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Meteora Bar, Planet Malta - Printable Version

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Meteora Bar, Planet Malta - Stefz - 10-14-2011

[Image: imagesCABZK5SC.jpg]
*Interior of the Meteora bar*

The same music that played everyday at noon became the theme song of Hernan Juarez. The monotonous droning of electronic beeping and pump pulling had become his entire life. Ghosts, Independants, Freelancers, Junkers, and various other drunkards, now had faces, lives...he knew them.
The bar was still quiet, the shift change wasn't for another hour or so.

He sighs, "Sometimes I feel there's someth-" The bar room door hissed open, and he cut short before any loyal customers heard of his dismay.

A newer member of his bar walked up.
"What can I get you , usted?"

"Ehm, just..ju-just some Maltese Ale I suppose'€¦.."

The man looked horribly shaken, clearly not Outcast. Perhaps Junker they tended to order Maltese Ale, of course he had so many customers, that statistic couldn'€™t possibly stand true. Hernan poured the man a drink, and handed it to him. "There," he looked around at the awkwardly empty bar, "So, wha-".

Hernan frowned as the introverted man quickly stepped away and slumped into a booth overlooking the city sky-ways. "Typical Junker behavior too." he thought. Wiping the counter for the millionth time, Hernan contemplated when a Ghost would walk in. They usually had some conversation, amid all of the "Confidential" information they weren't allowed to share. He chuckled slightly, information that most Ghost Recruits didn'€™t mind talking about after three glasses of The Mallorca Tyrant.

Before the counter was cleaned for the one million and first time, Juarez stepped over to the Comm Panel.

"Hola, Block Manager here.", a male said over the screen.

"Hey, Yttiri, could you beep me when a Raven's Talon touches down on the Ghost Pads?"

"Sure Hernan. How's it going up there?"

"Nyeh, I got a'€¦.man'€¦up here who is probably a wary contact, who the 101st want to meet. Yeah, it's slow. I got Rum to mix in any case, adios amigo."

The Screen shut off, and Hernan began pressurizing the Rum imported from the last Junker Convoy. "One more hour"

Meteora Bar - Adain - 10-14-2011

"Roger that, Control.....Yeah, same one....Alright, Out." The Talon headed to the Coordinates that was saved in its data hub. Ghost Plaform 15, Adain had landed on it so many times that it was second nature to fly there.

A sharp hiss, accompanied by some Hydrogen gas, welcomed the Captain as he exited the Civilian Fighter. The Platform Chief jogged up, "Hey there! The usual set-up, usted?"

"*Chuckle* As always, mi amigo!" He smiled as he headed down the half-flight of stairs to the Grav-Lift, located off to his left. The lift shot up to floor 14, The Meteora. His favorite, and usually quiet, bar in which to do paperwork. Nothing special, just ship requests, recent reports about traders, the 'I wish I could get a Rookie to do this' kind of work.


He strode in to behold...the same place he had beheld hundreds of times before. Save for a man sitting off in a booth near a window.

"Ey, Hernan. Busy Busy huh? 'll take the usual please."

The bartender nodded in acknowledgment and got to work. Meanwhile, Adain had slipped into the booth three rows behind the black garbed man. A datapad beeped, "*sigh*", another report came in. He pulled out papers and two more datapads, just as Hernan walked up with his Coffee.

"Y'know Senor Adain, this is a bar *smile*. Pretty good Ale's and other concoctions here."

"*chuckle* You know me....Juarez, I haven't sipped a drink in my life. One of ONLY ghost who doesnt drink. Especially among the higher ups. *nods* Thanks....*whispering* Eh, who's the ominous muchacho over there?"

"No idea, figured he was one of your contacts."

"Nah,...hrm...Alright thanks, these reports...sadly...dont review themselves."

"Oh, one more thing Senor Erylian. Senor Mortensen wanted you to contact him when you arrived today."

"*Quizically* O...K. Thank you"

Adain grabbed his comm pad, and thumbed in Stephan's name, the video popped up.

"You rang, Mortensen?"

Meteora Bar - Stefz - 10-14-2011

Stefan's face appeared on the video. He was sitting in rather dark place, and was drinking, but he wasn't drunk.
However, a small amount of light could have been seen, which appeared through small square window.

"Buenos dias, Adain. Or I can make it Erylian, if you mind me calling you by name?"

"So, how are you today?"

Stefan saw that Adain is still not drinking alcohol, and smiled.

"You know, we really need to make you drink something that contains alcohol."

"Let me come to you, I am nearby. Still, I can't tell you where I am yet, this is my top-secret place. Wait there, I'll be there in few minutes."

Video feed was lost, and Stefan headed to the bar.

That wasn't really long way from his hidden room to bar, just a two-three minutes walking. He was walking through dark hall, in which light was bearly seen through few small round windows. Those were probably just made for ventilation so hall and his hidden room could get fresh air.

After little walk, the small door opened and Stefan appeared in the bar. He came to Adain, shaked hands with him and sat. He also ordered two glasses of cardi-cola, which was Meteora bartender's speciality.

"Hernan, could we get two glasses of your nice cardi-cola over here?"

Hernan suddenly started to look confused.

"Si patron. But, senor Erylian doesn't drink.."

Stefan smiled and looked at Adain.

"Whatever, we'll make him drink. Just bring those glasses here."

Just when Adain opened mouth to say something, Stefan interrupted him.

"Don't, please. I think It's time for you to taste cardi-cola, made by Hernan. He's the best cardi-cola maker in entire Outcast Nation. Trust me, It's good."

Hernan arrived with two glasses of cardi-cola.

"Here you go, senores. Have a nice one."

Meteora Bar - Venkman - 10-14-2011

Then Apollo Venkman shown up in the bar.He sitt on the chair and ordered a drink from bartender.When drink was delivered,Apollo heard some voice,he turned his head and saw senor Mortensen and senor Adain,they were calling Apollo join them.
When he was near them Apollo spoke

"Buenos dias senores,how you doin'?"

Stefan said that he is ok and Adain too and Apollo turned another topic and it was about problems at Malta at Commody trader

"Senores i was going to buy some Cardamines from our Commody trader and he was not there,exatly nobody was there and i left.
Tomorrow i came again,but again the same story nobody there,what could it be?"

Adain said that he had the same problem too and that he doesn't know the answer.After a few minutes of silence Stefan spoke

He is seek....and he can't go to work....isn't that obviosly?!

Adain and Apollo were speachless,when Apollo said

"Ohhh.......but can anybody replace him while he is seek?

Stefan told Apollo that that is not his problem........then Apollo ordered a botle of Jack Daniels and some Juice.When bartender came to the desk and poured drink Apollo,Adain,Steafan started to drink.

Meteora Bar - Adain - 10-14-2011

Adain sipped his coffee, refusing to take note of the Alcholic Soft Drink that sat inches in front of him. His blank stare was directed at both Stefan, and Apollo.

"I don't drink, Stefan. I doubt I'll start today either. Apollo, there are literally thousands of Cardamine traders on Malta, and I am quite certain any convenience store on the Planet sells it. Not to mention the Pre-Launch Cafe at Headquarters."

Adain called the bartender over to take the drink. With a hesitation he did so.

Erylian checked the newest report, "*laughs* Oh look, the Hessians attacked those Cannibals, in tandem with our Xtreme Fighters. *Shakes head while keying Comm pad* Jose, I'm sending you some reports can y-......Dont get snappy with me! Oh c'mon! Its only the...third...time i've sent you reports. They arent that hard to document. You'll be done in time to with wires, and what other technician stuff you enjoy doing.....No, I'm at the Meteora with some other Ghosts....Yeah, patch that through to the Admiral when you get a chance, thanks....Yeah, y tu."

He set the comm pad down rather hard.

"Can't get that man to do anything that doesnt test his skills....Over-achiever...."

His Coffee was out, and Stefan's stare could no longer be ignored.

"*scowl* I hate you, you know that? Juarez get me a small glass of that Cardi-Cola stuff......if its any stronger than I want it, I'll gut you with these reports."

The Bartender smiled, but then bustled to work on preparing the drink. Adain noticed the smirk on Mortensen's face.

"Wipe that smile off your face before I demote it."

Meteora Bar - Stefz - 10-14-2011

"I knew it! I told ya you'll start to drink!"

Stefan looked quite happy. Then he turned to Apollo, and smiled.

"Don't tell me you can't find an Cardamine dealer. As Adain already said, there are thousands of them on Malta. I am quite sure you can find one of them who has decent prices."

After that, he turned to Adain.

"Come on, we'll drink it together. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. We're out of duty anyways, we are having free time. Let's spend it in the best way possible."

Adain nodded, they crossed hands and soon, both glasses were empty. After few minutes of quiet, Stefan started to clap.

"Great! I finally managed to get you drink something that contains alcohol. Si! So, do you like it? Want another one? I will sure order another one, just wondering if you are going to do the same."

Meteora Bar - Venkman - 10-14-2011

After Stefan ordered a Alcoholic drink for Adain,Apollo proposed something interesting

"Guys,let's order Alcohol....lot of Alcohol and Juice and then we can mix Alcohol and Juice.When we get drunk we can take Cardamines and walk around the Matla's hardway....then go home and what do you think?"

Then Stefan asked Apollo does he crazy,Apollo asked him why.........and Stefan was silenced.
Adain did not say the word because he could not decide what he is going to take Jack Daniels or Orange juice......Apollo turned his head to Adain and said

"Hard choice uh?Take the Jack Adain"

Adain listened Apollo and he took Jack Daniels.................
After drinking Apollo called bartender

''Hey!Bartender come here."

When bartender came Apollo said

"Do you have some Barbecue?"

Bartender answered "yes"

"Ok.....i we will take 2 kilos of meat on barbecue and three supes"

Adain.Stefan and Apollo eated everything they ordered. Then Stefan ordered 3 Coffies,and they drinked coffie and started to talk

Meteora Bar - Adain - 10-15-2011

"GAH! That's horrid! I assume its an aquired taste then, Stephan?"

Adain pushed away the Daniels and Cardi-Cola, "I dont think I'm ready for that, for a while. And Apollo, if you ever suggest anything as assenine as getting pummeled and carousing around the streets, again, I will make sure you dont enter the hangar again. We are Ghosts, not Junkers or Rogues. We must show some dignity when out and about."

Adain stood up, using the back of the booth to steady himself. "Three sips and I'm already a bit dizzy" He thought. "I'll see you two tomorrow at Roll. Don't be hammered when you get there, or you'll be sent home."

He waved to Hernan, who was observing from a safe distance, and entered the Grav-Lift. The platform chief met him at the door, and unlocked the platform safety field.

"She's all yours Captain."

The Ghost nodded and prepared his ship for interplanetary travel. For some reason that ominous figure in the bar lingered in his mind, perhaps the Admiral had-. Non-sense. He looked at his watch, he had a meeting with the Admiral in four hours. Hopefully the alchohol would pass through his system by then. If not....I might have some extra cologne.

The afternoon suns glared in the viewport, threatening to blind the inebriated pilot. "Tint Seventy Percent" The cockpit immediately got darker, but still pounded Adain's frontal lobe. "Im going to kill Stephan...."

Meteora Bar - Stefz - 10-15-2011

As Adain left, Stefan stared at Apollo for few seconds. After that, he finally spoke something.

"See what you've done?! Offering something to captain Adain, even if you KNOW he's not gonna like it, like most of the Nation. Who the hell likes Jack Daniels.."

Then, he turned to Hernan.

"What the hell are you looking at, huh?!"

Hernan turned around and started to wash glasses, and he had only half an hour left from shift end. Stefan Looked quite pissed off, and everyone know knew him even little stayed away from him. He suddenly started to yell.

"Enough with this crap! I'll just get out and blow some crap, I don't care if those would be dirty miners or those Cannibals with disguising smell."

He entered Grav-Lift, and automatic computer asked him which ship would he like to take off with.

"Take ma wherever you wish.. Take me to one of my Sabres. The one with Suncannons."

Grav-Lift brought him on the landing pad, where his Sabre was located. It was quite huge hall, as there were few other ships, that were still waiting for maintenance. Stefan entered ship and took off quite fast, without even checking rescue capsule module, along with emergency systems.

Meteora Bar - maximus995 - 10-15-2011

Alexander landed his ship on the ghosts landing pad and inhaled deeply

Ah good old Malta, it's been to long old girl, those damn Tau missions

after telling the platform chief to give his old ship a check-up he took one last breath and went inside to the bar

Ah hernan, bring out the rum lad, we've got something to celebrate