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The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Printable Version

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The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Molly - 07-04-2011

<strike>500M on [M]-The.False.Miner</strike>
The Mollys
[Image: 264px-MollysLogo.png]

ID - [color=#99FF99]Molly/Guard
IFF - Molly/Guard
TAG - [M]-

Leader- Atlas
Second in Command Govedo13 [font=Palatino Linotype](On leave)
Founder Avalanche
Wikipedia Page - Mollys (player faction)
Activity Tracker - [M]- Tracker

♠ Summary ♠

"They're pirates out of desperation, terrorists out of necessity."

At first glance, the origin of the Mollys seems shrouded, but the political undercurrents that lead to the current state of Dublin can be seen as early as 750 A.S. The mining revolts of 752 and subsequent attempts by the BAF and BPA to pacify the region only hardened the resolve of the embryonic faction, leaving them with a burning determination to free Dublin from Bretonian control and corporate manipulation. The advent of the Molly-Rogue pact a short while later allowed them access to the latter group's shipbuilding experience, and together they collaborated on a number of projects, including the Z-9000 Barghest, and culminating in the Scylla. After locating a system--which they deemed Londonderry--to call home, the fledgling Mollys began to operate towards the liberation of Dublin in earnest. Due to the small nature of the organization, open war was out of the question, and instead they focus on lightning raids against convoys and poorly-defended military assets.

After a Corsair fleet decimated the Mollys near the planet Cork, a new objective came into view. Not only would the Mollys continue to work towards freeing their homeland, now they also had their dead to avenge. To this day, Corsairs and Mollys clash in the Omegas, leaving broken ships and broken lives on either side.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Structure ♠

Promotion Requirements

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFCC66]Bastard - [color=#CC9933] Fresh meat. The recruits fly cheap ships and drink even cheaper alcohol. Their goal is to fly interference for the Rookies of the Mollys, and to free up valuable assets from standard patrol duty. ~ Flys Hyena +Bactrain + Werewolf+Spatial+Hegemon

~ 8 hours gameplay + a post at the arranmore pub then promoted to...

[font=Palatino Linotype]Rookie - [color=#CC9933]They went from the frying pan into the fire and came out of it smelling like smoke, but still alive. These pilots have survived the harrowing Molly stage of their career and almost to a man. ~ Flys All Minus Gunboat + Scylla

~ 12 confirmed own kills reported on the reporting facility(depends on the kill multiplication) + five message dump posts then promoted to...

[font=Palatino Linotype]Ace - [color=#CC9933]Sometimes in life a man does something incredible. For some, it's landing the dream job. For the Mollys, it's usually something done while inebriated and shouting insults at Bretonia. The Aces, determined to one-up each other, have done nothing short of the fantastic. Only the best of the Bretonian Armed Forces pilots can compare to them. ~ Flys All minus Scylla

~ Make a name for yourself (Members will judge if suitable for promotion) then promoted to...

[font=Palatino Linotype]Verteran - [color=#CC9933]Their names are whispered in fear among those who even what they are capable of. ~ Flys All

~ When the slot of Vice-Governor is opened, there will be a vote on which Veteran should get it...

[font=Palatino Linotype]Vice Governor - [color=#CC9933]Like a Governor, but focuses more on administrative tasks. Filling in for the Governor when she/he is out on business, the Vice Governor is a person to be reckoned with among the Mollys, possessing vast influence on day-to-day operations.

[font=Palatino Linotype]Governor - [color=#CC9933]The big cheese. The head honcho. Any way you slice it, this person runs it. From the largest smugging convoy to the smallest bribe, the Governor is the one who makes it all happen.

Councilor-They manage their respective areas of the [M]ollys keeping the Govenor and Vice Govenor informed wihtout overwhelming them with constant mirco management.They are appointed as needed base of their skills in their field.

Bastard Level.- [color=#FFFFFF]White Lights
Rookie Level. - Orange Lights
Ace Level. - Green Lights
Veteran Level. - Red Lights

Shared Ships. - Purple Lights

Scyllas. - Blue Lights

Council. - Yellow Lights

[font=Palatino Linotype]♦ The Council ♦

[font=Palatino Linotype]Consists of ~
  • Governor
  • [color=#FFCC66]Vice Governor
  • Councilor of War
  • Councilor of Relations
  • Councilor of Mining & Trade
The Governor & Vice Governor have the biggest votes and are the top dogs over the Councilors. There are three councilors within the [M]ollys who command a little section of their own. Each councilor controls his set section & makes developments and adoptions in the faction on their specialty. They put forward their ideas and brainstorms to the rest of the council for discussion and vote on if it should go through and be added to the [M]ollys. No action can be put fourth if it does not receive at least three votes. Each Councilor can elect their own 'secretary-type-person' who has no power or is even mentioned, but would help and work with the Councilor via S.K.Y.P.3 comms on matters concerning their area.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Ships ♠

[font=Palatino Linotype]Hyena - Z-5500 Pirate Light Fighter

[color=#99FF99]Scimitar - Series CX Border Worlds Light Fighter

Greyhound - Z-4800 Pirate Heavy Fighter

Werewolf - Z-5900 Pirate Very Heavy Fighter

Barghest - Z-9000 Liberty Rogue/Molly Bomber

Bactrian - Z-6150 Pirate Freighter

Pirate Transport

Pirate Train

Rogue Gunboat

Scylla - Rogue/Molly

Civilian Heron


Sabre/Eagle/Roc/Falacta/One Odin are for shared ships only. [M]-Inglorious.Bastard-#

Three Odins are used by personal players. One Is Shared.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Goals & Methods ♠

[font=Palatino Linotype]
  • To take over Dublin & remove it from government & corporative rule.
  • Eliminating the Corsair threat.
  • Profiting in any way possible.
  • Defending our turf from hostile attacks and intentions.
  • Supplying & supporting the Liberty Rogues.
  • Harassing Armed Forces & Police in Dublin & its local systems. Robbing, disrupting or destroying corporations in Dublin.
  • Fighting the Corsairs all over Bretonia & Omega-49, Omega-3.
  • Participating in petty crimes over Bretonia to fund our main two goals.
  • Smuggling with Liberty & Rheinland Criminals to also help funding & assisting our Liberty allies.


[font=Palatino Linotype]
  • To achieve Official Status
  • To be the single Molly Faction in Discovery
  • Make our mark in Discovery History.

[color=#FFCC00][font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Naming Conventions ♠

Rest: [M]-Full.Name/Title
Transports/Gunboats/Cruisers: [M]-Title

[M]-Inglorious.Bastard-# = Shared BWS + Civilians for member use.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Diplomacy ♠

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ ZOI ♠

[Image: molly_zoi.jpg]

[font=Palatino Linotype]♠ Current Active Members ♠

Many Thanks To:
  • Sprolf for educating & assisting me on the write up.
  • Boss for writing up the Summary details & rank descriptions.
Thank you everyone for reading to this point. Hope you enjoyed the bathroom reading as much as I enjoyed making it! - Avalanche.

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[font=Palatino Linotype]
The Wild Geese
[font=Palatino Linotype]
Sub Faction

ID - [color=#99FF99]Mercenary
IFF - Molly
TAG - [M]-Name|WG

♣ History ♣

The history of the Wild Geese goes back to old Earth-that-was, when exiled Irish armies were sold out to the continental armies as mercenary units. The Treaty of Limerick disbanded the defeated Jacobite army, and the soldiers were given the choice to serve in France. The English Crown also wanted certain Irish soldiers and mercenaries dealt with, and they were moved to the mainland as well. Fortune seekers swelled the ranks, and the Flight of the Wild Geese became known as a movement of Irish soldiers and mercenaries for hire.

Enter 818 AS, thousands of years later in a distant star system.

With the rise and fall of such powers as the Union of Gold, Molly Republic, and Molly Separatists, certain capable individuals in the Molly movement realized exactly how bad the situation for the Mollys was. Freedom of Dublin had always been the goal. But supplies were scarce, and with a war looming that threatened not only Bretonia but the Molly separatist movement as well, some people began to think that the goals should change.

Eamon O'Malley was the first man to voice this idea with any volume. Respected and old enough to gain support, he proposed the formation of a mercenary wing to export something other than their prized Dublin gold, something that had been perfected over several years of guerrilla fighting and lightning raids: violence. Certain men joined for personal profit, some for fame, some to see more of Sirius than just the orange system of Dublin and its surrounding systems. The stated reason that the Wild Geese was formed for, however, was to not only generate a new source of income for the Molly movement as a whole, but to foster new relations with other factions.

[color=#FFCC00][font=Palatino Linotype]♣ Ships & Tech ♣

[color=#FFFF99][The following list will grow with tech permissions granted. Links to permissions will be provided as they are given.]
  • [color=#99FF99]
  • All Civilian tech
  • BW tech (Sabre, Switchblade, Scimitar)
  • All Molly tech*
*Molly tech defined as Trefoils & Dublin Dusters, the Pirate line up to and including the Rogue Gunboat, and Molly Gunboat turrets.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♣ Diplomacy ♣


Our contractors:
Red Hessian War-time Grants
101st Outcast Guard MercNet

People who aren't our contractors, but whom we don't hunt. Zoners, most likely.

People we're paid to blow up, but it's not personal.
Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Reapers of Sirius, Kruger Minerals, Republican Shipping, Daumann Heavy Construction, ALG Waste Disposal

People we're paid to blow up, and it's personal.
Bounty Hunters Guild, Corsairs.

[font=Palatino Linotype]♣ Rank Structure ♣

You want ranks? Go join the army. We have the leader, Eamon O'Malley, and everyone else. Everyone has an equal vote on matters. Eamon negotiates contracts and handles PR. In the event of Eamon's death or resignation, the other members vote on his successor.

How do we handle things such as ship-class and weapon restrictions? Excellent question! Each member gets a full pick of the armory. Weapon stocks on things such as gunboats and gunboat cannons are more limited than things like Werewolves, though.

[color=#FFCCCC]Thought of, designed, created & brought to you by Zapp.

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[font=Palatino Linotype]
Molly Mianadóir Corparáid
[Image: MMC2-WINNAR-SMALL.png]

ID - [color=#99FF99]Molly
IFF - Molly
TAG - [M]-Name|MMC
Leader - Atlas

[font=Palatino Linotype]♣ History ♣

Created during the Molly Council the Molly Mianadóir Corparáid , MMC, was designed as for the organised mining of the fields of Dublin. Ignoring the need for combat ships it mantained only those few for the escort and protection of it's miners, relying on the organised forces of the other Molly clans to keep the overwhelming numbers of Bretonian from the fields.
While managing to secure a seat on the Council, the Fall of the Molly Council left the MMC without the support and protection it had previously enjoyed. Increasing it's own Military force during the vacum of Molly leadership the MMC was left as the only organised Molly force.
After the creation of the [M]ollys began the MMC joined into it's rank, combat craft joining the standard ranks while the miners took over and instantly jump started the [M]olly mining operations and settled into preforming it's intended fuction, the mining, shipping and sales of Molly gold into the market to supply the much needed credits for weapons and supplies.

[color=#FFCC00][font=Palatino Linotype]♣ Ships & Tech ♣

  • Hegamon
  • Fighter class mining ships
  • Pirate Transport
  • Pirate Train
  • Heron
  • Barge

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[font=Palatino Linotype]Forum Activity

[M]olly Ship Sale!
[M]olly Promotion Requirements
The Molly's Profiles
Reporting Facility
To [M] and MMC: Information for Moderate Molly Fractions
To: Edward Lance | Mollies
To: [M] ( And the [M] ONLY )
To: [M]-
To: Governor Edward Lance
Addressed to NLH & Gaians alike.
The Arrenmore Arms Pub
To [M]ollys,
TO: The Mollys,
To the Mollys, From Chairman Chi of Volgograd Industrial
To Junker Congress, From [M]ollys
From [M] to different IMG divisions, IMG| ICMG .:FTU:. have the key to enrcypt it only.
The communiqué to Mollys, From: Rot Front
To: Hellfire Legion, Pickaxe encryption

Comment, discuss, think up new ideas and more about the faction. Everyone is welcome, criticism is wanted!

A more in depth, detailed and imaginative faction past and history is underway.

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Death.RunningVerminator - 07-04-2011

Looks absolutely awesome man. Great work and i hope you guys get official.


[A], [C], and now [M]


Wana have a [C] [A] [M] chat? xD

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Alley - 07-04-2011

Nice request, I had the opportunity to meet one of your members while on the IDF shared bomber and it was a pleasure. Let's hope we can meet again !

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - TheJarl - 07-04-2011

I fully support this!

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Avalanche - 07-04-2011

Cheers chaps. Thanks for the support! If you ever want to help in and participate in the fun, give me a buzz! ;)

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Johnny_Walker - 07-04-2011

Filling the Gap in Bretonia !
(thumbs up)

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Zapp - 07-04-2011

I've been monumentally inactive this past week, sorry, and next week isn't looking too good either. If anyone's interested in joining the WG, drop me a PM.

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - sadtranslation - 07-04-2011

Mollys need a good lead that will keep in mind all the past experience, good or bad one, and will make the faction active, rocking and whatever. Go for it and bump Rot Front thread, alright?

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Serpentis - 07-04-2011

Got question:

Non-Humans: That would be Nomads, right?

Cause I am wondering where The Virulian Enclave comes into your diplomacy.

Other then that, I like what I see. Ive yet to run into one of you, but i'm sure that's cause I haven't been online much.

Kudos on the Wild Geese, that is really what I enjoyed!

The Mollys - Official Faction Request - Cawdor - 07-04-2011

The presentation seems sound on first glimpse . I know that most of your members are level heads and can in conclusion say that this request is worth supporting.

Bretonia needs that faction to be whole again.