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Warhammer - Exile - 11-08-2007

As the title states, Warhammer, the board game.

Im about to purchase a little beginning army, and since im a complete newb to it, i'd like to ask you all for some tips, strategy's, what army to use and what not... Anything that helps me get on my way.
I've seen the rule book, scared the living hell out of me, but i am going to read it. Just incase anyone says " Read the effin' rule book you lazy banana!"


Warhammer - Qunitinius~Verginix - 11-08-2007

Which Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k?


Warhammer - Taffic - 11-08-2007

Warhammer Fantasy was an excellent buy. A complete game in a box:)

Publishers now like to spread their game over as many books as possible. e.g D&D

Warhammer - frozen - 11-08-2007

just got dawn of war: platinum pack, and been playing dark cursade like crazy. must say the necron super unit (the monolith) is more like a walking (well hovering) nuclear blaster, and the necron lord turns into the grim reaper ( wow!!!:P)

and ive been spamming the enemies with waves of chaos space marines and daemon prince and the blood thirster at the same time. all that = win tbh:D

get it id say. worth the buy

Warhammer - Metal-head Steve - 11-09-2007

Quote:necron lord turns into the grim reaper

Tis called the nightbringer;)

Warhammer! Wow so old to me! Its all in the loft!:DI spent 100s on them things, entered countless games day golden deamon events. (well 3:P)

Basicly what do you like the sound of?

Warhammer 40k
Evil - Main ones
Chaos space marines - worst of all
Dark elder

Good - Main ones
Space marines - Oposite to Chaos - Lots of chapters
Tau - neutral/own empire
Space wolves
Imperial Guard
Daemon hunters
Witch hunters

Warhammer fantasy
Beasts of Chaos
Dark elves
Tomb kings

High elves
Wood elves

Self - For no one or for hire
Ogre kingdoms
Dogs of war

Warhammer - P*Funk - 11-09-2007

I'm personally a huge fan of the 40k series. The fantasy stuff really never flew with me just cause it was a tired idea when I learned of all this stuff. I'd read the Lord of the Rings through and had played some D&D. 40k has that awesome gothic technology dystopia thing going on. They are what Space Marines ought to be, not those weak ass things from Starcraft.

I'm personally a big Chaos fan. Word Bearer army ftw. One thing though, if you buy an army be sure you want it and also make sure actually have the energy and time to paint it. Takes forever to paint them properly, especially if you're a newcomer to it. Or you could be a total slack ass with the painting, paint them broadly with one or two colours, slam straight into playing. I'm too anal to do that. My first chaos marine took me a month to paint. He's beautiful, but that was a long month.

Warhammer - bluntpencil2001 - 11-09-2007

The thing that I like about Warhammer and 40K's backgrounds (both with RPGs now!) is that no side is really good. Everyone's bad, to some degree. The difference is between Order and Chaos.

I mean, the Imperium in 40K are worse than Nazis, but still have nothing on Khorne.

In Warhammer, the Empire are ultra-authoritarian on social issues and the Bretonians are simply backward. But still, better them than Slaanesh.

Warhammer - Metal-head Steve - 11-09-2007

Space wolves 13th company here. Never loved a army so much.

Expensive for points, but hard as hell.

Im starting to miss it now :9

Warhammer - FooFighter - 11-09-2007

Well, I've played dark elves in Warhammer Fantasy some time ago, and they are pretty good, and, I also heard, most professional tournament players like playing them. They have got pretty solid stats, and high morale, and also look pretty good (in my opinion); they are surely no bad choice.

I also wanted to play 40k, maybe Tau, but I haven't got the money, so I never played and so can't give you any advices about 40k.

Warhammer - Exile - 11-09-2007

@ Vergenix : The board game, not computer, as everyone here so nicely missed:laugh:

@Azreal : I've been thinking of either chaos or necrons, what do you recommend?