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Quesion About Rules - fpsdoug - 01-22-2008

Hey all. Today while pirating near planet New Berlin I saw a trader in a firefly with I think 3500 passengers. I scanned him and then told him to halt. He was about 4k away from the planet when I said this. He continued flying and I CDed him. He then thruste towards the mooring fixture when I opened fire and killed him with a supernova. I know I didn't demand any cargo but I did demand that he halt and he didn't.

Quesion About Rules - Unseelie - 01-22-2008

And you are?
What authority does your char have to halt a ship full of passengers?
If you are a pirate, you must demand money or cargo.

Quesion About Rules - fpsdoug - 01-22-2008

Corsair. I was about to demand money once he halted but he didn't. He had about 4 k to halt but he continued to moor.

Quesion About Rules - Jinx - 01-22-2008

yes, you must make a cash demand, - but then ... thats why we get such a roleplay as "2mil or die" - instead of a "hello, trader - cut your engines, please"

by the rules, you made a mistake - - anyway, its not too easy to "interact" well when you don t have much time .. but you may like to use something else but a supernova next time - a few shots into the hull that are not deadly work well to stop traders. - better than a 130.000 dam shot.

Quesion About Rules - fpsdoug - 01-22-2008

Once they halt I usally say somthing like 'mind making a donation for the starving people of crete?' I am a bomber with anti cap loadout. 4 coladas and a supernova. Not much I can do in terms of warning shots.

Quesion About Rules - Unseelie - 01-22-2008

A trick, is to hold the dock open.
If you select dock from a distance (before they do) and slow down to near 0 speed, they should be incapable of docking, allowing you time to make your demands.

Quesion About Rules - Othman - 01-22-2008

Well I would drain its hull to half and then make a demand if I were you. Probably the guy did not have an armor upgrade and a single shot.. Poof..

Better make sure you produce some sort of substantial interaction before eliminating a shipper next time.

Quesion About Rules - Eppy - 01-22-2008

I'd say a Mini-Razor, but Roleplaying that might be difficult...

Quesion About Rules - Othman - 01-22-2008

' Wrote:...but Roleplaying that might be difficult...
Not for me, if I am in one of my Unioner characters.

Quesion About Rules - Brahmin - 01-22-2008

my question:

As Bountyhunter I cant start PVP fight without good reason.... question is, can outcasts or corsairs fire on me only because Im bountyhunter? (no demands, no nothing... just KOS)