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Secured Congress Transmission - Printable Version

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Secured Congress Transmission - Junker Congress - 08-04-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

Finn time is short and so I will be brief.
I know you received my last message since getting confirmation from Marcus.
While this channel is the most secure I still need to speak to you in person.
Since you will have to move your ship through Liberty.
Be sure to call the lawdawgs and ask for clearance first.
If they deny you entry then contact me.
I can make arrangements to have a cloaking device sent to you.
We need that ship in Puerto Rico as soon as humanly possible.

Awaiting your response.

~Transmission ends~

Secured Congress Transmission - TFinnegan - 08-05-2012

[Image: FinnComm8.png]

Th' Claymore's drive be primed n' purrin'. She be crewed n' ready, an' parked in Cannish orbit.
Aye, she merely awaits 'er Cap'm.

Me bonny Wake be tearin' void under me feet as we speak, ol' Ness in me sights.
Oi were busy wif them Rorry lads droppin' off't a wee order on Corfu, otherwise Oi'd be there already.

An' Oi'll arsk them Liberty sods wha' Oi can move th' Claymore through California n' Texas...
O'course, them sayin' "nay" willnae mean a bloody mouse fart t' me lads - we be aye quite good at movin' unheard n' unseen.

We'll be aye there afore ye'z knoo it.
Ye just be sure'n lay in a few extra kegs fer th' Gordon lads, aye!

Secured Congress Transmission - TFinnegan - 08-06-2012

[Image: IGdep.png]

Top o' th' mernin' Arbiter.
This mernin' me bonny Claymore departed Invergordon Docks a' full-bore.
Murph 'ere tried t' hail Admiral Malrone, but 'e were nae answered in due 'aste, so we aye took th' back door through bloody Liberty.

*grins, winks, raises a pintglass*

Tweren't but a few hours an' we was bear'n doon on San Juan, full alert.
-Nae sign o' th' squids, must've took off't a'runnin'.

[Image: SJarr.png]

We be docked a' San Juan fer a wee wrench on th' Claymore's turret trackin' systems.
Seems 'at assault on Poirate Bay bleedin' Beltsy done tore up some capacitors.
Sinclair's see'n t' tha' noo.
Yon 'ardware'll be atcher service afore th day's up, Boss.

So lad,
...join me at th' San Juan Tavern fer a pint or three, aye?
*smiles toothily*