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Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Printable Version

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Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Zigeris - 06-04-2010

Upon a seemly unforgiving job comes a time to unwind and relax. LSF Agents never stop working and constantly on the ins and out. But at the mercy of the CO's Agents are allowed restricted liberty leave on the stations around Liberty. But seeing necessity for convenient placement of recreational venues Ortega (Retired LSF agent) was given permission and grant to host a bar and grill. Gleefully he accepted. It's been 2 years now and Ortega's bar and Grill has been a staple for communizing Navy pilots and LSF members assigned to patrol this system. Here many stories are past along of battles, girls and favorite past times. A significant relief of tension from every day duties. And with prices low even AiT's can afford to eat there.

There are VIP rooms, and a small dance floor. Though only used when the enough Pilots organize a dance where their female partners are cleared from security risk and transfered to the base. Otherwise Commanders to Janitors come to Otrega's Bar and Grill and all can't say a bad thing about it.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Marcus Lindberg - 06-04-2010

Agent Adrienne Perry walked into the bar after responding to a distress signal from the Navy. It turned out to be a drill meant for Navy pilots, and she came back in a relatively annoyed mood.

She stomped in and pulled in a chair as she tried to relax herself at the bar. Growling at the bartender to get her a drink, she tried hard not to pull out her gun and begin shooting at every direction to let some steam off.

And then she realized it was 'that time' of the month...

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - n00bl3t - 06-04-2010

Internal Affairs always had an agent in the bar. People always loosened their tongues after a drink.

Tonight it was Sasha Dangelis' shift. It was early and not many people were in the bar, so she decided to stay on the barstools for a bit longer, before eventually retreating to one of the benches and tables around the bar.

A few agents bustled along here and there. Most seemed weary.

Sasha ordered herself a Pink Poodle, which was highly illegal, since Liberty bars were not allowed to serve such drinks, whilst thinking of the loophole which allowed her to do so. "Of course, the system she was in did not exist, so how could the drink?"

She smiled and sipped.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Zigeris - 06-04-2010

Liberty Security Forces Administration Manager of R&DD Rick Bidwill (IE the department bureaucrat) Under the delicate hands of Secretary of R&DD Dr.J-Wilkins command he is rather left unattended. Not due to any particular reasons Dr. J-Wilkins is a busy man. Rick Bidwill is a strong willed former Senior Agent before getting promoted. This promotions gave him a sense of command. Some within bounds while sometimes moving too far ahead of his Department. He isn't much into glorying himself as he is more interested in pushing the "Conservative side of LSF politics", that is having more of a military structure. This of course clashes with alot of the newer pilots, and some ace pilots within the LSF. Bidwill is not afraid to point out flaws within command and surely not afraid to point out flaws in Agents below him.

-Rick enters the bar with a few of his friends-

His favorite spot is along the bigger window facing the star that pears in a faint light. It's a booth like seating arrangement. And usually the best seat in the Bar. And it is always reserved for Rick Bidwill. Today, a gangling pilot is sitting in his seat with a few others.

-Rick walks up to the booth-

Rick: Pilot, I'm afraid you're in my seat. This is reserved for me and those who are MY friends.
Pilot: Eh? Ahaha that's cute kid...
Rick: Kid? You're talking to a higher rank officer! What is your name? -As he asked, he vaguely remembers, this is David Gee, Agent-
Gee: AH! ...
Rick: Gee, you're pilot Gee! You rumpus punk!
Gee: Oh I'm famous...wait you're that guy I met outside that research station eh???
Rick: Yeah I'll be more then happy to finish up your discipline referral with another case of disobeying orders!
Gee: -Takes a drink- I could care less about your "Discipline Referrals," but if ya know whats good for you you better just find yourself another seat, you aren't flattering yourself -Gee's two friends stand up and let Gee out, while all three stare each other down-
Rick: You look mad, son...whatca going to do? Hit me? Hit en officer of rank? -Smirks at Gee- I don't think you have the caliber to mess with me.
Gee: Right...right...riii -Take as a large swing at Rick's face connecting and throwing him into Rick's friends. By this time, the other pilots in the bar have taken notice and now begin to gather around-

Rick and Gee aren't small men by any means, these pilots are well conditioned and trained. From their start as AiT's to every single morning by order they are to do training. It would be no surprise if these pilots kill each other it is within their capacity.

-Rick tackles Gee into the booth's table punching him with right and left hooks, Gee closes the distance and throws him off and over another table. Rick dodges a punch and arm locks Gee into the table. -

Rick: -Breathing hard- Had enough Gee? you just earned yourself suspension!

-Gee takes a glass bottle with his other arm and smashes into the table -it breaks- and stabs it into Ricks hand resting on the table-

Rick: AHHHH! You
Gee: Screw you! -Laughs- C'mon man I'm just getting started!!!
-Rick slams his head into the table which is now bent. Gee twists around and elbows Rick in the head. With enough force to disable Rick, Gee takes advantage. -

Mean while the Navy pilots sit and watch.

Navy pilot one: Look at those girls go,
Navy Pilot 2: Yeah sweet hearts don't get too hurt you'll need your hands
Navy pilot 1: nah they can just use each other's mouths....

-Gee and Rick stop fighting-

Rick: What did you say to me boy?
Gee: Stiff nose pansy wants to join in?

-Gee and Rick move over to the Navy pilots and tipping over their drinks on their laps and slapping them both in the face-

Navy pilot 1: PRICK -Gets up-
Gee: * mockingly* Prick -has the pilot gets up Gee punches him in the face*
-This of course turns the fight of LSF and Navy pilots. All while Ortega returns to find his bar one big fighting brawl-


He repeats this till everyone hears him, some continued fighting as they seemed to enjoy it but the Military Police finally rolls in to separate the Pilots.

-All pilots were given punishment for their brawl, Navy received the harsher punishment and the LSF only received a lecture.-

After hours of clean up Ortega is left over looking his bar seeing the amount of damage a handful of pilot can do. He sighs and begins to clean it is 4 hours before closing.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Marcus Lindberg - 06-04-2010

Adrienne waited fr her drink, which (by her time constraints) was taking too long (in reality it had been 3 seconds). She clenched and turned around to go to the bathroom when she locked on to two dumb looking jarheads looking at her in a manner which suggested they would like to mate her (in reality they were staring at Ortega wine cellar). She immediately slammed the bar and kicked the chair off. As she walked towards the pilots she thought were staring at her with sexual motives, she came across Sasha Dangelis's table and picked up her Pink Poodle without consent from Sasha and continued towards the pilots, who began greeted themselves to her kindly.

She slapped the first pilot so hard there was a mark on his face so red he could be accused of supporting the Coalition. She spilled the drink on the second pilot.

She then went back, realizing that she had taken Sasha's drink, she apologized to Sasha and told her why she was in an angry mood. She then ordered another Pink Poodle for her as she sat next to her.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - rayne - 06-04-2010

Julia walks into the bar after a long shift doing boring paper work. She looks around and sees 1 of her agents fighting and immediately glares at Agent Perry.


She then proceeds to the bar were Ortega tells her of the fighting that happened earlier. Julia is utterly disgusted with it all, especially David Gee. She knows he is a loose cannon and doesn't follow orders very well.

"I will have them both brought up on charges for it. This reminds me of when I was under cover in Rochester, they constantly battled there too. And I will be damned if my station ends up like that"

She necks back her Liberty Ale and storms out to her office.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Zigeris - 06-05-2010

-A normal day of an regular agents usually consist of the following-

1.) Morning PT 1 hour
2.)Missions debriefing 1 hour
3.) Patrolling 5 hours
4.) Eating and leave. 1 hour
5.) Mission debriefing 1 hour
6.) Patrolling 6 hours
7.)End day debriefing. 1 hour
8.) Leave till morning PT 7 hours

A very tight hours and long hours. When agents get use to the schedule they will often say the second patrol is always the hardest. Most Agents are so exhausted by the time they are dismissed instead of heading out to their favorite bars they head to their quarters, eat and go right to sleep. Due to concerns of heath of LSF pilots alot of Agents work every other day or have one patrol. Some bases that have alot of Agents are usually the most favored among the service pilots. Base with few often means more patrols. Alert station sit about in the middle. --

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Zigeris - 07-08-2010

- Test pilots just get out of debriefing. They had a long day of system analysis a their new assignment. Though All of them sworn in secretary of this new project they were free to talk "some," data among other test pilots. The pilots in special interest of this project are Agent Phelps and Agent Oro'Lemus (Just graduated from West Point and recommended to the LSF) -

*The two sit down at the far tables away from everyone else.*

Phelps: Here we go * Phelps places piles of papers and books on the table*
Oro'Lemus: I'll order us some food and drinks ehh want like a steak or burger?
Phelps: Burger is fine thanks * Phelps begins looking over flight data* -To himself as he reads- The powercore of this older model had capacity to increase output over 500% but seeing as nothing could use that much power they settled for this -- BDR-337 model is a very shallow fighter. Though Doctor Wilkins made small modifications it doesn't do much for the over all design. He noted this in his lecture today. "The problem with Liberty crafted vessels is there not a uni-body platform. They are ridged and narrow minded." Dr. J-Wilkins suggests the fighters of the new era will be able to have external upgrades and internal upgrades. Which will firstly cut down on production costs and increase the ability to have a versified fighter fleet.-

Oro'Lemus: Hey! Ya starting without me? Ordered the food! *sits down and grabs a tablet with papers on it.* So have you reviewed the specs on this prototype yet?

Phelps: I seen a small portion. From what I can tell it's a Light Fighter class judging from it's speed capabilities.

Oro'Lemus: Yeah..could be but the powercore is massive. I wouldn't think they can cram such a power source in such a small frame.

Phelps: Yeah that is true. Alot of out fighters are still very basic and dated. I find it is hard to believe that it is taking us 20 years to develop something new. Or at least have something to show for the last 20 years.

Oro'Lemus: Well after the war, Nomadic war, the government was scared to have such a open policy for research. Especially Secularize Colleges access to Nomad tech. And pvt Military contractors. So really our progress had been slowed down by the government restricting and reducing funds. And rather put the Liberty Security Force in charge.

Phelps: And we aren't made of money. Alot of research was wasted on things we still don't have answers for. But even then with this war we are facing a harden a skilled enemy. But again our technical level hasn't improved so we are fighting a ancient style combat. Fleet caps and bombers. Low slow and dirty. Fighters are more efficient.

Oro'Lemus: Yep. Well with this prototype it is said to be able to change the course of the era. It's like this prototype is something of hope through the "dark ages," we are facing. *shrugs* I just can't wait to fly the darn thing.

Phelps: Me too. All I know about it, I haven't see it yet, but it is fast, powerful and can out perform anything on the production line to date. And it's expensive. R&DD spent over 3.3 billion credits to some private corporation called "Bremen" making the prototype so i can image this vessel will not be main line Navy. And I haven't seen any of the Navy goon heads around. So I am thinking this project isn't even released to the High command in the Navy. -Waiter places the food on a smaller side table and scoots it next to their table they thank the waiter and continue-

Oro'Lemus: Why wouldn't the Navy receive them? The only thing I see it as the numbers of fronts we have. If the Navy gets thinned out and trying to buy up as many of these non-production prototypes resources will be greatly reduced for more decisive and technical operations better suited for Elite LSF pilots.

Phelps: That is one theory, really I think Dr. Wilkins is using this project as a stepping board to press the issue on the Republic to increase funds for R&DD. I mean the guy is a old geezer but he has balls to take science to a level no one wants to go.

Oro'Lemus: Heh, you idolize him.

Phelps: Who wouldn't? He's a genius most people I talk to, and no offense, are meat heads.

Oro'Lemus: Ahaha that is true. Non taken. Bremen company huh? *Oro'Lemus looks at their comp any history* I am not really familiar with this company. It's Liberty born, invested and shared but nothing in the mass media and there is no mention of any previous work releases or production lines.

Phelps: Dunno LSF cover most likely...

Oro'Lemus: When do you think we can fly the prototypes?

Phelps: Word is that there are 3 prototypes at our research station and a 4th one being constructed back at Bremen so I say anywhere from next week to the following.

Oro'Lemus: *places his papers into a suitcase* Yep well I can't wait with politics aside it looks like it will be a hot ride.

Phelps: *places his papers into a suitcase* No kidding. At least we don't have to patrol until testing is over.

Oro'Lemus: That's what I call a sweet deal *raises glass* Too the future of Liberty!

Phelps: To the new era of Liberty *raises glass and drinks*

-SO it was they had finished their meal and went on their separate ways.-

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - Catbert - 07-24-2010

After several assignments Norman O'Connor, one of the newest AiTs, decides to come to the bar. For some reason, he tried to avoid often visits to places like this, but now, when the period of relative calm has come, it might be a good idea to relax.

He comes into the bar and heads for a small table near the corner, right by the window. Seems like he doesn't care what drink he has just ordered. He looks at those strange asteroids of Barbeau field while sipping from his glass.

The ion storms are outrageous outside, but the window is made of special material to protect the bar from the worst of those ion storms while giving the opportunity to enjoy the view. Although Ellesmere doesn't look like the prettiest place, a few agents actually like the looks of the ice field.

Alert Station: Ortega's Bar and Grill. - rayne - 08-25-2010

Julia entered the bar looking in a foul mood. She gestured the bartender for her usual drink and sat down by the window.

After finally managing to calm down from her day, she pulled out of her handbag, her notes and other assorted paperwork. Being on the command directorate was not for the faint of heart, or a slacker.

Julia was writing up reviews of the newer agents, a lot of good people have either quit or gone missing and this made her sad. Still, things were looking up, the fighter training program was seeing major improvements in LSF dog fights, Julia's skill was improving all the time. She looked around and the bar was pretty empty so she carried on the reviews.