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The Kusari State Police - Kusari State Police - 05-03-2012

Kusari State Police - Official Faction Request. Information Page.

Primary Area of Operations:
New Tokyo -- Kyushu -- Shikoku -- Honshu -- Hokkaido -- Fukuoka

Secondary Area of Operations:
Hiroshima -- Galileo -- Kepler
Sigma 13 -- Sigma 19 -- Okinawa -- Tau-29 -- Rishiri

[Image: kspzoi.jpg]
History of the Kusari State Police:
After the colonization of Kusari in 4 A.S., numerous planetary police forces were formed to maintain peace and order in the newly created settlements on Kusari soil. These local police organizations were responsible only for their own precincts, and held no authority outside of the areas they patrolled. After the successful Sakura Coup in 321, the new Shogun called for a reorganization of Kusari'€™s police forces, presumably as a chance to remove any remaining Hideyoshi loyalists. Combining all of the autonomous police organizations, the newly-christened Kusari State Police (KSP) was put under the direct control of the Machi-bugyo, or the magistrates of Kusari'€™s major urban centers. The KSP was tasked with policing civilian and samurai alike.

Several years after the founding of the KSP, the Machi-bugyo saw fit to create a separate branch of the police. The individuals in this new organization, known as the Ometsuke, were given the task of gathering intelligence from the Daimyo, the most highly-ranked lords of Kusari'€™s civilian society. The Ometsuke were masters of espionage, and were indispensable assets in keeping the various feudal lords of Kusari under police control. Over time, the Ometsuke evolved into a much greater intelligence organization, and are now known as the Kempeitai. Since its creation, the Kempeitai has expanded its horizons, and now engages in many other activities centered on the protection of Kusari'€™s interests, both inside and outside of its borders. They no longer serve under the KSP, but instead answer only to the KNF'€™s Kaigun Taisho.

The most notable change in the history of the Kusari State Police was their expansion into outer-space, early in the fifth century. Previously, spaceborne law-enforcement was the job of the Kusari Naval Forces, who were tasked with patrolling Kusari-controlled systems and protecting civilian travelers within their space. However, with the emergence of new terrorist groups like the Blood Dragons, maintaining order along the trade lanes became much more difficult. The KSP offered its services in the form of providing pilots to patrol Kusari core space, keeping an eye out for potential threats and helping where they could. In the course of only a few years, the KSP became the primary law-enforcement officers in all of Kusari, both on planets and above them.

The Kusari State Police today:
Today, Kusari State Police is comprised of a relatively small number of officers, as it has always been. They handle the delicate task of managing the daily politics of Kusari, and protect civilian vessels within their jurisdiction. Since Kishiro, Samura, the Hogosha, and the Farmer'€™s Alliance tend to do their own 'policing', KSP officers are mainly tasked with controlling the foreigners, pirates, and disruptive elements such as the Golden Chrysanthemums or the Blood Dragons, and taking care of the cases where internal politics spill over into the public. In the days of the Ometsuke, KSP officers were also given the task of policing the Naval Forces. When the Kempeitai was formed, this duty was split evenly between the Police and the Kempeitai officials. Both groups oversee KNF actions and keep the samurai from stepping out of line. Despite this, KSP and KNF forces can be seen cooperating on a daily basis, with very little friction between the two.

Internal organization:
The days of the Machi-bugyo are long gone, and the Kusari State Police consists of several ranks and offices, all under the direct control of the Chokan.

巡査 - Junsa:

The Junsa are the patrolling police officers. They patrol the lanes, enforce the law, and deal with the delicacies of implementing Kusari politics in real life. This may be the "lowest" rank within the Kusari State Police, but even the Junsa have authority over all civilian vessels within Kusari space.

巡査長 - Junsa-cho
(Senior Officer)

Junsa-Cho's are the meat of the force. Having proven themselves to have fit into their uniforms and their roles as protectors, these men and women are the frontline defence of Kusari.

巡査部長 - Junsa-bucho:

Junsa-bucho are pilots who have gained a considerable amount of experience in the field, or are officers who have shown great aptitude and potential in their line of work. The Junsa-bucho are often regarded as some of the force's greatest pilots.

警部補 - Keibu-ho
(Lieutenant/Assistant Inspector)

This is the first position of Leadership within the KSP. These individuals have distinguished themselves among the regular Officers to have outstanding leadership qualities and high potential.

警部 - Keibu:

The Keibu are some of the top officials in the ranks of the Kusari State Police. With their lofty position comes a great deal of responsibility in maintaining the internal affairs of the police forces, promoting publicity, and handling delicate diplomatic situations. They are given greater freedom in their pursuits to ensure that everything within the jurisdiction of the KSP runs smoothly and efficiently. Few officers ever make it to this rank.

警視 - Keishi:

The Keishi work very closely with the Chokan to ensure that Kusari is keep safe and orderly. With this rank, new responsibilities and expectations are bestowed upon the officer, who acts both as an aide to the Chokan and a supervisor to all officers beneath them. A Keishi is essentially "Second in Command" of the Kusari State Police.

長官 - Chokan:
(High Commissioner)

The Chokan is the top-ranking officer in the Kusari State Police force. He works with the Council of the Rising Suns to create and maintain the laws of Kusari on a daily basis. To all Kusari Sate Police forces under his command, the Chokan's word is law. The Chokan has the final word on all matters regarding the structure and conduct of the KSP.

What does the KSP do?
As a faction, the Kusari State police handles a multitude of issues and affairs in Kusari on any given day. Some of our biggest concerns in-game are dealing with smugglers and embargo-breakers, getting rid of pirates and terrorists in our space, protecting allied and friendly vessels, and promoting the good name of the House of Kusari.

- Smugglers and Embargo-Breakers:
Ships that transport illegal goods within Kusari space and ships that try to move restricted cargo into other houses are probably going to be the most common problem you'll see as a KSP officer. But don't worry, they're usually pretty easy to deal with. A complete list of illegal cargo and contraband can be found in the Kusari Legal Codex, Here.

Basically, when you find a ship carrying something they shouldn't, you should [color=#FFCC00]ask that ship to stop immediately
If they do, then good! Proceed immediately to the next step, but if they don't, then [color=#FFCC00]make them stop
. By any means necessary. This usually means firing a Cruise Disruptor or shooting out a trade lane.

Once the transport has stopped, inform the pilot of the law(s) they are breaking and order them to drop their cargo immediately. If you're feeling nice, you can tell them to dock on a nearby station and sell their cargo to Kusari instead. If the cargo is dropped in space, you can ask a nearby allied transport to come pick it up in order to dispose of it. Alternatively, you can call on the KSP's Big Dragon, the Hatsuzakura, to do that job instead. And if no one is available, feel free to destroy the cargo entirely. We can't have anyone else picking it up, after all (In the case of contraband cargo such as Cardamine, counterfeit software, black market munitions, etc, the floating cargo is to be destroyed on spot anyway. Do not give the option for the pilot to sell it, and do not call for an allied transport to pick it up.)

If the pilot refuses to drop their cargo, issue a warning to the effect that disobeying a direct order from a KSP officer and disregarding the Laws of Kusari will make that ship an Enemy of the State, and will earn them a nice spot on our List of Known Outlaws and Terrorists.

If the pilot STILL refuses to drop their cargo, take it by force. Destroy their ship by any means necessary, and deal with their debris and cargo appropriately.

Also remember that fines can be issued to all ships that break our trade laws, and the amounts are to be decided on the spot by the officer conducting the confiscation of the cargo. Some officers give higher fines for more disrespectful pilots, and some lower their amount for more cooperative ships. It's all up to you, the KSP officer. And on top of that, any fines you collect on your KSP ship are yours to keep!
- Pirates, Terrorists, and the Like:
Whether you go out looking for them, or if you're just minding your own business on the lanes of Kusari, you're bound to run into a few unlawful folks. As a maintainer of law in Kusari space, it's your duty to deal with these outlaws in any way you see fit.

There aren't any standard KSP procedures for dealing with criminals, due to the staggeringly huge number of potential outcomes from one such pirate encounter. So this is your chance to get creative! Ultimately, you want to get rid of the pirate or terrorist, but the means of doing so are entirely up to you. Here are a few examples of how an encounter can go:

- Some criminals just want to talk. Many of the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum pilots that you're bound to run across will try to engage in a conversation about issues such as the current state of Kusari politics. Yes, many will rant about the corruption of the Kusari Republic and the evils of Samura. That's just how they roll. But if you're up for some enlightening role-play and conversation, Kusari's pirates are some of the best to engage in such activities with. The Dragons are fueled by their determination to overthrow the current Kusari government, and they just love to talk your ears off about it. However the GC, with the recent change to a more democratic Republic, are fast finding themselves fighting for a cause already won. Maybe try talk them into turning themselves in?

Keep in mind, though, that even if you take this path of debate, you're still left with the issue of a criminal in Kusari space. Sometimes after these RP-sessions, the pilots will just go their separate ways and the pirate will return to their base. But if they don't, be prepared to deal with the matter more directly.

[color=#FFCC00]- Some criminals just want to fight.
Obviously, there are quite a few terrorists and criminals who won't leave without a good scuffle. If you find it necessary to engage an enemy ship in a fight, then by all means, go ahead and shoot the damn guy. Just remember to follow all General PVP Rules when doing so.

If you win the fight, good job! One less criminal in Kusari (for four hours, at least). If you lose, no sweat. Leave the system or log off and call for other allied ships to deal with the problem, if necessary.

- Some criminals can be persuaded to leave. Yes, you can talk a pirate out of the system, depending on the circumstances. It may be rare (we have a lot of stubborn people playing on our server), but some pirates don't want to get into a fight with the lawfuls. If you can find a peaceful solution to get rid of an unwanted ship in Kusari, you're encouraged to do so. Of course, this all depends on the susceptibility of the target in question, the firepower you may be threatening him with, and other immediate threats to the target's safety, like NPC patrols or other nearby peace-keepers.

- Some criminals want to make a deal. The Kusari State Police isn't known for corruption. In fact, if anything, it's known for its loyalty to Kusari and its efficiency at keeping Kusari's citizens safe. That being said, there's no group of people without a few bad apples in the bunch. If you feel that it's within your character to accept a bribe, or to "ignore" a pirates illegal activities, you're well within your rights to. But be prepared for the consequences if the Chokan ever finds out about your extortion in-RP (OoRPly, I'd have no issue with it, really).

And if there's any other way you can come up with to deal with pirates and outlaws, try it out! Contrary to popular belief, not all of these encounters have to end in the exact same way every time. Be creative and mix things up if you want to.
- Protecting/Assisting Friendly Ships:
As a KSP officer, it is your duty to respond to any calls for assistance from allied, friendly, and civilian ships in Kusari space. Sometimes it's a KNF pilot calling for help with a dangerous criminal. Sometimes it's a civilian alerting you to a pirate on the lanes taxing traders. Sometimes it's a Kruger convoy coming through Honshu asking for an escort to Narita Outpost. Whatever the request, you should do our best to answer it and deal with the issue at hand as efficiently as you can.

- Other officers of the law (such as the KNF or the Kempeitai) might call for assistance. When they do, they could be asking for help in any of a number of tasks, such as combat support, cargo interdiction, or other services. It's generally within your best interests to answer them as quickly as possible.

[color=#FFCC00]- A friendly ship might tell you about a criminal that they've spotted in Kusari space.
If this is the case, it's likely to be a pirate or a terrorist of some sort. When this happens, thank the pilot for their tip and find the disruptive element. Once you find him, however, the rest of the encounter is up to you, as mentioned above in the "Pirates, Terrorists, and the Like" section.

- A transport might ask for an escort through Kusari space. Every now and then, you'll get a message from a transport pilot or a transport convoy asking for an extra set of eyes on their trip through our systems. You can act as an escort for them through the KSP's ZoI, making sure the lanes ahead are clear of pirates and alerting the transports to any signs of danger to them or their cargo. After you've successfully escorted the ship(s) through Kusari, some of the pilots might even pay you for your services.
- Promoting Kusari's Awesomeness:
This will be done through every encounter that you participate in. It's really pretty simple: Show other players on the server the good side of Kusari role-play and keep a cheerful attitude toward the game. Through your actions, let other players know just how amazing and rich with character our house is. Kusari is one of the greatest RP atmospheres in Sirius, and not enough people realize that. Spread the word! Show them all the limitless potential of Kusari!

Ships, Equipment, and All That Jazz
Most people probably think of the KSP as a Light Fighter faction that just flies around in Wyrms, unable to do any significant damage in a fight. Well, we do fly Wyrms, but they sure as hell aren't the only weapons in our arsenal. Wyrms, [color=#FFCC00]Chimaeras, and Umibozus are standard fare for the KSP, which allows for a lot of versatility in all areas of combat and role-play. But first, of course, you'll need a name!

- Naming Conventions:
The KSP uses standard, Japanese names for its characters. However, the kind of name you want to pick will differ depending on what ship your character is flying.

Wyrms and Chimaeras are quite easy to name. The standard naming convention for basic KSP fighters is dependent entirely on your officers name, where the character is called [color=#FFCC00][KSP](name).(name)
. For example, if my officer is named Tomimoto Tachiko. Thus, his Chimaera is called [KSP]Tomimoto.Tachiko.

You are also free to chose the order of the first name and last name. In Kusari culture, people often give their family name before their given name, as is the case with Tachiko. Tomimoto is his surname, and Tachiko is his given name. Some pilots choose to take the more "western" approach and go with the familiar "given-name-before-surname" thing. Either way is fine, but just be consistent with it.

Also, if you happen to have both a Wyrm and a Chimaera, then differentiate by placing a [C] at the end of the Chimaera's name. So if Kyou Isamu had a Wyrm and a Chimaera, his Wyrm would be [KSP]Kyou.Isamu and his Chimaera would be [KSP]Kyou.Isamu[C]. If Isamu has only a Chimaera, he sticks with the standard naming convention ([KSP]Kyou.Isamu).

Umibozus are a bit more fun. Basically, just choose a Japanese word or phrase that sounds cool to you and roll with it. For example, we have had Umibozus titled Tamahagane (Jewel Steel), Benihime (Crimson Princess), and Kyabetsu (Cabbage). Be creative! Show your artistic awesomeness through your Umibozu's name.

- Generally Allowed Equipment:
The standard three are, as mentioned, the Wyrm, the [color=#FFCC00]Chimaera, and the Umibozu. But on occasion, you might see a KSP-tagged Drone, Bumblebee, Big Dragon, Prison Liner, Kusari Gunboat, Ahoudori, Drake, Dragon... Kusari/Civilian ships, basically. But if you intend to deviate from the standard three, ask the Chokan first. We'll see if something can be worked out.
More or less copy-pasted from our Official Faction Status post:
  • All Scrambler/Disinfector guns and turrets
  • All [color=#FFCC00]Sunfury/Sunfrenzy guns and turrets
  • All Stunpulse/Debilitator guns and turrets
  • All Render/Lacerator bomber guns and turrets
  • All bomber/fighter torpedo weapons
  • All Kusari/Basic Gunboat Turrets
  • All Transport Turrets
  • All Graviton shields
  • And any missiles, mines, cruise disruptors, countermeasures, armor upgrades, scanners and thrusters
Again, if you want to deviate from these guidelines, ask the Chokan. In particular, if you want to use Codename guns on your ship, know that the Chokan will usually allow only Codenames that can be found on Kusari wrecks (this includes the Jade, the Kintano, and the ever-powerful Archangel). But ask the Chokan first.

- Special Vessels:
If you've been to Kusari recently, You may have noticed the Flagship of the KSP, or Higher calibre KSP tagged ships flying around such as a [color=#FFCC00]Kusari Destroyer. If and When you advance to the highest echelons of the KSP, these ships become available to you. Due to the lower strength of the Navy on the borders, the KSP are stuck dealing with larger threats, and have responded in Kind. But to maintain order, we still have them restricted to all but the highest members of the High Command. The Chokan herself flies the Nagato, a Powerful [color=#FFCC00]Kusari Battlecruiser.

- Setting Up your Ship:
[indent]The first thing you'll want to look at here is your rank. What are you in the KSP? A Junsa? A Keibu? The Chokan himself? Equipment restrictions are administered depending on your position in the KSP's infrastructure. But don't worry, they're far from inhibiting, and you'll be able to climb that echelon ladder with ease! Here's a run down of what's available to you:
  • Junsa are allowed to fly the Wyrm LF, and the Chimaera VHF, use standard KSP-allowed equipment, Which means no CODENAMES. A Junsa is also allowed to join the Kidotai and fly an Umibozu bomber.
  • [color=#FFCC00]Junsa-Cho are allowed to do all the prior mentioned ships, and are allowed to request the use of Codenames.
  • Junsa-Bucho are allowed to fly all prior mentioned Ships in addition to asking permission to fly the Gunboat and using CODENAME class weaponry without asking.They may also request access to the KSP Shared Account.
  • Keibu-Ho will have all prior mentioned perks, and will have default access to the shared account.
  • Keibu Will have all prior mentioned perks, and will be able to decide if Junsa-Bucho's can have Codenames if they ask.
  • Keishi will have everything below, including senior authority over any decision being made. Does not need to ask to use ships or equipment (as long as the ID allows it)
  • The Chokan can fly any ship allowed, But mostly seen on the Nagato, the KSP Flagship Battlecruiser. She also uses standard KSP-allowed equipment. The Chokan is also allowed to join the Kidotai and fly an Umibozu bomber, and should already have access to the KSP Shared Account.

You may have noticed a trend in all that. Yes, that's right, every officer, regardless of rank, can join the Kidotai. But what does that mean, you ask? What's this "Kidotai"

- The Kidotai
In real-world Japan, the Kidotai are the Riot-Police. We take the name for the KSP's bomber squadron. If you want to fly a KSP Umibozu Bomber, you join the Kidotai. But how do you join? Simple! All you have to do is get a bomber up to full-green Kusari State Police reputation on your rep sheet, so that you have a KSP IFF. Once you do that, let the Chokan know and send her evidence of your work via screenshot. Then you'll get permission to wreak havoc on those unruly blockade-runners and criminal capships! Also note that you keep the standard KSP ID for the Kidotai.

- Shared Ships
All officers rank Keibu and up, should have access to our shared account, which contains five open-use ships. If you have the account, feel free to use any of these ships at any time!

- Pimp that Ship
What good is a police ship without flashy lights? All Basic KSP vessels (Wyrms, Chimaeras, and Umibozus) are expected to have fully functioning light-bars. You can get them installed on Yokohama Shipyard in New Tokyo, or on Yukawa Shipyard in Honshu for a small fee of 1 million credits. Here are the codes you'll need to put in you get your flashy red lights:


When you pimp your ship, it may be tempting to go crazy with all sorts of other colorful flashy lights, but try to resist the urge! If you really want to change things up a bit, stay on the moderate side. Don't make your running lights any "bigger" than they already are, and don't go for all sorts of mismatched colors either. For example, I've switched out all of the usual "slow small green" lights on my ships for "slow small white" lights. Keep your changes small, and we won't have an issue.

Our Faction alliance is as stated by Kusari House Law in the Kusari Legal Codex. Our Primary Allies are KNF, Kusari House Corporations.

We wish to use the Kusari State Police ID, as we're using as unofficial Faction.

I believe our activity to have skyrocketed recently due to the increased pride the officers have in their current duties. I have had such praises thrown at the KSP such as "I've never had so much fun in a faction" - Tyr.
And things like "Our chokan has balls as big as canada" - Timo.

With this, I feel the KSP can once again become official. This time retaining its officialness, and will grow under my leadership. Not that I wish to express that previous leaders have failed, they have in fact put down the vital Framework on which the KSP has grown on today. I feel that I can continue to push the Kusari State police into the halls of legend, known for its fantastic RP, it's rampant activity, and it's fun times.

Faction required information:

The money has been sent to [Admin]Hoodlum as he was the most active at the time i checked.

Sent from [KSP]Kin.
Relevant level 60+ ship

If more information is needed or requested. I will gladly oblige.

Sayonara. Icly - Naoyo Imai, Proudly the KSP Chokan.

The Kusari State Police - Gentlefood - 05-04-2012

My interactions with your members have been fun and interesting. I support this creation request.

The Kusari State Police - latos - 05-04-2012

Thanks for your support! We always enjoy a good encounter in space.

Naoyo Imai.

The Kusari State Police - Snak5 - 05-04-2012

I don't want to come as rude, but you must post all of information here, as per this:

' Wrote:We are of the opinion that whatever is posted in a faction creation request is what is permitted for that faction.

Essentially, if and when the Admin team votes to allow your faction to become official, then everything contained in the proposal gets the green light and will be permitted.

The proposals are locked and invisibled on approval, which precludes anyone changing their proposal after they become official. This is to prevent people from adding lines like "Can use any ship" to their proposal three months after becoming official.

I haven't anticipated all questions so I'll answer them as they arise and post the FAQs in this post.

Thus you must have presentable thread, where all stuff is posted. Not only this will ease admins' decision, but it will come in handy later.

Anyways, best of luck to you all. Kusari needs more fine men.

The Kusari State Police - SparkyRailgun - 05-04-2012

Also, having an oversized image in your request thread probably isn't going to help.

The Kusari State Police - Kusari State Police - 05-04-2012

Then I'll copy over the information from the links. As this seems to be the general consensus. As for the oversized images. They'll be dropped down to mere links.

The Kusari State Police - Zukeenee - 05-04-2012

Whoa... I don't think you need to copy my walls of text from the "Internal Affairs" thread. Just the opening post to the "Information and Feedback" thread ought to be enough. Maybe a few other things, too; take a look at the approved creation requests from other factions here to see how they did it. But at the very least, remove the Internal Affairs part.

In any case, you guys have certainly stepped up the activity in ways that I never could have dreamed of when I was in charge. Kudos for that, and good luck on the officialness.

The Kusari State Police - Pancakes - 05-04-2012

Quote:In the days of the Ometsuke, KSP officers were also given the task of policing the Naval Forces. When the Kempeitai was formed, this duty was split evenly between the Police and the Kempeitai officials. Both groups oversee KNF actions and keep the samurai from stepping out of line.

Just asking where that piece of information is taken from. Looked through the rumors and other infocards but couldn't find it. I'd appreciate if you could show me where it is, since this caught me quite curious.

EDIT: Also, I hint that you read the codex again. Especially parts 6.1 and 6.2.

The Kusari State Police - Zukeenee - 05-04-2012

' Wrote:Just asking where that piece of information is taken from. Looked through the rumors and other infocards but couldn't find it. I'd appreciate if you could show me where it is, since this caught me quite curious.
The idea of the Kempeitai originating from the Ometsuke in the KSP was thought up years ago by one of the KSP's former leaders, either Hawkwings or whoever came before Hawkwings. I expanded the idea slightly while I had control of the faction writeup.

In the end, though, it's just a player-made fabrication that came into being long before there was a dedicated Kempeitai player group. If the current Kempeitai has an issue with it (Or wait, does the Kempeitai even exist currently?), they can probably ask the KSP to tweak that section of the writeup, or remove it completely.

It's the small things like these that need to get worked out early. In my opinion, the current KSP needs to do a bit of cleanup with its lore before going forward. It's working off of a patchwork of new lore, outdated lore, and other lore which was "in the process" of being updated, but never was (my fault on that one). Copy-pasting from what was left behind by the old factions isn't going to get you very far.

The Kusari State Police - Snak5 - 05-04-2012

So KSP is bunch of samurai? Samurai stuff in Kusari always irked me.