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Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - Mere_Mortal - 05-17-2008

So there's either a rule or common etiquette of announcing the intentions to open fire. Does this apply to bounty targets? Surely not, it would be foolish to inform the target as it gives them a chance to flee.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - Muleo - 05-17-2008

' Wrote:So there's either a rule or common etiquette of announcing the intentions to open fire. Does this apply to bounty targets? Surely not, it would be foolish to inform the target as it gives them a chance to flee.

Actually, ESPECIALLY in the case of bounty targets.
Most employers will require you to announce, that they have a bounty on their head, and from whom.
Then kill them. Otherwise they just get killed and they don't know why they're being hunted.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - CinderBlackWolf - 05-17-2008

' Wrote:Actually, ESPECIALLY in the case of bounty targets.
Most employers will require you to announce, that they have a bounty on their head, and from whom.
Then kill them. Otherwise they just get killed and they don't know why they're being hunted.

Most employers do? Thats a new concept to me. At the most i have seen or heard of is that the BH will either vape the target first then tell them there is/was a bounty on their hear, or the other way around. And what I have seen, not a single one will tell you flat out who hired them or why. Its just plain stupid ya know.

So and so hire me to kill you.

Oh good, then you know who marked you for death and now you have a reason to go give them more hell. Not happening that way, not even with my Merc did I give away my client. Its just plain foolish espeialy if I want to be hired again by that client or any of his friends he is likely to tell about my services.

So, back to the question of letting your target know when your coming, well comes down to this: They better keep their head on a swivel and pay attention to the ID of an approaching ship. I for one always look at ID's first and NOT the Faction Tag or Name. But thats the otherside of the coin, WAY TOO MANY players dont care about looking at the ID first as per the rules, they simply look at your Faction Tag and Name then go for the kill, which is WAY wrong in my opinion.

But thats my take on this.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - timmychen - 05-17-2008

Reason why they require you to announce is so that you don't go "shieldbuster-supernova-instakill". I know because I did it once myself, it's a VERY efficient way of killing someone if they're not expecting it, but probably not a lot of fun either.

Someone sigged a quote, something about "making sure other people are having just as much fun as you." Stick to it.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - Mere_Mortal - 05-17-2008

Well I certainly wouldn't tell them I'm actively hunting their head, but I guess it is polite to let them know when I come into contact. Never under any circumstance would details of any contract be disclosed to anybody, let alone the target.

I actually do go by IFF for first impressions as most players over level 40 either have a linked IFF and ID or are still trading. Any actions I take will of course be based upon ID, but if I see a group of Outcast IFFs heading towards me, I'm probably going to move pretty quickly in the opposite direction. I won't wait until they're within 2.5k to check their ID, or more importantly what ship they're flying and its loadout.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - timmychen - 05-17-2008

Oh yeah, of course you don't tell them you have a bounty on them, but at least say something like "Die, <insert name of affiliation of target>" or something.

As for basing it on the IFF, that's perfectly valid, since the rules state that your ID and IFF shouldn't conflict. Perhaps a Rogue wouldn't like himself being called an outcast, but (s)he'll correct you then - no biggie

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - sovereign - 05-17-2008

' Wrote:As for basing it on the IFF, that's perfectly valid, since the rules state that your ID and IFF shouldn't conflict. Perhaps a Rogue wouldn't like himself being called an outcast, but (s)he'll correct you then - no biggie

This is junk. ID > all. Have you seen how many people have LPI tags? Ideally, you would be right. However, between the idiots who get LPI/Navy tags and never fix them and the people with guard tags, you HAVE to scan ID.

As for hitting bounties, tell them something that indicates they are bountied, but don't bother telling them by whom unless your employer asks for it. If they want to find that out, they head to the forums and search. But please tell them they're bountied...

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - Mere_Mortal - 05-17-2008

Very well, it seems to be a common courtesy to inform them that they will be attacked due to a bounty. Speaking of LP/LN tags, as a Bounty Hunter I would not be concerned about these IFFs. If however it was one of a criminal faction then I am immediately suspicious or concerned as they are indeed most likely criminal. It must be difficult for Liberty criminals as they will no doubt see red wherever they go. In other scenarios, it is quite easy for one of a Rogue, Hacker or Outcast ID to have one of the other IFFs, but either way they are allied so it doesn't really matter.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - sovereign - 05-17-2008

Getting suspicious by tag is fine. Firing based on it is against the rules. So long as you just get suspicious, you're okay, like you said they often get mixed up.

Announcing Engagement vs Bounty Targets - tfmachad - 05-17-2008

After 100+ Bounty Hunting missions (this is not a fabrication, I have each of them accounted for) I must tell you this: I've only not let my targets know I was after them twice in all these missions. Both sucked hard. I can't have fun myself if I don't provide a reasonable fun environment to the other guy. I'm not in Disco to "pwn" people. I'm here to play with people.

I remember this one time I went to Gamma after a Vega[TBH]. When I got there, he was just floating in space. I came by, prodded him (taunted him and fired one salvo against his ship) and noticed he didn't move or respond. Then I decided to PM him and say, "// Hey, Vega. Let me know when you are back. I'm waiting." Then I started circling around to wait him get back. Meanwhile, a Corsair Cruiser approached and started firing. I had to fly circles to avoid the Cruiser before Vega finally woke up so I could fight him. In the end I managed the kill and got to escape the Cruiser.

Now, there's a huge difference between announcing an attack and giving specific details about a job. I particularly like to play Mercenary because it allows me much more laid back cheesy punchlines if I'm feeling like it:

"Look! There's a flying paycheck. Here, boy, I need to cash you pronto." or
"Today I will make your wife a widow." or
"Whatever have you done to <clientname> to get him/her so angry at you?"

Which brings me to another point. Some clients DO ask to be identified to the target. You have to understand that this business is not about being successful in fighting. It's about understanding people. Normally your client will look for you, not so you can swiftly and efficiently eliminate their disaffections, they are generally looking for payback. Sometimes people come to us saying things in the lines of, "I want you to make this guy suffer. And when you've beaten him up good, then say, "<clientname> says hi."" Bounties from private parties are about payback.

As I write this, I've just sent evidence of a job the client specifically requested that we said, "Greetings from, <clientname>." If I didn't get the screenshot from me saying that before killing the guy, I wouldn't get paid.