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Dublin - sovereign - 04-16-2008

Seeing as there's a Treaty of Dublin going on between the UoG and Bretonia, methinks some changes in Dublin are in order. Number one, I wouldn't expect the BAF battleship to stay there... might make everyone edgy. I'd also expect a nice clear path through the minefield to Arranmore if there is to be trade, and further the Molly NPCs shouldn't shoot BAF on sight...

This is just a rough idea, but I'd like to see what the people seriously involved have to say.

Dublin - Unseelie - 04-16-2008

Asked to get some NPC changes here, and I really would like to see them behaving more like really liberal police...The battleship should stay, and so should the patrols, I would think, because of the Protectorate status. I would like to see the mollies governing the system, with influence on Graves and the Hood, Impossible though I suspect that may be. Paths through the mines, awesome as well.

Dublin - Linkus - 04-16-2008

If the Mollys have a firm hold on the system, surely the Bretonian Navy would jump at the chance to get one of their Battleships to the front lines?

Dublin - RingoW - 04-17-2008

If Igiss does want to keep the original game feeling furthermore, i see no way for a change of Dublin.
Its also a matter of the diplomacy between IMG, Mollys and Bretonia.


Dublin - Unseelie - 04-17-2008

I honestly believe Igiss wants to keep the original game feeling while contributing to a sense of forward momentum. As in, a dynamic world. Maybe I'm wrong, and Igiss wants a world that doesn't change at all. But I think thats very narrow. He changed the original game feeling by creating a massive interhouse war, so I think your point is moot, AoM, and yes, it is a matter of diplomacy.

Dublin - Doom - 04-17-2008

well..correcting IMG rep towards Mollys is easy enough..but also some rumors and news from Hood should be removed as well as Molly rep hack...As Hood is concerned Mollys and IMG are still best friends...

Dublin - Eppy - 04-17-2008

I'd also like to throw in the idea of a Trade Lane from the Essex to Graves, at the very least, if not one to the Hood as well. It's been sixteen years, plenty of time for improvement. Indeed, Hokkaido shows this problem as well.

Dublin - Kuraine - 04-17-2008

I second all these changes, Dublin should be changed to reflect the new diplomatic status. Trade lanes wouldn't be amiss either. Also, I think the trade lanes in Hokkaido really should have been completed by now.

Trade Lanes in Dublin or Hokkaido really wouldn't mess up single player. Besides, I really think we should ditch trying to keep any real semblance of single player, since in Disco its damn near impossible to do the single player campaign. Focus on the multiplayer atmosphere and roleplay, which is where we really want it at anyway.

Dublin - Unseelie - 04-17-2008

I'm opposed to a trade lane...rather a lane project for 4.85, and a lane for 4.86. Hokkaido should...and a possible inclusion of more KNF ships in Chokugo.

Diplomacy...well, IMG should be neutral at least, and I think the BMM should be neutral... Mollies are the law in that area, etc, and they would catch a whole lot of flack if they turned around and treated the BMM the way BMM treated them...the molly government could even enforce stricter controls on the BMM, which, while the BMM corporate heads wouldn't especially like, I'm sure the employees wouldn't mind....

On anther note, is it possible to change the name of an NPC faction without a playerwipe? Molly Interim Government instead of Molly, because it is now a recognised government and not a terrorist group...The Union of States, instead of the Colonial Rebels?

Dublin - Panzer - 04-17-2008

Lmao, Colonial rebels, same initials - CR

Anywho, pleeze, improve Dublin, Hokkaido and the Taus!

Trade lanes from the NL gate to Graves, then to Arranmore, then to the hood and finally back to the gate. A nice lil' ring.

Hokkaido could use those lanes from Sapporo to the Chugoku gate finished too. Sigma 17 is begging for a lane too. Tau-23 and 31 even have some lanes started.