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Hessian Tears - Simsonator - 03-16-2008

Faction Synopsis

The Red Hessians are a loosely grouped organization of Rhineland workers and miners who have fallen on hard times and taken to a life of rebellion and piracy. They constantly struggle to carve out their own realm against the gluttonous Rhineland corporations, as it stands; the current Rhineland government is weak to the point of being under the near-total control of the massive corporations Daumann, Kruger, and Republican Shipping.

The Hessian Tears Squadron was formed as a black ops squadron a short while after the nomad wars broke out. Named after the blue diamonds mined from the depths of Hessian space, they were spoken of in rumour and tales in the bars around the Hessian systems until there was a leaked report of them missing whilst in Wilde space.

This is the story of the squadron:

Taken from Red Hessian Archives.

Dated 799 A.S.

The first signs of Nomad infestation spread quickly. Rhinelanders everywhere were falling to this new enemy. Information was held back from the Red Hessian Army, hoping to quench any fears that may arise from the events. The Red Hessian leaders commissioned one squadron, the Hessian Tears, to see how far these threats were truth, and are they just a spin on much smaller events. The Hessian Tears accepted this mission; the then young pilots were enthusiastic about this new challenge. With their brothers in arms by their side, they felt safe and secure from any foe.

Entering Omega 55 the men set out to tackle the new found targets.
The days of fighting that the men accepted soon turned into weeks and months. The fight was tough, much tougher than the men expected. Through extreme determination and persistence they fought. Eventually they pushed the nomads back, losing many brothers in arms to the nomad guns. Many pilots went missing, unconfirmed KIA recorded MIA. These pilots were however, listed as fallen. High command sent orders, stating that the Hessian Tears were to hold the system in case of a return of the nomad forces.

Kept supplied by the Red hessian bases, the Hessian Tears were cautious of these orders, but obeyed them none the less. They flew regular patrols of the system and encountered very little hostile movements. For months this continued, the Hessian Tears became more complacent. Last known contact with the Hessian Tears squadron was the following communication slip.

Hessian Tears Squadron Leader Hans Klaussmon: “Be advised we have unknown targets on long range scanners, Delta wing, orbit the signal at 2k and check it out”

Hessian Tears Delta Squadron 1 “roger that, checking the id of the ships...... Computer scan shows no ID, visual scan confirms.... My god sir, its Heinrich... He was listed KIA 3 months ago. Hold up....”

Hans: “What is it delta?”

Delta: “He is charging up weapons system sir... Oh Cra**static***”

Hans: “Delta come in, Delta come in!” “All wings engage the targets”

That was the last communication known to have been made with the Hessian Tears squadron.

** Record taken from Hans Klaussman personal log- Specific date unknown, Year 808 A.S.**

We are still stuck on this god forsaken planet. High command has completely forgotten us. I have been entering this in the log for... I don't know how many days now. I think it's the only thing keeping me sane. After high command found out about Heinrich and our other brothers being infested and being added to what seems to have now become known as Das Wilde, we were ordered to land at an old spaceport on the planet in the system Omega 55, we are calling it the unknown planet. It reflects how we feel we have been treated now. There is little to none wild presence in this system, though they are only one jump away. We all share the feeling that something bad is soon to happen, i mean, they can invade this system at any moment. Why did the high command chose this planet for us? Quarantined here, we received regular supplies from the Hessians. They gave us orders to hold up here until we had established who among us was possibly infested.

Time has passed, and the Hessians have forgotten about us.
The supplies are non existent, have been for so long now. We are fending for ourselves but are growing old. We haven't been able to contact any others.
The last supplies seemed to have forgotten the power charges for the communication units. We do have a few members whose fathers were engineers and ship builders. They are trying to use the parts found in this dump to build a rudimentary ship. I just hope they can...

**Finding new entry.... Specific date unknown, Year 810 A.S.**

Finally they have done it, our boys made the ship!
Ugly and useless junk it was, but they have made it and took it off this planet. I guess we were in luck, they managed to contact a Red Hessian patrol and we have ships landing now to take us back to base. It has been so long, I had forgotten what space looks and feels like.

**Finding new entry.... Found**

The high command is not keen on us it seems. They are wary of us because of our fallen brothers. We really need to get them to accept us again though. They have stated that they are not willing to place us under their known squadrons, and wish us to fly by ourselves, but under their orders. This I can accept, I am wary of the high command as well. They say that when the old CO of the RHA died, there was no indication as to our continued existence. That is their reason for the supplies being stopped, because no orders were left. I am not so certain. I don't know, I just get the feeling maybe this was an attempt to kill all of us off, to stop any possible infiltration of infested pilots back into their ranks. We were lucky to be lifted from that planet, turns out Das Wilde invaded the system completely and have wiped all Hessian remains from the planets and established it as a base.
I am standing down as the leader of the squadron. I'm not willing to fight for something that may have sentenced me to death.
I am passing the command to a pilot among us called Davy Jones. He shows good ability and I think will become a worthy successor.

Goals and Operations

Message to all pilots of the Hessian Tears

We have been forgotten about by the RHA, and are now looked upon as a mere shadow, a play thing for them. They do not fully trust us, though they left us in the dark. We must try to change this attitude of theirs. We will become a force of the Red Hessians again. Therefore I am proposing the following:

We go by the Red Hessian Army's commands; they are still our superiors no matter what they have done to us. We will show them they can trust us and rely on our support.
We follow the same goals, we are still Red Hessians, and we will always be Red Hessians.

We have our own goals though. We have lost many brothers to the nomad infestations. These brothers are considered dead to us from the moment we listed them as MIA, they no longer hold any resemblance of those we would have gladly died for. Their bodies and minds are being mutilated and for this reason we are setting our personal goal, to destroy Das Wilde and free our brothers and let them rest in the peace that they so deserve. This will clear our name and hopefully allow the Red Hessian High command to once again welcome us with open arms.

(What follows is OORP)

Our main RP plot and center will be on inner Hessian politics, and the interaction with the RHA. Us as semi-outcasts of the Hessians, trying to get back under the fold of the Hessian people. This we hope will allow us to one day join under the RHA banner. But as of the moment we are forbidden, due to a distinct sense of caution shown from the RHA themselves. This inter-faction roleplay we hope will bring more activity to the Red Hessians as a whole. We believe that this will tie into the freelancer community well, we hope you will see the opportunities that arise from this as we do.

We will also put our efforts into the extermination of the Wild and their masters the Nomads (though we will not encounter these frequently) Our efforts to destroy the Wild forces will lead to us taxing traders for protection from them, or even just attacking the Wilde to destroy them and letting the trader slip away. This I believe is not role-played out by any particular faction, and I think our storyline allows us to play this well. From our encounters with the Wild, we hope to perhaps establish a research group, looking at the Wild's conversion of weapons etc. I know that angelfire's continuing storyline features the actual conversion of the people into weapons (as far as I can make out) and I hope that maybe we could become a force that would be against this testing, as it is as bad as the nomads themselves.

(The following is pending the approval of Epyon)
Due to our research we are also hoping to trade with the outcasts. We would supply the outcasts with possible weapons and technology (some of which would be RP designed), whilst receiving potential financial support in return.

NPC Faction Alignment

We are aligned with the Red Hessian NPC faction. Every character must be Hessian tagged and carry a Red Hessian ID.

We are the Hessian Tears all members must have there name set to [HT] *****.
High ranking officer – 1st and 2nd in command will have the rank at the end of their name

We are an unlawful faction. We know that our actions break the laws of the state, yet we chose to continue as this is what feels right. If breaking laws that are in themselves a crime is considered unlawful, then yes, we are unlawful and proud of it. As Red Hessians we are in conflict with the Rhineland police, Rhineland military and major Rhineland corporations. And also the Corsairs in the nearby Omega systems. Our main enemy however is Das Wilde and the Nomads. Their mutilation and control of our dead brothers in arms disgusts and disheartens us all. They are our number 1 priority.

Our allies include the RHA, the Bundschuh in Frankfurt and the Corsair-hating Outcasts through mutual trade agreements. We will remain neutral to all Junkers, though their tendency to scavenge makes us wary of them, and annoys us slightly. We will also open up mutual agreements with the IMG at their nearby Freistadt base in Omega-7.

Allowed Weapons

We allow any Red Hessian, Civilian weapons and Codenames. Nomads are to be used cautiously and with RP background listed on the forums.
Allowed Ships


RH-GM40 "Odin" Red Hessian Very Heavy Fighter

RH-GS17 "Loki" Red Hessian Light Fighter


RH-GM82 "Thor" Red Hessian Bomber

[color=#666666]Gun Boat

Hacker Gunship

– flag ships only

Red Hessian Cruiser


Z-6150 "Bactrian" Pirate Freighter

Series YX "Dromedary" Border Worlds Freighter

Z -1138 "Mule" Pirate Freighter

Pirate Train

Pirate Transport

[color=#FFFFFF]Faction Diplomacy


Red Hessian Army [RHA]
101st Outcast Guard [101st]
202nd Howling Spirits [202nd]
Nova Powergen [NovaPG]


Union of Gold [UOG]
Blue Lotus Syndicate [BLS]
Reapers of Sirius [RoS]
Independent Outcast, Blood Dragon, Hacker, Rogue, or Molly-affiliated


Asgard Warriors [AW]
Hellfire Legion [HF]
Independents [IND]
Jupiter Guild [\JG/]
Slavers Union [SU]
Temporary Autonomous Zoners [TAZ]
Workers Front [W]
Lane Hackers [LH]
Colonial Remnant =CR=
Luthor Corp [LC]
Phantoms - Although neutral, they are to be avoided if possible, you can never know...
Independent Interspace, Zoner, Junker, Hogosha, IMG-affiliated or Unioner-affiliated


Kusari Naval Forces [KNF]
Nature's Last Hope [NLH]
Queen Carina's Forces [QCRF]
South Alliance [SA]
Black Dragon Society [BD]
Republican Express (RepEx)
Independent Gaians, BAF, Republican Shipping and Liberty Navy.


Black Squadron (Bs|)
Darkwing [DW]
Liberty Security Force [LSF]
Liberty Police Incorporated [LPI]
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army (SCRA [RAxx])
Shadow Stalkers Org [sso]
Daumann, Kruger, or BHG-affiliated

At War

Rhineland Military [RM]
The Wild
Independent Corsairs
Omega Pirates Guild [OPG]
The Brotherhood [TBH]

Hessian Tears Roleplay Guidelines

Hessian Tears demands that its members operate in an RP manner when in public places and using public communications. We will not tolerate out of character system chat in game, out of character
Posting in role-play-designated forums, or out of RP behaviour in game. We will at all times role play with the RHA, and assist them should they require it.

Ranking Structure

Currently there are no Capital ships or gunboats employed by Hessian Tears this will only change when we have more members.

Oberstleutnant (Wing Commander) – Davy Jones (Ors) Can fly up to and including the flagship cruiser.
Major (Squadron leader) – Lars Schmidtt (Simsonator) As above
Stabshauptmann (Flight Lieutenant) – Can fly up to GB + Transports
Oberleutnant (Flying Officer) – Can fly up to Bomber + Transports
Leutnant (Pilot Officer) – Can fly up to VHF + Transports
F?hnrich (Acting Pilot Officer) – Can fly up to VHF + Transports

As for the roleplay with RHA, we have Lancers blessing on this, and he looks forward to acting cautiously towards us.

Anyone interest please pm Ors or myself

Thank you for your time, and please reconsider this.
Ors and Simsonator.

Hessian Tears - bluntpencil2001 - 03-16-2008

Well, the name is much better indeed. 'Hessian Tears' is a great name, I must say.

However,I've a coouple of minor issues with your allowed gear. Try limiting yourself to only Hessian ships; Loki, Odin, Thor, Hessian Cruiser. No gunboats. Those ships are good enough, if rather limited.

But, yeah, not bad.:)

Hessian Tears - Simsonator - 03-16-2008

Ok will look into it


Hessian Tears - Unseelie - 03-16-2008

It looks good.
Some miner style things could make it easier to read, but you know those.
Other than that, you could sub in a lot of the transports to try and breach the gap between bomber and cruiser, and that could be very interesting for a pirate group, and will build on Xoria's ideas that difficulty builds teamwork which makes it fun, etc.

Hessian Tears - Robert.Fitzgerald - 03-16-2008

This is pretty good. If this gets accepted, the RHA will have more to do:)

But: why are you allied with the NovaPG and not the Mollies/other Outcasts?

Hessian Tears - Ors - 03-16-2008

' Wrote:This is pretty good. If this gets accepted, the RHA will have more to do:)

But: why are you allied with the NovaPG and not the Mollies/other Outcasts?

We were advised that since we won't get to see mollies that often if at all, there is no reason for them to be allied with us.
as for RoS, if we get approved, we will open negotiations for an alliance with them as well.

Hessian Tears - mjolnir - 03-16-2008

Nice.. after all that was...

I think GBs are fine..provided you don't spam them.

As others said.. goals and promotion criteria makes for challenge which makes fun... so check LH if you want something like that..

there are many goals you can give to different ranks... like getting a Nomad Power Cell... or proof of a Scorpion gunboat kill....

What I also thought... with inter-faction politics.. maybe you should have different main base of operations than RHA?

Ronneburg of Freital maybe?

Hessian Tears - Ors - 03-16-2008

' Wrote:Nice.. after all that was...

I think GBs are fine..provided you don't spam them.

As others said.. goals and promotion criteria makes for challenge which makes fun... so check LH if you want something like that..

there are many goals you can give to different ranks... like getting a Nomad Power Cell... or proof of a Scorpion gunboat kill....
What I also thought... with inter-faction politics.. maybe you should have different main base of operations than RHA?

Ronneburg of Freital maybe?

Part of the RP is that we don't realy have a base of operation, that is why we have the two cruisers - they are out floating base. (RP wise of course)

Hessian Tears - kingvaillant - 03-16-2008

wow... well made,,, but do you have 5 members willing to join?

Hessian Tears - Simsonator - 03-16-2008

Not now no, we have just myself and Ors left, though we will hopefully offer something people may like, and thus gain more members