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Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Printable Version

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Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Wytchcraft - 08-26-2012

Hello all, The server i help admin is having various tech compatibility issues as well as some ID issues.

With the tech compatibilities, its things like IMG players who are fully id/rep/ship/items IMG'd are still getting some kind of decreased output. This has been noticed by various players who are familiar with disco 4.86, same issue has been brought to out attention with Junker rep/items/ships etc

Is there a master setup for the Techcompat.cfg file? We have several players who keep insisting its easy to change from "relaxed rp" to no tech nerfs at all, is this true?

Civilian guns seem to be doing the same but we may have found that reason (...line 3158 of techcompat.cfg in the flhook_plugins directory. Ensure that "name = gen_sirian_civ_guns" not "name = gen_sirian_civ" )

Also experiencing issues with Nomad ID, seems even though the player is repped nomad and has the ID they still cannot buy guns/equipment, error message tells them they do not have the correct id. (seems even having Admin id doesnt allow one to buy the nomad guns)

Also, player bases:is there a way to lower the amount of items needed for building/restocking the bases?
Our server is still low population (10 average / 20 peak hours) and many players have asked if it was possible to lower it so it would be manageable.

Lastly are there any /restarts for the nomads etc or do independent servers need to make their own?

I apologize if these Are answered elsewhere, my preliminary searches have only given me minimal information that is relative, or i must be a poor searcher, any links pointing me the right way or possible explanations would be wonderful!

Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - AeternusDoleo - 08-27-2012

Tech compatibility: If you need an answer on that, you'll need to post the ID, ship and all weapons used by a person experiencing the fault. The bug you've found in regards to the civvy weapons I had also found and fixed.

Disabling the techcompat plugin entirely is as simple as removing the associated DLL from the flhook subfolder. Nothing will receive any kind of autobalancing then.

The base plugin's configuration is in base.cfg, you can set various values (such as production interval, crew needs and basic resource interval) there.

There is no known restart for the nomads since DiscoGC doesn't yet allow Nomads as an openly playable race. This may or may not change.

Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Wytchcraft - 08-27-2012

Thank you for your help, Its a little bit better knowing that about the nomads now, i had spent hours trying to figure out the nomad issue lol.

I will look into the base config files, dont know why i missed that when looking in the folder.

Now, this part:

Disabling the techcompat plugin entirely is as simple as removing the associated DLL from the flhook subfolder. Nothing will receive any kind of autobalancing then.

How do i do that? (trust me i feel herpderp asking this)I see no techcompat.dll or such that would relate to tech is why i ask
playercntlsetup application
^only files i see in flhook_plugins

Again thanks for the help, understanding freelancer was easier back in the day, you guys here at disco did a great job its bewildering to try and understand some of the stuff you all accomplished!

Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Janus99 - 08-28-2012

You can construct your own nomad restart(s). As an admin, create a character and after launching type .beam yourplayername The Ravine (or some other nomad base).

Then after you're docked, type setrep yourplayername fc_n_grp .9

That will put you green with them. Buy a nomad ID guns whatever you want on your restart. You can type .setcash yourplayername amount if you need money for this. Launch and land to save. Exit the game. Now call up DSAccountManager. Find the character you just created and rep it the way you want in the factions section of DSAccountManager. Once you've done that, click Save. Change the money to the starting money you want the restart to have. Click Save again. Now, note what the filename is. It should be something like '23a492c13.fl' (without the quotes). That's just an example name, of course. Click open player directory. Once that's done, copy or move the file to the flhook_plugins\restart directory.

Once the file is there, double click to open it and change the the name = line to name = %%NAME%%. You can change the total_time_played to 0.000000 if you want, just make sure there are 6 0's after the decimal point. You can also change the system_visited and base_visited if you wish.

Once you've done all this, save the file and exit the text editor. Then rename it to whatever name you want it to show as a restart with an extention of fl. example: Nomad.fl

You can create other restarts the same way. The only really tedious part of this (to me anyway) is setting the reps in DSAccountManager.

About the Tech compatibility, you can remove all [faction] and [tech] entries from that file and set default_mult = 1.0 and no_control_item = 1.0 and it will be disabled. This will allow people to fly without ID's but with no ID they have no tractor beam.


Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Wytchcraft - 08-29-2012

After adding the
Quote:Ensure that "name = gen_sirian_civ_guns" not "name = gen_sirian_civ
part, starting players to the server who undock as the first thing they do get the 10% power output error. O_o

Could there be another issue with CIV guns not working right?

Im kind of confused on this part and would love some clarification if possible...
Quote:Disabling the techcompat plugin entirely is as simple as removing the associated DLL from the flhook subfolder. Nothing will receive any kind of autobalancing then.

which file is the associated DLL....
playercntlsetup application

Thank you all for your time, i was able to get players who wanted to be nomads sorted(didnt try making restart as suggested yet), was kind of confusing at first but it should be fine now:D

Tech Compatibility, special ID err, player bases - Wytchcraft - 08-29-2012

never mind to the above question, took out the techcompat.cfg file and that seemed to resolve it on a test server.

Also added _guns to all line entries not just the one mentioned, this has seemed to fix the civ gun issue and allows us to keep the rest of the tech nerf.

Thanks for all your help!