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Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Printable Version

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Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Doc Holliday - 08-07-2010

The final touches were completed on the new club on the main deck of Shasta Orbital Skyhook.
Some called it "Club Discordia" while others referred to it as "Sin's After Hours" so, the two were put together. As much as it was against the moral code of John Holliday himself, he thought of the majority of those who wanted such a place to unwind and for the potential business it would generate. "It's not like I have to go there," he said of it. So, "Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours" was born.

[Image: Strip_Club_Pic_-_2.jpg]

A balcony with a stair case on either side feeding to the main floor was created. A bar kept the patron's liquidated and fed while a full time disk jockey kept the music loud and going.
While there were several girls that would bare it all, it's center attraction was one of TAZ's own, Concordia. She had the body to flaunt and she did so knowing security was tight and strict. Unless a patron was invited for a touch, it was strictly hand's off.

"So, John, what do you think?" asked the club manager.
John shrugged, "If Midori hears of me being here, I'm in trouble," he explained. He then motioned in an hourglass form with his hands and smiled, "Midori is WHY I won't be here. She's all the woman I need."
"Yes, Sir," he responded with a chuckle.
"Besides that, this defines Discordianism," Doc said, "I'll keep up on the receipts." With that, he returned to his ship and made his way home.

A general broadcast was then made, reachable to all in Baffin and neighboring systems,

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours is now open. Food, beverage and oh yeah, girls! Stop into Shasta for some enjoyment.

Do NOT post explicative pictures here or they will be removed.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Yaoquizque - 08-08-2010

[Image: Popess_Concordia.png]

After a long trip in Sirius to say hello to her Boyfriends, Concordia reaches Shasta.

She moves to her cabin and takes a quick shower, she dresses with a long thin dark dress, then moves to the club. "Oh! It's already open! Great" Shes smiles.
As she is entering, she notices Mr. Holiday, who is about to leave.

"Hey! Kallisti John! You won't leave me already, are you?" She laughs.
"You won't believe me! The places i saw! I also met a weird boy, claiming he captured my mother, Mnemosym. But i just think he simply wanted to flirt with me" Concordia laughs.

"Anyway, about this little request you asked to me; What about we do this now?!" She jumps on the center table. "Mord please, close the entrances. We wouldn't want Midori to somehow hear what is happening here, eh?" She laughs.

Mord, the club manager, Closes the door of the club, then fills the glasses of all the men with old Coalition vodka. "Oh right, it's about to begin."

Concordia starts to dance, turning slowly around the bars. As she is moving, her dress, cut on one side, lets the men see one of her legs.
"Whoooo!" She shoots.

She keeps moving, amplifying her curves. After a bit she lets a strap of her dress fall from her shoulder.
"Oups!..." She keeps dancing, smiling.

A rather dirty zoner in the back of the club, obviously quite drunk, starts to shout : "Weee! Go on, remove it all!"
Concordia stares at the man. "Oh dear. Gabriel? Who did let you in" She sighs. After a little hesitation she keeps moving again.

Some security guards move slowly to circle the zoner. He doesn't notice them, totally captivated by Concordia show...

She lets the second strap of her dress fall too. The top of the dress is barely stopped by her somewhat small chest.

Laughing she says : "Oh come on boys, don't look at me like that, i feel intimidated" She laughs.

The dirty zoner moves to come close to the center table, a silly smile on his face, whispering : "I gonna catch you eheh". The security guards move slowly on his back

Concordia pretends to not notice the bugger.

She slowly lets the the dress fall, showing a dark bra, and then a dark panty. "Yay!" She shouts.

The Zoners jumps and catches her feet. "Gotcha! ehe"
"That's it Gaby, you're out!"

The guards grab Gabriel. He is barely fighting, being too drunk. He cries : "Nooooo! Let me! Let me!"
One of the guards says : "Oh come on Mr. Angelos, don't make this more difficult. We all know you can't control yourself when you reach such drinkitude."

The open the doors and drag Gabriel out of the club.
Hosts can hear him crying all the way, his voice slowly fading...

Concordia says to Mr. Holiday : "Damn John. You should really do something to calm down Gaby... I don't know... A cure at Med Force One, maybe? We can't let him keep humiliate himself like that..." She laughs.

"Anyway..." She starts again to dance...
After a while, she crouches, and moves slowly toward Doc, Smiling.
When she reaches him, she kisses him, during several seconds.

"Ahhh. Midori is a lucky girl, i have to admit that." She laughs.

She wakes up and jumps out of the table. "I'm done for now boys. I hope you enjoyed." She laughs, then takes a sit and order a Vodka...

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - stardust47 - 08-10-2010

Annette walked in, her shiny new metal body attracting a bit of attention. The sensors, while capable of feats beyond the capabilities of a normal human's senses, were set by default to mimic them, but Annette could adjust them instantly. She was looking through the manual just before she came up and had discovered that there were various 'functions' which included extendable heels. She exteneded them, drawing a few Oohs from the patrons. She walked over to the bar and ordered a drink.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - arvg - 09-08-2010

Wearing a baseball cap and a worn leather jacket, Alvin Katz didn't look the imposing symbol of the Coalition he had become. A few grey hairs poking out from under the cap, a few fine lines and wrinkles around his eyes, and the weight of the Worker's struggle for Sirius weighing down upon him.

He was the leader of the Coalition now, Premier and Party Chairman, the visionary that guided the SCRA and the Coalition.

The Storm class gunboat powered down, having made the unobserved trip, slipping through Bretonia undetected and unobserved. The elements of his personal bodyguard fanning out around the docking bay at Shasta Sky hook.

They were equally out of uniform, but the heavy SMGs they carried, along with their dark sunglasses, marked them as Spetznas, nothing was going to happen to the Premier on their watch.

Katz inclined his head as he led the way through the station, flashing his diplomatic papers to the dockmaster, who just about spat his coffee across the deck when he realized who was on the station.

"Sir... I mean... welcome... errr...."

Katz's bodyguards gently pushed the man out of the way as Katz entered the elevator, his guards following to secure the path to the bar.

Once inside the rather strange place, Katz twisted his lip a little.

"Mendel..." he said turning to the short bespectacled man following beside him smoking a cigarette and wearing a huge greatcoat.

"Just ignore the decadance, get the meeting over with and get out of here," Medel advised.

Katz selected a booth and ordered a cup of coffee, his men making a screen discretely around the bar, watching the crowd.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 09-08-2010

Following the stealthy Storm class gunboat into the docking bay was an equaly
stealthy (in the right hands) Hathor class gunboat.

Whilst often stigmatized as a Order ship, the Hathor was the brainchild of Zoner enginers from various
freeports, although some crackpods claimed a station named 'Corinth' was involved.

And this one was in the right hands.

Ok Bernard, the Samothraki gets the next shift. See you when the regulars take over first watch in the morning.

As she finished the shift changeover for the Baffin Blockade
she had her crew pilot the Suigintou, into Shasta.

Allritey guys, since the tazie who set the schedule for us doesnt
like mondays sucking as the start of the week monday is set as the start of the weekend shift
for us anyway
that means we have tommorow off.

Try not to loose any barfights. And if you do, make sure you put at least four of them in the hospital.

If there are more than five of you, and you loose, at least one of them better need med Force One

The crew laughed, and at least one bottle top being popped off was heard as the ship landed.

It was utterly unprofessional, of course.
But these were professionals, at being unprofessional.
These were reservists of the Zoner Defence Force.
The perpetualy underfunded Zoner Defence Force.
Or, as she summed it up when speaking amongst freinds....
The Captain in command of Freeport 11's wing of regulars once admitted over short range comms
that he often flew in only his underwear. Because the Alliance hasnt allocated funding for uniforms.

The Hathor settled down beside the Storm class gunboat, causing one of the guards to look furious.

None of the landing crew paid him any mind.

As the crew headed off for whatever afterhours pleasures they had in mind the intercomm sounded.

Captain Kashiwaba, please report to the maintence office to confirm needed repair work

Tomoe cursed to herself and begain walking towards the maintence office's nearest door.

It happend to be directly behind the Collation gunboat that was also within the hanger.

While she was not an imposing figure, genetic engenering she had recived as a newborn had delayed her aging proces so that she only appeard to be half of her twenty nine years of age
she had stopped letting that stop her many years ago.

As she walked by the parked gunboat one of the guards, the larger of the two, decided to have some fun.

As she passed him with a nod, he grabbed her by the shoulder to stop her.

Stop. This secure Zone. You no be here.

The guard was not exactly the smartest, or the most experinced.
Infact it was his first deployment.
But he was loyal.

This is a Zoner station.
A secure Zoner hanger.
And I'm a captain in the Zoner Defence force.

Yeah, I'm supposed to be here.

The guards face went red with rage.
His more experinced partners jaw dropped as he started to walk over, spotting a possible incident.

The guard bellowed incoherently
You learn respect Premier guard!
As he shouted, he tightened his grip on Tomoe's shoulder and swung the barrel of his sub-machine gun up at her face, intending to pistolwhip her with it.

It was then that, inadvertently, he discoverd another of the genetic enhancements she had recived as a child.

As the weapon swung at her face, her left hand darted out with a reflex impossible for a normal human.

And with a strength not expect from a person with the frame of a child she grabbed the barrel of the weapon and pulled.


She pulled it out of his right hand before he could react.

Not wanting to steal from the Collation, she gave it back to him.

Unfortunitly, enhanced speed and reflexes make for a bad combination for those not expecting them.

The butt of the weapon smashed into his chin.

His jaw clicked shut.

And several hours later, he woke up with a concussion.

The other guard, seeing the speed with which his comrade had been utterly decimated did the only thing he could do.

He laughed

I appologise Captain. Comrade Petrokski is rather inexperinced.

Tomoe smiled
Not a problem, consider it forgotten

The guard breathed a sigh of relief as she walked away. The unconcious Petrokski was his brother in law.

A short time later, Tomoe walked down a corridor towards the club smoking a synthweed joint.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Yuveraj Khan - 09-08-2010

Mendel eyed the inside of his mug suspiciously, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and giving it a satisfactory rub.

The music was going an someone slinky and sultry was dancing around a pole...

Mendel viewed that with a certain amount of confusion, he'd never really seen the appeal of that particular combination...

"Come on Katz," Mendel murmured glancing at his watch.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Pantomime_Horse - 09-08-2010

A horse walks into the bar.

It sits down its rear end on one of the bar stools, while its front leans nonchalantly against the counter.

"Gimme a beer", it says in an excessively cool tone.

One of the hind legs kicks a front leg in the knee, almost making the front buckle and fall over.

"Two beers. And a 1.5 meters long straw".

The horse resumes it relaxed posture leaning against the counter, and begins to eye Concordia's exposed leg as she sits with her head bent over her Vodka.

When turns to return the horse's gaze, it lifts its eyes to meet hers, and reveals a row of crooked teeth with a grin, winking at her.

The horse's rear end starts shifting unconfortably on the bar stool.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Yaoquizque - 09-08-2010

[Image: Popess_Concordia.png]

A young lady wearing a strange skirt getting transparent at times enters in the Sin's. She looks around.
- "Whooo! Lots of boys around.... " She grins "And some handsomes too!"

She notices Katz's bodyguards, conscientiously watching everyone in the bar. She smiles and moves to face one of them.
- "Hey there!" She waves. "Ehh. You have a nice body hon'"

The bodyguard keeps monitoring the people in the bar, ignoring her.
- "Hello?" She laughs "Oh i see... You're the shy type, right?"

As the man keeps ignoring her, she makes her mischievous face and starts to dance in front of him, then rubs his pants with her back. "Like it?"
The bodyguard stares at her and whispers "Go away. Don't interfere with my job"

- "Your job?" She notices the man wearing a leather jacket, having a coffee. "Oh i see... He's your boyfriend?" She burst out laughing.
The bodyguard's face stays expressionless.

- "Oh well... Not for long..."
She starts to move toward the man.

- "Concordia! Enough!"
A somewhat aged lady wearing a discordian robe enters in the bar with two guards
- "Stop annoying our guests, bloody girl! Aren't you supposed to be in the temple to consult your pineal?!"
Concordia makes an angry face "Ah dang it!"

She makes an innocent face "Oh come on mom'... I did nothing... For now..."

The woman walks to Alvin Katz
- "Premier Katz. Welcome to Shasta Skyhook. However, i'm surprised to see you in this... establishment" She glares at Concordia and Mord, the bartender. "Accept my apologies for what my daughter may have done"
She notices Concordia pullings faces at her.

- "You. Come here" She drags Concordia out of the bar.

A dispute can be heard from the corridor.
- "Bloody daughter. Didn't i tell you to stop working here?!"
- "But i like to! Oh come on mom' stop to be so annoying!"
- "I will stop when you will quit being so silly and make me ashamed"
- "Well! At least i meet men, unlike you! Lalala!"
A slap can be heard. After a while Concordia comes back, massaging her cheek.

She smiles. "Ah! This trick always works!"

She then moves to the counter.
Mord looks at her, embarrassed. "Everything okay?"
She grins "Well... You know that witch... Anyway, serve me the usual thing"

Mord searches under the counter and finds a vodka bottle. "Here you go"
- "Yay!" She opens the bottle and poor some vodka in her glass, then stares at the men in the bar "I guess you're glad, love. So many clients around..."
- "Yes. That's strange. We close Baffin, and the bar is full of people" He chuckles.

As she sips some vodka, a horse enters in the bar and orders a beer.
- "The hell?" She laughs. "Anyway..." She makes her cute face "Shall i do a little show now?"
Mord chuckles. "Maybe the time is right..."

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Pantomime_Horse - 09-08-2010

The horse begins to nod its head and neighs with anticipation.

It crosses its hind legs on the bar stool, although it doesnt seem to make it more comfortable.

Club Discordia, Sin's After Hours - Tomtomrawr - 09-08-2010

The battered Roc glided soundlessly into the Shasta docking bay. A crew of technicians was on standby to attend to the wounded bird, waiting outside in a pressurized corridor for the ship to land, the docking door to close, and the compartment to re-pressurize.

Once that was done, and the technicians started to approach the Roc, the pilot appeared from the cockpit. He jumped down with the grace of a retarded gorilla and examined his ship through goggled eyes. He was in his late-forties, with the shabby appearance of a hobo and a posture which suggested a relaxed person. He stared at the scorch-marks, the small pieces of the shrapnel. And then the large. A Buckshot, blasted from a Bounty Hunter, had slammed into his Snack. The barrel of his weapon was now deformed, and feared firing it now would most likely destroy half the station.

He lifted up his goggles, and sighed. 'Bugga.'

A technician fast approached, holding a data-pad in one hand with an electronic pencil in the other, offering it to the pilot to sign something on the data-pad. ''s going to be at least a day before this bird flies again, let alone in fighting condition. Sign here for the repairs.' The pilot signed without delay.

'A'right. Where can I find tha nearest place to get a drink 'n' a bed?'

'Try Club Discordia for drinks. You can't miss it.'

'Ta. Try 'n' get tha job done quickly. Those minas don't tax themselves.' Roger Claymore chuckled to himself, and then walked toward the corridor system of the station.

* * *

Ten minutes later, Roger was standing at the bar watching the dancing girls with his drink, a classic Sidewinder Fang. They reminded him how long it had been since he had actually been in a serious relationship. Not just about the sex, but with another, deeper connection...

He pushed those thoughts away and allowed the music to penetrate him fully, lost to the rhythm of an exotic song who's name he would never know.