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Pirating more than once - Printable Version

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Pirating more than once - Bass_masta992 - 04-11-2008

A pirate by the name of OdinOfAsguard pirated me twice within 10 minutes. is pirating every time you see a trader, regardless if you've pirated him within a certain time period legal?

Pirating more than once - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-11-2008

Yes, it is legal. If you keep going the same route over and over again, why should a Pirate let you go?

I don't see why the 4 hour pvp loss rules don't count for traders. If you get pirated on a route, why would your company/mind (if independent) make you go back there?

Twice within 10 minutes seems a bit silly, but it is legal. I often pirate diamond runners on my hessian EVERY time I see them. They come through sigma 13 right into my money-grabbing hands.

Pirating more than once - sovereign - 04-11-2008

' Wrote:Yes, it is legal. If you keep going the same route over and over again, why should a Pirate let you go?

I don't see why the 4 hour pvp loss rules don't count for traders. If you get pirated on a route, why would your company/mind (if independent) make you go back there?

Yeppers. If we have to skedaddle when you get a lucky shot, I'd expect you to do the same.

Pirating more than once - GhostFace - 04-11-2008

Well I my time of pirating I've always given and been given time periods at least for an hour up to a full yea..he should have not pirated you consecutively..but im not exactly sure its just what ive been seeing and doing

edit: well i guess it is legal...but its not very nice..though you wouldn't expect a nice pirate

Pirating more than once - Unseelie - 04-11-2008

In my oppinion, giving traders a time period is dumb...I just think its poor rp, unless they cut some sort of a deal....

There's nothing wrong with consecutive pirating, but there is something wrong with walking back into his hands.
As far as I'm aware, QCP policy is to pirate everyone each time they support the noodlemunchers, and it makes much more rp sense than not.

Pirating more than once - Why? - 04-11-2008

' Wrote:Well I my time of pirating I've always given and been given time periods at least for an hour up to a full yea..he should have not pirated you consecutively..but im not exactly sure its just what ive been seeing and doing

edit: well i guess it is legal...but its not very nice..though you wouldn't expect a nice pirate

Exactly, pirates should not be nice.

If you get pirated, you should change your route.

It is just that simple. If you don't you should expect to get pirated by the same pirate every single time you pass him, that would only make sense.

Pirating more than once - mwerte - 04-11-2008

I will give a trader a "safe period" if and only if they ask for it and pay for it. Otherwise, if I see you again, I get more money!

Pirating more than once - Xing - 04-11-2008

legal and should be if it wasnt.
your problem to stay in the same area, why.

Pirating more than once - Bass_masta992 - 04-11-2008

Well, every single pirate who's managed to stop me up to that point, gave me a nice 12 hour hole where i was free. just seeing this made me wonder, thanks for the help.

Pirating more than once - Micchi - 04-11-2008

Erm. Don't you know basic Norse mythology?
Asgard, the kingdom of the gods.
Odin - one-eye discoverer of runes

And also, I only pirated you twice because someone said it was legal, I waited plenty of time while figuring it out, and you got away anyway the second time.