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..... - Jack Payton - 12-31-2011


How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - AndrzejB - 01-01-2012

Slaver "Can be engaged by lawful factions", so it is even worse than Smuggler (who need to carry any cargo).
People will switch to Junker ID (more powerful Salvager?). Or maybe keep smuggling with Freelancer ID. The latter present more options.

Update: Whoa, the post above changed a lot.

..... - Jack Payton - 01-04-2012


How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - Govedo13 - 01-04-2012

Hm there is a point here indeed.
If you are listed as criminal for smuggling the lawfuls will shoot you anyway even if you are not smuggling at the moment- right now this line in the ID gives the lolwuts targeting practice. It is pure RP thing- you are smuggler and if they get you they will shoot you anyway no need to add it to the ID, it is valid RP to attack smuggler ship even if he transport legal cargo but you need to have evidence that he were smuggling before-
it nerfs smugglers with something that is actually clear to anyone- so more lolwuts witch will shoot smugglers- not such a big problem really. However it could be reworded better.

How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - Sandman - 01-04-2012

It doesn't make much sense to me when a Junker, part of a large well organised relatively wealthy group cannot buy a Pirate Train which is built on Puerto Rico whilst an independent less wealthy smuggler can.

..... - Jack Payton - 01-04-2012


How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - jammi - 01-04-2012

The simple solution would be to merge most of them into the single "freelance" ID. That's what they all are, at the end of the day. Freelancers doing various different things.

..... - Jack Payton - 01-04-2012


How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - Sandman - 01-04-2012

' Wrote:Junker ID supports transports up to 4300, which includes Pirate Train. So you're wrong.

The Junker ID has changed, it now states

"Cannot use any transport with more than 3500 cargo except the Pilgrim Liner"

So I'm afraid it's you that's wrong.

How to balance generic IDs and make them different? - Zien - 01-04-2012

Quote:If you are listed as criminal for smuggling the lawfuls will shoot you anyway even if you are not smuggling at the moment- right now this line in the ID gives the lolwuts targeting practice. It is pure RP thing- you are smuggler and if they get you they will shoot you anyway no need to add it to the ID, it is valid RP to attack smuggler ship even if he transport legal cargo but you need to have evidence that he were smuggling before-
it nerfs smugglers with something that is actually clear to anyone- so more lolwuts witch will shoot smugglers- not such a big problem really. However it could be reworded better.

I used to RP that there was a "Record" on that ship, not the pilot, and that the ship was tagged in a smuggling operation. And then proceed to hear their excuses and eventually tried to get away but ended up into space dust.

ID's...are really weird in the way that they're structured anyway. OH HEY! I'M A PIRATE! I HAVE AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT THAT SAYS I'M A PIRATE. On the other hand it's like BIO ID RECORD where Sirius wide commission of Census and Security issues the ID's and not the National for which they're born. OR It's just a game mech to figure out who's who and how to limit FREE TECH Trading.

Making sure that we cannot have sneaky spies among us. too easy, far far far far easier than it should be. Needs to be a challenge.

As for the OP ye.