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A certain pirateish rule question. - Printable Version

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A certain pirateish rule question. - Backo - 08-18-2011

So, I've started playing a certain unlawful faction that I'm trying to make look like a scary organisation and not your average pirates. So how to do it, how to stop the "How much?" question that is asked calmly? Well, I decided to be more destructive, more rude, more "scary".

And here comes the question:
Before, I remember reading that a pirate can inflict damage before issuing the demand, just not killing the target before a demand and sufficient time for response was given. Though when I got that discussed in flood I got a mix of answers:

Some said you can't go over 50% of the shields, else it's pvp abuse.
Some said you can.

So here's really it:

Can I inflict damage on a transport, in an act of piracy, before issuing a demand? That is of course with sufficient RP and inflicting hull damage to be exact?

A certain pirateish rule question. - SnakThree - 08-18-2011

Which ID? If it is factionised, yes you can. If it is Pirate ID doubtfully.

A certain pirateish rule question. - Backo - 08-18-2011

' Wrote:Which ID? If it is factionised, yes you can. If it is Pirate ID doubtfully.

That be Unioner ID, sir.

A certain pirateish rule question. - SnakThree - 08-18-2011

Yes. It has:

Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within their Zone of Influence

Which allows it.

A certain pirateish rule question. - Backo - 08-18-2011

' Wrote:Yes. It has:

Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within their Zone of Influence

Which allows it.

But you know how Transports have always been a special case? You can't kill* them without a demand. They ignore 4 hour rule, all that.

And of course I already had more then a few whine that I dropped their shield below 50% even after giving my demand. :|

A certain pirateish rule question. - SnakThree - 08-18-2011

Rules states that you are not allowed to destroy trade ships after you gave some time to meet demands.

Rules state that individual IDs might have additional rights or restriction.

That ID allows to engage lawfuls, pirates, terrorists.

Thus, combine it.


A certain pirateish rule question. - elrica - 08-18-2011

As I see it,

For the sake of fairplay I'd suggest that you warn them that you will "open fire if they don't stop immediately"...for....'a quick word' or something. Perhaps make a setmsg indicating that if they come to a full stop and surrender and listen to your demands, they may have a chance to live. Then you may RP your demands.

If you just start shooting with only a "Halt!" or a demand the 'fight or flight' thingy kicks in and all rational thinking goes out the window. Plus it leaves a foul taste in the mouth. (althoug, I kinda think that's what you want?;))

This way it's clear that you intend to let them live if they submit. If the trader is an idiot...well...that's their fault. Should they accuse you of being lolwuts/breaking rules... you gave them the option of surrendering, but their ego got in the way.

Although, in my opinion, doing it the regular way but keeping their shields at 0 is sufficient. If they are particularly stubborn, slowly picking at their hull with light fire whilst repeating your demand more forcefully usually does the trick if they aren't keen on losing everything in their hold.

A certain pirateish rule question. - Not Espi - 08-18-2011

' Wrote:6. ID and role-playing engagement rules

6.6 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand and allowing sufficient time to respond. Demands may be cargo, credits or an RP demand, such as leaving the system. "Halt" is not a demand.

You DO, however, need to roleplay before draining shields down to 50%:

' Wrote:5. General PvP Rules

5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

Note that one of the rules is concerning engeging, and the other one destruction. Not the same thing.

Meaning - if roleplay prior to attack is done, you DO NOT NEED to issue a demand before attacking. You DO, however, need to do so before actually killing the transport in question.

- pirate meets prey -
- rp to engage -
- 1/10 hull on trader -
- demand -
- sufficient time to respond -
- denial -
- kablow -

A certain pirateish rule question. - Backo - 08-18-2011

' Wrote:You DO, however, need to roleplay before draining shields down to 50%:
Note that one of the rules is concerning engeging, and the other one destruction. Not the same thing.

Meaning - if roleplay prior to attack is done, you DO NOT NEED to issue a demand before attacking. You DO, however, need to do so before actually killing the transport in question.

- pirate meets prey -
- rp to engage -
- 1/10 hull on trader -
- demand -
- sufficient time to respond -
- denial -
- kablow -

Sums up what I wanted to hear, sadly I need to hear that from the nice fellas that work in the "Players Sanctioned" section. After all it will be up to them if the angry powertrader gets his revenge or not.

A certain pirateish rule question. - Ingenious - 08-18-2011

Roleplay before shooting, demand before killing.
BigMAX before $%^&ing