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"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Chase - 03-02-2011

Can unlawful factions land on lawful ones' bases with prior RP?

On an ID such as the Chrysanthemums it specifically states that we "Can lawfully land on Interspace and Bretonian bases," however it doesn't say that we can't land on other lawful bases. Is this implied or does it show up specifically on other IDs, or is it specifically left out so as not to restrict odd circumstances? Perhaps it's covered under the "Cannot ally with any lawfuls" clause too.

Quote:Golden Chrysanthemum ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Golden Chrysanthemum, who :
Can trade and escort smugglers,
Can demand credits or cargo from non-Bretonian traders and unallied smugglers or factions,
Can engage pirates, terrorists and non-Bretonian lawfuls within their Zone of Influence,
Can lawfully land on Interspace and Bretonian bases,
Can fulfill bounty contracts,
Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with Bretonia lawfuls,
Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports.

I'm interested to hear thoughts/previous decisions on this as I didn't find anything under search on lawful bases.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - ryoken - 03-02-2011

Well basically if you ever shot at anyone in that faction? do not land on their bases. It is a basic guildeline, but it works out well. Also do not land on bases that are allied with your enemies. Follow these guidelines and you should be ok.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Chase - 03-02-2011

That's why I mentioned established RP/faction permission(which I might not have said earlier)

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Charo - 03-02-2011

GC is an unlawful faction. So that would mean that landing on lawful bases is against the rules (Save IC and Bret. bases of course)

But if the other party is fine with it, then they're not gonna report you for it obviously. So RP with them if you wanna land, then ask. If they say yes, go for it

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Chase - 03-02-2011

Whether or not the faction will report or not doesn't make it any more or less against the rules. It's a question of if it's possible to be reported.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - SaraOConnel - 03-02-2011

I'd say yes. If it's a base owned/run by a lawful organization, that is not a Bretonian or Interspace Commerce base, as a GC- if you should land on it, you could be sanctioned for it.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Gemini893 - 03-02-2011

Well, those lawful bases that are on your enemies list should be hostile to you anyway. Hostile bases will not allow you to land no matter what another player says.

Since Kusari does not get along with Bretonia in the current mod version, it opens up those bases to you more as an "enemy of my enemy" kind of thing.

Then again, some say Zoners are lawful but it's generally understood that unlawful factions can use Zoner controlled Freeports. (My opinion is that Zoners should be considered quasi-legal just like Junkers are.)

Generally speaking, your rep should determine which bases you can land on. If a faction is friendly or neutral when it should be hostile then it's your onus to make said faction hostile.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Dab - 03-02-2011

If there is a faction you feel you should have the right to land on, ask the admin team. I can personally see a good addition for the GC ID being GMG bases (you'd still need to get RP permission of course) and possibly Liberty stations.

Personally I think the whole line should be removed from unlawful IDs and it be left up to players to roleplay. Or maybe "Cannot land on lawful bases with roleplay permission from the official faction who owns it."

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Chase - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:I'd say yes. If it's a base owned/run by a lawful organization, that is not a Bretonian or Interspace Commerce base, as a GC- if you should land on it, you could be sanctioned for it.
Well, the problem is that the GC aren't actively hostile with many people outside of Kusari (though I can understand some factions who supply Kusari IE: feel our wrath->hence->hostility). Plus, it isn't explicitly defined in many house factions such as LN, LPI, RFP that these factions are hostile to foreign 'enemies of state' (then again the wiki isn't to be trusted, but still.)

Plus in the house laws, many times foreign "unlawfuls" aren't listed because they haven't caused problems/given a reason to be hostile.
"The Laws of Liberty - Enemy Combatants Section Wrote:All those possessing:
- Outcast IDs
- Pirate ID's

' Wrote:If there is a faction you feel you should have the right to land on, ask the admin team. I can personally see a good addition for the GC ID being GMG bases (you'd still need to get RP permission of course) and possibly Liberty stations...
Well, that get complicated with shifting diplomacy, as I'm sure you know. I'll keep it in mind if certain things develop solidly.

' Wrote:Personally I think the whole line should be removed from unlawful IDs and it be left up to players to roleplay. Or maybe "Cannot land on lawful bases with roleplay permission from the official faction who owns it."
Part of my original point of the topic is that it is not in fact listed on the ID that some pirate factions 'Cannot Land on Lawful Bases.' As I mentioned before, I was assuming this was either intentional or left to common sense, which is a seemingly lacking in situations like this; hence my thread.

I suppose argument over this is moot other than to attempt to avoid
-the OORP argument in-game about why I should or shouldn't be where I am
-the mistaken sanction reports.
Not to mention it goes into Official Faction rights and that's a can of worms I don't want to deal with right now.

Still, feel free to add to this discussion.

"Can Lawfully Land on..." - Gemini893 - 03-02-2011

Well, considering GC are actively growing cardamine I can see a possible interest in being able to deliver a transport full of it to Manhattan.

Then again, if that is your intent, then GC could easily be added to the Liberty unlawful list for attempting to import contraband -IF- the GC trade ships were caught. If you managed to get through at least to Rochester without being caught then I can see a neutral rep in Liberty.

Meh. I'm sure someone will have a good reason for them not to be neutral too though.