scanners didnt detect any treats from gamma or Berlin. So we headed to the Omicron's to try and pirate some possible traders there.
We kept getting disrupted and separated by fighter patrols of various origins. By the time we got to our destination, our targets had moved and we followed to a nearby system.
We arrived there to find a Corsair but he fled at the sheer sight of us (right fully so) So we gather our forces and resupplied at Freeport 9. It was basically from there that most of us disbanded but not before someone had suggested that we fly into liberty space and pirate there.
I reminded that person that we have no business in Liberty and would not want to upset the authorities with our large presence there.
We went back to Berlin to try and catch some traders, but to no avail. I Docked at Vogtland and got my photos developed. These are a few, forgive me, im a pilot, not really a photographer.

--Fly well, aim true--

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - alance - 11-21-2007


From: Fleet_Kaptain_Moritz
To: RHA_All_Personnel
Date: 21-Nov-815 AS

Subject: Promotions



As suggested by a ranking officer... For proving themselves capable pilots with sufficient skill and determination, Stone and
Nathan have been advanced in rank to Leutnant. Good work Leutnant Stone and Leutnant Nathan; keep at it. Enjoy your
freebies at the o-club, then get your ass back in the cockpit and show us we didn't make a mistake by promoting you.

Yeah so this is a form letter... I'm a busy man!

- Fleet Kapitan Moritz
- Executive Officer, RHA


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nathan90 - 11-21-2007

Message from: Leutnant Nathan
To:Fleet Kapitan Moritz

Thank you sir it is a great honor. I accept this promotion and shall continue to Fly under the Hessian banner for glory.

Message Ends

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - I_m_rdy - 11-22-2007

Comm ID: Leutnant Reinhold Krupp
Message to: RHA Comrades

Comrades, this day Me and Nathan were off to some patrolling, where I used the opportunity to get used to my new Odin fighter and to record all Jump Holes and friendly bases. While being in Hamburg, Ritter Merrill joined our patrol. As we were on the way back, we caught up familiar signatures in New Berlin, the RM were again "at work". We decided to "visit" the single bomber, who had major fleet defence behind him. 2 Battleships, 4 Cruisers and 4 Wraths were charging at us, together with the RM pilot.

Ritter Merrill flew ahead, followed by us. The fight was long and hard, and we had many people joining the fight, such as Hammerhead-Sharky, Skyelius and Dead_See_Trawler. We could manage to destroy the Sharky, who unfortunately could blow off my Debilitator pair, leaving me without optimal offence capabilities. Nathan had to our detriment misfired a Nova Torpedo and his bomber couldn't stand the blast.

At last there stood me and Merrill vs Skyelius and the RM pilot. I took on the RM, Merrill fought Skyelius. A big mistake, as we didn't concentrate on one target. It took long until Skyelius managed to take out Merrill's ship, leaving me against the two. 2 of my Sunslayers hit successfully the RM bomber, so he quickly called for reinforcements. The Rheinland Cruiser Dead_See_Trawler took me under heavy fire, and it didn't take long until I had to eject and engage my escape pod engines. Luckily I made it, together with Nathan and Merrill.

End Transmission

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nightblade - 11-24-2007

CommID: Major Nightblade
Message to: all RHA/Ghosts

Subject: Kaptain Moritz

Brothers, it seems that our beloved Kaptain has disappeared. I worry for my brother, and i pray for his safe return, but untill that time, we must stand on our own two feet. Kaptain Moritz did a lot for the RHA Faction and went above and beyond the call of duty in support of something he believed in. Was it his job to lead the RHA? No, it wasnt. But he did it any way.

He gave us hope, money, food for our families, and a means to make ourselves heard! He was a brave warrior and had a good heart. I pray he returns to us soon, if ever.

But even with his loss we shall continue on. I myself am leaving for a short time. But we shall not dwindle. I shall return very shortly, and will assume Moritz's position within the RHA, unles someone else feels they are more qualified to do so. I dont intend on it being permanent, and we can also hold an election of sorts if Moritz decides not to come back.

If any one requires money or guns, ask a ranking Ghost member and i shall fund it. I shall be moving information that i can remember back to these channels so that everyone can have access to them.

RHA pilots, do not dispair, for we shall still fight as one, i shall try not to make the loss of our Kaptain affect the morale and confidence of our men. Have faith men.

-- Fly well, aim true --

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - LancerZero - 11-25-2007

Message to: RHA & Ghosts
Comm ID: Leutnant+ Conrad Egon
Location: RHA Eismaid, Omicron Alpha

My brothers, I have changed my mind. I had originally planned on staying in Alpha for a time, but I feel like I would be abandoning you all, and I cannot do that. My visit to Malta has not been entirely in vain, however, as the Eismaid has acquired some potent new weapons; and I have acquired some new diplomatic contacts.

Yes, contacts. The Outcasts have been very hospitable, treating me and my family as if we were their own. They even showed us to the Hispania, the centuries-old relic that still remains in space near Malta. We have all been careful to spend the vast majority of our time onboard the Eismaid so as to avoid developing a Cardimine addiction, but I do wonder what the effect of Cardi-laced food is...

At any rate, it has been good to meet with our Outcast allies, and to finally see their homeworld. They had spoken long and eloquently of their orange fields and the Cardi haze; and now I have seen both in person. I will be returning to Dresden shortly; my wife will work on what administrative duties she can, while I continue to fly and fight alongside you all.

Nightblade is right: we will carry on. Our cause is too just, too necessary to be felled by the departure of one man. One loss, no matter how great, cannot destroy our dream. Remember, brothers!
