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Venator Private Security - Printable Version

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Venator Private Security - Venator Private Security - 03-25-2011

[Image: f3ch80.png]

What we are_____________________________________________________________________
Venator Private Security is a private security company focusing on the area of providing escort services to lawful transport and mining companies, with at its core the wish to assure the protection and safety of their client. Venators also provide backup and support for House Police and Militaries against unlawful forces but will not interfere in conflicts between two Houses.


The Origins
In old ages past, during old Sol's ancient history and during the rise of Christianity, many secretive organizations were made. The Order De Venator (Order of the Hunter) was one such organization, its mission: to rid those of corruption, greed, unfairness, abuse and deprivation.
During the troubled times of the Dark ages they would be tasked by the Chruch to protect items and people of value and escort them through the Bandit ridden lands Europe had become.
As ages and epochs passed, the Order always kept up with technology, and often used items and weaponry before they were commonly used by armies, surviving with the aid of the church, forcing good deeds out of tyrannical Kings, and bringing down those who had become beyond their will. One such action, highly regarded in their history, was the breaking of the enigma code during World War II. This was not their only feat in that ancient time; they were not only responsible for revealing the Axis's plans for Nuclear War but, in fact, the crew that ended up finding the U-boat transporting Uranium to Japan was lead by one of the Order's agents. However, from that point on very little is known, mainly due to the irreparable damage caused to the Order's data storing devices during the Alliance/Coalition War. But it is known that they managed to get several of their members onto the 4 great sleeper ships: the Bretonia, the Rheinland, the Liberty, and the Kusari. Those left behind most likely joined the defense force in a last effort to enable the escape of their ships to the Sirius Sector.

The Colonization Period
Again, due to the scattering of their members very little is known of the history of the Order during the Colonization period. But it is thought that they integrated into normal society, whilst keeping their traditions alive within their families. Strangely, by comparing the data from the Kusari civilian database to the Order's databanks it seems that the agents of the Order that arrived to Sirius in the Kusari sleeper ship have all died out prematurely, or have been punished for crimes against the Kusari Government. However while there is always a small chance that the tradition may have been passed down in Kusari via non-married couples, it is very unlikely, and raises the question as to what truly happened in the first days of the Kusari Empire.

After the Colonies had developed to a certain extent and started rudimentary trading with each other, the Order soon discovered a good source of revenue, and while each member did not know who called themselves members of the order or even followed the tradition of the Order, many became traders or pilots for the House Militaries, eventually they were present in almost every branch of society as the populations of each houses became more and more dispersed and intermingled. It is not unreasonable to assume that many companies were founded on the ideals of the Order De Venator.

Present Times
Davis Williams, who was brought up as a Venator Traditionalists by his Uncle, founded Venator Private Security. From there he gathered a few but wealthy supporters and began to return back to its ideals of protection. Venator Private Security now is comprised of mainly mercenaries and freelancers, offering their services as escorts and Security. Beginning from the shining Gold fields of Dublin and slowly moving outwards to other systems.

Company Overview____________________________________________________________________

Current Beliefs
Due to historic reasons, relations with the Bounty Hunters are rather admirable. But as the Bounty Hunters kept on expanding, criminals who fancy themselves a "lawful life" were recruited with open arms . Thus, while Venator Private Security will work alongside the Bounty Hunter Guild they still err on the side of caution.

Kusari is viewed with neutrality, no one knows what happened to our ancestors there at all but while their war with Bretonia continues they're treated with unease, as we have no one from there to enlighten us.

Bretonia; our access point to the Omegas, Liberty and Rheinland, and home to many of the Venators, as such we have placed our VPS-Senate Headquarters upon New London, in low orbit. And are allies to all our friends in Bretonia. We also see the day when crime will not only be reduced in Bretonia but in other houses as well.

The Venators now work as an Elite Security Company, protecting traders, miners and corporations while working with the governments to defend against anarchy and darkness...

Company policies
1. We perform high quality escort and protection services.
2. We strive for a safe environment, in which our contractors can work in peace.
3. We endeavor to save our contractors livelihoods, their ships, there work and their lives.

Company Targets
1. To reduce the risk of those in need and falling victim to crime by providing high quality escort services.
2. To reduce Crime with in Bretonia.
3. To expand Operations and gain contracts with other Houses and other corporations

Staff Policies
1. Respect all Traders and Miners.
2. Respect all Criminals, unless that criminal is being targeted by us or has been deemed hostile
3. Adhere to all House Laws and Zoner Base restrictions.

Staff Benefits
1. Pay of 25% for helping Officers whom are doing a contract.
2. A very competitive wage of 3 million Sirius Credits per week. Higher ranks receive higher pay. Subject to terms and conditions.
3. High quality training.

Zone of Influence
The Major Houses up to and including all border systems, unless under escort or completion of a Contract.


Since the VPS primarily operates out of Bretonia we have strong relations with the Bretonian government and forces, next to Bretonia escorts are most common among Liberty corporations.
Rhienland and Kusari are houses that are less often entered and therefore there has been little communication with them, which will hopefully change as operations increase.

[Image: VPS-repsheet1.jpg]
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[Image: VPS-repsheet5copy.jpg]


¦Head Senator
The Highest rank held within Venator Private Security. The Head Senator is not only the representative of VPS to clients; he presides over the senate meetings and is responsible for the general directions of the company by reviewing and proposing new mentions.

Senators; in modern day standards they are the equivalent of board members in any regular company. While mostly comprised of investors and therefore never see the inside of a cockpit, some preeminent figures have achieved this rank through the flight branch, or are ex-military; they can be sometimes spotted directing operations on the field.
Senators hold meetings as any other company would do for directional changes and make sure there is not too much power in the hands of one person

The next rank below Senator. Responsible for every day duties of those below his or her command. They also can bring input to any of the Senate meetings, but may not vote.
Wage: 8 Million Sirius Credit's per week.

Experienced crewmen and good fighter pilots are promoted to Specialist. Is responsible for directing patrol wings, Specialists makes the decision of where to patrol and will take the lead in any given situation.
Wage: 5 Million Sirius Credit's per week.

The main body of the company. They are the fighting men and women. Commonly seen around Sirius escorting traders and Miners, or scouting ahead of convoys.
Wage: 3 Million Sirius Credit's per week.

The company holds a rigorous training program, those training in it are held at the rank of Recruit till the either fully commit for one month on the training program or take the Ordo's test after at least one week.
Wage: 12 Million Sirius Credits upon completion of 1 months training period, or completion of Venator training tests.

Usable Ships____________________________________________________________________

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[Image: shippic5.jpg]

* Please check below for further information on limitations
Also the list is not a comprehensive list. All Civilian none affiliated ships can be used by our Pilots. Furthermore Individual Pilots may keep ships granted by permission from companies or governments if they inform those needed that there communication ID has changed whilst the ship does not belong to either Liberty or Rheinland due to our diplomatic stance on the war between the two.

Other Technology currently in use._______________________________________________

Technology currently allowed to use.
1 IMG Zephyr Class Carrier
1 Royal Liner
5 Bounty Hunter Bombers
4 Bottlenose Gunships
2 Paladin Bretonian Heavy Fighters
12 Ultra Skyrail Particle Weaponry
12 Advanced Splitter Tachyon Weaponry
15 Buckshot Particle Weaponry
There are other allowed technologies, which are at the Pilot's on discretion, however the above is those note able and Primarily Funded from Venator Private Securities Income.


Head Senator Davis Williams. Comm ID VPS-Furiosus.D.W VPS Hawkfire.D.W(David Williams) (Skype:lsf.Nikasha)
Senator Marcus Wright. (Atlas) ( - Accountant and Record Holder.
Senator Garrick. Comm ID VPS-G.Slavjic VPS-G.Slavjic. (Garrick) (Skype:lr.Garrick)
Senator Cletus "Riven" Morales. Comm ID VPS-Riven (Revius) (Skype:revius0)
Officer Daniel Hunt. Comm ID VPS-Daniel.Hunt (Assistant to Marcus Wright) (Atlas)
Specialist Bart Fletcher. VPS-Bart.Fletcher (Dart)
Crewman Jack Harrison. See support ship's (Revius)
Crewman Jacen Bloode Comm ID VPS-Jacen.Bloode(Metal.Pheonix)
Crewman Virgil Derson CommID VPS-Virgil.Derson (Revius)
Crewman Tobi Reaper Comm ID VPS-Tobi.Reaper (Tobi Reaper) (Skype: Chris Curnow)
Recruit Kilandi Theratrii Comm ID VPS-Colstere (Kilandi) (Skype: Kilandi Theratrii)
Recruit Ryan Klaxon Comm ID VPS-Ryan.Klaxon (Kronoxis) (Skype: Kronoxiz)
Recruit Jimmy Crawford Comm ID TBA (The Watcher) (Skype: JPCFreelancer)

Retired Pilots:
Senator Leroy Lance. (Dart) (Skype:mr.kibbles) - Rejoined the BAF
Crewman Jessica Stiles
Crewman James Erikson

We also have our own fleet of ships:
VPS-Hammer (BHG Bomber)
VPS-Strike (Ravens Talon) -Retired
VPS-Dodge (Kingfisher) -Retired
VPS-Alliance (Eagle), Liberty based
VPS-Herold (Eagle), Kusari based
VPS-Firewall (Eagle), Rhienland based

Gunboats (Limited to Officers and above):
VPS-Bambino.D.W (Leased Gunship) Commander is Head Senator Davis Williams
VPS-G.Slavjic, (Leased Gunship) Commander is Senator G Slavjic
VPS-Aurelia (Lease Gunship) Commander is Officer Daniel Hunt
VPS-Edge (II and III) Shared Kusari Explorer's

VPS-Senate.Headquarters (Royal Liner) Commanded by Senator Marcus Wright

We have our Support Ships.
1.VPS-Digger (Officer Daniel Hunt)
2. VPS-Bart.Fletcher[M] (Crewman Bart Fletcher)
3. VPS-Jack.Harrision (Repairship)
4. VPS-Senate.Headquarters (Senator Marcus Wright)
5. VPS-Recruitment.Bureau (Senior Recruitment Officer Clark Simmons)

All applications are to be sent through our dedicated recruitment post for processing, primary requirements are the usage of the Mercenary ID; additional requirements can be found on the recruitment post itself.

Other Information_________________________________________________________________


Primary ID is Mercenary ID
Secondary ID is Miner ID (only allowed to use scout mining vessels such as the Spatial)
Special IDs (Used with the permission of the concerned factions, the ID itself is used only for game mechanics, in Rp these vessels are still considered to be under the regulations of the mercenary ID):
VPS-Senate Headquarters (Uses a Gateway Interstellar ID, with the permission of Gateway Interstellar)

Link's to Discovery Forum roleplay
Internal VPS Links:
Character backgrounds
VPS Message Dump
VPS Extended Reports

External RP Links
Personal Bodyguard forums only RP
BHG Equipment Hire, pages 5-9
BAF Equipment Request
BAF equipment Approved list
IMG Carrier request discussion (Posts 7 and 10)
OSI RP ship purchases

[Convoy] Contract
Gateway Contract
USI Contract
MC talks
OSI talks