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Your Finest Disco Moment. - Printable Version

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Your Finest Disco Moment. - Aphil - 12-14-2010

As the title says, describe your finest Discovery moment. What made it special, what happened, ect. I'm curious to hear:)

Your Finest Disco Moment. - arvg - 12-14-2010

when I tell you to stop bragging and take your

ehcuo Dami medal.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - Aphil - 12-14-2010

i no brag D: and I don't want your ehcuo Dami Medal. (Hint: Read it backwards.) :nono:

Your Finest Disco Moment. - Backo - 12-14-2010

When I realised how to Engine Kill. It was like climbing Space Everest.

To be honest, I don't really know.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - AJBeast - 12-14-2010

A good while back when the Congress had a bounty on it's head and the BHG were all over us, all the time I managed to pull a nifty trick. One BHG bomber approached me in California, said I had a bounty on my head and was gonna blow me up. I managed to convince him by saying I'd give him the same amount of money as the bounty if he escorted me to Pittsburgh, where I was headed. In NY our lane was cut by a LR Funboat + Barghest, I made an offer to them on PMs so they attacked the Hunter. Ended up not paying the Hunter squat and spending spare change with the Rogues.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - ryoken - 12-14-2010

Was in 4.84. I was OPG at time,and 8, thats right 8 BH BS's came into Gamma. We had a lone lunchbox spot them,and they all chased it into the asteroids. At same time we formed up 3 Bombers to be waiting there. Long story short is our 3 bombers took out all 8 BS's without a loss,and it was just Epic. I wish i had screens,but they are on old comp's hard drive which is not working at presant.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - Exile - 12-14-2010

When we had nothing but cool people. 83 ish.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - DarthBindo - 12-14-2010

Most epic moment? When i pulled together a fleet of seven indie Legates and nutkicked a MNS raid at the Eta jump hole in Theta. TRY RAIDING GAMMA NOW, FOO'.

Your Finest Disco Moment. - Jihadjoe - 12-14-2010

There's a few moments which were so awesome...

Daniel Hale's (David Hale's younger brother, now deceased) interactions with Hyung Soong, which silenced new york, and had literally everyone in the system participating in the unfolding events. All completely improvised, and yet forming a coherent narrative.

The day I joined the RoS, about 12 days after I washed up here...

The first time I made a major difference in a fight, taking out an LABC with some other random RoS nub named Thor.

Some of the Eta events between the RoS/101st/TBH/Benitez were incredibly awesome. They taught me to fly... Eventually.

The day a few of us went keepering and ended up going on a sirius wide tour with some trader who just seemed to get it. The RP was epic, as was running from the BAF.

There have been plenty of other moments as well... Some truly awesome stuff has happened over the time I've been here...

Your Finest Disco Moment. - Guest - 12-14-2010

' Wrote:The day I joined the RoS, about 12 days after I washed up here...

I remember that day. I was like "hey! Another newbie's joining the RoS!"

Can you remember that awesome trade route we got shown? The one that we were told made 100 million per round trip? Remember the bit were a round trip was like 3 hours?